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The Word of Wisdom of the Magus Velimudra

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    “The Word of Wisdom of the Magus Velimudra” is one of the most ancient manuscript sources of the secret Slavic-Aryan Vedic Knowledge, preserved to this day, thanks to many Slavic and Aryan Clans professing the Old Faith of the First Ancestors – Inglism .

    There are several versions of the recording of the “Word of Wisdom”: Glagolitic Charatii, i.e. texts on parchment written in Glagolitic; Slovenian Charatii, i.e. texts on parchment written in the semi-runic Slovenian statute; Holy Russian Volkhvari, i.e. texts on oak, birch, cedar or ash tablets written in the Holy Russian runic script, now for some reason called Velesovitsa, apparently because the “Book of Veles” was written in this script.

    The “Word of Wisdom” is kept and passed down from generation to generation among the Orthodox Old Believers-Ynglings , not only for the comprehension of the priceless Ancient Life Ancestral Experience and the Way of Life of our Traditions, but in order to better understand modern reality, for the past is connected by billions of threads with the present, from which the future originates.

    At present, the interest of citizens of the former Soviet Union in the past and present of their Native Land, in the Ancient, undistorted History, in the Folk Tradition, in Culture and Literature, in their Ancestral Roots, in the Ancient Pre-Christian Faith has noticeably grown. People are beginning to realize and understand that without the past they have neither the present nor the future, for the Tree whose roots are cut off dries up and dies.

    Despite the fact that over the centuries the handwritten sources of the Ancient Slavic-Aryan Wisdom were destroyed, first by ignorant, fanatical Greek-Christian priests, and then by the reigning Romanov dynasty and the communists in the 20-40s of the 20th century, Santia, Kharatiya and Doshchki, although in small numbers, survived. But it must be said that there were also Christians who, along with the Old Believers, preserved the Slavic-Aryan Ancient Wisdom, especially among the Righteous Old Believers-Schismatics.

    Part One

    Next, we invite you to join the preserved Ancient Slavic-Aryan Wisdom.

    Fr. Vladimir (Ivanov N.I.)
    Elder of the Valley Family Community
    of the Old Russian Inglistic Church.

    The Word of Wisdom of the Magus Velimudra (Part One)

    And this Word will be told to you, children, the Word is very Wise, the Word is Ancient. This Word is not something that has fallen into obscurity, but something that Mother Life herself composed and bestowed upon the Magus the name Velimudr. This Word of Wisdom , that is, the News, is something that good people must carry throughout their lives. Heed the call, children, to learn the News is not like making a causeway through the swamps. This News must be perceived with the mind and accepted with the heart, and most of all, the Word of the Wise must be delved into in every image.

    “For those children of God who choose the Right Path leading to the summit of the Spirit, it becomes more difficult to walk with each step, for the road they are walking along, constantly narrowing, turns into a path that climbs steeper and steeper and disappears into the distance beyond the clouds. But those who go to the end along this Path, despite the hardships and deprivations, will find such Spiritual blessings, Wisdom and Spiritual Power that they did not even think about. Those who decide to go down the descending road will never receive enough strength to return to the sources and rise to the very heights, for those who go down lose their Reason and Strength, and Hell will open its wide doors before them, but for those who are steadfast in walking to the summit of the Spirit, Veles-God opens the Gates from Heaven and all the multicolored Svarga of the Most Pure, the steadfast in Spirit gains for themselves.”

    “If someone caresses and feeds an orphan child, giving him shelter, warmth and comfort, from the Soul, and not for self-interest, then he will perform a good deed and the benefit from it will be more than from a hundred speaking Sages.”

    “Only those who do not think about doing any good deeds and do not put their hands to creating for the benefit of their Family do not make mistakes.”

    “He who comprehends little, will find little, and he who knows much, will find nothing, but his Spirit becomes stronger.”

    “If someone has a burden on their soul, it is easiest to share it with a neighbor or relative, and when your neighbor needs your help, help him too.”

    “If your neighbor is in danger, never refuse to help him, for trouble never comes alone, and it can come to visit you too.”

    “Whoever points out to the Mother Yoga the place where orphan children are vegetating has accomplished a small deed, but whoever raises an orphan child to his feet, under the shadow of his Great Family, has accomplished a greater deed.”

    “Someone tries to learn the small, and someone the great from the Ancient Wisdom, thinking that it is easy to do, but in order to learn the small or the great from the Ancient Wisdom, even hundreds of human lives may not be enough.”

    “By learning about the World of Reality that surrounds us , we sooner or later come to the understanding that we are learning about ourselves, for our existence in the World of Reality is an integral part of ourselves.”

    “Whoever becomes like a man who lives only by his desires and all sorts of vicious deeds, destroys his pure Soul and does not fulfill his duty to the Family. And after this, it is not surprising that the refuge of such people at the end of the Path of Life becomes the immeasurable Hell.”

    “The greatness of each Clan-Tribe is determined by its creative work for the benefit of the Clan and friendly unity with other Clans and Tribes, and if all Clans live in unity, goodness and mutual respect, creating for the benefit of their descendants, then no dark force or enemy army will be able to defeat this Great people.”

    “Those of the children of man who strive for another World, without having known the Joy of creation in their World of Reality, without having developed their Soul and Spirit, without having known the Wisdom of the Gods and their Ancestors – disappointment and great darkness await them, for they are not able to see the beauty and grandeur of the new World, since their Soul and Spirit are asleep.”

    “The longer a person’s hair, the more God’s Power he receives, for this Power nourishes the body , Spirit and Soul of a person, and directs him to creation and righteous deeds, in which Conscience is the measure of everything.”

    “Follow with pleasure the instructions of your parents and the Elders of your Family, for no Parent or Elder wishes harm to his child or grandchild.”

    “Protect and show care for your Parents and the Elders of your Clans, throughout their days and in their declining years, for your children, looking at you, when the time comes, will treat you in the same way.”

    “Relationships in Communities must be based on Diligence, Kindness, Love and Mutual Assistance, and not on coercion and fear. Forced labor cannot bear good fruit, for the creator, under duress or fear, withdraws into himself and cannot put his Soul into the fruits of his labor. Creative labor for the good of your Clans and Communities must be only voluntary and at the call of your hearts, otherwise the fruits of such labor will be fruitless and ugly.”

    “The protection of all Clans, the Holy Land of their Fathers, the Ancient Faith of their Forefathers, is the primary duty of every man from the Great Race or descendant of the Heavenly Clan, and at all times while the Yarilo-Sun shines.”

    “He of the children of men who is able to hear all the diversity of sounds of the surrounding World of Mother Nature will be able to hear his heart beating in unison with the Universe, but he who only listens to himself and his own thoughts will never hear the magnificent Heavenly music.”

    “With a pure heart and with pure thoughts, bring bloodless sacrifices and offerings to the Gods and your Ancestors in the World of Yav, for what is sacrificed to them will appear before them in the World of Nav and in the World of Prav.”

    “In all your actions, great and small, and in all relations between your Kin or Communities of other Clans – our Conscience and Truth Kopnaya must be the measure of everything. In relation to all pagans, you must fulfill the Commandment of Perun : “What deeds people do to you, you do to them, for each deed is measured by its own measure.”

    “You cannot understand life with someone else’s mind and you will not become smarter, but without understanding with your own mind the essence of your life and the World of Reality, how can you live it with dignity and fulfill your Duty to your Family and the Heavenly Family.”

    “All phenomena of various Natural Forces, manifested around us, do not exist by themselves, but occur in strict accordance with the Ancient Laws of the Universe, which are observed by all living beings in the Nature of Midgard, and therefore must be observed by humans as well.”

    “It is man who is capable, unlike other creatures living on Midgard-Earth, of Rejoicing with all his Soul for the success of his neighbor and being sad with all his heart when trouble comes to his neighbor.”

    “The unexpected happens more often in a person’s Life than the expected. This is due to the fact that a person tends to perceive the Manifest World in accordance with his own conclusions at the level of limited knowledge. In connection with these conclusions, a person in Life very often passes off wishful thinking as reality, ignoring the Laws of Existence of the Manifest World.”

    “The most unforgivable actions for a person are betrayal, envy, slander, gluttony, desire for the good of another’s Family, and usury.”

    “If no one exerts his strength to accomplish righteous deeds, how will you see what good will happen in the future to you and your loved ones? Therefore, do what you are able to create, and what was destined to happen will happen, for nothing happens to those who do nothing, and therefore, they are as if they do not exist, as if they were not born into this world.”

    “The most important thing in a person’s life is Life itself; above human Life there can only be Duty to the Family.”

    “Nothing happens in our World without some initial cause. What cannot happen in the World at all, never happens in this World. If something happens in the World, it means that in this World it is possible. Nothing happens by chance, for every chance has its own pattern, cause and starting point of the event.”

    “The Three Great Mysteries of Existence are hidden from the memory of man and are kept behind nine seals: How man was born into this world; how his whole Life flew by unnoticed; and when man will set out along the Honest Path of Glory, through the World of Light Navi, to the Heavenly Abode of Svarga, where he will see his Ancestors again.”

    “If some young Parents begin to protect their child from creative actions for the good of their Family, then they will ruin his Soul and life. And the Soul of that child will be callous, and his life joyless and worthless. And if young Parents begin to indulge in every possible way the various whims of their child, then they will ruin his bright Spirit, and the destruction of the Spirit of a child is not forgiven to anyone living.”

    “Knowing the surrounding World with all his heart, a person begins to understand that all living things in this world, stone and tree, have a Soul. Knowing the power of the Soul of stone and tree, a person finds the Ancient Source of the healing Powers of Mother Nature, with the help of which one can drive out pain and illness from the human body.”

    “The best and most effective, pleasant and refreshing remedy for severe fatigue after labors and righteous deeds is a peaceful sleep.”

    “Do not desecrate and do not poison, You, the Holy Land of Your Ancestors with human decay, burying your deceased loved ones in earthly pits, as the pagans do. But create for your deceased loved ones, great Krody and spacious Lod’y, connecting all your deceased with the Pure Sacred Fire.”

    “The Ancient Runes contain a hidden meaning, a reminder to all since ancient times: The destiny of the blind is only a verb, the destiny of the all-seeing is silence.”

    “He who does not believe in the continuation of Earthly life after death, receives darkness and gloom, in accordance with his Faith. Whereas he who does not doubt the further continuation of life, will see all the charm and beauty of the Light Halls of the World of Navi.”

    “Whoever carries doubts in his heart about the continuation of life in Slavi and Prav, he finds darkness for himself, for the majestic radiance of these Worlds, is closed to his gaze by man. The futile search for the Path in the darkness can only lead to Hell. But whoever has the Faith of the Forefathers and has no doubts about the Life that follows the World of Yav – will find all the charm and the multi-colored Light and the Joy of meeting with the Shchurs of Rod.”

    “If the Gates of True Knowledge were to open at this moment, man would see the original essence of things as it is – infinite. But man has been closed in on himself for so long that now he sees the World of Reality only through narrow cracks in the cave of his own ideas.”

    “Who of the children of men thought about the Original, True Essence of all things and about the Original One, Who created this Nature and the various Worlds, in those ancient times when there was neither anything, nor anything, and especially nothing of what we intuitively call Nature, Time and Worlds, and when darkness was covered with darkness.”

    “Remember, children of the Great Race, that your strength lies in unity, between all Clans and Tribes, on the foundations of the Ancient Faith of the First Ancestors.”

    “Know, children of the Great Race, that only he is a true descendant of the Gods who is able to create and build for the benefit of his Ancient Family, for the Glory of the greatness of his Fatherland and his Ancient Primordial Faith.”

    “The dark forces use two paths to lure people and prevent them from developing in the Manifest World of Midgard, from creating creatively for the benefit of the Family, from improving Spiritually and Mentally: the first is ignorance, and the second is ignorance. On the first path, they do not allow people to learn, and on the second, they claim that knowledge is unnecessary and harmful to people.”

    Part Two

    And this Word will be told to you, children, the Word is very Wise, the Word is Ancient. This Word is not something that has fallen into obscurity, but something that Mother Life herself composed and bestowed upon the Magus the name Velimudr. This Word of Wisdom , that is, the News, is something that good people must carry throughout their lives. Heed the call, children, to learn the News is not like making a causeway through the swamps. This News must be perceived with the mind and accepted with the heart, and most of all, the Word of the Wise must be delved into in every image.

    “The Ancient Runes contain a hidden meaning, a reminder to all since ancient times: The destiny of the blind is only a verb, the destiny of the all-seeing is silence.”

    “Never regret that in the past you have done good deeds or helped your loved ones, for good deeds are done only at the call of your great heart and according to your Pure Conscience.”

    “Keep the memory of all the warriors who laid down their lives for their friends, for the land of their Fathers, for the Holy Faith of their Ancestors, for the prosperity and future of their Clans.”

    “The sacred duty of every man from all the Clans of the Great Race is to protect his Native Estates, the old and young from his Clans, the Clans of his friends and loved ones.”

    “Do not let unrighteous anger enter your gracious heart, for anger will destroy all goodness and corrupt your pure heart.”

    “No one can ever deny a person the right to know the Truth and the Great Ancient Wisdom left by the Gods and Ancestors.”

    “If the men of the Clans of the Great Race do not show due care in protecting the Borders of the land of their Fathers, then who will be able to protect the Ancient Clans from destruction and any humiliation.”

    “Everything that was created for the greatness and benefit of the prosperity of your Clans and all the descendants of the Great Race cannot be blamed. For the Great Ancestors of your Clans put their pure Souls into the fruits of their creative labor.”

    “The Great Duty of every Parent and every Elder of the Ancient Family is to raise all their offspring according to the ancient Laws of the Family by the Day of Coming of Age of the Descendants.”

    “Family friendship and mutual assistance must grow stronger in all your lands. If you refuse to help all your close Clans, then which Clans will help you.”

    “Conscience is the highest gift of God, you can’t run from it, you can’t hide from it, you can’t deceive it or talk it down. For good deeds it gives Joy, for bad deeds it gives suffering.”

    “Whoever lives according to Conscience is a sinless person. A person’s soul and Conscience have existed since the Ancestral Years, and a person lives according to their will.”

    ” A person’s Soul and Conscience can only be born on their Native Land, and they are only capable of living on it. If a person leaves his Native Land, abandons the burial mounds of his Ancestors, that person will lose his Soul.”

    “Why should a person go against his Soul and Conscience, because they are above everything in the world, and a person must always protect them. Can anyone from the outside fill a person’s Soul or Conscience with Joy and Happiness?”

    “Remember, children of the Great Race, and you, descendants of the Heavenly Family, that Life must be lived in Joy, for it is only a single moment. A bright life in the World of Reality is given to a person by his bright Soul and Conscience. All people honor the Soul and Conscience, and how can a righteous person, in the name of something, for someone, destroy his Pure Soul and Conscience.”

    “When you defend your estates from fierce enemies and your foes, who come to your lands as thieves, then cast away pride and anger and do not let revenge into your hearts, for all revenge, anger and pride darken the eyes and harden the hearts.”

    “Every deed you do leaves an indelible mark on the eternal Path of your life, and therefore, people, do only beautiful and good deeds, for the Glory of the Gods and your Ancestors, for the edification of your descendants.”

    “Repay your enemies and foes only for those unrighteous deeds that they have committed in your land. And let your Conscience and pure Soul be the measure of your retribution for all their unrighteous deeds.”

    “Children from all Clans of the Great Race and wise descendants of the Heavenly Clan, you are always free in your Souls and in all creative deeds, and this was established by our Light Gods . No one who came from the outside taught our Ancient Clans Conscience and therefore cannot have power over it.”

    “Listen, children of the Clans of the Great Race and descendants of the Heavenly Clan, to my words. If you live your life with great honor and according to your Conscience, then your pure and bright Souls with the smoke of the Sacred Fire-Croda will ascend to the Most Pure Svarga. But if your whole life is lived dishonestly and not according to Conscience, then you yourself will answer to your Clan and Ancestors.”

    “Strengthen, children of the Great Race, all your Ancient and Glorious Clans, and honor as in the Olden Time, the Light Gods and your Ancestors. Protect your lands from enemies, which are watered with the Sweat and Blood of your Wise Fathers and Grandfathers. Build, children of the Great Race, for the glorious descendants of your Clans.”

    “Live, children of the Clans of the Great Race, in Great Kinship with your Gods, in friendship with your Clans and Clans, in Harmony and Love for your Relatives, in Respect and Right Justice for all your Border Enemies.”

    “Whoever always honors Perun the God, protects his Ancient Clans from troubles and misfortunes. And whoever honors Rod and Lada-Mother , multiplies his Ancient Clans with healthy offspring.”

    “If you have disagreements with your neighbors or relatives, then the reasons for the disagreements that have arisen must be sought only within yourself.”

    “The gracious words about the friendship of the Clans, which come from your pure heart, will strengthen the friendship between your Clans, better than any oaths on the Sword and in the name of your Clans’ God.”

    “Do not renounce, children of the Great Race, your Brotherly and Close Clans, for when hard times come, all your Brotherly and Close Clans will come to the aid of all your Clans.”

    “Remember, children of the Great Race, never spur yourself on with fear. For it is like snake venom: in small quantities it brings benefit, but quickly accumulates in the Soul and poisons further life.”

    “Do not pollute, children, the native speech with the verbs and dialects of a foreign language. Only native words live in the hearts, and other voices are dead to the Soul.”

    “The desire for the Pure Light will always live in the heart of man. But being on Midgard-Earth, man will never reach the Sun, even if he has to climb the highest mountain on Earth, for Yarilo-Sun will always be in the heights inaccessible to man. And therefore the seeker can find and acquire the Shining Pure Light only in his Loving heart, in the Clear Mind and in the Light Spirit.”

    “Remember, children of the Great Race, never spare your lives in defense of your Ancient Family, in defense of the Ancient Faith of your Ancestors, in defense of the Holy Land of your Fathers.”

    “Just as the light coming from Yarilo-Sun cannot be hidden in a dark vessel, so it is impossible to take away from the Race the Land of Ancestors, Will , Conscience and Faith .”

    “Remember, children of the Great Race, my words, that for each person from the Ancient Clans the Highest Gods have established their own Lesson. And what is destined for you from above cannot be distorted or changed in any way at your own will. And therefore fulfill your Earthly Lesson, established by the Heavenly Gods, and what is destined to come true will come true.”

    “Think, children of the Great Race, about who you are in your true essence and why you live on Midgard-Earth. Turn your gaze into the corners of your soul and look into the depths of your heart. And you will see the Ancient Wisdom of the Family, which the Light Patron Gods granted you at your earthly birth in the Family.”

    “Remember, children of the Great Race, that no matter how much good you multiply, no matter how great your wealth, this will not exalt you above the new Clans and will not grant power to your Clan. For, even having multiplied good and great wealth in your Clan, none of you will be able to stop the movement of Yarilo-Sun or make Time flow backwards.”

    “Children of the Ancient Clans of the Great Race, respect your fathers and mothers, for they gave life to all of you. And do not abandon the care of your Parents until the very end of their earthly life.”

    “Knowing the surrounding Manifest World, learn, children of the Clans of the Great Race, that nothing can appear from nothing, and nothing can disappear without a trace, and therefore, everything has its source, and for everything there is its place in the World.”

    “The worldly riches and treasures that you have multiplied on Earth will not be of any use to you in the subsequent Worlds of Navi and Slavi, for the True Treasures and Riches that are necessary in the Worlds of Navi and Slavi are Love, Primordial Faith, Creation and the Wisdom of the Gods and your Ancestors.”

    “On the ancient holiday of Lubomir, create a great feast for the whole world, for whoever does not hold wedding feasts, deprives his Clans of honest prosperity and the goodness of the children, and the Communities and Gods do not accept new Family Unions.”

    “An unjust act or decision made by a Community member out of ignorance may be forgiven or overlooked by the Gods. But the same acts or decisions made by Rodan out of ignorance may bring disaster upon the entire people.”

    “The Ancient Faith of the Ancestors and Conscience always live only in open hearts. So open, children, your hot and trembling hearts to your gaze, and hear the voice of your pure hearts, and have the courage to follow them.”

    “Remember, children of the Clans of the Great Race, and you, descendants of the Heavenly Clan, that you are the grandchildren and great-grandchildren of the Ancient Gods, and therefore you are originally free people, and for a person of the Great Race, Will is the original state. It cannot be given or taken away. For Will is the state of your Spirit.”

    “When entering the Sacred Forest or Oak Grove, bring good gifts to the Master of the Forest, for the person who does not bring gifts, the Master of the Forest will swirl, confuse, and mix up all the paths and trails for him. He will lead all the game away from sight, and bring the kikimora’s call to mind.”

    “People of the ancient Clans of the Great Race, always work and create for the benefit of the prosperity of your Clans. Always invest your pure Soul in the fruits of your creative labor. And then no need will touch your multiplying and all-prospering Ancient and Great Clans.”

    “Remember, heads of the Clans of the Great Race, that you should never abandon the care of all the descendants of your Clans, until their physical and Spiritual maturity. For the growing offspring of your Clans that has not grown strong and has not reached maturity cannot be a reliable support in the subsequent life of your Clans.”

    “Do not look for the shining scatterings of the Heavenly stars at the bottom of a deep lake, for they are high above you. And to see their true radiance, you must direct your gaze to the Heavens.”

    “To build the dwelling of your Family, do not cut down a dead and sleeping Tree, and do not disturb the Tree during the full moon. For the Gods will not see your dwelling, and the brownie will not look after your goods. You seek only the living Trees, having drunk the juice of the Damp Earth in the spring. Bring forgiveness to the chosen Tree and bring gifts and treats for it. On whichever blessed day of the Week you begin to build the dwelling of your Family, that Patron God will help you.”

    “Remember, children of the Clans of the Great Race, that nothing ever happens to a person on Midgard-Earth by chance, for chance is a pattern determined by Fate and God’s Laws. Everything that happens in a person’s life is a sign from the Patron Gods of the Clan, indicating the deeds you have done. Therefore, pay close attention to everything that happens around you.”

    “Mother Nature grants life force to the one who fulfills the Heavenly Laws of the Gods, and the Heavenly Gods grant happiness in the heart and wealth in children to the Family. The Patron Gods protect this good person and his loved ones from all evil, falsehood, darkness and deception, and this Goodness is as true and faithful as the light of Yarilo-Sun in the Heavens, and as the constant flow of water in the river.”

    “Just as day follows night, just as the Sun is born in the Morning Dawn, so any unseemly act committed by a person of the Great Race, whether by accident or by evil intent, becomes known to the Gods and the Community.”

    “When the High Gods come to your aid, never think about where the Great Power came from. Just accept with gratitude what the Patron Gods have given you.”

    “Remember, children of the Clans of the Great Race, and you, descendants of the Heavenly Clan, that all the Heavenly Wisdom of the Gods, which all your ancient Clans keep, must belong only to your Race and Clans, and to no one else. And therefore never reveal the secret Vedas to foreign enemies. So that they cannot use the Heavenly Wisdom of the Highest Gods against your ancient Clans.”

    “Do not go against your Destiny, which the Mother of God Makosh has woven for you , and against the call of your Heart and Conscience. For you will lose all the Paths of life and will be called wayward outcasts.”

    “If the Priest of the Gods or the Elder of the Family has instructed you to perform a good deed, then use it immediately, as if this good deed had been instructed to you by your Own Father.”

    “Protect as the apple of your eye the Idols of the Heavenly Patron Gods and all the Shtads of your ancient Clans. For if you do not protect the Shrines of the Clans, then your ancient Clans will not escape sorrows, dark hard times and losses.”

    “Whoever of the people, in error, rejects good and wise words, he, having missed the time, later regrets. But whoever, having heard good and wise words, follows them immediately, performing deeds, he will be very successful in life, and the prosperity of the Family will increase.”

    “Never write off or hurry, people, in your gracious deeds and conversations, and let your every movement and word always be smooth and calm, like the flow of water in a quiet morning river. Before you commit any act, or interrupt a conversation that has just begun, listen to the voice of your heart.”

    “Do not think that everything happens on Earth only according to the thoughts of the Highest Gods and that nothing depends on the mighty Will and gracious thoughts of yours. Only foolish people who do not know the Truth of Life speak like that. The Heavenly Gods only observe your creative deeds and come to the human call when people ask them for help.”

    “By the will of the Supreme Tarkh Dazhdbog , the Ancient Vedas in the Haratyas and Santiyas , which contain the Tragas and Runes, will be hidden from the curious gaze of dark people until the Time of Light. For it is not fitting for dark creatures to know about the Glorious deeds of the Ancient Gods, who multiply the Light in the Most Pure Svarga. The Vedas are understandable only to the enlightened, who have realized the path in their lives. And how can people who did not know the Wisdom of the Family know the secret Vedas?”

    “Never refuse shelter to those Clans of the Great Race who seek protection for their offspring from fierce enemies in your settlements, relying on the power of the swords of your Clans. For the preservation of Clans and brothers in Blood is a good deed for each Clans.”

    “Remember, children of the Clans of the Great Race, that the sacred places on Midgard-Earth have always been, are and will be the Sources of the inexhaustible Great Life Force. Regardless of whether the Temples are located on the Sacred places at the Sources of Power, and regardless of the words and opinions of people, they always grant Life Force to all those who suffer and need it.”

    “Each captured enemy warrior who has caused damage to the Ancient Family must compensate for the damage with his labor. After three full years, he is free to return to his native land or stay.”

    “Never start a dispute about which Clans and Peoples of Midgard-Earth have better or more important Patron Gods, for this is beyond your reason. Honor the sacredness of your original Native Patron Gods in the ancient Clans, but do not blaspheme or humiliate people who honor Gods unknown to you.”

    “Remember, children of the Clans of the Great Race, that only the Priest-Guardians, the servants of the ancient Highest Gods, have access to that secret Wisdom left by the Gods and Forefathers, which is contained in the Runes and Runes.”

    “Know, children of the Great Race, that life in Svarga flows according to the Heavenly Laws and does not depend on your thoughts. No matter how much the dark people reject the order and movement of the Heavenly Luminaries, the Yarilo-Sun will rise in the east and a clear day will replace the dark night.”

    “Learn, children of the Great Race, this Wisdom: No one will be able to protect your Clans from foreign Clans and cruel enemies, if you do not want to protect yourselves. No one will create prosperity in your Clans, if you do not want to create for your Clans. No one will raise your children worthily, until you raise your own offspring.”

    “Work and create, children of the Clans of the Great Race, in the name of the Gods and Ancestors of your Clans, for if there is prosperity in your Clans, your Peoples will live in prosperity, and if the peoples prosper in prosperity, then your State will be called Great.”

    “Realize, children of the Great Race, my words: Ancient Wisdom is learned bit by bit, through great diligence, patience, and painstaking creative work, for it is impossible to comprehend all the diversity contained in the Vedas at once and to encompass the Universe with one’s gaze. If someone strives to master Knowledge in order to reach the heights of power and honor, he will eventually become worse than a madman, and all his hopes will be in vain.”

    “Ancient Wisdom is learned not in order to rule and command someone, and not in order to become proud or exalt oneself above other Clans. Ancient Wisdom has always been learned in order to realize one’s Life Path, and in order to pass it on to descendants.”

    “Remember, children of the Clans of the Great Race, and you, glorious descendants of the Heavenly Clan. Do not listen to those dark people who say that your Ancient Gods and the deceased Ancestors of your Great Clans will not help you in difficult times. For the dark ones cannot know the Paths and Thoughts of the Gods and Ancestors of yours, and everything they say to you is only a lie and a great deception that leads away from the Right Paths into Darkness.”

    “For every accomplishment or good deed, as well as for every event in human life, there is a time and place determined from above. And therefore, whatever deeds must be performed, perform them without delay and without haste. Create, people, what you are able to create, and what will come out is what the Gods have ordained.”

    “Listen, children of the Clans of the Great Race and Descendants of the Heavenly Clan, to my words. Remember and pass them on to your descendants. The Future for all your Clans comes from the past of your Clans, for you yourselves create your Future, guided by Love living in your hearts. If there was never Love in the Past in your Hearts and Clans, then there is no Future for your Clans, and therefore the Present is meaningless. For everything that you create for your Clans and your descendants will turn to dust. Remember, if there is Love in your hearts, then your Clans will have a Future.”