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Jesus Christ’s Speech Atop the Great Temple

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    Jesus Christ’s Speech Atop the Great Temple and Mint to Mithra in Jerusalem and Subsequent Events 36CE-48CE

    In the year known as 36 CE, twelve hundred and thirty-six years since the end the Great Age, upon the 14th of March and the birthday of Jesus and Mithra atop the Great Temple and Mint to Mithra in Jerusalem, Prince Jesus as Pontifex Maximus, the Great Prophet of Yeb, did order criers to call out from the walls so that the tens of thousands of pilgrims below could hear these words since the Great Temple Mint of Mithra spoken by Jesus:

    Fifty years it be since the Great Temple Mint of Mithra here in Jerusalem, and the Great Temple Mint of Lucifer in Gaul were consecrated by my grandfather the Holly High King Cú-Roi(n) as the Great Prophet Adoniah, Joseph of Ha Rama Theo, and as the Pontifex Maximus of all of Rome. Now I stand before you all upon this most sacred day to Mithra and upon the day of my birth, not only as Pontifex Maximus and the highest priest and custodian of sacred rights of heaven, but as the steward of all the Yahudi diaspora and tribes as the Great Prophet of Yeb, and as the master gold smith and master minter of all Holly (Cuilliaean) coin. For no lesser priests and their clerks and money lenders (bankers) may claim authority, to bind men to debt and death oaths (mortgages) and servitude in the name of heaven, and no force on earth can rightfully deny that it is I Jesus, the son of Joseph, who holds the keys to the treasury of one heaven and no other. Thus, it be the law upon which this Great Temple be founded and the very foundations of Roman Law that when I speak in matters of rights and property claimed from heaven, what I seal on earth shall be sealed in heaven and what I loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. Therefore, may all who have ears to hear and all who have eyes to see that you may bear witness to all peoples of all places and all cultures across the lands of Rome and beyond, that no man may bear false witness now or in the future, against that which you heard spoken here today, as the word of law and the seal of heaven and earth.

    Verily all men and women are equal and without transgression, or debt, or  obligation, as the law forbids one be punished for the transgression of an ancestor or another. Nor are men and women bound in death for the transgressions or debts of life, for death is the ultimate settlement of all debts and transgressions. Thus, when a man dies so does his debts and obligations, and a merchant or moneylender may not seize any property from the widow and her children, for the merchant and money lender have no right to demand such settlement, and a man have no right to pledge his family as surety. Nor may a people be bound for the transgressions of their ancestors, or the cost of war or the demands for reparations by an invading army or payment for imprisonment, for such false claims be both absurd and abhorrent before heaven.

    Thus, no son can be bound by the transgressions or obligations of the father, for death and heaven have settled such debts that if a merchant or moneylender deny, then seize them for such fraud and offence against all Rule of Law.

    As for those merchants and money lenders who now follow the false teachings of Rome, in the absurd claims that there be no heaven or gods above us, and that all ever written about Rule of Law, Justice and Due Process be a myth, for they claim to be men of reason and logic and intelligence, when they are but nihilists and madmen and fools. Woe unto you such purveyors of illness of the mind, who seek to control by trickery and confusion and deception, by promising a life of pleasure and happiness without substance or conscience. Verily such nihilists and tricksters repudiate the existence of the Divine, yet still rely upon the authority of the Divine for their office and law. These madmen and liars deny the existence of heaven, yet depend upon the magic of money and blood curses and false vows to ply their trade in condemning men to servitude and a life of slavery. Thus, do not let those who speak with illness of mind hide from the truth, so that the power and authority of the merchants and moneylenders remains upon the foundations of these temples and its priests.

    Verily men have made goods and grown food and traded with each other since the first cities, and it be a sacred right of all men to be able to trade and exchange their goods and labour, and it be a right of true law that men receive a fair price for their goods and labour, and money be anything that people be willing to accept as a means of fair exchange, and the most important element to fair trade and price is trust.

    Verily the only true capital is trust that the vow or oath of a man be true. When trust is strong there be no need for the borrowings of bankers and priests, as men can call upon the deepest supply of capital of good will of others to aid, in helping build and grow and make objects and goods of value, knowing that after the harvest or the market day they shall be paid fairly for their labour.

    But when men lose trust with one another they turn to the money of priests and bankers, and replace true capital with false capital and bond themselves to curses. Even the greediest of bankers do not know these truths for they seek ways to corrupt and call for the days when coin was stamped and not moulded and uneven and not perfect. They do not understand even in times of loss of trust and greater profits, that their hold on power rests upon the sacred foundations of the creators of true coin.

    A coin is but a standard of measure and a unit of value and a means of exchange, but when it can be clipped or rubbed (fractionalized) of uneven weight, or metals substituted so that it is not true gold or silver then it becomes worthless.

    This is why the Cuilliaean (Holly) invented standards of weight and measure, that a true coin weigh not more or less than 432 grains and have three sides, to end the madness of bankers in destroying their own source of power, and injuring the people through higher prices and unfair exchange.

    Yet even the most perfect coin be worthless if people cannot work and trade. Verily the only true money is the work and effort of men and women using their talents, and the numbers and ledgers of clerks and bankers be worthless if men and women refuse to give effort and energy to sustain such numbers, and if such numbers be written in bad faith or with any form of compound interest. Truly,  there be few acts more wicked before heaven, than a banker who adds his fee upon a debt, or charges interest that the debt owed continues to grow of own its accord.

    A merchant or banker may demand the fee at the time of the loan and at no other. Thus, if a banker or merchant charge any interest or fee on a debt, so have him seized as the worst of thieves and transgressors against the Rule of Law.

    As for the payment of debts and honouring of such obligations, verily I say to you that a man is obliged to pay his debts in the same manner, and to the same extent as the banker offers forgiveness and good faith. Therefore, a man is no more obliged to pay a banker as a pirate, for by corrupt acts a merchant or banker forfeits protection of true law.

    If a man enter into consensus then let there be proper terms and consideration, or that if another comes and demands payment he may respond in honour and agree that if such debt be through proper conscience, he must pay or find the consensus and in good faith and good means to pay, but if such proof be not provided then such demand be that of a pirate or robber and a man not obligated to pay, nor may he be bound into servitude upon such false premise.

    Verily a tax be nothing more than the threats of pirates and robber’s debts who protect themselves by mercenaries, For a people have no obligation to pay the debts of others nor those that enslave them. Truly the very word tax is abhorrent before all heaven and the Divine Creator, and no man or woman be bound to pay the ransom and threats of tyrants and thieves.

    As for those who say such demands are for the common good and for roads and water, I say to these who speak for the corrupt merchants and bankers, that any man or woman who uses the talents given unto them from heaven, who is baptized and takes up their cross to live honourably and respectfully gives a thousand time more to the welfare of his community than any banker.

    A society built upon true capital need not demand taxes, but the good will of its people, who shall gladly contribute to its aid and benefit.  But a community enslaved by mercenaries and thieves and liars can only demand by force in defiance of heaven that the people pay that which they do not owe.

    Verily any priest who says taxes are in honour of heaven is a liar and not a priest. Therefore, I say to all of you today before all of heaven and the Divine Creator, with the full authority and seals of office, that all death pledges (mortgages) are expunged, for such agreements are forbidden before heaven and are repugnant to the Rule of Law. Furthermore, I say to you that all debts and bonds upon the demands of taxes are expunged and the ledgers and registers to be destroyed as sacrilegious books, for no man owe even a single coin of tribute to those that enslave him as his obligations be first to himself and his family and secondly to his community.

    To all those many hundreds of thousands enslaved by such false debts and taxes, I say to all of you upon the memory of the true laws of Rome and heaven, that slavery in all its forms and especially debt, is absolutely forbidden. Therefore, any man or woman or child bonded into slavery upon the ledgers of the temples be now discharged and released from all such obligations and debts and emancipated.

    Any merchant or land owner or banker or priest who then demands these people remain bound is nothing more than a tyrant and such people nothing more than prisoners, for no law in heaven or on earth permit such false imprisonment or slavery, and when such people find their strength to rise up, let them seek justice, and overthrow such tyrants and slave masters for by the Rule of Law of heaven and earth, verily I say to you here was and is and has only ever been one law, that no man is above law and all are equal before it, that no man or woman or child be bound as a slave, and any such debts used to bind people have been expunged, and all men and women free to live according to their conscience, knowing they are loved by their Father of all Creation, they are protected by their ancestors and the spirits of heaven, that the world and the land and all its fruits are as much their inheritance.

    Therefore, be good and honourable stewards of the world and fear nothing. For your Father shall never abandon you, nor leave you without aid nor condemn you. You are divine immortal spirits carnated in flesh. You can never die.

    In the year known as 36 CE, twelve hundred and thirty-six years since the dawn of the Great Age, upon the spreading of the words and edict of Prince Jesus as Pontifex Maximus and as Yahusiah and the Great Prophet of Yeb, the whole Roman world was thrown into upheaval as hundreds of thousands of debt bonded slaves rejected their station and many more demanded their debts be expunged by the bankers and merchants, as the words that Jesus had forgiven the debts of the world were spoken.

    In Gaul, the city of Lucifer (Lyons) was briefly sieged by mobs who stormed the Great Temple of Lucifer killing Legate Titus Coponius Sabinus, and burning all the records of debts and slaves of the bankers, as Jesus had also ordered be destroyed at the Great Temple of Mithra in Jerusalem. However, Titus Coponius Vespasianus (Vespasian) and Claudius did escape and succeeded in returning order to Lucifer (Lyons) while rebellion spread across the provinces.

    Lucius Aelius Seianus as Pontus Pilates then stripped Caiphas of the High Priesthood for his failures, but before a replacement was installed, Gaius Suetonius Macro as Caligula ordered him to Rome where he was executed and the family of Lucius Aelius Seianus fled to Hispania and Hispalis (Seville). Macro as Caligula then appointed Lucius Vitellius Veteris to Syria, supported by General Marcus Asinius Marcellus and a mass army of several legions to hunt down and kill Jesus and the Holly and any of their supporters and restore order at the Great Temple Mint of Mithra at Jerusalem. Fearing their doom upon such treachery the priests of Baal-Hamon led by Jonathan did pledge their loyalty to King Philipas Agrippa and the Nazarene Edicts, and Jonathan was appointed High Priest by Jesus a Pontifex Maximus.

    As a mass army of the Nabateans led by King Aenas (Antipas) to confront Marcellus, Gaius Cornelius Gaetulicus the son of Cornelius Lentulus did depart to Egypt with an army of Nabateans and Roman legionnaires and loyalists to support the uprising of Alexandria. Yet before the army of Cornelius Gaetulicus arrived the city of Alexandria fell, and Lucius Aelius Lamia the Legate of Africa did execute Thrasyllus of Alexandria and the rebels. When Cornelius Gaetulicus did arrive, his army cut Lucius Aelius Lamia to pieces, as many of the legionnaires of Aelius Lamia defected to Cornelius Gaetulicus and the strength of the Nazarene philosophy of Jesus of the salvation of all debts of the world. Cornelius Gaetulicus did then move north capturing Crete before landing upon the Peloponnese.

    In Lebanon the forces of Marcus Asinius Marcellus prepared for battle against King Aenas (Antipas), yet upon the night before the battle, Judas and two thousand Sicari entered the camp of the Romans, cutting the throat of Marcus Asinius Marcellus and thousands more that upon day break, the Romans abandoned their camp and no battle was fought.

    With Holly High King Cú-Cúileann (Joseph) safely upon the Holly Isle of Britanni (Britain), and with the bounty price of Macro as Caligula on his head, Prince Jesus did summons his brother James (Jacob) to Sepphoris did call upon King Philipas Agrippa and King Aenas (Antipas) as witness, where in the Great Temple to Yahu (The Divine Creator) Jesus did say,

    “The truths of heaven have now been unleashed upon the world, that all men and women be saved and forgiven of their debts, that none may deny the truth of the resurrection as none can die, nor may any man or woman be again lawfully claimed as a slave, nor any false teacher or tyrant claim false law as Rule of Law, nor false rights as Justice or false ritual as Due Process. Verily the madness of men who believe in nothing but themselves has been exposed, and no more shall the bankers or merchants claim protection of heaven. Alas such forces unleashed bring with them storms and tempest before the calm, and there be the deeper cause of history to address. For every true revelation of heaven comes through a divine messenger, and thus the Holly have been such messengers from the beginning of time. Yet all men and women are created equal and so unless this history be broken, that none stand between heaven and earth as a messiah and messenger, then no man or woman is truly free and corruption and madness will only return. Verily I say to you most solemnly that unless I die as the only Son of God, unless I die as the Pontifex Maximus and the Great Prophet of Yeb, unless I die as the thirty second Great Messiah and be reborn a man, a man no greater or lesser than the men in the fields or in arms, then all that has been done and said will be for naught. Thus, I say to all here present that I was the Christ and now I am the Anti-Christ, for I am the one who was once the only son of God as Pharaoh who rejected the crown, that I become more as a man and restore the Golden Rule that all are equal, and none may be above another and no man be a god but all men be greater than gods, for they be Divine Immortal Spirit carnated in flesh. Therefore, one last prophecy I speak and thereafter no more for it shall be my brother James who be leader of the Universal Ecclesia not as messiah but as its priest and Ptah (father/Peter). One more will come before the final restoration of law and truth as Christ and Anti-Christ, as Holly in blood and character and upon the death to all title and birth as a man, the old world of pain and suffering will end and the Kingdom of Heaven shall be upon the earth. Amen”.

    In the year known as 37 CE, twelve hundred and thirty-seven years since the dawn of the Great Age, Gaius Suetonius Macro declared himself Emperor Caligula in a grand ceremony in Rome, before even Tiberius had finally given up the ghost. When news of the event reached Capri the invalid and elderly Tiberius suddenly revived through rage, and prepared himself to come to Rome and declare Macro a traitor and have him executed. But news reached
    Suetonius Macro and he departed to Capri where he choked Tiberius to death and then waited till he turned blue, thus ensuring the transition was completed from one tyrant to the next.

    In the same year news reached Rome of the abdication of Jesus, the appointment of Yacobiah (Jacob) also known as James, as heir and successor to Jesus as the first Peter (Ptah) meaning Holy Father of the Universal Ecclesia of Truth (Nazara) and the release of Pontifex Praetorian Prefect Lucius Cornelius Sulla, who now joined the the true growing army of Gaius Cornelius Gaetulicus on the Peloponnese.

    In the Roman provinces of Upper and Lower Germania the Celts revolted in honour of the edicts and message of Jesus, with Legate Lucius Visellius Varro and his legions destroyed. Emperor Caligula then appointed Lucius Apronius Caesianus as legate of property Germania, and Aulus Avillius Flaccus as legate of Africa, and his own son Gaius Suetonius Paulus as Legate of Gaul, to crush the rebellions across the Empire. Yet Gaius Suetonius Paulus was no match for Claudius, and he soon retreated south to Hispania to seek sanctuary with Lucius Calpurnius Piso  who granted him sanctuary, but did give up the ghost soon after, with his son Gaius Calpurnius Piso forming an alliance with Gaius Suetonius Paulus. In the same year Gaius Cornelius Gaetulicus with Cornelius Sulla moved north and routed the legions of Gaius Calvisius Sabinus of Pannonia with most of the legions defecting to Sulla as a famous soldier of honour. 

    At the same time the Celtic tribes of Gaul and Hispania began full rebellion against Roman rule, upon the death of the tyrant merchant lord Lucius Calpurnius Piso, such that the forces of Gaius Calpurnius Piso were no match for the rage of the Celts, and the pirate merchants were forced to abandon their treasures and estates and flee to the south to the coast of Africa and the safety of Mauretania.

    Yet instead in the hope of attacking the main tribes of Gaul and Hispania, Claudius declared himself the true Emperor in Rome and proclaimed he embraced the teachings of Jesus concerning the Rule of Law, of Justice and Due Process and that if Caligula be defeated, he would ensure democratic rule for all with the chiefs of the tribes represented in the Senate of Rome, and an end to taxes by census and piracy and robbery of property.  Upon news of the announcement by Claudius in favour of the Nazarenes, Emperor Caligula ordered his legions to attack Lucifer (Lyons) in Gaul and seize Claudius as a traitor while choosing to lead the campaign himself. With the Emperor leaving to the west Gaius Cornelius Gaetulicus moved to Germania as Cornelius Sulla prepared his army to invade central Italy and take Rome itself.

    In the year known as 38 CE, 2 twelve hundred and thirty-eight years since the dawn of the Great Age, Aulus Avillius Flaccus was defeated and killed by the rebels of Egypt, as Lucius Apronius Caesianus was trapped and killed in the low lands (Netherlands) by the army of Gaius Cornelius Gaetulicus. Emperor Caligula did have Lucifer (Lyons) under siege as he received word that Sulla and the main army had landed in Italy and defeated Lucius Calpernius Piso,and had now entered Rome to a triumph by the people as liberators.

    Upon the news Caligula chose to abandon the siege of Lucifer (Lyons) and return to Italy in the hope of devising a plan to eliminate Sulla and win back Rome. In The Praetorian immediately welcomed Cornelius Sulla as their leader, arresting the murderers of Lentulus and the creators of the false histories and laws and philosophies of Nihilism and grotesque consumerism of the fictional Epicurus. Masurius Sabinus Cassius and many of his followers were publicly executed, with his texts banned and ordered to be destroyed. Marcus Annaeus Seneca was also captured, condemned and executed as a traitor to history and truth and philosophy. Yet many of the rats escaped including Gaius Cassius Longinus and Lucius Annaeus Seneca the son of the elder, and Gaius Calpernius Piso the son of Lucius Calpernius Piso.

    The Senate then appointed Sulla the Nasci and Protector of Rome. In the same year (38 CE) the first-born son of Jesus and Mariamne whose name was Judiah (Judah) did suddenly succumb to sudden fever at the age of nine.  A servant at Bethesda was seized with thirty pieces of silver and poison, but committed suicide before the source of his commission was revealed.

    Upon the murder Holly High King Cú-Cúileann (Joseph) did plea, that his family leave Palestine for a while until sanity was at least restored. Jesus and Mariamne deeply mourned the death of Iudiah (Judah) and saw it as a sign, and were resolved to retreat from the world and honour his brother Yacobiah (Jacob) as Ptah (Peter) the Rock and Father and Holly heir.

    Gaius Cornelius Gaetulicus then did send word that if the Holly Family did travel west, they would find safety at a place called mons secures (Montségur) meaning the safest mountain. Protected by the finest Sicambri (Batavii) legion and an impregnable fortress. Thus, Jesus, Mariamne and their daughter Mary and young son James did depart, Narbo (Narbonne) and then to Carcasum (Carcassonne) then south to mons secures (Montségur) to be greeted there by Gaius Cornelius Gaetulicus and his pregnant wife. Soon after the wife of Gaius Cornelius Gaetulicus giving birth to a son named Gaius Cornelius Tacticus. Yet on Gaius Cornelius Gaetulicus returning to Germania he did fall ill and give up the ghost. The widow of Gaius Cornelius Gaetulicus remained inconsolable and in a few months did pass herself.  Jesus with Mariamne, now pregnant with child, did then resolve to raise Tacticus as if their own son, and Jesus resolved that if time permited he would share all he knew with their new found son.

    In the year known as 39 CE, 2 twelve hundred and thirty-nine years since the dawn of the Great Age, Mariamne did give birth to a child at mons securus (Montségur), a daughter named Salome also known in history as Sara, in honour of the mother of Mariamne and the last great ruler of the Hasmoneans.

     In the year known as 42 CE, twelve hundred and forty-two years since the dawn of the Great Age, Claudius Augustus did honour his solemn pledge to the Celtic Chiefs of Gaul and Hispania by investing them as Senators and equals in Rome as order was restored across the Empire. Never before had Rome or the Senate recognised such leaders before and across the world, that some within the Roman Senate were hostile to recognizing such Celts, while some Celt tribes ignored in the pledge were hat for the first green with envy.

    The pirate merchant tribes that lived among the swamps from the coast of Gaul and eastern Britain and the flatlands of the north (Netherlands)  did bemoan that their loyalty to Rome in shielding merchant ships was ignored. King Tinco of the Cantiaci (Kent) and King Verica of the Atrebati (South Britain) did even go to Rome to plead for recognition in exchange for absolute loyalty to Rome. Legate Titus Coponius Vespasianus of Gaul did implore Claudius, use the entreats of the Artebati and Cantiaci pirates as a pretext to seize the sacred island of Britain of the Holly (Cuilliaéan),  yet other Senators urged caution for such an act might be seen as violation upon the terms of peace with the Celtic tribes and the laws of Rome, for Augustus Octavius and the Roman Senate has recognised possession  and occupation and absolute title of the Isle of Britain to the Holly (Cuilliaéan).

    Legate Titus Coponius Vespasianus disagreed and encouraged Claudius to summons the new Senate and all the new Celtic Senators, that the Cantiaci (Kent) and Atrebati (South Britain) may plea for aid to uphold the honour of the teachings of Jesus and the Nazarenes, and that this be a test for the Celtic Tribes whether they believe in the Golden Rule that all are equal under the law and justice and due process, or whether they seek themselves to be wealthy like the Holly (Cuilliaéan). Thus, the new Senate was summonsed and Claudius Augustus did speak saying,

    “All men are called to bear witness to honour their pledge of duty and service, that all are equal under the laws of Rome and in the respect of Justice. For even the lowest of indentured servants possess rights, that their master must honour and cannot disavow. Therefore, when a servant of even the most esteemed house calls out for justice, such a petition must be heard and granted favour of the law. This body then must choose whether it be formed under such ancient honor and fraternity of democratic values that all who respect such law deserve aid and support in time of need or whether this be an empty chamber in name and title only that shows no respect to the ancient laws of Tara”.

    The Senate and the Celtic Senators did then agree to give aid to the Cantiaci and the Atrebati and that such an act be not a declaration of war against the Holly (Cuilliaéan) nor an invasion. I

    In the same year (42 CE) Holly High King Cú-Cúileann (Joseph) did choose to depart Palestine to first visit his son Jesus at mons securus (Montségur) and then to Britain. Holly High King Cú-Cúileann (Joseph) and Mary with his guard did then travel to Narbo and then to the foothills of the Pyrenees and mons securus (Montségur) where he did first set eyes upon Salome (Sara) and young Gaius Cornelius Tacticus.

    Holly High King Joseph and Mary did then travel to Glastonbury and the hospitality of Caratacos the Custenin of the Holly Estates who then warned the old king of the perfidy of the Cantiaci (Kent) and Atrebati (South Britain) and that the House of Piso and the Bankers of Lucifer (Lyons) did see this an opportunity to seize the vast wealth of minerals of Britain at any cost or any pretext.

    Holly High King Cú-Cúíleann (Joseph) did then summons his son Jacob (James) and his family Anna and their son Beliah to protection of Caratacos the Custenis (Constantine) of the Dumnonii, whilst the future of the Holly hung in the balance.

    Holly High King Cú Cúileann (Joseph) did call those Celtic tribal leaders still loyal to a meeting at Glastonbury. From the west (Wales) did come the Anglim the Siluri and Ordovicii. From the north did come the Damnonii, the Selgovii and Brigandii. From the midlands did come the Cornovii and the Dubunni.  From the east did come the Iceni. The only tribes that did not come we the Cantiaci (Kent) and Atrebati.

    When all were assembled the old Holly High King Cú-Cúileann (Joseph) did say,

    “This be the age by heaven that the peoples of the Covenant are be tested, whether they honour the laws of Tara and the Divine Creator, or the lies of corrupt men and wicked priests. For no more evil act there be by wilful ignorance before all heaven and earth than to take the teachings of the golden rule and rule of law and call them corrupt and then take the madness of merchants and call such piracy the law, to take the knowledge of the rights of men and call them privileges, then present the cruelty of slavery and debt as duties of all beings. Thus, Rome and the Senate has sought to fight the teachings and commands of the Great Prophet and a great teacher not with weapons and legions, but with bribery and manipulation that men worship darkness as light, that men who should know better welcome ignorance as wisdom and greed as virtuous. As for the transgressions of the Holly (Cuilliaéan) in the past it is true that such priests have failed the world more than once. Yet is also true that these same priests have restored the law and connection to the Divine at the end of every great age of darkness. So it is, we witness the end to the fraternity of the people called the Keltoi as chiefs and kings seek the pleasures of Rome rather than honour and truth. Thus, I say to you today these lands be not the property of a house or a bloodline, but the inheritance of all born upon its soil. Thus, from this day forth there be no longer a Holly High King of the Keltoi, but only three kingdoms of conscience being Cymri (Wales) to the west and south, Cruithri (Scotland) to the north and the sacred Isle of Eiri (Ireland). Verily, let the tribal chiefs here select their Kings and Battle Chief. For the war we must fight upon this age of darkness shall determine not only our destiny, but the very survival of true Rule of law itself”.

    For the new Kingdom of Eiri (Ireland) the tribes selected Tuatha Taghtamor as King, his naming meaning the One chosen from the tribes. For the kingdom of Cymri (Wales) the tribes selected Yacobiah (Jacob) also known as James, as King. For the kingdom of Cruithri (Scotland) the tribes selected former Holly High King Joseph to be king. As

    Catu-uellauni (Catuvellaumi), the Battle Chief of all the tribes, the Dumnonii, Dobunii, Cornovii, Brigantii, Iceni and all loyal tribes, selected Caratacos the Custenin (Constantine) to be their general.

    In the year known as 42 CE, twelve hundred and forty-two years since the dawn of the Great Age, upon the Holly leaving the Levant, the Caiaphas did rise up and kill Baal High Priest Jonathan installing Simon the Caiaphas as the new High Priest instead. His reign was short and soon he himself met his doom at the hands of Matthias, the son of Ananus and the father of Josephus, also known later as Flavius Josephus, and a future architect of the horrendous falsity known as the Septuagint. Matthias then declared himself to be Mattiah and a Great Prophet. The elderly King Philipas Agrippa of Nabatea was outraged and ordered Mattiah to be arrested, yet the House of Ananus learnt of their danger and Mattias with his brothers and young son Josephus departed to plead for their safety with Legate Gaius Cassius Longinus. Emperor Claudius did then recall Lucius Vitellius Veteris from retirement to aid Gaius Cassius Longinus as the health of King Philipas Agrippa continued to decline.

    In the same year Titus Coponius Vespasianus (Vespasian) and Gaius Calpernius Piso, did demand an answer, as to why the Emperor had continued to delay sending legions to Britain to aid the request of the Cantiaci (Kent) and Atrebati (South Britain). Claudius did reply that while he wished to honour the words granted, the Empire could not afford such an expedition nor risk the fracture of uneasy peace between the new Celtic Kings of Hispania and Gaul as Senators. Gaius Calpernius Piso then offered that the House of Piso would fund and mount the cost that the peace the Emperor, so wanted to keep, be not tested.

    In the year known as 43 CE, twelve hundred and forty-three years since the dawn of the Great Age, as Gaius Calpernius Piso aided by Titus Coponius Vespasianus (Vespasian) prepared their mercenary force of 50,000 to leave for Britain, Emperor Claudius did come to Lucifer (Lyons) to ask the men to reconsider, that by such act the Empire might be returned to great conflict. Yet Titus Coponius Vespasianus (Vespasian) did reply that the fate of the empire now depended upon the success of the private commercial enterprise to seize the mineral wealth and secure the safety of metal reserves as the Celtic Kings of Hispania as Senators had disrupted and made mining difficult. So it was then that the first force of 15,000 mercenaries led by Arrius Calpernius Piso landed upon the east coast of the lands of the Cantiaci (Kent), as a second mercenary force of 10,000 led by Lucius Calpernius Piso, landed on the south coast in the lands of the Atrebati (South Britain), with a third force led by their father and Gaius Calpernius Piso himself, with a mercenary force of over 20,000 did sail up the Thames and establish a fortified post at a great crescent curve in the river, he called lun(a) dom(i) as crescent home and later the fort known as Londinium Caratacus with a much larger Celt force moved down the Thames toward the Piso mercenaries, while his brother Togodumnus with a smaller force moved down the Medway.

    Togodumnus was first to encounter Lucius Calpernius Piso and succeed in pushing back until he was surrounded by the forces of Arrius Calpernius Piso, who came to the aid of his brother and Togodumnus was routed and killed. Yet Caratacus was more successful and within the first months of invasion the Piso had lost nearly half of their mercenaries.

    Gaius Calpernius Piso did then call upon Titus Coponius Vespasianus (Vespasian) to spend whatever the cost and come with haste himself to Britain with a mercenary force large enough to subdue the Holly Celts. Within weeks of offering a handsome purse to any pirate or robber or mercenary who would come, with promise of loot and bounty to be had from the treasures of the Holly for centuries, Titus Coponius Vespasianus (Vespasian) had amassed a new mercenary army of 80,000, which he landed in waves near Exeter to the west while reinforcing the Piso to the east. The attack directly against the homeland of Caratacus of Dumnonii had the desired effect and while more than 10,000 ill-disciplined mercenaries had been slaughtered, within days of their arrival, the sheer number of pirates and robbers and thieves overwhelmed the Holly and Caratacus and they were forced to retreat into the hills of the west, and Wales. Against such odds, the large tribe known as the Iceni (Norwich and Ipswich) did seek terms and peace with the House of Piso.

    In the year known as 44 CE, twelve hundred and forty -our years since the dawn of the Great Age, during a prolonged dry spell across all the Levant and Africa, King Philipas Agrippa also known as Herod Agrippa and King of all Nabatea at, and father of Mariamne the wife of Jesus, 6 and father of Anna the wife of Jacobiah (James) did give up the ghost at Damascus.  Upon the death of Agrippa, Roman Legate Gaius Cassius Longinus looked to invade, or at least appoint a client puppet king, yet Lucius Vitellius Veteris urged caution, for no sensible general goes to war without water or enough grain, and if the Nabateans rallied, they could command the largest and fiercest of armies.

    Word was sent to Jesus at mons securus (Montségur) to return to Asia with his family, for he be the rightful King of all Nabatea according to their custom. Yet Jesus declined saying that it was Jacob (James) and not he who is King and Father, and he, Jesus, be no more than a Visitor and Teacher forbidden to be known as a king.

    Jacob (James) and Anna then accepted to return to rule at Damascus as King and father and as Ptah (Peter) and Head of the Universalis Ecclesia (Universal Against Church).

    His son, also known as Beliah and Bran the Blessed, at the age of seventeen, remained at Anglesey as King of Cymri (Wales) and under the wise guidance of Joseph and the protection of the forces of Caratacos against the mercenary forces of the pirate bankers.

    As the drought in Africa and Asia worsened and grain supplies dwindled, the threat against the Empire grew and Emperor Claudius demanded Gaius Piso cease his obsessions of Britain and tend to his duties as Legate of Africa. Gaius Calpernius Piso was outraged, and replied, that if the Emperor, had given the men he needed, Britain would be conquered and there would be no need to make such demands of him. In response Claudius appointed Servius Sulpicius Galba as Legate of Africa to save the crops and then sent Publius Ostorius Scapula and six of his best legions of 40,000 men to Britain to aid the Piso.

    In honour of the Nabateans Jacob (James) adopted the regal name of Agrippa and within a year, King Jacob Agrippa of Nabatea had succeeded in saving the population from starvation and introduced irrigation techniques to keep the crops alive with enough grain to help feed hungry Rome. Jacob quickly came to be known by the title Herod meaning a great leader of Nabatea and Emperor Claudius secured a treaty with King Jacob on the promise to stop the Piso menace of Britain, and Claudius demanded the Pisans cease their attacks and withdraw their mercenaries from Britain. At such a challenge, Gaius Calpernius Piso swore a high curse he would find a way to destroy Claudius, and with such plans in mind recalled Julia Agrippina from exile and her son Nero to Rome, and began plotting the downfall of Valeria Messalina the wife of Claudius.

    In the year known as 46 CE, twelve hundred and forty-six years since the dawn of the Great Age, the great drought of Asia and Africa continued to grip at the neck of the Empire. Servius Sulpicius Galba as Legate of Africa had only been moderately successful at restoring supply. Thus, the fate of the world rested in the skill and judgement of King Jacob as Herod Agrippa of Nabatea. Irrigation from natural sources of water and improved disciplines in the fields continued to grow agriculture, that hundreds of thousands of refugees continued to migrate to the lands of the Nabateans, to find food to find water and to find a way to survive. But now King Jacob faced a new menace at the hands of the priests of Baal and Mithra, who had resolved their differences in order to fleece refugees of their worldly possessions for a few grains, and who continued to steal grain and water for their own use to then sell at inflated prices. King Jacob did then summons Baal and Mithraic priests under sanctuary to Damascus, where Ananias proceeded to tell King Jacob it be their birth-right and divine right to claim sustenance, and that they be the custodians of such property for the Divine.

    Jacob was outraged at such supreme arrogance and ignorance and then issued a solemn decree saying,

    “Henceforth let it be known to all present or come in the future, that any priest who claims such right from heaven to cheat, or thieve or speak untruth, is culpable of the gravest offence of profanity of Sacred Law and must be exiled or executed. Furthermore, let it be known that priest who claims they alone have right to interpret the law is culpable of the most serious offence of intentional sacrilege and must be stripped of any authority. Finally, let it be known that any priest who claims they hold authority from heaven by rights by birth, has no authority nor such rights and must be removed from office to prevent any further stain of the law”.

    Upon the edict and anger of King Jacob the priest Ananias did ask if Jacob remained in honour to his word, to which the King replied,

    Only a priest with no knowledge of history or heaven could ask such a thing, for even if such imposter priests were to profane heaven, they be protected to leave, unless by stealth or trickery they sought to return to Nabatea whereupon they would be executed”.

    Thus, Ananias did speak with all the leading priests of Baal and Mithra present, saying,

    “It is true King that the Cuilliaéan by their blood be most favoured as prophets and saviours of heaven. Yet as history has shown the laws of heaven be best for heaven and men being the creature they are, fail moreover to honour such edicts despite their best intentions. Yet the Holly display righteous arrogance to other priestly houses as to the province of wisdom and truth, that they and they alone hold the keys to heaven and the earth.

    King Jacob, even more outraged did respond,

    “Oh, wicked priests it is not through some special gift or divine revelation that I exile you, but that you are imposters and false teachers who know nothing of law and less of the truth you speak. If only one of your kin demonstrated smallest competence or clear mind all would be unnecessary.”

    Simon the Caiphas did speak saying,

    “Before you exile us from our lands and we depart upon this high curse, let heaven fall and men disavow the creator for we shall find solace in mankind and his true nature. Your blinding trust in honour shall be your downfall for we have no need for heaven or the Divine Creator. We shall survive and we all thrive and let mankind be our judge today that the world will be ours. Above all others and in our own image, that one day men shall no more remember the Holly or their history”.

    Upon the edict more than 2000 priests and their families were exiled to all quarters of the world. Simon the Caiaphas took his priests to Babylon where he claimed himself as Gamaliel reborn, and started the Occult School of Hillel dedicated to constant curses to heaven, to the holly and to unfaithful demons. Ananias with his priests and families departed to Alexandria along with Marcian and Nicomedia (Timothy), where they began to write unholy lies and corruptions of history that all would be confused of the past and none would remember the Holly but would only see the priests of Baal and Mithra as heroes. Matthias the Younger (Theophilus) took his priests to Heliopolis and Gaius Cassius Longinus, while Jonathan the younger took his priests and family to Crete and Athens.

    Josephus and later known as Flavius Josephus and several other young priests then travelled to Rome, where he met and became friends with Gaius Plinius Secundus also known as Pliny the Younger, who in turn introduced him to Gaius Suetonius Paulus and Lucius Annaeus Seneca, and then to Gaius Calpernius Piso who had returned to Rome to further ferment rumours and slander against Valeria Messalina while strengthening the redemption of Julia Agrippina the mother of Nero, as Arrius Calpernius Piso remained at Londonium and Lucius Calpernius Piso had returned to Hispania. Upon seeing the brilliance of Josephus, Gaius Calpernius Piso hired him to his household.

    In the year known as 47 CE, twelve hundred and fort- seven years since the dawn of the Great Age, Arrius Calpernius Piso had grown impatient as the forces of Caratacus remained at rest and conspired with Publius Ostorius Scapula to end the uneasy truce. Arrius Calpernius Piso arranged for mercenaries to dress like the troops of Caratacus and attack Lindum Colonia (Lincoln) giving Publius Ostorius Scapula the excuse to act. Next Arrius Calpernius Piso formed an army of mercenaries resembling the troops of Scapula, to begin attacking and burning down the outposts bordering the kingdom of Cruithri (Scotland) in anticipation of what appeared to be an invasion and attack against Old King Joseph of the Holly. Caratacus immediately summonsed all the troops available of the Brigandii, Ordovicii and Siluri and began to march with his army north-east towards what he believed to be Publius Ostorius Scapula, but in the West Midlands the real army of Publius Ostorius Scapula ambushed the Celts and Caratacus was captured after a brief and bloody battle.

    Upon news of the trickery and deception of Arrius Calpernius Piso and the action of the Romans, King Jacob immediately halted grain supplies to Rome causing fear and shock. Emperor Claudius then sent word that he would personally resolve the issue of the Piso in Britain, and soon after travelled to Lucifer (Lyon) where Claudius demanded the support and troops of Vespasian, who then joined him in travelling to Londinium where he announced the creation of 11 kingdoms upon the disputed lands with each King a Senator of Rome, being the Kingdom of Cantiaci (Canterbury and Kent), the Kingdom of Belgi (Southampton Isle of Wight as Dumnonii annexed lands), the Kingdom of Atrebati (Reading South Britain), the Kingdom of Durotrigi (Dorchester as Dumnonii annexed lands), the Kingdom of Trinovanti (Chelmsford as Iceni annexed lands), the Kingdom of Dobunni (Bristol as as Dumnonii annexed lands), the Kingdom of Iceni (Norwich and Ipswich), the Kingdom of Corieltauvi (Peterborough as Iceni annexed lands), the Kingdom of Cornovii (Cornwall as Dumnonii annexed lands), the Kingdom of Parisi (York as Brigandi annexed lands), and the Kingdom of Regni being the false tribe of Londinium as Atrebati annexed lands.

    Claudius did then recognise the Holly Kingdoms of Cymri (Wales), Cruithri (Scotland) and Eiri (Ireland).  Claudius then stripped the Pisans of any rights of ownership except for Londinium, accepting Caratacus as an honourable prisoner to return with him to Rome to be tried by the Senate, and that no Roman forces were to
    touch any more lands of the Dummnonii until the conclusion of the trial.

    Upon the announcement of Claudius, the Piso, through Arrius Calpernius Piso, resolved that Londinium would become a great city of the empire, despite the actions of the Emperor. The Pisans then set about commissioning major new buildings and temples of stone, including a formidable protective wall to be built around Londinium.

    When news of the actions of Claudius reached King Jacob, he ordered the resumption of grain and Rome lived yet another day.Claudius returned to Rome as if a conquering hero being rewarded a Tribute, with Publius Ostorius Scapula lauded as a great general and awarded the corona civica, and Caratacus paraded in the procession as if the brutish and dangerous Celt brought to heel. Yet the celebrations of Claudius were short lived as trusted Praetorian Prefect Lucius Licinius Geta, did give the news to Claudius that several witnesses had come forward to testify, that they had seen Empress Valeria Messalina having sexual relations with several partners including Gaius Silius. Enraged Claudius demanded the arrest and torture of Gaius Silius until he confessed his offence, and upon then the tainted confession of a dying man Claudius demanded the arrest of his wife. Galus Calpernius Piso then gently suggested to Claudius he should use caution and ensure the truth, for such accusations carried the most grievous of dishonour unprecedented of an Empress. Claudius agreed to the counsel of the elder Piso that would help calm the rumours and uncertainty of Rome as to their future.

    Thus, upon the cruel torture of several hapless male prostitutes and servants, Claudius was convinced of the perfidy of Valeria Messalina. Yet instead of permitting her to commit suicide Claudius ordered she be torn to shreds. Claudius then retired from public life for several weeks seeking the comfort of Julia Agrippina, until he returned to preside over the public trial of Caratacus in the Senate.

    Before the whole Senate now populated by several dozen Celtic kings, Caratacus was brought in chains, whereupon the charge of capital crime in the killing of Roman citizens of the Patrician class was read, to which Caratacus was offered his right of Adlocution before the Senate and Emperor voted, to which Caratacus replied thus in perfect Latin to the astonishment of all present,

    “If it be my fate this day to leave this mortal form, I have no fear, for what is a man but his character, or a household but its good name, or a people more than its laws. Thus, when a man acts without honour, he is without substance, for a house without dignity is empty. So too, a people that honours not its precepts or its words or promises cannot last. Therefore, I ask this noble house to remember the solemn and sacred promise made to my ancestors, sixty years ago by the great Augustus granting in perpetuity to the Cuilliaéan, the sole recognised rights of the Isle of Britannia. For if you damn me then you damn the memory of Augustus and all Emperors and Rome.”

    There was uproar in the Senate as Senators argued and debated until Claudius demanded calm, whereupon it was agreed and voted that Caratacus should be set free, for no offence been committed as Caratacus be a Patrician and all his descendants be therefore Patrician, as the lands of Dumnonii be sacred and forbidden to be trespassed upon, as the Holly Kingdoms of Cymri (Wales), Cruithri (Scotland) and Eiri (Ireland), be sacred and inviolable and no Roman force or Roman militia may claim any right over such sacred lands without repudiating the Senate and the Rule of Law.

    In the year known as 48 CE, twelve hundred and forty-eight years since the dawn of the Great Age, Holly King Jacob (James) King of Nabatea and of Arabia and Sinai and Palestine and Lebanon, did summons tribal leaders and administrators to Damascus for the first consilium (council) of the Universalis Ecclesia Nazarae (Universal Church of Truth) where King Jacob did say,

    “Our Father of All Creation, we beseech thee and honour your name, for your Rule be united as One, and your Laws be equal to All, on Earth as it is in Heaven, grant us the means to sustenance, as we shall give alms to those in need. Save us from trickery and false oaths, as our vows and our oaths shall be true. Forgive us our debits and transgressions, as we shall forgive the debits and transgressions of others. Release us from any curse and ills, as we shall not curse nor wish ill upon another. We ask most humbly and with deep gratitude, for let then your will be done, upon the convening of this consilium (council) of the Universalis Ecclesia Nazarae (Universal Church of Truth). Therefore ,with the greatest of humility let us confess before this perpetual consilium (council), those most fundamental of truths and rights of all men and women, and those doctrines upon which any reasonable and honourable faith, or creed or religion must concur, first, all men and women possess sacred and inviolable rights granted by our Divine Father and Creator, for no priest, or merchant, or banker or judge may claim another is spiritually insolvent, without such claims being the most wicked profanity against heaven, the ancestors and the Law.

    Second, no man or woman may claim divine right to be a priest or prophet or messiah over another, for the age of the Cuilliaéan (Holly) and all priests wh claim divine commission is ended, and so any who claim exclusive right to speak for heaven are but impostors and liars.

    Third, all men and women are but students of heaven and so shall be known as discipulus (disciples), for a true priest is always a pupil of heaven and can never claim to be all knowing; verily, any man who professes not to be first a disciple and student is an apostate. 

    Fourth, the highest power of the Universal Church is Magisterium (teaching authority), for no man has the right to condemn or judge another on behalf of heaven, and any man or woman who enslaves or kills another claiming the will of heaven has no authority.

    Fifth, men and women may choose to live within a sacred community or within the world, either within learning community or Monasterium (Monastery) under the guidance under the guidance of a Pater (father) or within an existing community around a Templom (Temple). No more shall their t people be forced to pay taxes at the Great Temple of Mithra, but instead to contribute within their own community, such that the wealth and produce of that community shall remain the property of the community, and no priest class may justly claim first fruits or first rights of such property or produce, and any if priest or servant of priests claim falsity before heaven then they shall impostors.

    Sixth, as all Pater (father) and Prior be students there shall be visitors and teachers appointed, called Apostolicus (apostles) of seventy in number who shall travel to each community to audit, and support and resolve any controversies such that when an Apostolicus renders a verdict, it shall be considered the highest teaching.

    Seventh, in remembrance of our oath and promise to heaven there shall be a sacred day every 7 days, when the community shall be called to remember their obligations. to confess their transgressions, resolve such differences peacefully through arbitration and to commemorate this covenant, and upon such a sacred day all shall fast from sunrise to sunset and in the evening, the faithful shall eat only meal of unleavened bread and drink only water or unfermented wine, as communion for the hunger we have felt these years and the gratitude for our deliverance.

    Eighth, the symbol of our faith shall be the cross not as a symbol of cruelty but of resurrection, for any man or woman who does not believe in an afterlife and the rebirth of spirit is ignorant to heaven, and any man who does not die to their transgressions and be reborn is not a discipulus (disciple).

    Ninth, the sacred truth and wisdom of heaven be the Evangelicum Sacrum (Holly Gospel), that all shall be transcribed so all communities may read and hear.

    Tenth, these truths as doctrines shall be memorialized within the sacred scripture known as Catechismus, so all may know the truth, the sacred Catechismus shall be given and taught to every community.

    Eleventh, slavery through debit or force shall be a capital offence in all its forms,nor shall any merchant or banker hold any right to obligation unless it be in good faith and clear terms. For the gravest profanity against heaven shall be any claim that the debits of the father pass to the son.

    Twelfth, the servant of all students shall be known as the Summus Pontifex Ecclesiae (Supreme Pontiff), for the Roman Emperors have corrupted the integrity of the title of Pontifex Maximus.

    These then be the true and first doctrines of the Universalis Ecclesia Nazarae.

    Within two years of the first consilium of the Universalis Ecclesia (Universal Church), more than twenty monasteries had been commissioned with the first being Bethesda, which King Jacob ordered be given to the people as the first sanctuary for all willing to learn, and as far south as Mecca in Arabia and Thebes in Egypt, and as far west as Siga in Mauretania and north as Larissa in Macedonia, and as far east as Samsun on the Black Sea and Sura on the Euphrates. Even Britain and Ireland was swept by the strength of the inspiration of Jacob, that many Celts now saw themselves as seekers of truth as well as honouring the old traditions of Tara and the teachings of Jeremiah and the Law of the Land.

    Upon the renewed spirit of the Celts through the Holly, the House of Piso found an ally of hate, more dedicated to the damnation of the Holly from history than any other, in the form of the exiled priests of Baal and Mithra. With the support of Lucius Calpernius Piso and Gaius Suetonius Paulus, Josephus who changed his name to Lucius Josephus in honour of his patrons, did summons to Rome his cousins Jonathan the Younger from Crete, and Marcian and Timothy from Alexandria and Matthias the Younger from Heliopolis. In Rome Lucius Josephus (Flavius Josephus) did call upon his fellow priests of Baal, how they might destroy the message of Jesus and the Nazarenes, and bring an end to the Cuilliaéan, whereupon Matthias the Younger, did suggest the creation of testimony that refuted the arguments of Jacob and Jesus, that would create confusion and doubt amongst their followers, and turn communities against community.

    Thus, four apologies as testimonies were forged of unrepentant slander, falsities, conjecture and doubt and fear and confusion so that if one were to hear, then the clarity of the teachings of Jesus would be obscured and cursed.

    The first unholy text was called Evangelicum Matthias (Matthew), by Baal priest Matthias the Younger and later known as the Gospel of Matthew. The second wicked treatise was called Evangelicum Marcian (Mark), by cursed Baal priest Marcian later known as the called Gospel of Mark. The third recitation of the of profanities to heaven was called Evangelicum Lucius (Luke), by Baal priest Lucius Josephus (Flavius Josephus) later known as the Gospel of Luke. The final act of wickedness was called Evangelicum Jonathan (John), by Baal priest Jonathan the Younger later known as the Gospel of John.

    Thus, Gaius Calpernius Piso commissioned Josephus and the other priests to depart to Londinium under the protection of his son Arrius Calpernius Piso and begin the task of forming the most wicked and false religion as possible to destroy the message of Jesus and the Nazarenes, and ensure the House of Piso as the ultimate force of control.

    The Baal priests then departed and arrived in Londinium where they began work, on the most sacrilegious and profane and insane religious philosophy to ever be conceived, so that wickedness would be good, and immorality would be lawful, false history would be true and true history would be false, and that those who spoke out against such madness would be sent to test the followers of a religion persecuted because it is true not false. For honour and trust would become the millstone of the Celts and their followers, but adherents to this new false religion would be granted permission to lie and curse heaven with impunity.

    Within a few weeks the priests of Baal had settled upon a name and the first key philosophy that the world is cursed and imperfect and while the Divine Creator may exist, he chooses to remain in heaven and leave the law of the earth to a lesser deity called Satan. Therefore, Satan is King of the world, not the Divine Creator and he has chosen one family (Piso) and one religion to rule over all others in his name according to an unholy and sacrilegious covenant.

    The Baal Priests then honoured Arrius as founder of this anti-religion, as Aulis Plantus, meaning the root of all authority and the first house of all houses, with all who served Arrianism (Aryanism) to profess a high curse against heaven and the divine being,

    “By the authority of Aulis Plantus down here, by the permission of the One Who is Everywhere (Satan), by the witness of this congregation we solemnly declare, that all vows we are likely to make, all oaths and pledges we are likely to take we renounce. Let them all be relinquished and abandoned, null and void, neither firm nor established.  Let our vows, pledges or oaths be considered neither vows nor pledges nor oaths, for we reject the words of those who claim authority from Heaven, and recognise only the One Who is Everywhere (Satan) as sole authority on Earth. Thus, we alone hold the blood covenant to rule the Earth by Divine Right, over all others as animals and beasts or our servants and slaves.”

    So, it was at the Temple of Satan in Londinium was formed the most insane idea ever conceived, by a band of pirates and thieves later called Iu(s) Dei, or Iudei or Judaism, meaning Divine Right to Rule is my birth right and the Chosen People of Satan.