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The World of Humans

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    The World of Humans is a material (made of matter) world at the beginning of the Golden Path. In the previous chapters you have already learned that the One (RA-M-HA) illuminated with spiritual sparks the matter that was present in the state of chaos. Once that happened, the elements that made up that matter came into motion, began to join together and create different forms of life. Powerful spiritual sparks, radiating with blinding light, were able to create divine bodies, while dimmer spiritual sparks, were only able to create the basic particles, atoms. However, because the essence of all spiritual sparks is the same and only differs in power, then any spirit, even the one that fell into the Abyss, is able to ascend to the level of a Deity by accumulating energy and increasing the power of own radiance. That is why, any living being (spiritual spark, living spark), once it finds itself in matter, begins to transform it. For what is matter, but really dense energy?

    In the process of transmutation of material energy, a radiating energy barrier begins to form around the living being, we call this radiating energy barrier the Soul. Its strength gradually increases, while developing in different kingdoms of Nature. Once the strength of its radiance reaches such a level that it is able to illuminate a human body with its knowledge, then Boginya Djiva together with a Bog-Ancestor of a specific Rod create from it a human Soul. Think of Djiva as of a Universal Soul that is able to give birth to individual Souls. Once the human Soul separates from Djiva, it passes through a specific star- system, the Bog-Guardian of that star-system directs the human Soul to a system under His control; from there, the human Soul is then directed to a specific Earth (planet), where it finally manifests in a body in a four- dimensional World of Yav

    The Soul develops in the World of Yav’ and gives its energy to the Spirit, which begins to radiate so powerfully, that it awakens the consciousness of own “I”. Only after the awakening of own “I” took place, is it possible for the Soul and the Spirit to ascend to a higher multidimensional World. The Soul, while developing in such a way, provides more and more energy for the Spirit that begins to radiate more and more; and the information that was accumulated by the Soul during the time of its development, returns to Djiva. Our Ancestors called this cycle of the Spirit (the descent into the material World and the ascend all the way to the World of Prav) the Circle of Absolute or the Golden Path of Spiritual Development.

    The information, that the Soul provided to Boginya Djiva, is then used for the creation and programming of new Souls, so they could manifest in the World of Yav (the World of Humans) with all the necessary information and wisdom of Life in those Worlds. That is why the matrix of any human Soul contains the knowledge of all inhabited Earths (planets) of the Light Worlds, and even partial knowledge of the Dark Worlds; for the inhabitants of the Dark Worlds that chose to walk the Path of Spiritual Development, were able to ascend to the Worlds of Prav and their Souls returned the accumulated information to Djiva.

    It is said that most of the information that is hidden deep within our DNA is “useless” and “trash”, and that we (as humans) only need but a small fraction of the DNA code in order to exist. However, why would anything in Nature be created with “useless” information?! The information that is hidden deep in our DNA is that knowledge of our existence that modern science has not been able to decode yet (and may never will). If something cannot be understood or comprehended, this in no way makes it “useless”.

    Boginya Djiva is not the only one who “programs” the Soul, before sending it to the World of Yav. Together with Bog-Guardian of a specific Rod, Djiva programs the matrix of the Soul. The matrix of the Soul can be visualized in a form of four blocks, four distinct blocks, each of which carry specific information:

    Block I:

    This block includes the following information

    1. Knowledge of life on inhabited Earths
    2. Knowledge of specific dimensions of space

    3. A set of specific senses
    4. An indication of the path, along which a Soul is supposed to travel, in order to develop

    Block II:

    This block includes the following information:

    1. The matrix of compatibility of the Soul with its carrier (the human body it is to inhabit). This compatibility is based on the human mother for the human mother is the one who provides the body

    2. The compatibility of the form of the Spirit and of the blood of the carrier. This compatibility is based on the human father, for the human father provides the form of the Spirit and of the blood.

    3. The compatibility of the forms and of the understandings of the surrounding World, in which the Soul is to be manifested. In other words, it is the specific order and the social system, which are the closest to the Spiritual perception of the Soul

    4. The compatibility of the knowledge within the Soul upon its dispatch to the World of Humans, with the knowledge that is “present” in the world, where the Soul is to be manifested.

    Block III:

    This block includes all of the information that is necessary to be passed on to the descendants.

    Block IV:

    This block includes the characteristics and the information, which the Soul is to acquire in the process of its development. In other words, the 4th block is “empty” and is to be filled with “experience based” information.

    Each world has own matter and own conditions for existence, therefore, each world needs a body that will be compatible with the conditions of that world. Once a Soul finds itself in a material world, it needs to “put on” a sort of “suit” (a body) that will function properly in that specific world; when the Soul leaves that world, it needs to remove that physical “suit” (a body made of matter). Because humans are created in the image and likeness of the Bogi, it also means that Bogi have bodies as well (even if they represent different Worlds). If a Bog should find Himself in a World of Humans (World of Yav’), that Bog will also have to “put on” the “suit” that will be compatible with that World. Although, in order to control certain processes in the material world, it is not necessary for our Bogi (Deities) to manifest in a material body, for everything can be done from a distance. However, if a Bog chooses to manifest Himself (or Herself) in a material world, He does not need to go through a process of being born, but rather can synthesize a body from the surrounding space and matter.

    If you paid attention so far, you noticed that other than the “earthly” parents, each human born has also Heavenly Father and Mother. The Earthly Mother provides a human with a body; the Earthly Father provides the form of Spirit and blood; the Heavenly Mother provides the Soul, into which, the Heavenly Father inserts the Spirit. This is the reason why all Slavic and Aryan people call themselves sons and daughters of the Bogi (Deities) or Heavenly children. In ancient times, Slavic and Aryan people even had a custom: on some special occasions (usually during some rituals), a human was represented by his so called “placed parents (father and mother)”. Later, when Christianity was forced onto Slavic and Aryan culture, those titles were changed for so called “god parents”

    Once on Earth (planet, and not specifically our planet, but any planet), the Soul chooses the body to inhabit. It is not just any body, but the body that was specifically chosen for that Soul: the energy system of the Soul has to be compatible with the energy system of the new body. If the Soul has 16 energy channels (the number of channels of perception all Slavic and Aryan people are born with, even if not all of them are activated at time of birth); the body has to have 16 energy channels as well. The informational channels of the Soul have to be compatible with the informational program that were “programmed” by the earthly parents into the new body on a genetic level and so forth. For this reason, it is even believed that on some occasions, the unborn Soul contributes to the union of two earthly parents, long before the new human body is ever created. After a human is born, and during the first 22 minutes of his (or her) life, the entire complex of necessary information for the life in the World of Yav’ is downloaded into the matrix of the Soul. It is the software that is downloaded via a beam of light from the Star-Patron (or Guardian). Until that time, while the child is in the womb of the mother, a part of the Soul of his Earthly Mother is present within him. But as soon as the umbilical cord is cut, the control is fully transferred to the newly born human. Because it takes 22 minutes to download the necessary information into the matrix of the Soul, twins born within that 22-minute window will be psychologically similar. However, if the second child is born outside of that 22-minute window, a completely different block of information will be downloaded into him.

    Additionally, if a newly born child did not scream at birth, it means that the beam of light of the Star-Patron was blocked by a different Soul, which ended its earthly life as a result of a violent death and already has own “software” and new “software” does not need to be downloaded. This happens, so such a Soul has the opportunity to fulfill its purpose (its development) and is called reincarnation (re (repeat) in (information); kama (Boginya Karna)), or a process of a repeat implantation of already programmed Soul. There also exists a process of incarnation, when a Soul is “implanted” into a body with a Soul. In such cases (when one body has several Souls), such psychological imbalances as schizophrenia can be observed. If this happens, the more powerful Soul (the one that was implanted) completes its purpose and leaves.

    A human, with the basic complex of life programs, begins to live and develop in our physical World of Yav’ by constantly adding more information and knowledge, which he obtains from the surrounding world. Through such a process, the information within the matrix of his Soul is constantly developed and perfected.

    All humans are born with the same purpose in the World of Human, the physical World of Yav. That purpose, according to the Vedic teachings of our Ancestors, is to accumulate life experience, to learn to create, to develop all of the abilities associated with the 16 channels of perception and to awaken the consciousness of our own “I”. Impossible as it may seem, we are to accomplish all this in one life (although a lifespan was much longer before). Those who are unable to accomplish this, will be left behind to try and complete this task again and again, until they are finally able to ascend. Those who not only fail to pass this test of Life, but also prevent others from passing (e.g. murderers, preachers of false teachings, etc.) are sent to a “special school” called Peklo, where their Souls will be cleansed (given a clean slate of kind, which often results in complete loss of memory) and will eventually have to restart the educational process again. The worst of the worst are said to fall into the Abyss (a fate worse than Peklo), the only way out of which is to begin the entire cycle anew from the most basic particles – atoms.

    During their development, all humans are aided by their Supreme-Bogi, Bogi-Patrons, Bogi-Administrators, Bogi-Guardians, Bogi Teachers and their Ancestors. For those who listen to them and pay attention, it is like having an infinite number of tutors in every subject. All of them provide Spiritual and Soulful support. And when necessary, they protect the human from influence of dark forces and disasters in the World of Yav’. Although no matter how much help a human receives from Bogi, Ancestors, Forces, Suns, Moons, Spirits and such; in the end, the human himself is to choose how he is to fulfill his Duty in order to achieve all of the goals set before him. The most basic Law of our Universe is the freedom of choice of the Path, and in this choice, Will is the deciding factor. For as it is said in “Harat’yas of Light”:

    “… Nothing in the Universe prevents the ascension of the Spirit, other than the Spirit himself…”.

    Once all of the duties of the Soul are completed in the World of Yav’, and the consciousness of own “I” is awakened, the human is to change the measure of his existence by going through the process called death. In Vedic teachings of our Slavic and Aryan Ancestors, this process is described as the transference to a higher level of consciousness and a higher level of life, in a higher multidimensional world.

    In other words, a human, an individual, only observes death in those beings around him. For the human himself, however, there is no death. After leaving his physical body, he moves to a different existence. continuing his Path of Spiritual Development