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4. Estates, Rolls and Registers

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    It is important to understand the environment behind the formation of Estates, what exactly are Rolls and Registers and the notion of property, before looking at the nature, structure, function and importance of Estates.

    In the 17th Century the abhorrent and morally repugnant concept of Original Sin was introduced, but claimed to being within scripture and a dogma of Christianity for centuries earlier. The general principle of Original Sin was first introduced as a purely commercial term, associated with forming a false legal argument to steal the rights of the people. It began with the notion that Heaven can be viewed like some giant Venetian banking ledger of credits versus debits and that these columns of spiritual values must balance in heaven as well as on Earth. The notion of Sin as taught by the various commercial churches today, is basically saying that either the Divine Creator is a Venetian Accountant or the God(s) in the Bible really are Venetian Banking Families, and later Dutch and English banking and piracy terms. One example is in the earliest surviving dictionaries of English such as Bailey’s Etymological Dictionary, in 1675 stated the meaning of the word Belief is Credit as a commercial term and Credit is Belief.

    The basic idea is that Sin is a Divine Debt offset by the Blood of the Martyrs from the Treasury of Heaven. On Earth, the ritual of Confession and Penance is evidence of the debt or guilt, with the Indulgence, or Dispensation being the monetization of that debt or guilt to discharge it. Essentially the Church declared an individual as bankrupt at birth (due to original sin/debt) and froze their natural rights in a Cestui Que Vie Trust (for the benefit of another) and then allowed people to earn back some rights as privileges through penance or payment for Indulgences.

    Once the European wars of the 17th C had worked through and Great Britain had proven itself to be the greatest center of elite liars, pirates and psychopaths the planet had ever seen, these pirate families wanted even more control in their alliance with Rome as the Jus Patronatus or the “sole patron”.

    The concept of “Original Sin” was the perfect mechanism as it was also connected to a much more subtle offset of philosophy whereby Mary was championed as the Queen of Heaven and without sin. No public mention or debate then was covered as to the other alleged siblings or family members of Jesus Christ and this is where the elite families got busy creating fake genealogies to usurp more than 5,000 years of detailed history, and of the tens of thousands of descendants of the Holly (Cuilliaéan) priest-kings around the planet. If you want to know the true genealogies of history, then please read Lebor Clann Glas (Search Ucadia on Amazon to purchase this book).

    False scribes were hired to create nonsensical and absurd genealogies that claimed the Hanover’s and then later the merchant banking families were descended from Charlemagne and then from Charlemagne back through to Jacob, the brother of Jesus. They even created fake Jewish kingdoms in Spain in order to make sure all the elite members could claim to be descended from Mary and thus “born without sin”.

    For the rest of the world, born in Original Sin, this horribly insane and criminal philosophy converted them into “sheeple” as sinning people without rights. The only people then who were allowed to own land were those “without sin” and therefore these elite families through the fake creation of allodial title.

    The most valuable treasures stored within the oldest banks of Switzerland are not bars of gold or ancient paintings, it is old fake genealogies, claiming certain people were descendants of the Holly or Cuilliaéan, when in fact they haven’t known anything about the true descendants of Yahusia and the last of the Great Prophets of Yeb until now. This, by the way, is the origin of the English Monarch claiming to be a God King or God Queen, as one born without sin in a world of sinners. The fact that the Aristocracy still refuse to acknowledge the Holly, even though the Holy See is literally named after the Holly, is yet another example that the lies and fakery of these people has been built upon complete and total ignorance.

    What this means to the majority is to live in a prison of the mind, the labels for the prison are the words Delinquent, Insolvent, Ignorant and Recalcitrant. These words and the false imputations that led to them being asserted will be important as we get into Trusts & Estates.

    Delinquency is the assumed sin when you appear at court, that you are the one, not the trustee or the other party, that has been neglectful in your duties and obligations. Of course, if the administrators and surrogate trustees within the system fail to provide crucial information to you, or fail to provide proper accounting to you, leading to a default on your part, then who ultimately is the first cause? It is them, not you. Yet the presumption in their system when you are charged is that it is your fault first.

    Insolvency is particularly important for private commercial law. If you are deemed insolvent, then it is assumed you have no real assets or security. Given that admiralty law is all about insurance and security, being claimed insolvent means you are immediately placed at a disadvantage whenever a controversy is raised, as you appearing at one of their courts without representation can easily be assumed as abandoned cargo, without security and immediately bailed into one of their warehouses (prisons) as a surety against a debt. The notion of insolvency is yet another abomination that flies in the face of the Declaration of Independence and even the Bible itself, that both express we each possess unalienable rights. If you possess such priceless rights, then it is impossible to argue you could ever be an insolvent debtor. How do they get away with it? By convincing people to be complete and utter idiots and sheeple in believing in “Original Sin”.

    The banking families then set up an accounting system to introduce the monetization of sin model that still underpins the financial currency system of the world today by making all profit from use (usury) a sin.

    The concept introduced in the 1600’s was that Sin (Debt) was offset in Heaven through Gods Grace/Forgiveness (Credit). The Ecclesiastical version of God’s grace on Earth introduced to match this was the Confession/Penance/Promise to offset the Sin (Debt) through an Indulgence/Instrument/Deed, the equivalent of God’s Grace/Forgiveness (Credit).  Thus, the idea of promising to pay a certain amount for an Indulgence (discharge the debt) to receive God’s grace/forgiveness (credit) was born.

    In the 1700’s this idea expanded whereby an Estate was formed to create Exchequer Bills (Money) as equivalent to a Confession/Penance/Promise (debt) to offset against Commonwealth Rights, as equivalent to the Indulgence/Instrument/Deed (credit). In other words, the “elite” owner of an Estate could use the value of the assets in the Estate to create money to offset the debt of Original Sin with the church, for their rights, the equivalent of Indulgences or God’s grace/forgiveness. Thus, the English Commerce model of “private indulgences” or exchequer bills was born. This system is known as Annuity Accounting with an Annuity being the surety for the sin to be used to offset the debt. The “elite” land owners bound the serfs/slaves to the annuity, and created valuable assets to pay for their forgiveness, and greater rights granted, from the sweat and labor of their serfs.

    In the 1800’s the banking system based on all non-rich people being animals and debt slaves with the right to sell their effort in exchange for welfare was formed, where modern currencies are underwritten by the pledge of the sweat labor of the population as slaves. Since the 1950’s, the private agencies and owners that purchased government services and assets now no longer want to balance the accounting to provide the necessary “benefits” to the people as slaves. They want to make bigger profits and, in many ways let the people starve

    Common Law was also introduced in the 16th and 17th Centuries. For the English Statutes and Great Britain statutes forming the basis of claimed “Common Law”, the truth is that there have been numerous documented fires throughout history that completely obliterated and turned to ash the historic records of law in England. To argue that it was somehow recreated accurately by inference is one of the biggest lies in the history of creating fake documents. Research has shown that by comparing the parts of Scottish statutes that did survive to the language of claimed statutes in England, it can be proven without question that the legal scholars of the Four Inns of Court pretty much made up whatever they felt was important, when re-writing English History in the 17th Century, then again in the 18th Century and again in the 19th Century and the 20th Century.

    For example, the notion that the Magna Carta is a glorious Constitution, when it is deliberately obscure, contradictory, and infused with words and terms that didn’t exist when the alleged statute was supposed to have been promulgated, and obsessed in the commercial advantages for a very, very few people.

    Free Will is the most powerful force in the Universe and it cannot be usurped without major  

    Karma; therefore, the “elite” created the voluntary servitude system of Common Law. At birth, for a child to be born in sin/debt, they had to trick the parents into conveying right of ownership of the child to the church, who would declare the child bankrupt and dead via the birth/death certificate, then freeze the natural rights in trust and create an Estate (fictional Person) that is subject to the rules of the Estate with their natural rights assigned as privileges or liberties based on the individuals suffering and penance to earn grace.  


    What is an Estate:

    An Estate is a fictional form being a valid record in a type of Register known as a “Roll”, issued by some authorized ecclesiastical bodysovereign body or body politic, denoting the assumed or actual beneficial rights or “privileges” and obligations of one or more persons of the same condition and circumstance; thus, an Estate is:

    1. valid record in an Estate Roll creating a unique legal entity having certain limits of legal capacity or “standing” or “status” within the jurisdiction of the body and control of the body that created it. An Estate is equivalent to the concept of a unique “legal person
    2. The limits of legal capacity or “standing” or “status” determined by the valid record in the Estate Roll owned by the authorized the body  that created it therefore defines to what extent other property may (or may not) be held and used as “privileges and “liberties” by the beneficiary claiming use of the “legal person”.  An Estate is equivalent to the primary “legal title” and “legal capacity” and “legal standing” of a particular class of persons.
    3. Subject to such limits of legal capacity and legal standing, an Estate may then hold one or more beneficial “rights of use” or property as “privileges and “liberties” within one or more temporary beneficial trusts associated with the Estate (i.e. “real estate” and “personal estate”). An Estate is equivalent to the aggregate property of immovable, movable, corporeal and incorporeal things associated with these temporary trusts (i.e. “the whole of the estate”)
    4. To properly administer the affairs of the Estate, the beneficial rights, also known as property may then be pledged, promised, assigned, granted or delegated as security to form one or more assets. The value of such assets may then be monetized or securitized through various funds, agreements, licenses, accounts and certificates. An Estate is equivalent to the aggregate monetary value of the net assets of the estate after all debts have been discharged.

    The term Estate was first created under the 8th Century Sacré Loi (“Sacred Law”) of the Catholic Church by the Carolingians and then revived in the 16th Century, comes from the 8th Century Anglaise word estat meaning “state possessing rights of some level of self-government; and the government or condition of such rights”, itself derived from the Latin terms e meaning “by reason of; out of” and statuo meaning “to decree, prescribe or judge; status”. Hence, the term estate literally means by its etymology “by reason of (royal) decree, prescription or judgment”.

    The concept of Estate is so powerful within the Western-Roman Model, because it deprives most people of ever really controlling or owning any form of rights or property. It means virtually anything can be taken away from you, with such action considered “lawful” under the Western-Roman Model of Estates. It also answers the paradox of real property and personal property once and for all; and explains why, in modern societies, virtually all our “privileges” are nothing more than personal property of things.

    Assumptions of a Valid Estate:

     All valid Estates exist under certain fundamental assumptions:

    1. The rules of formation and management of an Estate Roll and lesser Registers must exist as public law within the rules of the ecclesiastical, sovereign or body politic that created it.
    2. The Rights associated with an Estate are always “Rights of Use”, also known as “Property” and not the primary Rights of ownership. Thus, Estates always concern Property as “Rights of Use”
    3. As the Rights associated with an Estate are always “Right of Use” of some Right, a separate Trust must first exist before the Estate is created; and furthermore, that the Rights being the source of the “Rights of Use” in question must also have been named and conveyed into the existing Trust by a Trustor.
    4. The authorized ecclesiastical, sovereign, or body politic that created the Estate Roll owns “legal title” to any such Rights conveyed into such an Estate.
    5. All Rights in Estate (within the Estate) are Beneficial Title or Equitable Title and not legal title.
    6. Beneficial Title means one or more “privileges” or “liberties” that, subject to the rules of the Estate, may be withdrawn or forfeited or alienable.
    7. Equitable Title means a “privilege” not in possession of the Beneficiary, but claimable and recoverable through a qualified forum of law with equity powers, being rights of a surrogate Chancery Court. Thus, certain permits, titles, letters, certificates and patents issued to a Beneficiary as “Equitable Title” does not necessarily mean the Beneficiary holds one or more “privileges” other than to sue in a valid court of equity to claim or recover one or more of these such “rights”.
    8. The rules for the administration of Property (Rights of Use) within the Estate is through a Deed of Testamentary Disposition, otherwise known as a Will by a Testator, or in its absence (Intestate), some other established and authorized rules.
    9. For every valid Estate, a Fiduciary must be named and duly appointed to govern the affairs of the Estate, either as an Executor, or appointed Administrator in the absence of clear instruction or dispute of authority.
    10. For every valid Estate that engages in trade or commerce, at least one duly appointed Agent must exist and be duly appointed, registered and acknowledged to manage the day to day business of the Estate under the authority of the Executor or appointed Administrator as the Principal.

    How An Estate is Created:

    As a valid Estate is created via a valid entry and formation of a record into some form of Estate Roll, the general authority, nature and function of Rolls apply:

    1. The authority to form a Roll is defined by the limits of authority of the constituting Instrument of the relevant Trust or Estate or Fund.
    2. The Rights, Powers and Property prescribed to those Persons as Estate created and defined within a Roll cannot exceed the Rights, Powers and Property of the Trust or Estate or Fund itself.
    3. All Rolls are completely and exclusively Ecclesiastical Property and can never belong to a Trust, or Estate or Fund that formed or inherited it. Instead, all Rolls are the property of One Heaven. Therefore, all Estates are the property of One Heaven.
    4. All Rolls are hierarchical in their inheritance of authority and validity from One Heaven, beginning with the highest being the Great Roll of Divine Persons. Therefore, the highest Estates are Divine Estates and the lowest are Inferior Estates. A Roll that cannot demonstrate the provenance of its authority, has none and is null and void from the beginning.
    5. As all Rolls are completely and exclusively Ecclesiastical, absolutely no clerical or administrative act may take place in association with a Roll unless by a duly authorized Trustee under active and valid sacred Oath and Vow.
    6. The entry of a record into a Roll is completely invalid unless the memorial or deed of the act giving authority is done without duress, is done freely and with full knowledge.

    The formation of a valid Estate via enrolment requires three actions to be validated and acknowledged as a proper Record, being registration, entry and notice:

    1. Enrolment is the valid acceptance and receiving of the Deed as a true Testimony and Memorandum. The provision of a time stamped copy is usually sufficient proof that the Deed was received.
    2. The valid entry and recording of the Deed and therefore the Rights within it. A valid Certificate of Acknowledgmentsigned by the authorized party accepting and registering the Deed, usually with notary powers, as proof of the valid Recording of the Deed, is required as proof.
    3. valid abstract as a Certificate of Title, as extracted from the Roll, as proof of perfected record is then required as final proof.

    Western-Roman Inferior Estates:

    Whilst many of the Statutes, Procedures and Rules regarding Inferior Western-Roman Rolls and Inferior Western-Roman Estates are contradictory, false, misleading and deliberately deceptive, the fundamental architecture of Estates within the Western-Roman System acknowledges the hierarchy of authority, form and function:

    1. The Ecclesiastical Estate is the highest form of Inferior Estate within the Western-Roman System, with “Spiritual Persons” being the highest form of Person within the same system.
    2. The Real Estates, as originally in the context of Real still meaning “Royal” until the late 17th Century, being defined by Patent Rolls, Charter Rolls, Ancestral Rolls, as being granted higher status of persons. By the late 18th Century, Real Estate was depreciated to Rights of Possession in Chose in Chancery, with nobles rising to pseudo-ecclesiastical estates by claiming themselves as Parochial bodies.
    3. Personal Estates as Rolls and Estates formed under Statutes of the Commons and lesser Parliaments.
    4. The Fourth Estates as Rolls of media, publishers, military, mercenaries and privateers granted letters of marquee to perform acts of brutality, enforcement, terrorism, otherwise illegal.
    5. Deceased Estates introduced by the end of the 19th Century in the form of Residential Rolls of Residents or Remainder Estates of the “legally dead”, wherein the modern poor are deprived even of being considered legal persons in certain circumstances and therefore without any legal capacity under Western-Roman laws.

     Rights are connected to Persons:

    A Person is a fictional Form enclosing attributes such as the Identity of Man/Woman, a Body Politic, Assembly, or a Thing. Rights, Trusts and Persons. Your access to Rights is through a particular person. It is the person that is connected to the rights, not the physical you. The physical “you” cannot hold an intangible concept such as rights; however, a person can. Instead, the physical “you” is connected to one or more persons by virtue of the attributes and likeness of the person and ultimately by agreement and consent.

    You are connected to multiple Persons:

    In any modern Western-Roman society, the physical “you” will be connected to multiple “persons”. In one system of registers and rolls, you will probably be listed as a State Citizen of the state where you were registered at the time you were born. That is one form of unique person. Similarly, you may well be registered as a Federal Citizen of the country sharing similar boundaries with the state of your birth, usually by choosing to vote, or take up some kind of federal benefits or some other agreement. The physical “you” is also likely to be associated with many other potential persons such as being a “government benefits recipient” or a “registered taxpayer” or a “licensed driver” or even a “defendant” or “plaintiff” in a court matter.

    Each of these many instances is a completely unique person, claimed in one sense to be the property of the government department or agency or corporation that formed it. They may have very similar or even identical sounding and looking names, but please do not be tricked into thinking they are all one same person. Anyone that says or claims “you are the person” in “believing” you only have one person for your entire set of relations within society is either lying or is completely misguided.

    Remember the three “Aspects” of Persons?

    There are three aspects and three types of persons in relation to a classic Trust structure; hence, there are 3 possible aspects being 1st person, 2nd person and 3rd person; or trustee, beneficiary and beneficial interest; or principal, agent and thing.

    This a critically important notion to consider whenever you have tried to make sense of where you stand in relation to the different types of persons as listed. For example, in the case of being a holder of a birth certificate, our association may only be as a 3rd person, or as a thing. In the case of a passport, we are definitely only holding the status of res and a thing as a 3rd person. In the case of a driver’s license, we may hold two levels of status, the first being as a registered driver as a 2nd person and the second level being the holder of a driver’s license as a 3rd person.

    The formality of connection to Person:

    In the case of a 1st person, such association is proven by a properly executed and recorded Deed that is associated with the Trust, or a Certificate of Deed if the Trust is registered in a foreign jurisdiction, such as an Inferior Western-Roman Court.

    In the case of a 2nd person, such association is proven by a properly executed, signed and recorded Letter such as a Letter of Appointment or Letter of Commission such as a Letter of Attorney; or if such appointment is done in a foreign jurisdiction, then a Certificate of Appointment is needed for recording into an Inferior Western-Roman Court

    In the case then of a 3rd person, such association is proven by possession of a properly sealed and numbered certificate, corresponding to an entry in some register of such rights. For example, a birth certificate, a passport, a certificate of driver’s license or share certificate are all examples.

    What does this mean then? It means that you cannot simply go into an Inferior Roman Court and claim yourself propria persona, when (a) you did not create the trust and (b) the only association you can possibly hold in the primary trust is as a thing, or “pro se in rem”. To claim otherwise is to proclaim yourself ignorant of the law, and therefore an idiot, and automatically incapacitated. You have just kicked an “own goal” by such stupidity.

    What is another revelation this information? Take the idea of where we might potentially hold two different forms of relation, being as an agent or beneficiary; and secondly as the holder of a beneficial interest “in rem”. A driver’s license is a classic example of this. Insurance is against the registered driver on their computer systems. You don’t need to hold any form of driver’s license to prove you are a valid registered driver, just sufficient identification to enable a police officer to establish your identity.

    Why do they insist on demanding to see you produce and hold a valid driver’s license? For two key reasons: Firstly, because the Police Officer is a private contractor working for a private corporation of debt collectors and bounty hunters masquerading as a proper court. They are claiming the position as agents in order to create a person. Secondly, because they automatically need you to be charged “in rem” as a thing and as a “holder” of beneficial interest and not in any agent or beneficiary capacity if they are going to make money off of you.

    This is because it becomes a purely commercial pirate transaction, without the need to prove injured party. It is a contract agreement, based on you, the holder, as the res or “thing”, not contesting the letter of demand, being the summons or ticket produced by the police officer.

    An Estate is a valid record in a Roll with Rights

    Here is the clarity of exactly what is a valid Estate record being a Record in a Roll, creating a person with associated Rights. It is hidden in plain sight! An Estate being created when a record is duly entered or “enrolled” in a special type of Register called a “Roll”. The owner of the Roll then retains the right to the legal title of the person and then the appointment of any surrogate or trustee as principal, called an executor or administrator. The owner of the Roll then grants as privilege to one or more other persons the benefit and/or beneficial interest in the 2nd person and 3rd person and any associated rights in trust. If we take the classic example of a Remainder Estate, also known as a Residential Estate, then we see once a Roman State registers the baby in a Roll, it creates three persons, holding one for itself, while the other two persons may be used by someone else. In the case of corporations operating and pretending to be proper estates since the 1930’s the role of the agent or 2nd person of birth certificates has been hijacked by the banking cartels under the claim of perpetual bankruptcy, leaving only beneficial interest or 3rd person, via holders of birth certificates. The very fact your local state hands you a birth certificate, is prima facie evidence that the only rights the state claims you have in your name, or your body, or your mind or your soul is as a 3rd person, or a thing, being less than a slave. They can argue all they like in ignorance to the contrary. The evidence of a Birth Certificate or piece of plastic is irrefutable evidence of this fact. The very point that a clerk or registrar in births, deaths and marriages hasn’t got a clue about this is also proof of just how ignorant, delusional and incapacitated their entire apparatus has become in relation to the administration of pseudo law and pseudo justice.

    The authority to create a person is hierarchical:

    Within the Western-Roman System is the notion that the creation of persons and therefore estates via rolls is hierarchical. Thus, the Roman Death Cult has by tradition, acted as a kind of licensor to permit others to claim the names and bodies and minds of others as property, then within estates, or states. Legislative authority via statutes and validated by elections is also a source of such authority. Finally, corporate authority is claimed as a franchisee of such claimed rights of states via their bylaws, such as the US Codes for example. However, corporations still need consent in order to validate such persons being created, and this is ultimately the only reason they still need warm bodies to appear in courts. Thanks to technology, of course, this need is diminishing as video footage at time of arrest or charge or claim is making the system more automated, especially for lesser alleged crimes.

    Hierarchy of Rolls:

    No matter what the Inferior Western-Roman Courts and Legislatures claim, the highest Roll and Register is the Great Register of One Heaven as the only Divine Roll accessible through this temporal plain as the Ucadia Register and the Ucadia Gazette also as the True Rolls. Then there are the Superior and Juridic Rolls and Registers of Ucadia communities; and then finally at the very bottom are the Inferior Rolls and Registers of the Western-Roman world. To learn more about this at go to Ucadia.org for deeper study.

    So as much as a clerk or registrar or judge may like you to “believe” that you are less than a slave and nothing more than a “thing” in their court room, if you can prove that your claim is first in time and first in line, then you know all the claims of inferior Western-Roman Law are a lie.

    Registers and Rolls

    What is a Register?

    A register as a table contains at least six or more columns being:

    1. A unique record number
    2. An action and subject
    3. A time of action
    4. A place of action
    5. A witness who attests to the event
    6. The name of the registrar making the entry; and

    A register as a table can be a section of a book or a whole series of books. All registers by definition are ecclesiastical property, A particular action or event can only be recorded once in the same valid Register. Where two records exist for the same property, it is called clouded title or contested title. The Trustee holding custody of a Register is called a Registrar, or Recorder or Clerk.

    A Register creating and Estate is a powerful concept in the Wester-Roman system. For example, a Wester-Roman Land Register is proof you are a slave. Why is this? Land means “body” in their system; thus, when registered in a Western-Roman Land Register, you can be deprived of ever really controlling or owning any form of rights or property. It means virtually anything can be taken away from you, with such action considered “lawful” under the Western-Roman Model of Estates. It also answers the paradox of real property and personal property once and for all; and explains why, in modern societies, virtually all our “privileges” are nothing more than personal property of things.

    What is a Record?

    A Record is the memorial of the rituals of Recording an Event, as well as the summary facts themselves. The facts alone, without the proper procedure, even if entered into a Register, does not make a valid Record. In other words, a Record is the memorialization of the rituals and events of recording an event, not simply the facts of the event itself. This is a sometimes subtle, but a critically important distinction. The deed and affidavit and other instruments are the actual memorialization of the event. The record is merely a summary of the core facts from these documents, but also a validation that some basic protocols and quality checking has been followed.

    A Record comprises five essential actions, entered into four separate books, being:

    1. Recording the Memorandum or Deed being facts of the event
    2. Entering an Affidavit of Witness to the Event as proof of the
    3. Conveying the facts and proof into the main Register
    4. Transferring the record number into a Register of Certificates
    5. Delivering the Certificate as Instrument of Record and Proof of Acknowledgment

    All records by definition are ecclesiastical property.

    What is Originality vs. Original Certificate?

    This is an extremely important concept, as the very nature of Registration is by its definition, the recognition of a transfer or receiving of certain rights to another, or from another. If you place original deeds, or affidavits into the existing Western-Roman System, then you are automatically granting rights and use of such instruments to empower them to enclose such instruments and choose to provide or not provide any associated benefits. However, when these sorts of documents have been properly registered within Ucadia on the Ucadia Register and published on the Ucadia Gazette, then you need extracts of Certificates to this effect, rather than any originals of such documents to be placed within a lesser Western-Roman System. Effectively, the Certificate “tells” the clerk that an existing record has already been created.

    For example, the critical importance of a Certificate of Exemplification when dealing with the recording of authentic transcripts and copies of instruments into a foreign jurisdiction as evidence.

    The concept of Validation

    The concept of validation is the fact that an instrument must be accepted as authentic for it to be entered into a record. There are two types of validation between foreign jurisdictions being Exemplification and Apostille; and two types of validation within an existing jurisdiction being between Authentication and Certification.

    1. Exemplification is an official transcript of a document from public records of foreign jurisdiction made in form to be used as evidence and authenticated as a true copy.
    2. Apostille is an official certificate from public records of foreign jurisdiction that is signatory to the Hague Convention regarding Apostilles, whereby a duly authorized official certifies that a record is in due form of law and that a person who certifies it is authorized to do so.
    3. Authentication is an attestation made by a proper officer as part of a transcript of a document from public records made in form to be used as evidence and authenticated as a tru copy.
    4. Certification is an attestation made by a proper officer whereby they certify that a record is in due form of law and that the person who certifies it is authorized to do so.

    Since the Apostille Treaty first came into effect in 1961, there has been a steady increase in the number of countries using this form of validation to where approximately 108 nations are signatories as of 2015. So pervasive has this method of validating documents between nations become, that many people both within and outside of the legal fraternity have forgotten the original and still functional method of validation called Exemplification.

    Unlike Apostille or Authentication, the process of Exemplification requires that those attesting to the authenticity of the instrument also provide their designated credentials and validate their authority, as part of the validation process as having the delegated powers and authority to make, seal and/or sign the Certificate of Exemplification.