To all willing to die for justice and truth to defend the laws of the Divine Creator, you are the first true Disciples of Christ and let no man claim any untruth against such fact. For here at Antioch be the place that the first Disciples of Christianity be named. Blessed are they that read these words and keep those things that are written herein, for the time of reckoning all concepts and objects is at hand.
That what is true may be seen and known as true, and what is false may be exposed and rejected as false, and what is from heaven and the spirit of our ancestors may be trusted and understood, and what is the creation of wicked and insane ghosts may be condemned and destroyed. So that a man or woman when they pray properly to the creator of all existence, and does not in ignorance give strength to vengeful ghosts nor their fabrications and delusions.
Behold! The Beast (Rome) is defeated and destroyed to nothing but dust and ashes, and its rallying cry of Armageddon as perpetual war and fear and division of all people is ended. Even the cities that served the beast in wicked sacrifice and child molestation are destroyed, that these former servants of the Anti-Christ themselves are in ruins and condemned. Thus, the merchants of doom have been scattered to the winds with their false accounting, and their wicked and evil tricks and lies are condemned as capital transgressions against the law. For, it be these bankers and money lenders with their false accounting and books, that did beguile generations into imagining they (the banks) be the only source of credit, when the only true credit be the trust between men and women and not the bankers. Only when trust between men and women, parents and children, neighbours and community are broken, do the lies of moneylenders and bankers appear true as claiming to be the only source of credit. Yet, when the laws of a people be clear and true and trust of the people be strong, then the bankers and moneylenders are powerless to ply their awful trade.
Thus, it be the single goal of moneylenders and bankers to corrupt society at every level, in order to secure their perverse and wicked trade and accounting. This be the reason why such people who engage in such acts are so dangerous to humanity, and why so long as good men and women still live and breathe air, it be the duty of every human being, to fight and destroy such evil whenever it is found and wherever it raises its head.
This be the same reason as to the danger of those who proclaim themselves alone to be the messengers of wisdom and the mind of the divine. In ancient times, it be only those anointed as Christs that could proclaim such authority. So it was that the Holly Priests and the Great Prophets and then the Diaspora did claim, descendancy from lines of priests for thousands of years in service to humanity. Yet such powers and authority brought jealousy and hatred and war, as men and women did seek to free themselves to be one with Heaven and the Earth as is their right.
Thus, no man or woman may call themselves exclusively a priest as all men and women be priests. Verily, it be a sacred sacrament of Christianity that all who have been Baptised, may be Christened under the sacrament of Christos and thus anointed as a priest or priestess, and that no Holly nor Cuilliaean (Collins) nor Diaspora may claim they and they alone speak for Heaven. Therefore, let this be the end of false prophets and false messengers as all be one in Christ. For if any man say he be the only Christ, then seize him and strike out his tongue, for men and women be equal before the Divine Creator. And if anyone seek to continue the insane and false practice of celibacy of the Galli, and the fanatical necromancers of the Anti-Christ, then execute them, for such corruption and abomination of spirit by the signs and trickery of false messengers. Similarly, no man or woman be called exclusively judges or jurists as all men are jurists. For no man or woman may claim themselves to be the sole arbitrators of law, nor may any group hold law to ransom by proclaiming they and they alone may interpret it.
Verily, the essence of the Golden Rule of Law be that all law is equal and that no one is above it, all law is measured that all may learn and know it, all law is standard that it may always be applied the same, and any law that is against such truth, cannot be law.
Thus, if an order of priests be formed that bind themselves to the ways of the necromancers, in worshipping blood and ritual sacrifice and the keeping and cursing of human remains, it be the solemn duty of every man and woman by order of the Creator of all existence, that such men be sought out and destroyed before their bodies and all their ornaments burned. For such men of wicked insanity have stained the spirit of this planet for too long. And if any man be found to be engaging in the merchant practice of banking, and that they keep books of loans and bonds against such poor souls, then seize such men and execute them immediately before all the people as traitors of humanity, and condemned before Heaven and all the Earth. For more wars have been started by wicked bankers than all the mad kings of the Earth combined, as war be the business of the bankers and moneylenders and thus their very existence is a threat.
And if any man be found to be in the business of slavery or defending slavery as a mercenary, then seize and defeat such vile cowards without hearts or conscience and let them live not a moment. Verily there be no greater transgression against heaven than those who engage in slavery, and the cowards and pirates that support such wickedness. Thus, the bankers be condemned twice for the banker is the one that encourages slavery, and the false priests of the Anti-Christ condemned three times for they be the keys of the bankers. For any people that permit the vile practices of necromancers and such false magicians as priests, and the business of bankers and slave traders and mercenaries in their midst, is a people themselves lost and enslaved. Therefore, to free all people, we must start again with the simplest principles and teachings, so that everyone may learn and be capable of discerning clearly what is true and what is false, so that it be impossible for any wicked merchant of imposter jurist or false priest to ruse again.
Thus, the highest edict can only ever be a teaching and we call it doktrina (doctrine), as the means that may be validates three times by three forms of reason or sense or evidence. From doktrina (doctrine) as teachings we may then derive truths or dogma, and when dogma, are assembled as laws and agreed by the people they become kanons (canons).
Verily, by such method the truth be known and no priest or banker or false jurist, may ever again seize the law or use it as a weapon against the people. For men that have their minds and hearts open may discern the truth of kanons (canons), and therefore expose the lies of the Anti-Christ (Rome) and its minions.
The first doktrina therefore must begin with the highest and greatest of ideas of the kosmos, and so the question of the nature of the universe and of creation and the purpose of existence.
To this end we stand on upon the shoulders of wise and inspired minds such as my ancestor Hermes, who gave to us the means of framing the paradox that is existence and the Universal Truth, that life is a dream according to certain rules and that we are already immortal and can never die. Thus, the doktrina (doctrines) of Hermes gives us the first dogma of Christianity, and that all men of discernment must strive first to be hermeneutics, namely: Verily, what is below is the same as what is above, and what is above is the same as what is below, to manifest the miracle that every object arises from only One concept. And as all things are ultimately the same and arose from One by the contemplation of One, so all things have their origin from this One by virtue of adaptation and change. Thus, the light (of knowledge) is our Father and the Illumination (of mind) our Mother, and the wind carries the answer to existence in its essence as the earth be our nurse and protector. The father of all perfection and of the entire world is always here (present). His force and power, is all encompassing and is transformed into all the earth. Separate then, the earth (of dream) be, from the light (of divine mind), yet even the smallest (object) to the largest (body) be known and greatly loved. For the light (of mind) ascends from the earth to heaven and again it descends to the earth, and receives the reasoning and illumination (of dream) of things superior and inferior. Thus, under Christianity we speak of the One and the Creator of all Existence and all the Universe, by the name the Alpha and the Omega and the symbol of those letters. We do not speak of the Creator of All Existence by one word as there exists no one word, to describe the process of existence and the limitless dimensions of such a dream.
Therefore, all who come to Christianity are Baptised to Christianity and must be encouraged to see, that all is mind and all is aspects of mind and the Divine is in you and you are the Divine, and this be the reason we must rise above our differences and fears and false ideas, so that we do not condemn ourselves to the madness of regret as ghosts.