In the year known as 70 CE, twelve hundred and seventy years since the dawn of the Great Age, Roman Emperor Vespasian and Josephus did convene a meeting of Baal and Mithraic priests, of King Vologasis and lesser kings and Arrius as Absalom and High Priest of Satan, and the most trusted leaders and merchants of Rome at Flavius Neapolis (Orontes).
Vespasian did speak to the historic gathering, saying, “Let our ancestors and the gods favour our deliberations and all that we affirm and do form. For the future of the Empire and our gentes (families) and legacy depends upon it. Thanks to our sacred pact, the destruction of the Empire has been averted. Yet if we do not stop the menace of the Britannic Empire, then all will be for naught”.
To which Josephus did reply, “Most serene and divine father and all who serve thee and come in good faith, verily there is to be found answers to all our concerns among those present. For the strength of the Celts be not the Holly but in the steadfast trust of their own knowledge. Thus, absence of any fear of mind as life is seen by them as but several journeys to perfection. Yet the strength of the people of the East be their trust in the harmony of the universe. Thus, absence of any fear of mind as the universe will always correct any disharmony”.
Arrius did then reply, “Venerable Josephus you serve two masters well, yet, we here present, do not suffer the illness of believing what we say to be true, but that we achieve our ends for the perpetual remembrance of all our houses. I assert that all mankind may be divided between those who rule and those who choose to be ruled, and that the key to strategy be the control of the mind of men. For if one does control the mind of a man, the body must always follow. How then do we end opposition to the proposition that we and we alone are born to rule, and all who oppose us such as the Holly and their Celts are but our slaves and animals?”.
Vespasian then did say in reply, “Is this not the very definition of our Imperial Religion, is this not the meaning of Judaism as the Divine Right to Rule as gods over people as animals?”
To which Josephus did say, “Most serene and divine father this is true as his holiness Absalom did speak. Yet to divide and conquer all the Celts as our perpetual slaves and animals, we must destroy their absolute trust in their knowledge and stories. Once Celts no longer trust one another or their leaders, then we must keep them in perpetual fear, that they never unite as one again to awaken from their stupidity. Verily, to divide and conquer the people of the East with our allies, we must cleave their trust of heaven, by creating so many gods and deities and beliefs that no longer is there any trust in faith or religion. Once men of the East no longer trust one another or heaven we must keep them off balance. Thus, this shall be how we control a world enslaved to us now and forever more”.
The gathering did then agree there be two types of followers being Gewes (Jews) and lewes (Jews), that they and all who they deem worthy as the Gewes shall be the perpetual rulers of men and the lewes be all those who pledge their absolute loyalty to the rulers of men. For a lewe may never be a Gewe except their descendants through marriage and any man that not pledge absolute loyalty to be led as a slave be an animal.
The gathering did then agree to essential elements of the new religion of Judaism, agreeing that to create a false story and false history full of false law and false beliefs was essential.
Josephus proposed the sacrilegious text be known as the Septuaginta (LXX) or Seventy and G, in honour of the year of the birth of Judaism as the official Imperial Religion.
King Vologases did then speak and assert the claimed history of his ancestors, who claimed from the time of King Priapites of Parthia a blood heritage to Enochiah, through a mysterious and absurd genealogy beginning with Metiseliah, who was claimed to live for hundreds of years and then his son Lameciah, who he also claimed lived for hundreds of years, and then Noiah (Noah) who he claimed lived for hundreds of years, before (Shemiah) then Menassiah then Machiah.
All agreed and the edict issued by Vespasian that the Divine Right to Rule from heaven descend from the line of Shem. Thus, all Gewes be Shemites and anyone who deny the truth of the Gewes be an Anti-Shemite, and all Anti-Shemites (Anti-Semites) were to be executed as a capital offence.
A new time in honour of Satan was declared known as the Kalendarium Flavii (Golden Calendar), beginning with the year zero for the birth of John the Baptist, and a sacred day every seven days known as Sataday (later corrupted to Saturday).
It was then agreed that the people need a hero and a saviour and that Titus, the son of Vespasian be named Christ, and that the complete Egyptian history of Horus, be copied and used as a template to account for supernatural signs and events, as the coming of Christ to judge the living and the dead.
The coming of Christ (Titus) then be proclaimed in one year, as the greatest procession in the history of Rome, and the signal of the greatest army ever assembled, to attack and bring the Celts to heel.
In the year known as 71 CE, twelve hundred and seventy one years since the dawn of the Great Age, Titus the son of Vespasian did enter Rome to the largest and most lavish Triumph in Roman History, as Christ the saviour and redeemer of the new Imperial Religion of Iudaism (Judaism), accompanied by his father Vespasian as the golden Lucifer and bringer of light, and Domitian the younger son of Vespasian.
Accompanying them were as an array of hastily invented and forged artifacts all claimed authentic, from the utterly destroyed Great Temple of Mithra in Jerusalem, such as ten wholly fraudulent candlesticks, that were them called the Menorah with each possessing seven elements in honour of Iudaism, and claimed to be saved from the fires by being hidden in the boweIs of the temple. Other objects of fraudulent manufacture included trumpets and swords and precious necklaces.
Josephus has already agreed with Vespasian that the number 666 as to the destruction of the Temple, was to be central as a positive to the new religion of Iudaism (Judaism) as the number of Satan, and a celebration of his power and conquering strength, with the ne battle cry: VENI, VIDI, VICI as VIVIVI (666).
In answer to the destruction of the Ark of the Covenant, Josephus and Vespasian did claim, that neither the Ark nor the covenant had been destroyed or ended destroyed but merely transubstantiated, into a different form by the Great Creator deliberately choosing the gold the ark to mix, with all the gold of the Great Temple such that all the gold recovered from the temple be sacred, as the symbol of a new covenant whereby the gold represented the storehouse of the spirit of all men and women duty bound as service to Lucifer (Vespasian) for seventy years, thereafter such spirit may be released upon death and travel to its new life.
In honour of the new sacred covenant each bar was to be stamped with the sacred number 666 in honour of Lucifer and the fact that such a bar be a sacred ecclesiastical part of the new ark and a physical symbol of the new covenant and a prison for souls.
Finally, in terms of the minting of coin, Vespasian announced the opening of the new mint, of Flavius Neapolis and the fact that because such gold even as coin be so valuable and sacred, it could not be taken out of the sacred lands (Holy Lands) of ludea (Judea) except, by grant of the Imperial Treasury. Instead, merchants would be given written certificates for gold coins which would be honoured, or transferrable for payment of debits anywhere across the Empire, but redeemable if one travelled to Flavius Neapolis and demanded payment. The effect of this new form of paper money was instantaneous credit, which Vespasian used in part recruit huge expansion on military resources, and building projects including the rebuilding of Rome, of Cordoba and of Flavius Neapolis.
In the same year, Quintus Petilius Cerialis was appointed by Vespasian to lead the single largest Roman army in history, of more than eight legions and auxiliaries, of more than one hundred and twenty thousand men against the Celts, formed from tens of thousands of conscripts and mercenaries from Parthia, Armenia and Africa.
The first parts of the army arrived and captured the cities of Narbo and Massilia, before massing to head north and recapture the ruins of Lucifer (Lyon), the birthplace, of the Emperor, and the first primary object of the invasion. The watchtowers had already alerted Vindex to the size of the force and he had chosen, not to engage the massive army until it reached more favourable conditions.
Once it had become apparent a second army was not in the field against the Franks, Gaius Calpernius Tacticus, the King of the Franks, did mass an army of more than forty thousand, of the most fearsome and disciplined Germanic legions to march south in support of Vindex. Vindex then split his army of forty thousand into two with ten thousand advancing towards Quintus Petilius Cerialis and then withdrawing after a bloody engagement drawing them north. At the city of Vesontio sitting on the oxbow of the Doubs River the smaller army of Vindex, bravely stood its ground against the overwhelming forces of Quintus Petilius Cerialis, with the Romans committing its main force to squeeze the Gauls against the river, while a second Roman force had crossed the hills to the south and moved around to cut off escape. When all hope appeared lost for the brave men of Vindex, the second larger army appeared from the south-west and cut of the Roman supply line and began pressing north. As Gaius Calpernius Tacticus the King of the Franks did arrive with his army to surround the Romans on the northern side of the oxbow. With no room with which to move and with no escape the largest Roman army in history was utterly slaughtered and more than one hundred thousand Roman soldiers lost their lives in a single day as the greatest Celtic victory in history, and wiped from and denied in all false history texts and accounts. Vindex then moved south and pushed the Romans back to the coast of Narbo and Massilia.
Upon the historic defeat Vespasian was enraged, saying, “What torment these Holly Celts be that they rise up against our plans”. To which Josephus did reply, “Most serene and divine Father, we must trust our own intellect to defeat the Celts through the corruption of their minds and the destruction of their trust. Let our army be our deceased brothers that will carry our falsities and perfidies for us, so that in the years to come the Celts will defend to the death their belief in the names of Cassius and Suetonius and Seneca and Plinius above all others, and have no knowledge of their own history or the truth of these days”
Soon after, Vespasian issued an edict reopening the slave trade, especially of Celts as mere animals, but only to be owned by Gewes who claimed the exclusive right of heaven for slavery. In the same year, many of the survivors of exiled and condemned gentes returned to Rome. Marcus Cassius Cocceianus the son of Marcus Cassius Apronianus and his son Lucius Cassius Cocceianus Dio, Tarraconensi, to oversee much of the re-writing of history to honour their slain families.
In the year known as 72 CE, twelve hundred and seventy two years since the dawn of the Great Age, Vespasian announced a series of major change in the organization of the Empire. The most important province in all the Empire was now Iudea (Judea) as the Holly (Holy) Lands, as the only Divine and Ecclesiastical Province of the Empire.
The next highest provinces were now twelve Senatura Provinces beginning with Baetica (South Spain), then Narbonensis, Italia, Corsica Et Sardinia, Africa Proconsularis and Cyrenaica Et Orm and then Macedonia, Epirus, Achai Asia Proconsularis and Bithnia Et Pontus.
From these new Senatorial Provinces, the wealthy families as Gewes could be elected, 10 as leaders and Senators under the new Imperial law.
The lowest form of provinces, were now Imperial Provinces, of which there were twenty -wo being, Lusitania, Mauretania Tingitana, Mauretania Caesariensis, Alpes Poeniae and Alpes Cottiae, then Alpes Maritimae, Raetia, Noricum, Pannonia Superior, Pannonia Inferior Dalmatia and Dacia, and then Moesia Superior and Moesia Inferior, Thracia, Lycia Et Pamphylia and Galatia, and then Cilicia, Cappadocia, Aegyptus and Armenia. These New Imperial Provinces did not have Senatorial representation and their leaders were now appointed directly by the Emperor and not by the Senate
Such claims that Teraconensis and Acquitania and Lugdunensis were held by Rome under Vespasian, or that Britannia and Germania were subject to his excessive rule are nothing more than clumsy lies, crafted by the hands of scribes and agents to hide the truth of the Brittanic Empire.
Since Iudaism (Judaism) had been made the official and Imperial Religion, no man by law could be Emperor, or Dictator, or Legate or Consul or Senator unless they be a Gewe. Nor could anyone be a Magistrate or Official or General unless they be a lewe (Jew) or Gewe (Jew).
As for finance and trade, all money lending and money changing and loans were exclusively to be controlled and owned by the Gewes (Jews) and no other.
Nor could anyone own a slave other than a Gewe (Jew) as the entire slave trade had been given to the Gewes (Jews) and by the perverted and corrupt edicts of Vespasian only Gewes (Jews), possessed the Divine Right to own slaves while all others could only lease slaves and were then forced by Roman Law to pay the Gewes (Jews) a Slave Tax for their use. No one could own property by Roman Law any more unless they be a lewe (Jew) or Gewe (Jew).
Thus, the whole world was sealed for the exclusive benefit and use of all but a minority of strangers, with no common thread of blood, or culture, or history, or place or race or even legitimate religion. Never before had the world witnessed such a strange philosophy that rewarded incompetence over merit. No longer did the ancient traditions of honour or skill or competence apply to the future of Rome. Instead, under the insane and absurd Imperial Religion of Iudaism (Judaism), the qualities rewarded were to be perfidy, immorality, sociopathy and deviancy.
Vespasian had even begun public executions by the most inhumane and barbaric method of those poor souls accused of the capital crime of anti-Shemitism (anti-semitism), through burning at the stake under a word created for this type of execution called Holocaust, meaning a pleasing sacrifice and burnt offering to Lord Satan under Iudaic Law. Many hundreds had been burnt to death by this awful and insane method of murder, until Vespasian was forced to ensure that a trial be held first to determine if an accused truly be an anti-Shemite
(anti-semite) and such accusations not be false.
To ensure the profits of families of Gewes who claimed by the profane and sacrilegious falsity, of Divine Right to be the only Chosen People of Satan (g-d) to control the slave trade, Vespasian ordered that slaves could only be bought and sold at limited markets and cities. Huge new slave centres were established at Flavius Neapolis, Ephesus, Alexandria and Corinth, as well as Cyrene, Leptis Magna, Rome, Massilla and Corduba.
In the same year, Vespasian revealed his new plans for Rome upon the dedication of the temple, so known as Templum Novum Pacis or the Temple of the New Covenant at the Forum of Rome. Rome was to become a place of wonder of the ancient world and the capital for entertainment. A new massive stadium called the Colosseum holding more than 50,000 was to be built upon the ruins of the palace of Nero that had housed and saved thousands from the fires.
On the low lying plain below the Capitoline Hill known as the Campus Martius or Field of Mars, Vespasian announced the commencement of a grand vision to create stadiums and theatres, and museums and displays to rival the greatness of Alexandria. Tourism prostitution and alcohol and violence and bloodshed was to be the life of the new Rome, as a purpose rebuilt city for as the most excess ever conceived in the history of any civilisation.
Not even the ancient and sacred temple of The Vaticanus was spared by the immoral excesses as Vespasian ordered the conversion of the sacred temple The Vaticanus into a Necropolis and Crematoria in complete desecration and sacrilege of its history. Under the constant stream of false inventions added to Iudaism (Judaism), wealthy Romans who converted to Iudaism were told that if their bodies be buried at the Vatican, then on the last days of the earth, Lord Satan would resurrect their mortal remains, reunite their spirit with their reanimated living form. To honour this absurd and unprecedented false doctrine, the Iudaic (Judaic) priests under Josephus declared the founders of Judaism (Judaism) to be saints, with the two greatest and most revered saints placed at Vaticanus Necropolis, Saint Paul (Gaius Suetonius Paulus) the assassin of Caratacus and Belus, and Gaius Calpernius Piso as Saint Peter (Ptah) and founding patron of Judaism (Judaism), both of whom could be venerated by tourists visiting Vaticanus Necropolis.