The United States of America was truly founded by men and women who sought to cultivate higher ideals and a vision of truth, justice and liberty as exemplified in the Declaration of Independence; and since then, born into each generation, there have been men and women who exemplify these noble and moral characteristics as true heroes and True American Patriots to the Golden Rule of Law, many of whom have fought wars and defended the country in the belief of the American Dream.
There is a second group, a shadowy group that uses religion and language and family names as colors of convenience being they are of no particular faith, or moral decency, except their obsession in their crafts of slavery and banking, of drugs and
pharmaceuticals, of mining and minerals and of course the manufacture of the machinery for war. These families are the parasite that infected the host, being the United States of America, soon after the War for Independence, and have never stopped sucking at its life-blood, variously called the refugees of the 13 original states of the United States of Netherlands or Dutch Republic. Today they are known as Wall Street, by their collective attachment to their ancient roots to the private colony of New Amsterdam, now New York City. We should also call them by their even more ancient name, a name synonymous with piracy, with plunder, with anarchy and with severe mental illness, as the Amoricans. These people have never been true Americans, but imposters and parasites as Amorican pirates, feeding off the energy and goodwill of true Americans; and
There is a third group, connected through the contradictory, convoluted, occluded and absurd claims of the laws of Westminster and subsequent proclamations and corrupt laws of Congress that have used law as a weapon and a tool, to steal the energy of people, to seize their homes, their valuables, and to oppress entire states and communities of people to remain as wage slaves and insolvent debtor slaves in what is supposed to be a free country. These people are the parasites of the law, obscuring the true nature of the Golden Rule of Law and what the law is about; so that for generations people have struggled to survive through the maze of cruelty and rampant corruption that is the private courts of the private pirate bar guilds.
The Real Dream of America vs. the False Truth of America
Most Americans are born into the model that the United States of America won the War for Independence, that a Constitution was formed and that the Country has been a beacon of light and hope for peace and freedom in a dark world for centuries. American school children then regularly pledge their allegiance to the flag, and are taught to trust in the rule of law and their political leaders protecting the constitution, and to honor the military, and to behave honestly and morally in performing their duties by paying their bills and taxes, and to obey those laws. This is what most people in the United States of America still believe today, despite the continued recession and corruption and destruction of whole strands of society. Because those people accept this Dream, the dream has substance.
In contrast, history paints a disturbingly different picture. This is why the revelation of the truth of this history is so important on multiple levels:
- The truth has been used as a weapon and a threat and a mafia-like tool for the elite parasites to trick, condemn and enforce the allegiance and zombie-like obedience of countless generations of decent men and women, who upon being shown the truth versus the dream, have undergone their own kind of mental breakdown before internalizing the abandonment of any hope. This breakdown of people is still standard practice for cults, for parts of the military and for parasite operations generally; and
- By revealing the truth, you weaken the parasite’s ability to use such knowledge as a weapon against good men and women, you help heal the spirit and minds of those who have reached the highest levels of political office, and the military, and the business world, who have been tricked into performing the most horrific acts of terror and treachery against, sometimes, even their own children and family, that they now know the truth is exposed and that there is hope against the lies of the Amoricans
- You offer to everyone the possibility of the dream being recognized as the reality by finally holding the parasites to account and ensuring the Constitution of 1861 is followed and that all officials do honor their oath of office and that those who claim to be Americans serve the interests of their community; and that the United States of America is a beacon for hope and not the monster that has perpetrated and perpetuated constant war against the world for two hundred years.
To quote Victor Hugo who wrote the book Les Miserables: “All the forces in the world are not so powerful as an idea whose time has come“. The time has come to restore the American Dream. The time has come to expel the Amoricans and cut the parasite from the host. The time has come for men and women to either stand up and be counted as true heroes and American Patriots or, through their silence and cowardice, to admit their allegiance to the real enemy of the world and our collective future. History is not a spectator sport and no one has the option anymore of sitting on the fence.
The District of Columbia vs. Minor Outlying Islands vs. the United States of America
The only legitimacy of the Dutch Amorican families of Manhattan Island New York is through the deals with the British to control the military District of British Columbia connected via Vancouver Island (as Minor Outlying Islands) from 1866 (29&30Vict. c.67); and then confirming the rights of the Government of British Columbia in 1870 (33&34Vict.c.66); and then paving the way for the creation of the Government of the District of Columbia by the illegitimate US Congress in 1871 (41st Congress ch.62); and then the British confirmation of the re-establishment of provinces within the Dominion of Canada (34&35Vict.c.28), then the naturalization treaty with the United States in 1872 which made all Americans, British subjects (35&36Vict.c.39) and then the treaty with the military regime controlling the District of Columbia recognizing its legitimacy in occupying the United States of America in 1872 (35&36Vict.c.45).
The only Office recognized by the Crown of Great Britain and the Vatican under the original Constitution of the United States of America, being the Treasurer to the Navy in Admiralty from 1785 (25Geo3.c.31) operating as the original US Treasury which from 1871 onward had to operate on an island off the mainland United States as the head of the Minor Outlying Islands in treaty with the District of Columbia.
The only true Constitution in operation since 1861 is the Constitution of the Confederacy of the United States of America, as is proven by the public notice of the Articles of Confederation; yet held as a prize in the giant prize of war state known as Delaware or “State Of War” in which in subsequent years, all the other nations and kingdoms whose sovereignty was seized and taken by the pirates under letters of marque were subsequently stored in trust.
The whole scenario seems preposterous at best and impossibly confusing at worst. Westminster was playing a gambling game with the Wall Street bankers, paranoid about losing their international loans and business if the legitimacy of the United States of America was ever challenged. People who were honest and who sought to live according the American Dream would have realized at any point they could have simply said “to hell with you” to the Crown and to the Bank of England and the Vatican. But because these people had already been living the “lie” behind the scenes, they blinked and so entrapped themselves and all who served them, especially the senior ranks of the military, to obey their insane and murderous plots of perpetual war for the benefit of the banks and crazy merchant elite.
As far as evidence goes, it is simply overwhelming, and really no one who is logical, reasonable and sensible could deny it. It is an indisputable fact that in the world today, virtually all countries are forced to have an office as a corporation in Delaware and then are listed as trading corporations with the Securities and Exchange Commission
(SEC). You can go and see it for yourself. It is not hidden. It is there in plain sight. If you live in Australia, then you can go and search for the Commonwealth of Australia and see it as a trading corporation. None of this is hidden.
As far as the original office of Treasurer of the Navy in Admiralty, you can see the long history of the US Treasury being stationed in the Philippines and then Cuba and now in Puerto Rico. The US Treasury and its commercial debt collection arm known as the IRS (Internal Revenue Service) is registered in Puerto Rico under the Minor Outlying Islands. Again, there is no attempt to hide it, because most people can’t get their head around the lie that is the true history of America.
As far as the United States of America is concerned, again you can find it is registered in the State of Delaware as a prize in plain sight and traded, itself, as a
corporation. With all this evidence, why can’t people see what is in front of their face and why won’t they change?
The Americans and their leading enforcers have become completely insane
In 1937, Ferdinand Lundberg published a work called America’s 60 Families based on years of tax records back to 1924, investigating the super-rich and many of these Dutch families from New York in which he quoted:
“The United States is owned and dominated today by a hierarchy of its sixty richest families, buttressed by no more than ninety families of lesser wealth… These families are the living center of the modern industrial oligarchy which dominates the United States, functioning discreetly under a de jure democratic form of government behind which a de facto government, absolutist and plutocratic in its lineaments, has gradually taken form since the Civil War. This de facto government is actually the government of the United States — informal, invisible, shadowy. It is the government of money in a dollar democracy.”
You have probably heard of many of the names such as Astor, Du Pont, Vanderbilt, Sulzberger, Van Eeghen, Roosevelt, Guggenheim, Gettys, Schiff, Dulles, Warburg, Blumenthal, Rosenwald and many others including those enforcer families welcomed into the fold such as the Rockefellers, the Morgans and the Bushes.
The danger of these clinically insane elite cannot be overstated. Ever since they commissioned the Gatling Gun to secretly win the Battle of Gettysburg by murdering more than 30,000 patriots and heroes, including their own men in a single day, to the funding of the Communist Empire of the Soviet Union in the 1920’s, to the funding of the Nazi War machine in the 1930’s, to the Korean War, to the Vietnam War, the two Iraq Wars, to the Afghanistan War and to the constant funding and support of an equally mentally unstable elite in Israel and other Middle East countries.
Their power is and has always been the use of this true history as a mafia-like weapon against everyone who holds any position of authority within the United States, particularly the military, to continue to believe there is no hope, no alternative, no other way but to blindly follow stupid and insane and bloody orders of perpetual war.
Yet their other incredible mind job has been to convince the American people that the American Dream is fragile and risks being destroyed if any of the truth of the lies of history are revealed. What utter bullshit! What complete rubbish these people have spewed. The risk to the American Dream is not that people do not wake up, but all the people who continue to beg for their 30 pieces of silver from the bankers by volunteering to be traitors and double agents to their own families and communities, by spewing forth disinformation, distractions and the mass of crap you see sown across the internet.
These are the real enemy, the vacuous talking heads, who will never once look at the statutes, or give a straight answer, or will simply dismiss this information by making some shallow and superficial remark about its author to keep people distracted.
The American Dream is the only truth, and is perfectly capable of withstanding the exposure of this madness, it even gives us the instruction on how to restore it.
We should have no fear of risking the United States of America being destroyed if we stop being cowards and actually stand up and restore the American Dream. The brave men and women who in 1861 sought to correct the injuries of the Amorican pirates made sure the United States of America can never be destroyed unless every single American becomes a pirate.
The call and instruction from the very founders of the American Dream to each and every one is:
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly, all experience hath shewn, that mankind, are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.“
What all the heroes and true American Patriots are calling out across time to each and every one of us to consider: Stop working for the banks. Stop believing you are an insolvent debtor, or that you are cursed by original sin. Stop feeding the perpetual war machine and its false arguments for the need for perpetual war. Stop listening to the mainstream propaganda of the media networks.
Start trusting one another again. Start looking for ways to work together. Start reading and listening more and being more discerning with whom you read and listen. Start being prudent with your time and your energy as no one can steal it or take it from you without your consent. Start having confidence that you are a valuable and important member of the species who has the capacity to help bring sustainable change.
Don’t get stuck on the ego trip that so many are on, in claiming yourself as some defacto president or governor, or demanding the resignation of government officials, or writing long winded treatises as to your grievances. The paper excuses do nothing to enact real change and actually are counter-productive. That is why disinformation agents promote them so heavily. Instead, focus on positive actions within your own family and community, by no longer viewing yourself as a victim in anyway, but a true agent for positive change.