Mind, Body and Spirit describe our tripartite nature. While the development and learning function of the Mind depends heavily upon the physical body, the phenomena of the Mind are qualitatively and quantitatively different – hence the ancient Mind – Body dichotomy. The Mind – Body is connected through the physical dimension, where the entire physical Body of a higher order life form represents the boundaries of the neural networks constituting the physical apparatus of the Mind, not just the head and brain. The Mind and Spirit are non-physical, non-locational dimension and ethereal.
The Mind is both the teacher and student of Spirit. As a teacher of Spirit, the Mind is the portal of real experience of the Universal Dream. As a student of Spirit, the Mind is open to its vast knowledge through alignment between the lower physical Self and the Spiritual Self through the Higher Self.
When each of us was created, we were endowed with three awarenesses for each of our levels of Mind.
- Divine Mind: Collective Awareness of one unique divine immortal spirit and mind
- Higher Mind: Unique Awareness of Experience of unique form in motion as the Divine Form
- Lower Mind: Unique Experience of form in motion, energy, creation, and connection
Life offers experiences where our Lower Minds observe the impacts of energy flows. Our Higher Minds convert a life’s experience into a Divine Form to teach the Divine Mind. Our Divine Mind is part of the Divine Collective of Absolute Divine Mind and connected to every Divine Mind that exists. Through that connection, the Higher Mind has access to every thought, idea, and concept that ever existed.
The most accurate description of the Divine is the name Unique Collective Awareness, defining perfectly the name and paradox of the Divine. A paradox is a formal axiom or postulation that produces more than one conclusion whereby such conclusions are diametrically opposed. This is not a contradiction, which implies “speaking against the truth, nor counter-intuitiveness, which implies “contrary to intuition or common sense.” We exist simultaneously as unique and collective beings and seek to balance this paradox by developing our own spirituality and assisting others in their development.
Awareness is the present and continuous ability to receive, conceive, perceive, comprehend, or discern complex information concerning various concepts, objects, conditions, or events and anticipated or react accordingly through the use of Will. By definition, Awareness is the quality of observation. Therefore, Awareness is always non-locational and unable to quantify as present in a physical form, even though it involves physical Objects and is capable of being “objectified” through observation and measurement.
Awareness provides the ability to experience energy in all of its forms. Frequency is proportional to the amount of information contained within energy. Higher frequencies have a higher capability to hold energy or related information. Divine Mind has greater capacitance than Higher Mind, which is greater than Lower Mind. However, these frequencies must be in harmony and in tune with each other to enable transfer of physical experience to the Divine Mind. More specifically, Divine and Natural Law synchronizes harmonization.
Will is an attribute unique to each particular level of Mind. It is not equivalent to intention in that intention is the mental exertion of a Mind caused by an underlying wish, want, desire, purpose, goal or meaning being Will. Will is not equivalent to motive in that motive defines the relationship between intention and action caused by Will. Free Will is the ability for a Mind to choose its own thoughts and actions, or determine what reasons are acceptable motivation for actions, without being forced to do so by external forces. All forms of Mind possess Free Will
- Divine Will is the unique Will possessed by an Absolute (Divine) Mind, also commonly referred to as “God’s Will.”
- Higher Will is the unique Will possessed by a Higher Mind, sometimes referred to as “Conscience” or “Inner Voice.”
- Physical Will is the unique Will possessed by a Lower Mind, sometimes referred to as “Animal Will” or “Animal Instinct.”
As each form of Will within a spirit is unique, it is possible for different Wills to be in conflict with one another, especially due to the effect of mind viruses (Ego) affecting Physical Will and then Higher Will. A conflict of Wills between the Minds of a higher order life form necessarily implies a lack of cooperation between the levels of Mind, which is a prerequisite for external influence, manipulation, and temporary possession.
Self is the way, methods, and means by which a higher order life form possessing consciousness is defined as distinct, separate, and unique from the collective at any given point of time and space, or in reference to their accumulative journey. Hence, Self is equivalent to the personal pronouns of “I”, “me”, and “myself.”
All higher order life forms have three Selves:
- Divine Self is equivalent to divine memory and divine Will, also known as soul or spirit, being the catalyst and seed of a unique Mind.
- Higher Self is equivalent to higher memory and higher Will being the superconcious processing its own identity, separated from the body but still identifying awareness through the restriction of the body.
- Lower Self is equivalent to lower memory and lower Will, being the identity formed through the interaction of the conscious, interconcious, and subconscious systems and the CYTO, ORGO and COGNO neural systems of the physical body.
To function, all Selves require a method and system of identification, which is modified by life experience. The formal model of identification adopted by the Lower Self is the same influencing the Higher Self and may or may not conform to Divine Law and Natural Law. However, the model of identification of Divine Self is always in accordance with Divine Law and Natural Law.
When the models of identification adopted by the Lower Self and Higher Self are dramatically different to Divine Self or greatly contradict Divine Law and Natural Law, then a conflict will exist between Lower Self, Higher Self, and Divine Self. Therefore, Self is divided, which is a condition where the Lower Self is completely isolated from the Higher Self and fully open to manipulation.
Holding one’s Self-interest as a standard for decision making does not properly make one Selfish but Self-focused. It is only when one constantly holds Self-interest beyond reasonable needs to the exclusion of others can it be considered Selfishness and egotistically obsessed. The ego is the mind virus, the fundamental dis-ease of the Self.
Mind and Self are the terms used to define certain systems, properties and functional states of consciousness of a higher order being as distinct from the physical and biological processes of its body.
Systems of Mind come with connection of consciousness:
- Ultraconscious Mind – (the Divine Self or Soul) is directly connected to the Superconscious Higher Mind and indirectly to the Interconscious, Conscious and Subconscious components of Lower Mind. It is unique as the only system of Mind that is purely non-locational and ethereal throughout its existence, with no associated neural system and no self-imposed restrictions upon its conscious being other than derived experiences through life and awareness. It is also unique as it records objective memories, thoughts, and decisions created and managed by the other systems of Mind according to Divine and Natural Law. It is the only Mind that records a truly objective and independent memory of events themselves as an accurate reflection of what the Mind, as a whole, perceives and feels.
- Superconscious Mind (Higher Self) is directly connected to both the Ultraconscious and the Interconscious Minds and indirectly to the Conscious and Subconscious Minds. It is unique as the only system of Mind that while purely non-locational and ethereal throughout its existence with no associated neural system believes itself to be constrained by such systems. It is also unique as it records the subjective memories, thoughts and decisions created and managed by the three systems of the Lower Mind physically connected to neural systems. It does not record a truly objective nor independent memory of events themselves, only an accurate reflection of what the Mind, as a whole perceives, and feels.
- Interconscious Mind (Lower Self) connects to the Superconcious, Conscious and Subconscious. Interconcious enables its three connections to function as one. Therefore, key attributes of Interconcious Mind are defined not directly but indirectly by inference such as emotion, inner voice, instinct, intuition, inspiration, and imagination. It is closely associated with the physical apparatus of the ORGO nervous system being the cerebellum, mid brain, thalamus, corpus callosum, pituitary gland, pons, medulla and autonomic nervous system of highly developed neural network “placental birth” life form such as mammals. In relation to the Knowledge Management Model of Mind, it is equivalent to the Information Analysis / Processing Systems of Mind
- Conscious: The system of Consciousness of a higher order being as a whole may also be defined as Unique Collective Consciousness (UCC). It is most closely associated with the physical apparatus of the COGNO nervous system being the cerebral cortex and somatic nervous system of highly developed neural network “placental birth” life form such as mammals. Excluding wakefulness, which is a state of being, there are eight attributes of the Conscious Mind.
- Self-awareness (the observer) of one’s own unique existence as a whole as distinct from other life forms and objects.
- Lucidity awareness of one’s own thought as it emerged just prior or during its expression.
- Sensory awareness of a present flow of sensory input of one’s location, including but not limited to light, smell, temperature, and sound.
- Locational awareness of the physical conditions of one’s present location over periods of time, particularly in the presence of other life and the presence of any real or potential dangers.
- Momentary awareness of the change in conditions of one’s own locations over periods of time, particularly in the change in status of any real or potential dangers.
- Contextual awareness of how one came to be in the present situation including the path of arrival and important decisions made leading to the present moment.
- Situational awareness of the present situation and subject including the ability to process all previous data to try and predict the present intentions of immediate higher order life forms and any threat or inconsistent change in behavior.
- Hypothetical awareness of all previous information, including the present situation and assumed motives and conditions of present situation and calculate possible hypothetical outcomes, enabling a potential path and course of action to meet an associated intention.
- Subconscious Mind is one of five fundamental systems of Mind that is fundamental to the storage, retrieval of memories and emotions. It is one of three systems of the Lower Mind connect directly to Interconscious and indirectly to Conscious and Superconscious. In relation to the Knowledge Management Model of Mind, the Subconscious is equivalent to the Data storage, retrieval and access systems. It is most closely associated with the physical apparatus of the CYTO nervous system being the Eneric Nervous System (intestines and colon) of highly developed triple neural network “placental birth” life forms such as mammals. An essential period of its operation is in the state of deep REM sleep when the Inteconscious interacts with the equivalent of Conscious duties and functions and the Subconscious systems of the body also help replenish the chemical needs of the Interconscious system.
- Conscious: The system of Consciousness of a higher order being as a whole may also be defined as Unique Collective Consciousness (UCC). It is most closely associated with the physical apparatus of the COGNO nervous system being the cerebral cortex and somatic nervous system of highly developed neural network “placental birth” life form such as mammals. Excluding wakefulness, which is a state of being, there are eight attributes of the Conscious Mind.
When a conflict exists between the three biological bound systems of Lower Mind, Superconsious is marginalized and a direct connection to the higher Divine Immortal Spirit (Ultraconscious) is temporarily compromised.
When harmony exists between the three biological bound systems of Lower Mind, Superconscious fully connected and aligned and a direct connection to the higher Divine Immortal Spirit (Ultraconscious) exists and opens.
Memory is a term used to define the three attributes of Mind being processing, location and recall. Processing is the power and process of reproducing or recalling what has been learned and retained. Location is the actual storage location of what has been learned and retained from activity, or experience as evidenced by modification of structure, behavior or by recall and recognition. Recall is the ability to accurately specify an experience of thought.
- Physically Constrained Memory (Lower Memory) is memory derived from physical apparatus producing Mind, such as the biological brain. When such an organ dies so does a Physical Memory.
- Non-Locational Memory (Higher Memory) is non-physical Memory derived from the production of Physically Constrained Memory as well as Absolute Memory which is not constrained by physical location but which the Higher Mind chooses to believe it is constrained by the rules of universal laws as if it were constrained. When Lower Mind dies, Non-Locational Memory continues to exist.
- Absolute Memory (Divine Memory) is non-physical Memory equivalent to Unique Collective Awareness.
Physically Constrained Memory cannot be formed without the strong stimulus of the right chemical hormones reflecting a critical ingredient of emotions. Low chemical stimulus or conflicting chemical stimulus inhibits the formation of short-term Memory and long-term memory, which are both only “approximations” of actual events and totally determined by the perception and emotional state of the higher order life form. The storage location is not the brain, but the organs and neural centers of the body determined by the prevailing emotions and hormonal stimulation. The recall of a memory is effectively an “approximation” of an “approximation.” Recall is highly suggestive and open to manipulation especially during stress, duress, hypnosis, and meditation.
Non-locational memory of the Higher Mind is only an “approximation” of actual events and totally determined by the perception and emotional state of the higher order life form even though Higher Mind is not physically constrained from processing an accurate representation. The location of this type of memory does not require a physical “brain.” The recall of a memory is effectively an “approximation” of an “approximation” and heavily influenced by the present environment despite the fact that true and accurate recall is possible. True recall is also highly suggestive even though the Higher Self does not have built-in physical constraints.
Absolute memory is a perfect reflection of actual events or thoughts. Its location is non-locational and non-physical. Recall is an accurate recall of actual events or thoughts.
Focus Lower Mind on Attributes of Divine Mind
The Seven Core Ethics and Value of Divine Competency and The Seven Illuminations of the Divine Mind are useful qualities of the Divine Mind that can be used by the Lower Mind to initiate harmonization of Mental energies. These define what is needed to live a successful life. In addition, this enables each of us to balance self-interest with collective-interest.
Divine Competency
Competency is the quality and state of being of sound mind and able to perform a particular task, or responsibility to a standard of moral excellence as expected and defined by Divine and Natural Law.
Seven Core Ethics and Values of Divine Competence – these are exemplified by expressions and affirmations:
- Respect – “I choose to treat all beings and existence with dignity and respect, regardless of individual choices and behaviors.”
- Integrity – “I choose to give my word carefully and to keep and honor my promises.”
- Commitment – “I trust my laws and principles and rely upon them to achieve success.”
- Enthusiasm – “I am passionate about life and love all existence and the fulfillment of the potential of higher order sentient beings.”
- Compassion – “I care for all creation and its well-being; and am sensitive not to unnecessarily cause harm, or controversy, or inadvertently injury existence, or the journey of experience and wisdom of al sentient beings.”
- Cheerfulness – “I choose to welcome each and every moment of existence and life with positive aspirations.”
- Discernment – “I choose to trust the laws of the Universe and take time before rushing to judgement or any action based simply upon pure emotion.”
Incompetence: A being that fails to live according to the Seven Core Ethics of the Divine, is by default Incompetent and unable to hold any high office, particularly one associated with Ecclesiastical or Fiduciary or Sovereign Office.
Incompetence alone is considered neither a permanent state, nor an offense against the Divine, but an offense by a sentient being against themselves. Thus, Incompetence is merely a temporary state that may disqualify certain rights and powers until competence is restore.
The Seven Illuminations of Divine Mind
The Seven Illuminations of Divine Mind or The Seven Proofs of Divine Mind are founded upon the existence of the Seven Proofs of Divine Existence:
- Awareness – reveals that Divine Mind is Unique Collective Awareness and level of Unique Collective Awareness that in all knowing, all remembering and nothing is lost, nothing is forgotten, and nothing is without witness.
- Logic – reveals that the Divine Mind as Unique Collective Awareness is perfectly logical, reasonable, and sensible in actions, without any existence of lesser emotions of jealousy, hate, fear, retribution, anger, or prejudicial judgement.
- Consent – reveals that the Divine Mind as Unique Collective Awareness chooses by its own volition (free will) to exist and that this is a conscious and constant choice each and every instant and that consent without duress and coercion is fundamental at all levels of existence. Furthermore, when consent is deliberately ignored, breached, or repudiated it places that part of existence in opposition to the forces of existence, law, love and fulfillment.
- Love – reveals that the highest expression of existence of the Divine Creator is the love of life and love of all existence. Thus, the strongest emotion is love and the Divine is the personification of love.
- Law – reveals that existence itself depends upon rules and therefore laws. Thus, the expression of Divine Mind is divine law and that the highest of all laws is the golden rule that “no one is above the law” upon which all true law is based.
- Justice – reveals that for law to be present within existence, it must be applied in accordance with the rule of law (golden rule), consistent with the mind of the Divine being with clean hands, in good faith, and without prejudice.
- Redemption – highlights that the Divine Mind is infinitely loving and forgiving and seeks to redeem higher order life and enable life, communities, cultures, and empires to fulfill their purpose.