Capital is simply the right to call upon the Credit of another in Trust for some benefit. Capital is in essence nothing more than the Credit we are prepared to give others in Trust, that their word is their Bond. It is based on a community of people prepared to live honestly and according to their word in order to form mutual trust. When people do what they say and can be trusted, then a community need not have any form of money to validate such transactions when building homes, or providing a wide form of goods and services.
How often have commentators, talking heads and various apologists laughed at the idea of the importance of honesty and not lying and being trustworthy as “old fashioned”, to be replaced by being better pirates, better con-artists and better liars, like virtually all media hosts on television that tell lies to the people for a living? Now we see that all of this is a smokescreen to hide the fact that living according to the Golden Rule of Law is so powerful, that we are able to restore our own credit within our own community, simply by restoring the values that our ancestors and forefathers once possessed.
A more formal version of Capital is when the concept of Capital as the Right of Credit in Trust may be formalized in writing, such as a promissory note or simply the classic “IOU”. Instead of a purely energetic exchange of credit, a written promise or “IOU” may be written against the trust that the service will be delivered, the energy expended, and you will be compensated sometime in the future.
A Community Based on Trust has Unlimited Capital:
When a community trusts one another and are willing to extend credit there is potentially unlimited capital.
In the simplest sense, when people are not divided and are prepared to work together to help themselves and each other, instead of being insane and fearful and isolated, then a community is able to restore its unlimited credit to make, to grow, to exchange, to trade and prosper.
This proves and reveals the true nature of capital that a community rich in knowledge and care and trust in one another is already a wealthy community with all the credit it needs.
A Divided Community must “import” Capital:
When a community is divided and fearful, it must “import” a substitute to capital from another party. The Western-Roman Model of banks only works when a community is sufficiently divided and weakened in trust, so that people rely upon the bank to provide an “artificial” form of trust, being “security”. Using “security”, a community may still function, but at a greatly reduced efficiency, often facing the consequential pain that comes with ongoing strategies to keep the community divided (vital for banking model), including: war, crime, drugs, attack on morality.
Security is not the same as trust. The words have completely different meaning. The strength of security is underwritten by threat, by demand, by penalty and pain, whereas trust needs no terror or fear to function.
The Business Model of Pirate Banks is to keep Division
The contrast is clear between “security”, as artificial trust that banks sell us, compared to real capital. All wars, all crime, all terror and all social destruction are ultimately the cause of the fundamental business of banks. The Business Model of Banks is, at its heart, designed to maintain division, stupidity and cowardice in the population.
This is not conspiracy, it is simply “their” business. The business model of banks forces them to constantly fund war, division, terror, crime and drugs, to ensure that they and they alone are the sole source of artificial CREDIT also perversely called SECURITY.
Put another way, the very existence of a Western-Roman Commercial Bank or privately owned Reserve Bank System such as the Federal Reserve Banks, is irrefutable proof that the population is divided and the trust of the people is under attack, in order to sell the deficient “security” given by the banks and its proxies.
The ONLY WAY to end the misery on planet Earth is to replace the industry whose sole purpose is to be the TRAITORS, CRIMINALS and ARCHITECTS of perpetual INSANITY. The greatest threat to humanity, are the Western Commercial Banks.
The Concept of Bankruptcy
One of the most effective tools of the banks over the past four hundred years, is the concept of bankruptcy trading. A person is considered bankrupt if they possess insufficient “Capital” to discharge their debts. In Bankruptcy, any rights and assets are “seized” and placed into a Trust.
A new Debt based Fund based on the hypothecated value of disposing of the assets/rights are then administered by the one administering the bankruptcy (Trustee). The Trustee then negotiates with creditors to “recognize” a portion of their debt so total units of fund can discharge all present and future debts “public and private” for the duration of bankruptcy. Units against Debt Fund are effectively then tradable debt notes or “promissory notes” or IOU’s.
What is a Market?
What exactly is meant by the concept of Market, considering the term is used throughout our modern society? A Market may be defined as a trusted space (virtual or real) where buyers and sellers may exchange goods or services. A Market then is in essence nothing more than a space (real or virtual) where 3 or more buyers and sellers may exchange goods or services between one another.
There are four Basic Elements that define a Market in addition to the existence of three or more buyers and sellers, namely:
- Market Rules
- Standard Unit of Measure
- Accounts & Bookkeeping
- Conversion and Settlement of Accounts.
In respect of Market Rules, a space or place cannot possibly be a market unless it possesses the most essential of Rules based upon the Golden Rule of Law of equality, fairness and trust. Anyone that uses the phrase “Free market” either works for a bank, or is a proxy or apologist for such a system as there are few more stupid and insane terms in the history of civilization than the completely false notion of a “free market”, implying little or no regulation.
The basic element of a Standard Unit of Measure means there are consistent standards of valuation across a market so “like can be exchanged for like”. This standard unit is what is most commonly called money.
Accounts & Bookkeeping is the third of the four basic elements of a market and the inescapable fact that the accounts being the registers of title and ownership are intimately linked to the operation of any market, including the certificate of proof of transaction.
Finally, Conversion and Settlement of Accounts whereby a market is in essence a clearing mechanism of trade, that requires the ability of initial conversion, the ability to trade, the settlement of accounts and then the redemption of any remainder back into some portable form to be withdrawn from the market, if one chooses.
As broad as these definitions are, this knowledge is making clear the mechanisms that contribute to the proper function of a valid market.
What a Market is not?
A Market is not a space or place when certain buyers and sellers have an unfair advantage or gain. In other words, a space (virtual or real) where certain buyers or sellers have an “inbuilt” or unfair advantage or gain in exchange CANNOT BE DEFINED AS A MARKET, but a PYRAMID or PONZI Scheme.
In opposition to the four basic elements that define a proper market, there exists four fundamental elements that kill a market and turn it into a Ponzi Scheme or Pyramid being: Uneven or Exemptions for some players of Market Rules, Variable Units of Measure, Poor, False or Hidden Accounts and Bookkeeping, Unfair or Unregulated Conversions and Settlements.
A Failing Community Market Forces Wealth to Go:
When a community market is deliberately corrupted, starved and divided in trust, then trade, wealth, goods and services and jobs are exported by the banks or those seizing control of the market. The Western-Roman Model of large centrally controlled “ponzi-schemes” masquerading as markets only works if local and community markets are prevented from functioning, thus forcing people to buy and sell their wares in such controlled markets. When the big-business franchises, chains, succeed in killing local business, the wealth of the community can be “strip-mined”, jobs exported, and the people controlled as perpetually poor and without any control. Similar to capital, keeping people misinformed and stupid is essential to keeping Ponzi Schemes and Pyramids operating, hence the flooding of the internet with fake information and spokespeople.
The Worst non-market Ponzi and Pyramid Schemes:
Far from non-markets having little effect on the planet, the largest and worst non-market Ponzi and Pyramid schemes continue to destroy trillions in real wealth so that billions can be stolen by a few institutional criminal networks. For example, every major stock exchange is now firmly a pyramid scheme, whereby at least 50% of the trades are through high-speed traders, using inside knowledge and proximity access to hijack otherwise legitimate trades and effectively “steal” the profit potential of purchases and sales. Major stock exchanges are having their trading environment manipulated sometimes upwards to 10,000 to 30,000 or more times a day in order for these high frequency traders to maximize their feeding environment, that is based on volatility.
Business Model of Western Banks to keep Division:
The business models of western banks, is to also corrupt every market and convert them into either ponzi or pyramid schemes. Growing wealth imbalance, unemployment, corruption, debt blowouts, closing services are all driven by banks controlling the mechanisms of markets to control everything. It is not conspiracy it is simply their business. The business model of banks forces them to destroy any legitimate market and control every element of market mechanism, replacing proper markets with organized criminal syndicates or Pyramid/Ponzi Schemes. The ONLY WAY to restore equality of wealth on the planet is to END the control of banks over markets and promote local markets above multi-national corporations.
What is Money?
Money, in its full potential is ultimately four things: a Standard Unit of Measure, a Means of Exchange, a Trusted Unit of Value and a Redeemable Unit of Value back into an Asset.
As a Standard Unit of Measure, Money enables the creation of equivalent values as prices for different goods and services. However, this is only functional within a market of goods and services. In other words, this attribute only applies to when money is the standard unit of measure of a Market.
As a Means of Exchange, Money enables the exchange of equivalent values derived from the purchase and sale of different goods and services. Again, this attribute only functions when money is an attribute of a Market and Accounting System, not the other way around.
As a Trusted Unit of Value, Money enables confidence not only of trade, but reliability of prices of goods and services and thus the use of money as a store of value (credits). This attribute also is dependent upon the Market and not the other way around as a valuable store of value that cannot be redeemed, is therefore limited in use to the Market and conditions upon it.
Finally, as a Redeemable unit of Value into some form of portable asset, Money enables the redemption of units back into some asset of value, enabling it to be used in other markets. This is where the popularity of gold and silver as a basis of money have come into use via coins from time to time, because even if the denomination of the currency is not recognized in a foreign market, the base metal as something of value usually is. The problem of course with gold and silver over the ages, is that as commodities, they have been extremely prone to deliberate market manipulation, an continue to be used as levers to manipulate the values of other goods and services to extract profits by those with sufficient reserves to manipulate non-markets.
The concept of money alone is no solution. You can spend millions on promoting new forms of currency such as Bitcoin that at the end of the day only serve to make a new crop of people rich and support the business model of the banks. There is nothing, absolutely nothing that Bitcoin or the tens of thousands of other virtual and encryption currencies that refuse to acknowledge the Ucadia Financial System are doing that is making any noticeable difference on their own.
What are Types of Money?
There are various types of money, namely public or lawful money, private money, credit money, personal money and ecclesiastical money.
All units of money and all documents of value within the Western-Roman System are based on either indulgences or dispensations and therefore Ecclesiastical Money, whether people realize it or not. Ecclesiastical money has always been the most valuable.
- Public (Lawful) Money is money issued against assets held in trust and properly accounted within the market. Also known as “in specie” meaning “in actual form”.
- Private Money is money issued under license and privilege by a party holding assets within the market, usually under an exclusive license such as a Bank having its notes treated “as if” public money.
- Credit Money is money issued by the bylaws of a party holding assets within the market.
- Personal Money is money created against the trust and capacity and standing of a person, usually backed by a bond or promissory note.
- LEGAL TENDER means units of measure that must by law (within a market) be accepted if offered in payment of a debt. Legal Tender DOES NOT MEAN the units are proper money.
NOTE: A standard unit of measure IS NOT MONEY if (1) it cannot fairly be exchanged; or (2) it is not a proper unit of value and account against some valid assets; or (3) it cannot be redeemed (converted) into an asset of value.