What is a Document?
A document in modern Western-Roman Society is considered an original, or official paper relied upon as the basis or proof or support of something else. Hence, a document is always in writing, and to be valid, it may then possess one or more attributes, depending upon what it is, which may be:
- Handwritten
- Typeset as printed
- Typewritten such as a computer or typewriter in one’s own hand, and such fact clearly noted within the instrument itself to make it equivalent to handwriting. In the case of the third option of typewritten, any kind of addressing or salutations must at least be physically written by hand.
- Watermarks, which have gradually been phased out both as a source of revenue and the fact that private corporations acting as public governments no longer view it as a source of revenue.
- Stamp duty, which has been phased out on a number of documents, or withheld within legal procedures, so that such original documents are lodged incomplete, and by default, allowing the recipients then to complete the duty, and claim the benefit for themselves, by stamp duty laws of such instruments. A scam and system that is still running in many countries, being tantamount to organized criminal theft.
What are different types (forms) of Documents?
As far as the different types or forms of Documents used today in modern society, there are literally hundreds, such as contracts, licenses, deeds, will and testaments, certificates, money, affidavits and passports.
In most cases, modern forms (types) of Official Documents differ in a wide variety of ways including (but not limited to) size, purpose, name, material of production and conditions of use. Usually then, if not meeting such criteria, a Document may be considered false or even fraudulent. This is the great danger many people have faced when they believe they have a right to produce their own documents, or create such documents and then send them to agencies in their community as official, when they fail to meet the criteria that were set down by those agencies in order to recognize procedurally correct official documents.
For example, in almost all cases, an official document is not official until it is registered. When a document is registered, it usually means any claimed rights are then granted to the agency claiming the power to issue official documents. All that you then get is nothing more than a beneficial interest, after having gifted your higher rights to the agency, in order to be “officially recognized”, a catch-22 that means there is no real way out within the Western-Roman system.
Where do Western-Roman Documents Originate?
The word “Document” itself comes from the Latin word Documentum meaning “lesson, instruction or warning”. All modern Documents originate in some manner from indulgences (or dispensations), relating to special privileges, or instruction, or judgment, or warning from the Western-Roman church.
From the 14th Century, the Roman Death Cult, followed by the English Church, made billions from selling “divine privileges” or indulgences and dispensations. Indulgences did not end with Martin Luther. Protestant Indulgences or “dispensations” are the basis of all modern financial documents and securities.
There is a particular class of notaries responsible for the creation of all original and vitally important financial instruments called “scriveners”. These people remain one of the oldest companies of merchants of London as the worshipful company of Scriveners. Keep in mind the lie that the complete Protestant movement sparked by Martin Luther was formed under his famous note nailed to the door of the church on October 31st against Indulgences. It can be proven through simply one word that the entire Protestant Church Apparatus was formed purely as a business venture to steal the energy of people trained to be so stupid and so ignorant that they “believe” whatever their pastors tell them to “believe”. The meaning of the word “scrivener” comes from two Latin words, scribe meaning “a scribe” and veneo and venia meaning Indulgences! Scrivener Notaries in central London are proof that the scribes of indulgences are alive and well and underwriting this entire system of financial slavery.
What is an Indulgence and a Dispensation?
An Indulgence is a formal Instrument issued under the ancient standards (Sacré Loi) of sacred instruments and writing or “Scriptura” first formed under the Carolingians from the 8th Century CE as a form of Convenia (Covenant or Venia) memorializing the Grant of an Ecclesiastical Right reflecting a concession, or pardon or remission.
From the 14th Century, the Roman Cult deliberately and willfully corrupted the notion of an Indulgence to a model of Venetian banking systems in Heaven being “the remission before God of temporal punishment for sins whose guilt is already forgiven, which a properly disposed member of the Christian faithful gains under certain and defined conditions by the assistance of the Church which as minister of redemption dispenses and applies authoritatively the treasury of the satisfactions of Christ and the saints.” Therefore, Indulgences since the 14th Century under the Roman Cult may also be known by other comparable names such as coupon, bill, note, notice, writ, cheque, receipt, certificate, award, diploma and degree.
A Dispensation is a formal Instrument issued under the Scientiam Mysteria (Occult Knowledge) standards of instruments and writing first formed under King Henry VIII of England from the 16th Century as a proprietary form of Indulgence and Ecclesiastical License providing an exemption from some law, permission to do something otherwise forbidden, or allowance to omit something commanded.
The first surviving Statute issued by Westminster in the creation of Dispensations is (25 Hen 8 c 21) in 1533, entitled “Act Concerning Peter’s Pence and Dispensations” and also the name, “The Ecclesiastical Licences Act 1533”. The Statute remains partially in force today.
The core element of Dispensation is the absolute claimed right of the Crown of England to issue under ecclesiastical authority a form of indulgences that permit a wide variety of wicked, murderous, immoral, profane, sacrilegious and insane acts and behaviour with impunity. Such madness remains the cornerstone of Western-Roman Governments at war with their own people.
Examples of types of Dispensations created since 1533 that remain central to the Scientiam Mysteria (Occult Knowledge) system of legal instruments are:
- Discharge as the “Dispensation of Charges” whereby one is exempt from the payment or performance of punishment associated with certain allegations, even if the merits of the suit stood true.
- Dismissal as the “Dispensation of Trial and Confession” whereby one is exempt from the facing and responding to a suit and accusations.
Documents are connected to Rights of Persons
Documents are connected to Rights of Persons. In law, a Document is merely a Limited Right in Action of a Person in relation to Time, Place and an Event. Documents are ALWAYS connected to Rights in Trust of Persons in relation to the 3 Unities:
- Unity of Action: one action
- Unity of Time: one segment of time, usually short
- Unity of Place: one physical space.
In other words, if you have no right to produce a certain type of document, then you will hear the phrase often being “without merit”, which means your document is worthless, no matter how well written.
This is critically important, because it explains one of the greater anomalies of Western-Roman Law concerning form, function versus certain types of documents where we are given huge lee-way.
For example, on the one hand, when dealing with a matter, we are told that unless certain documents are absolutely perfect in form, they will not be accepted, yet in the case of a Will and Testament, there have been cases where a man or a woman revised their Will and Testament on a table napkin and it was deemed valid. Why? How is this possible? Because behind all the “fluff” and all the “pomp and circumstance” of procedures and policies, rests the existence or non-existence of rights.
People that continue to cut and paste the latest claimed ‘remedy’ when the simple sales pitch is “there is remedy, but you were doing the form wrong”. The existence of “rights” exposes all those claims as blatant lies or misinformation.
We only have rights of beneficial interest in association with most of the claimed “rights” in our various societies, we have little to no “rights” to do certain things with documents. You cannot convey beneficial title to another in many circumstances. Nor can you try to convey such limited rights into some kind of trust. That is an act of fraud contrary to the terms of most of these minimal rights that are granted to you.
You can surrender beneficial interest and you can offer such beneficial interest as evidence of a prior contract to create a new form of beneficial interest, such as a driver’s license that is born from an existing birth certificate and social security benefit. But there is very little else you can do with a beneficial interest.
It is “rights” that drive the power of documents above all other elements.
Single-Sheet non-commercial Document (character of a tree):
The 17th century occult thinking behind the formation of many of the forms of documents we use today came from the use of language to imply a document is equivalent to the notion of a living tree. Looking at “Bailey’s (1675) Universal Etymological English Dictionary”
- Leaf: Clothing of a Tree
- Place: Position of a Body
- Tree: Thing (Matter, Substance or Accident) well known
- Head: Top of the Tree and that part of the body that contains the brains
- Body: Compound of matter and form
- Margin: Edge of a place
Single-sheet commercial/legal Document (character of a fortress):
The occult notions of the 17th Century model of a Document mimicking a Fortress of Right(s)
[i.e. Tower of London] in respect of legal and commercial documents. Again from “Bailey’s (1675) Universal Etymological English Dictionary”.
- Head: Front and shield (coat of arms)
- Side: Rampart inclosing a place
- Body: Fortification of a place to defend against assaults
- Gorge: Entrance to body
- Tower: Citadel or strong refuge being the corners
- Parapet: Wall or balcony, ranging about pillars of towers
Elements of single-sheet document:
The occult play on the design and form of documents with the 17th Century occult cardinal (compass) points of document as Fortress:
North (Tower) = Right Hand Top Corner: Darkness, Secrecy, Mystery, Occult
South (Tower) = Left Hand Bottom Corner: Illumination, Light, Openness, Clarity
West (Tower) = Left Hand Top Corner: Death, Necropolis (place of dead) and Spirits.
East (Tower) = Right Hand Bottom Corner: Birth, reBirth, Life.
Elements of Document: Accounting & Bankruptcy Accounting
The claim under Western-Roman law is that God or the Gods are nothing more than Venetian Accountants concerned with double book keeping of debits and credits.
The logic before Venetian, Pisan and then Dutch banking families found themselves in the position of taking over the powers of empires to print money and confect the insane and criminal notion of a country in bankruptcy, was that Credit was the left column (real assets coming in) and Debit was the right column (what’s going out) of a document.
Under bankruptcy accounting, introduced in England in the 16th Century and later in other parts of the world, real assets are seized and frozen into trust. The only thing that can be traded is promises and pledges to pay. No actual assets ever get traded in bankruptcy, only various forms of IOU’s. Hence, Credits of assets became Debits and Debits became Credits in a complete reversal of logic under the “accounting rules of bankruptcy.” Convoluted explanations were invented for this glaring anomaly when infact, the logic is simple:
- Under bankruptcy all assets are frozen in Trust, hence they become Debits
- Possession of notes or shares of bonds of bona fide debits (debts) against others within the bankruptcy become Credits.
The modern accounting system is blatant and overwhelming proof that every country on the planet is considered not only a corporation, but a corporation under a controlled bankruptcy. To find the head corporation of the bankruptcy, just look for a country holding such ridiculous amounts of debt that it could never be paid. That is the key to proving who controls the system of bankrupt countries.
Bankruptcy is a supremely wicked and insane pseudo ecclesiastical philosophy first invented in the 16th Century in England through influence of Pisan and Venetian nobles, to imply the spiritual, mental and physical insolvency of people through blatant profanity of Sacred Law, the intentional sacrilege of Christian doctrine, moral repugnancy against the Rule of Law and Justice and deliberate theft, cheating and deception of Rights and Property for the benefit of private interests. Simply, Bankruptcy is the perverted and mentally deranged philosophy of “monetizing sin” through the salvation of spiritual and moral insolvency.
The essential morally repugnant legal concepts and deliberately deceptive, false and immoral commercial concepts upon which Bankruptcy has operated since the 16th Century are:
- That all people are essentially sinners by virtue of “Original Sin” and therefore spiritually insolvent and disinherited of any Rights and Property.
- That any property people possess, is “right of use” administered by corporations “for their welfare, charity and benefit” via Estates and that if people do not obey the rules of the guardians and trustees, then such “privileges” may be taken at any time.
- That all people, other than those who are willing to learn the system of the ruling elite, and pledge loyalty to its secret fraternities are basically idiots and lunatics who are mentally insolvent and therefore legally incapable of making decisions or hearing the truth.
- That all people, other than members of fraternities or in positions rendered “immune” by corrupt and arbitrary laws to make one law for the wealthy and one for everyone else are essentially “insolvent debtors”, already guilty and debtors, with the elite empowered to do whatever they deem fit, providing any action does not cause rebellion by the disenfranchised and all who have had their inheritance stolen, abused and wasted by these elite families and their supporters.
- The agents for the bank are under no obligation to reveal the interests of the bank, or provide any accounting of assets seized and held under Cestui Que Vie Trusts, or reveal any ongoing bankruptcy funds, provide honest answers, divulge the forms of law, procedures of the courts, or the correct forms to use unless such person submits absolutely to the power of the court as agents for the bank to do what they deem fit.
The Canons of Fiduciary Law by Ucadia gives a more detailed explanation of what is Bankruptcy for those who wish to study this more deeply.
Elements of Document: Windows
Windows on a Document are usually used as “portals” to some underlying Register. A bordered window on a Document around a number or some information derived from a record in a register signifies that such data is “extracted” from the Register and it is as if the Document (usually a Certificate) is a way of “magically” viewing the legal title in a Register. Such document as certificates, are taken to be the same as actually producing the original register or roll itself. When the window is not used, the data presented may be called an “Abstract” or a summary of the information from the register or roll.
Elements of Single-Sheet Documents and Coins:
When single sheet documents mimic public money (coin) they share many characteristics of coins when converted into a form of money. Both single sheet documents and coins have three sides, Obverse, Reverse and Traverse:
Reverse (back): The Security, Bond, Promise, Insurance or Endorsement
Obverse (front): The Asset, Right or Value
Traverse (edge): The Binding or Trust
Elements of Multi-Sheet Document:
A multi-sheet (page) Document may be bound (book) or unbound (folio/folder).
Names of the leaves (pages) in a book are Verso (left) and Recto (right):
Verso: left, error, wrong
Recto: right, proper, correct
Traditional use of Color and Instruments
Enclosure is when an estate or corporation claims the right to enclose, which is to claim jurisdiction or the right to take possession or control of an instrument. In the 19th Century a system was introduced in the use of colored paper for perfected instruments to remove the possibility of enclosure.
Colours denoting purpose to eliminate enclosure:
White: Original
Yellow: Receipt (Trustee)
Blue: Warrant, Agent
Pink: Legal Person, Thing
The use of colored paper has all but ended in most jurisdictions, both in terms of the advent of computers and the fact that it is no longer recognized or known even among the “best and brightest” legal minds within the present system.
Traditional Position of Signs and Seals:
Position of signature on a document and its significance was important in past years. The position of signatures has ceased to be as important or effective as in the past. The position of the seal and sign denotes status of the one signing and sealing. Incorrect position for an instrument creates a fatal flaw and may render and instrument null and void.
Left: Debtor, Defendant, Beneficiary, Agent
Right: Creditor, Prosecutor, Grantor, Principal
Centre: Judger, Ecclesiastical, Mendicant, Non-Combatant
What is a Security?
A Security is a Tradable “Debt Based” Financial Asset. There are different types of tradable securities, namely stock certificates, bank notes, bond certificates, insurance bonds, futures contracts and options contracts. It is a formal instrument that is underwritten by some form of Assurance or Insurance for the payment of any debt, repayment, demand or loss connected to it.
The underlying arrangement of all “debt” securities is a registered contractual obligation of current/future debt with penalties and remedy. Once registered the Beneficial Interest is normally tradable.
The term Security is derived from the Latin term securis meaning “axe; or the force and death blow of an axe; or supreme power” and the derivative securitas meaning “safety through power and force; or freedom from anxiety (through threat of power and force)”. Thus, Security is surety of performance not through trust or honor but through their replacement by threat of power and fear of force. Security is therefore an absence of trust.
What is difference between real asset and security?
A Real Asset is a sum of units of monetary value, recorded in one or more designated accounts, available for the discharge of a debt and not yet assigned to a specific purpose, derived from one or more rights. A security is derived from a current or future debt.
Real Assets are the valuations entered into the Accounts of a Trust, or Estate, or Fund calculated at the time of an Inventory or by a special Valuation for each and every valid Record of Rights, Property and Title within the control of the Trust, or Estate, or Fund. An Asset is not the actual registered and recorded Right, or Property or Certificate or Voucher itself, but the calculated Valuation entered into the Accounts at the time of performing an Inventory or special Valuation. Therefore, an Asset may be calculated as greater or lesser than the original recorded agreement and may also change over time.
In bankruptcy, Real Assets cannot be traded, but are seized and placed in Trust. Only IOU’s can be traded (Securities)
All “debt” securities traded within the confines of global bankruptcy networks are debt securities of registered contracts of current/possible or future debts with associated penalties, performance and remedy. Once registered, the Beneficial Interest is normally tradable.