The 4th version of the New World Order was functioning from 2001 until March 2013 and the claimed complete control over the world. The 4th version, not the first or some proposed future version, but the fourth. Each age – or Reich as it is known in German – has been exactly 70 years with a three-year transition phase at each turning point – from 1791 to 1861, then from 1861 to 1931, then from 1931 to 2001.
It is important to clear your mind of all the false claims, misinformation and conspiracy theories you may or may not know, and focus specifically on the topic of the Pseudo Courts of the New World Order version 4.0 or the Fourth Reich – how it has already started to affect you – and why this system was completely rejected by three quarters of the elite of the world back in 2013, yet why a smaller and smaller band of fanatics and severely mentally ill people continue to cling to the notion that the Fourth Reich is still going strong since 2001.
The word “pseudo” in the context of the Psuedo Courts of the New World Order 4.0, means exactly as the original word from Ancient Greek as “pseudas” (ψευδής) meaning “false or lying” or in modern terms fake, imposters, a sham and spurious. The evidence is so overwhelming that these local, district, state, supreme forums that claim themselves as courts of law are nothing of the sort anymore.
These Pseudo Courts have been based for more than 150 years on absurd, illogical, immoral, repugnant, profane and heretical statutes and regulations of “summary justice” whereby a person is considered guilty in mere accusation in open defiance of the proper Rule of Law, disqualifying any such institution from claiming itself a forum of law, much less a court of law.
These Pseudo Courts have been private “for-profit” corporations, holding exclusive private franchises and not public institutions for more than 80 years in most places and therefore no different to a local supermarket chain, or commercial bank or private debt collection agency, in open defiance of state and national constitutions, whereby disqualifying any such institution from making lawful orders and other public decrees as a public forum or law, much less a public court of law.
These Pseudo Courts have been operated by people pretending to be judges and magistrates for more than fifty years, using secret handbooks and manuals proving such people occupying such offices do not even follow their own private based rules and regulations anymore, so that court cases that should be decided in days are now decided in intervals of ten minutes or less, meaning it is impossible – absolutely impossible for anyone to credibly claim that any of these institutions are even private courts anymore, much less places of law of any form. They are business exchanges – nothing more.
Finally, these Pseudo Courts have by and large converted over to computerized and automated electronic filing systems whereby it is the software companies, that designed the screens and functionality that are the defacto rules and regulations in the past six years – and none of these institutions – not one follows any proper principles of law anymore – they have become high frequency traders on the ignorance and continued stupidity of the public, that still cling to the television and Hollywood image that these are courts of law, rather than frequency traders of bonds and stolen property for their own personal gain.
If you are faced with these pseudo courts, or legal firms or debt collectors, or banks or other credit agencies and how their systems have devolved, then no practical solutions are going to matter, because, the chances are still too great that you will continue to make grave errors on the ill advice of others. There is a real chance that you may continue to waste your time on processes and claims and sometimes highly convoluted claimed remedies that have absolutely nothing to do with how the systems of the collapsing Fourth Reich work!
For example, the United States Federal Rules of Civil Procedure as first formed in 1938 and the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure as first formed from 1944 or “FRCP” are now largely irrelevant to how judges run cases for the Fourth Reich in the United States. Similarly in the United Kingdom, the Civil Procedures Rules or CPR as introduced in 1999 are largely ignored by the way courts are operating there, even though these rules were supposed to have been a basic standard for all procedures of courts around the world as part of the Fourth Reich.
When you actually get to view the training manuals of judges and clerks as part of the transition from the end of the Third Reich to the beginning of the Fourth Reich from 2001, you see that all the public statutes, all the legal dictionaries, even all the private codes as corporate summaries of public statutes are no longer followed. Instead, judges have become paid actors – pretending to know the law and pretending to follow the law and following a script that helps them get from points A to B without being exposed; and that they cannot possibly personally know millions of laws in one jurisdiction alone, much less have read the hundreds of thousands of pages of laws that define them.
Think about this logical conclusion for a moment, when you have “believed” some remedy guru that tells you the answer to your problems is some ancient right such as “usufruct” because he or she read it in some old legal dictionary; or that the answer is some other long-winded procedure to circumvent the claims of the courts. Just as few people have read even a fraction of the Public Statutes of the United States Congress since its inception or read the statutes of your own country, much less that people have read the claimed Public General Statutes of England, Wales and Scotland, then Great Britain and Ireland and then the United Kingdom since the time of the Magna Carta.
How on earth could anyone think that a sitting judge has time to read the millions of laws and the hundreds of thousands of pages of texts called law in their jurisdiction; and then read and review evidence; and then listen to and hear cases; and then write judgments and paperwork; and then do everything else in their lives? Of course, the system invented a cheat sheet for judges to still appear “all knowing” and “all powerful”, despite the absurd level of rules and procedures that imprison the world. That is why there will always be an army of people – many of whom are victims of programs such as MK- Ultra and Project Monarch that have been unleashed on the “Truth Movement” spouting all kinds of esoteric and irrelevant nonsense and none of it – none of it has anything to do with how the system actually functions today.
Thus can be proven with one quote from the BLUE BOOK – or THE MANUAL FOR ADMINISTRATIVE LAW JUDGES: This is from the 1992 version in the section dealing with exhibits
(pg 61):
“Factual exhibits are sometimes interlaced with argumentative, redundant, and inconsequential material. Rather than take the time to go through the procedures outlined above and to examine the exhibits word by word or line by line to strike such a matter, it is frequently quicker, easier and more satisfactory for the judge to announce that such material will not be considered, and that attempts to cross-examine on it are unnecessary and will be stricken.”
Judges are taught to cut corners and throw out exhibits, even if you have spent enormous time preparing – in order to cut down the length of time of hearings and make more money for the system. How else do you think a sitting judge can process some 80 or more cases a day in some jurisdictions? It is certainly not by following any form of law, much less rules of procedure.
Another issue that seems to keep people stuck is the notion that they still feel the systems as introduced more than 70 years ago under the Third Reich, such as declaring everyone dead and trading on the birth certificate as a bond security is still central to the Fourth Reich financial model. It isn’t! A very small bunch of criminally insane bankers of Wall Street blew up that system finally by 2008 and the global economic system as you may think you know it, effectively ceased to exist from that time. Sure, you see bonds and money exchanges and all other kinds of elements still appearing to operate; but there is no proper accounting; and there is no settling of the accounts. The current debts of the global system exceed the book value of the assets of the world many billions of times over.
If we think about this for a moment. The account records of debts that ballooned from fancy derivatives and futures sold as AAA rated assets, is now billions of times larger than the assets that are supposed to underwrite the debt. The system is completely and irreparably broken! It is impossible to reconcile and re-balance the system now. Instead, the system only functions on three basic levers, controlled markets, credit and media as pure propaganda.
A “Reality Check” of the Delusion
We need a “Reality Check” on the cognitive dissonance and denial and delusion facing us in seeking to discuss with others what we have been learning regarding the truth.
As has been stated, there has been no proper Rule of Law for more than 400 years. The very fact that no senior bankers on Wall Street have ever been charged with crimes against humanity for what they did in 2008 against honest hardworking people; the very fact that the elite now consider the murder of extremely endangered wildlife, followed immediately with the bragging about it, via social media, as a perverse “status symbol” without fear of prosecution; the fact that merchants, moneylenders and politicians claim immunity from attack, despite committing multiple frauds, is overwhelming proof there has been no rule of law in most countries for centuries.
Similarly, since the introduction of the Summary Justice Acts in the United Kingdom from 1848 onward and that under “summary justice” a person is considered guilty on mere accusation; people are considered insolvent debtors with no rights; and are now considered to be terrorist prisoners as hostage to their government. Which is overwhelming proof there is no justice.
Nor has there been any proper accounting since the 1960s in their system. Nor has there been any due process in their claimed courts since the 1980’s, with most clerks, judges, magistrates and officials completely ignoring requirements for proper affidavits, signed complaints, signed warrants and so on.
Since the 1990s there has been a complete lack of competence throughout our political and professional classes concerning their duties and obligations. Members of the bar guilds have never been so ignorant of their own laws and bankers have never been as corrupt and inept as they are now. It has become so farcical that they don’t even pretend to care anymore. Just look at the presidential candidate races and what is being done this time around.
English Law has been fake, for 200+ years
The problem is even more bizarre than the fact there is no proper law, or justice, or accounting, or due process when you consider the indisputable fact that not a single English statute prior to the 19th Century can be trusted as authentic. Virtually all of them are deliberate lies. Fake history, fake claims, new words that could not possibly have been used at the time – all jumbled together to give the air of respectability.
At least six major fires destroyed the evidence and to start again that we know of. For example, when the democratic government and nation known as the Commonwealth of Great Britain was defeated by a combined mercenary and pirate merchant fleet of the Dutch East India Company and the English East India Company by 1659, little remains of the statutes that were passed, or the Presbyterian Bible of Westminster, or the history of the proper flag of the Commonwealth, or the events of how a bunch of mercenary pirates unlawfully seized control of England by 1659 and became the Crown Corporation and Mystery Company and Royal Society – just to identify the origin of a few very significant corporation names.
All your ‘rights’ are beneficial interests only
It is no wonder then, considering we cannot rely on any of their documents to tell the truth, that it has been so difficult to get a handle on essential concepts of law, such as the fact that under the present system all of our rights are considered beneficial interests only.
The evidence is overwhelming, yet people for some reason do not get it. Under a bankruptcy of a nation or a people, you cannot have rights. Rights are the source of property and when you are bankrupt, you are considered spiritually, morally and legally bankrupt – under their perverse model you lose your rights.
That is the whole point of their fake belief of “original sin” – designed to steal the rights of people by corrupting Christianity.
Under bankruptcy, everyone except the elite merchants, nobles and bankers are considered “insolvent debtors” without rights or assets. That is why all your alleged rights under the present system are nothing more than beneficial interests; and that is why securities as contracted debts are considered assets; and that is why you used to have to surrender your receipts to the tax office; and that is why accounting seems the wrong way around in treating credits as debits and debits as credits; and that is why the present system claims the absolute power to take anything from you and get away with it.
The Present Matrix Model has “no way out”
Under the present Matrix Model of multiple bankruptcies, there is no way out. Your rights have been stripped at every level and you are considered a recalcitrant; and ignorant; and insolvent; and delinquent.
You can jump up and down all you like – but their front line staff employees know there is nothing you can do, because unless you can prove you have escaped the prison, you have no right to claim in propria persona when you go to court; and you have no rights to create financial instruments of your own; and you have no rights to claim Special Appearance; and you have no rights to claim to be a man or a woman; and you have no right to ignore their demands, or threats or intimidation and torture.
Yell, scream, and quote as much fake law as you like. It won’t change this fact and it won’t cause court officials or police or other enforcers of their system to back off. On the contrary, the very fact that so many people refuse to acknowledge the reality, that unless you can prove you are a superior person from outside their system, such as a Superior Person from Ucadia, by your Live Borne Record, then you are nothing more than a “table and chair” to them – something to be seized and imprisoned in one of their warehouses.
The truth of Rule of Law
Another massive challenge we need to keep in mind when considering how we move on from here and what we know about the law and what the law is not, being the massive cognitive dissonance that exists at every level of society and professionals between what is the “official public claim”, versus what the professionals think they know as the “secret occult beliefs” of their craft, versus finally the truth in law as it exists now.
The first people the system lies to are the lawyers. Senior lawyers may think they know the inside tracks of the legal system, to make things happen, when in fact they are no more knowledgeable of the truth in law than you or I. They are simply tricked into “believing” that the secret and occult history, restricted from view is the “real law” versus the public façade.
A case in point, beginning with the Official Public Claim of what the law is supposed to be, namely that “society exists under the proper rule of law” – That “Modern democratic societies (such as US, Canada, Australia and Europe) exist under proper Rule of Law whereby every citizen is considered equal and subject to the same set of laws; and where rights are protected and upheld and the courts follow due procedure.”
This is the stock standard answer you see coming out of the mouths of every political leader, every media expert and apologist and every supposed expert in law. But what do these people think they know behind the scenes? What do these various politicians, bankers, lawyers and merchants think the law is in terms of their secret cabals and fraternities? Well, it can be summed up in a single sentence “The Law is whatever we say it is”. – Namely – “The reality is that society is still class-based whereby an elite group of people govern the masses and may change the laws at any time to suit themselves. Rights can be squashed and exemptions and immunities granted and business goes on, so long as the masses “believe” there is some notion of rule of law.”
To the powerful backroom wheelers and dealers, they don’t really care about history. All they know is, that under the present system we call Western-Roman Law, they can pretty much change the law to suit whatever they want to do and get away with most things, providing the media play ball – as they usually do. Yet is this the truth? Is this the truth that the law ultimately is just a play thing for the rich and the elite and unless you have some military power, you are screwed?
The lies can be exposed with the statement that “no Golden Rule of Law, no true justice- there is no law”. In other words, whenever there is an absence of the Golden Rule of Law and the respect of rights as true justice, then such a society is merely a tyranny, or anarchy or prison of merchant criminals, namely “Any society that enslaves its people, or considers slavery a moral right (e.g. US 13th amendment), or grants immunities to an elite few, or makes its own people enemies and criminals, or judges people guilty before innocent (as in all British commonwealth and former colonies) has no law or legitimacy and is simply a tyrannical system under force, fear and terror.”
The truth of modern Public Law
We see the same massive cognitive dissonance the “truth of modern public law” between the public façade, versus what people in elite positions think they know and the actual truth in law.
How many people are taking the money of people over the internet and at seminars claiming they know some “secret” piece of statute, or words, or code or procedure in common law, when as far as the court officials and enforcers of the present system are concerned, all of the public statutes and maxims of law are largely irrelevant to how they operate. Prosecutors and court clerks continue to roll their eyes at the endless conga line of willfully stupid people that “believe” the absolute rubbish these false information agents continue to spread that there is any kind of remedy – such as in reversionary interest, or surrendering birth certificates, or UCC procedures, or usufruct or a complete host of other fake remedies and blatantly insane lies.
Even the lawyers and prosecutors don’t fully know that judges and magistrates have developed their own private manuals and systems for dealing with cases, that in many respects even ignore the private regulations and procedures of the corporations, yet get away with it. The point here is that it is this kind of massive cognitive dissonance that is still holding this entire edifice together, with people running around like headless chickens on all sides, no one really knowing what is and what is not the truth.
The truth of modern Judges
There is a huge cognitive dissonance between the “official public claim” of what is a judge or justice; versus what judges are effectively told they are within the system; and the truth and origin of such positions under the corruption of the laws under Westminster.
If we have a look at the Blue Book being, the “Manual for Administrative Law Judges” 3rd edition of 1993. There are of course later editions since this time, yet the reference still holds. The first thing someone might ask themselves is “what has an administrative law judge got to do with criminal or civil law?” Well, everything in fact, when you consider that all criminal and civil law is now considered administrative and commercial since the late 1940’s (with the U.S. passage of the Administrative Procedures Act in 1946) and now adopted on similar lines in many places in the world.
If you read the manual, you soon discover how judges manage to convert a legal matter that should in theory take several days to conclude, into a matter that is processed as a piece of business inside of six minutes. Think about it. How on earth can anyone claim justice is done inside of six minutes and yet in many places around planet earth, especially in places such as the United States and increasingly in Australia and Canada and the UK, a hearing in court lasts little more than a few minutes – or about the same time it takes to order a takeaway lunch at a fast-food restaurant.
This is referring to a process where the courts are claiming rule of law, justice and due process, to read claims, affidavits, counter claims, exhibits, charges, bonds, and motions all within a few minutes. It is impossible, unless you have already determined the fate of the accused before they ever entered the court.
The Red Book gives the matching instruction on how court cases are to be treated as administrative matters of various agencies, again streamlining the process.
A case in point, since the end of the 19th century and the revisions to the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom, there have been no judges in the courts of original jurisdiction, only registrars or private contractors as agents. I mean, what do you think a pre-hearing or a hearing or a conference is about? These are not trials? These processes have nothing to do with the formal presentation and testing of evidence. Many people have probably experienced the injustice of a Court Hearing, where matters were decided without trial. How is that even possible? Because it is all done before you ever enter the court; because it is all paper and money; and because the system has become even more streamlined since the advent of computers.
The truth of the Legal Adversarial System
The Truth of the Legal Adversarial System, guilt and debt is already decided within the fabric of the Legal System and no matter how smart a lawyer or prosecutor may think they are, in truth they probably have not got a clue how the actual legal system and financial systems of the New World Order 4.0 even operate.
Under the computerized systems of case management of these Pseudo-Courts, the case number automatically creates a bond representing a multiple of three to five times the value of charges, with any subsequent uniform bail conditions being around a tenth the value of the charges, so that even a traffic violation carrying a bail condition of some five hundred dollars will have a bond attached to the case number equivalent to some ten to fifteen thousand dollars alone! And this is created at the moment the police officer files his citation into the system via computer with a court attendance notice given to the accused.
In turn, the word “attendance” come from the Latin word “attendo” meaning originally “to serve” and in most modern dictionaries defines one who attends to be an “attendant” or one in servitude; one who owes a duty or service to another. Servitude is just a fancy way of defining slavery and is defined in legal dictionaries as when a person is subjected voluntarily or involuntarily to another person as their servant. Servitude then relates to a charge against a person, based upon easement of their body. I mean, how blatant do you want it to be expressed. The court attendance notice by your local police officer has just told you, “you are a slave” and if you do not pay, then we will repossess your body and throw you in prison.
Yet no clerk, no attorney, few police officers or court officials have a clue what this paper work means, because they don’t have dictionaries anymore defining what certain words mean on the computer screens of their automated high-speed businesses. If the computer says “no”, then the computer says no.
The truth of modern Police Powers
Police Officers performing their duties are not your friend. Their primary objectives are to make money; and protect the banks and elite families; and if the first two are satisfied then only then are they authorized to protect the community.
Police men and police women are not bad, or the job they do in solving crime is not a crucial element of society – it is. Yet the fact is that most police officers, sheriffs and their deputies and marshals try their best to help the community, despite the mixed signals that they are given by their paymasters. It is like the equivalent to the benevolent jailer; or the kind executioner; or the good-hearted debt collector or assassin – they can help people to some extent, but do not forget that the truth of their role – not the Public Relations lies – still determines largely what they are forced to do.
If you ever encounter a police officer trying to contract with you using the stock standard line “do you understand?” your response in all cases – unless you have all the facts – should be “how can I agree to what you are saying without all the facts?” If they persist, then a standard follow up should be something like – “so are you demanding that I agree to something without all the facts?” Another path of questioning is simply “Are you going to give me all the facts first so I can answer truthfully?” – a follow on being “So are you saying you want me to perjure myself and commit a crime under intimidation by you?” Similarly, if a police officer asks you “Is there any reason you were traveling at 90 miles per hour?” The first answer should be, “Are you accusing me of traveling at 90 miles per hour?”
The point here is that no one should reasonably expect you to agree to any form of contract, on mere accusation, if you do not have all the facts, nor should you ever agree. Just so you are clear, answering “no I do not understand” is not a reasonable answer to the question “do you understand?” as it implies one of two conditions – either you are incompetent and might be suffering a mental condition, and in this case, they will use that to possibly detain you; or secondly you are being uncooperative and therefore may have something to hide and gives them sufficient (reasonable) cause to detain you. The answer to any unreasonable question should always be to pose the unreasonableness back to the questioner. Let them admit they are being untruthful, unreasonable, intimidatory – not you.
The truth of modern Money and Credit
The truth of modern money and credit as yet another cognitive dissonance that people have with cash and bank accounts or any form of trading accounts in general under the Fourth Reich.
The marketing and Public Relations of mass media still play off the old notion that your money is safest in banks and other institutions, when in fact under the new edicts of the Fourth Reich, no one’s accounts or savings or money is safe. It used to be, when the Third Reich was in operation from 1931 onward, that there still had to be accounting and documentation.
Now, under the Fourth Reich, they will simply take the money out of your account, without so much as blinking and then you have to prove they cannot do it – a pretty much impossible task for most people to question the charges or confiscations or complicated excuses.
This is not just “once off” cases where people are having their accounts drained over night for seemingly bizarre and unjust reasons – it is happening more and more frequently; and yet the insanity and stupidity of people is in their “believing” in the lie that cash and bank accounts are the safest store, continues. There are even confidence merchants that have started to play upon growing concern by promoting holding gold or silver, or creating contracts or buying other currencies still within the market system.
In truth, there is only one form of safe harbor left for the store and deposit of credit – and it is and has been Ucadia for some years now; where every deposit or gift is properly recorded and members may utilize such store of credit for various altruistic and personal services moving forward. Cognitive dissonance means that more and more and more people are having tens of thousands and sometimes millions of monetary reserve bank units drained from bank accounts, while few have been smart enough to recognize the strength of Ucadia and make donations, knowing that such deposits of credit are stored not only for use of future services, but as safe harbor against the pirate system.
Ucadia is a complete model
It can be justifiably argued that from the time of change from New World Order 3.0 or the Third Reich to the Fourth Reich, at the time of the end of millennium in the year 2000, those that had any sense of knowledge of prophecy knew that the replacement model to fulfill scripture and prophecy had to be a model based on freedom and enlightenment and the end of slavery and cursing. Yet as most of you know, the bankers and merchants in charge rejected history and the accumulated knowledge that put them in power in the first place.
They repudiated any resemblance of authority, or credibility, or competency, or sanity or sustainability and decided to create a pseudo model – a false New World Order 4.0 based on people being enemy combatants and terrorists – hence the acronym “war on terror”. That is why the catch cry for neo- conservatives, or neocons is that “History is for Pussies” – that they write their own history, their own law, their own prophecies as they go.
So really, it is time then to remind ourselves of the essential elements of a Case in terms of the absurd, immoral and profane system of Summary Justice and what must be proven for the high frequency money making machine to still work?
Essential Elements of Action in Law
The law is necessarily fictional
All law is necessarily fictional because all law is attempting to judge events that have or have not already happened in the past.
It is why Athenians and Romans went to plays and to court cases in the same arenas – because often the participants were the same actors – in one instance re-creating a complete fiction from the mind of an author and in the other instance from the mind of a prosecutor – the difference sometimes being hard to tell.
What is an action in law?
The three basic actions in law that continue today even through the pseudo courts, are citations, complaints and petitions.
This will remind people that there are several steps required before a proper citation, or complaint or petition is submitted the initiate a case.
In all three cases, a matter cannot be initiated without the properly written testimony of at least one natural person or in propria persona with first-hand knowledge of the events as evidence of fact. In other words, the original affidavit supporting a complaint, or citation or petition must be about first-hand facts and knowledge, not hearsay. Furthermore, to claim someone broke the law without them actually seeing them break the law is false testimony and perjury.
A person acting as an agent, or sui juris, or the accuser, cannot make a proper Affidavit as a witness, because an original Affidavit must demonstrate clean hands, without prejudice or bias to be acceptable testimony. Thus, an arresting officer cannot be both the accuser and witness, but can only make a statement – and that statement can never properly be considered an affidavit because the arresting officer is only speaking as an agent, not as a natural person. Of course, the system is so broken now, that few people within the pseudo courts can even comprehend the difference.
What is proceeding in law?
The six essential steps of processes of standard proceedings in law, beginning with initiation, then service, then hearing, then trial if the matter is serious and the defendant has not opted to waive such rights; then judgment and the option to appeal. This is a rough summary and there are numerous differences between civil and criminal matters as well as language between different jurisdictions – yet it holds true for most places held hostage by pseudo courts.
What is the proof of legal argument?
Concerning the arguments of law, when discussing the nature of logic, reason and rhetoric. What slide 18 reminds us is that any court matter and any case must prove three essential points of logic to hold true:
- The legitimacy of the matter
- The key issue
- The facts of the issue.
As much as the system has become automated, it cannot avoid these essential points of logic.
What is the matter of an argument?
Courts list the matter as the case type as an essential element in building the case number. It is already assumed that the courts determine what the matter is and that all parties – including the defendant will be eventually tortured, intimidated, and eviscerated into surrendering to the same case type, the most common being seven, namely:
- Administrative, review and writs
- Criminal
- Civil damages
- Civil Other
- Damages family
- Family juvenile
- Appeals such as agencies, review and writs
What is the issue of the argument?
This relates essentially to the automation of the courts as the case initiation documents – or those documents and arguments considered primary to initiating the case in the first place. It is also the primary service in relation to the case.
Ordinarily you would think that if the case initiation documents are essential to the case holding up, but this is not necessarily how the automated system of money making by pseudo courts now work.
Statements of witnesses and police go missing, even original complaints and indictments are sometimes re-written, while original error riddled documents are suppressed or hidden and in many places in the United States, there is absolutely no evidence a Grand Jury ever was convened, much less sighted and referred the matter to action. How do they get away with it? Through the tricks and games, we will review in a moment.
Who are the parties to a legal argument?
In a legal argument, you need three persons being (1) the accuser; and (2) the accused and (3) the witness; whereas in a personal argument, it only involves the accuser and the accused.
It is why, whenever you are stopped by a police officer, it is essential to remember two things:
- They want you to confess or agree, so they can be the witness – because a police officer cannot be both accuser and witness in a prosecution.
- Discredit future evidence in defense proving you gave inconsistent or untruthful answers. So, when you answer, or acknowledge, or apologize you admit – you become your own accuser and the police officer can go and write the citation and hand it to you.
If no basic agreement an argument, stalls
If there is no basic agreement, an argument stalls and it cannot proceed. That is why in civil matters, when there is no basic agreement even on the case type, much less the issue, then the matter cannot proceed; whereas once there is concession or agreement on the matter, the issue and the facts – either by admission or negative averment (failing to answer), the matter can proceed, usually in the favor of the plaintiff.
In criminal cases, the matter and the primary issue as the case initiation documents are already decided and it is presumed that simply by your appearance you agree to the matter, the issue and the facts. This absurdity and fraud will be shown in more deatil in the final section in the malice and perfidy of modern courts.
The fallacy, malice and perfidy of modern courts
Law is firmly based on the principles of logic and argument and when logic and reasonable argument are absent, then the law cannot be said to exist.
Indeed, this is also the backbone of all law concerning property, securities and finance and when a system permits such overwhelming fallacies, malice, perfidy and corruption to reign, then such a system ceases to be based on law and only exists upon the cronyism of its supporters and the fear and stupidity of its participants. It is time therefore to make clear the fallacy, malice and perfidy of modern courts and why no court, under Western-Roman law lower than a Supreme Court can properly be defined as a competent forum, much less a court of law. All of them are illegitimate and all of them are a complete sham that continue to injure the law, to injure the principles of civilized society and must be brought to account once and for all.
We will refer to Logic, Arguments and Rhetoric, and the logical fallacies of Onus Probandi, Malignare and Perfidum:
Logical Fallacy: Unproven Claim (Onus Probandi)
The immutable maxim of Onus Probandi being latin for “the burden of proof is on the person who makes the claim, not on the person who denies or questions the claim”, means that any system based on the assumption of being culpable on mere accusation without burden of proof is not only absurd, but false, immoral and unlawful- it cannot be considered a lawful, just and proper act.
In other words, the entire system of summary justice since 1848 by Westminster and then exported across the world to be implemented cannot possibly be considered law. It is a blatant lie, falsity, misrepresentation and complete confession of incompetence, insanity and incapacity for any judge, or attorney general, or politician to claim otherwise. Yet when you go to what is claimed to be a court, that is precisely what you face – the assumption of guilt on mere accusation.
Logical Fallacy – Malice (Malignare)
Malignare or Malice stands for a “malicious act” and any act that is deliberately and willfully negative, spiteful, wicked and evil, designed and intended to harm another, whether or not the other man or woman was aware of such behavior.
For example, the overt use of force, currently utilized by police [employees] to arrest people in raids, is often completely disproportionate to the issue(s) in the warrant – even in countries where the suspect is completely unarmed – ultimately being carried out as deliberate and willfully malicious acts, that are sanctioned by government officials.
Similarly, the issuance of summons with such words as “you are commanded to attend”, and not explaining to people that if they do appear, without rebutting the assumption of the summons as a letter of demand prior to “attending”, then they accept themselves as surety automatically on their appearance, or worse – as “attendance”, meaning servitude; and “servitude” meaning slavery.
Logical Fallacy – Perfidy (Perfidum)
The logical fallacy of perfidy or perfidum being Latin for a “a deliberately false, dishonest, treacherous act; a breach of trust” is any deliberately and willfully false, dishonest, deceptive, treacherous act, representing a clear and unmistakable breach of trust, whether or not such action was intended for profit; and whether or not the other party was aware of such behavior. So when you ask a judge if they have an interest in the case, they will deny it, even though we can show evidence that virtually every judge and every magistrate is involved in multiple securities frauds in the creation of Fiduciary Bonds for each and every case, where they have a direct interest, contradicting their blatant falsities in their own court. That is fraud. That is breach of trust against every fiduciary bond.
Then there is the fact that the complete basis of creating a case is on the basis of the corporation masquerading as a state government claiming ownership of our name and body and energy as slaves, but when questioned on the issue of ownership or servitude, such officials will vehemently deny, deflect, not respond or divert attention by some false flag action – in order to avoid the obvious – their complete system of pseudo law is based on presumed slavery, not justice.
No one tells the truth in their system. Not the judge or the magistrate, or the bailiff, or the clerk, or the prosecutor, or the sheriff or the police officer – and all of them are trained on a different “belief system” – each one having a different belief system – of automation and now automated computerization so they don’t even know they are lying when they are lying.
The 2 trusts created on the presumption of guilt
Two trusts are created the moment a court case is filed, the first being the Fraud Trust or the Issue, being the Case Type, with the State Attorney General or District Attorney or Prosecutor releasing the use of the name so that in this example, everyone in that courtroom is going to be called J Smith – you being the Res, the property, or the Pro Se if you decide to represent yourself.
The second Trust is a Fiduciary Bond Trust created by the judge as debtor, with the state being the creditor; with this being the origin of the uses of the word “charge” in court matters by “charging” the trust certain costs – with the prosecutor being an attorney-in-fact and surety for the charges. There is no named beneficiary of such a Bond Trust.
Now a Fiduciary Bond is essentially supposed to be insurance against the possibility of fraud or embezzlement by a fiduciary, in this case the judge or magistrate. And it is evidence as proof that the judge is supposed to act as a fiduciary to safeguard the interests of another person or entity- but in this case the agency of the corporate government that hired them – not you. The other aspect of Fiduciary Bonds is that they are created under the absurdity of probate under Admiralty, whereby the estate of the accused is treated as a deceased estate; as we have been saying over and over and over again for decades now.
The 3rd trust created on contract surety bond
As soon as the accused appears, the goal of the court is to establish contract for the charges and create a third trust known as a Surety Bond Trust where the Judge is the Principal, the Prosecutor is the Obligee and the Accused is the Surety. Such a contract normally involves two (2) bonds within the same Surety Bond Trust, the first being a bid bond, or the Bail Bond, accounting for the first years’ premium due upon the Fiduciary Bond Trust, the second bond of the Surety Bond Trust being the performance bond or Prison Bond.
As a general rule, the Bail fee is usually ten percent (10%) the value of the charges; whereas the total debt of the Fiduciary Bond is between three to five times the value of the charges. For example, a routine traffic stop will be listed in most places as a Bail of about $500 under uniform bail standards – all in plain sight. Therefore, a single charge will be calculated as an asset on filing the Fiduciary Bond of about
$5,000, while the value of the Estate, as the total debt of the bond will be between $15,000 to $25,000.
In terms of the Performance Bond of the surety trust – the third (3rd) trust – if someone is thrown into prison – and I’m using the United States as the example – most states calculate a deduction of $100 per day for performance as surety back to the fiduciary bond, where a body is housed in a prison as warehouse for surety; and most misdemeanor charges will range around $5,000, so you are looking at the magic number of between fifty and sixty days for the Fiduciary Bond to be paid for and discharged.
3 ways courts trick people into accepting liability
Anyone who claims that magic pieces of paper can save you, is only going to make matters worse, because the contract for surety is almost always verbal and if you have not done the work to learn and become competent, then nothing can save you.
Affidavits and their power, along with the concepts of special appearance and bonds, and what you can do will be reviewed, but before then, you need to recognize what is happening to contract you as surety.
When a police officer or judge asks, “do you understand the charges?” they are offering you to contract as surety, without all the facts. If you say “no”, then they process the bond anyway with you being “determined” to be a belligerent or suffering some mental incapacity. So, arguments of “I do not consent” have no effect against this automated system anymore.
There is only one way to answer unreasonable demands – by responding with questions that highlight the unreasonableness and absurdity and cruelty of what they are doing. For example:
Judge: Do you understand the charges against you?”
Accused: “Will you be disclosing to me the essential facts to this matter first, so I can reasonably answer that question?”
“How can anyone reasonably be expected to answer such a question if they be denied the basic right[(s)] of disclosure of all the facts first?”
The point here is that knowledge is the only key. All the fake remedies, all the fake claims have been deliberately or unwittingly promoted out there to confuse you, to distract you and to enable this fraud to continue.