Santies Perun Vedas [Book of Wisdom of Perun] is one of the most ancient Slavic-Aryan Sacred Legends,saved by Sages-Keepers of Ancient Russian Yngliistical Church [hereinafter referred to as ARYC].
Santies,in the original,could be called a book only figuratively,because Santies – are plates,made of noble,non-rusting metal,on which are inscribed Ancient H’Aryan Runes.
[ Example of Runic text,taken from “Харатьи Света” ]
Ancient Runes are not letters or hieroglyphs in our modern understanding, Runes – are secret Images,storing huge amount of information.This ancient Runic form of writing hasn’t disappeared like many other ancient alphabets,and continues to remain the main form of writing of Sages-Keepers of ARYC.
In ancient times,H’Aryan Runes were used as a basis in creation of different simplified forms of writing: Ancient Sanskrit,Devanagari,Anglo-Saxon and Germanic-Scandinavian Runes,and various other runic inscriptions.
In order to save H’Aryan Runic form of writing for our descendants,it is taught in theological seminaries of ARYC,in order that Ancient Wisdom would not disappear in hard times,and would be passed on from generation to generation.
To imagine what Santies look like,you should remember that every Santy consists of 4 plates.Each plate has 4 shlocks [2 on each side].Every shlock has 9 lines.Every line has a single upper “celestial” line,under which are written 16 runes.9 Santies on 36 plates make up One Circle,and these plates,containing 144 shlocks,are fastened together with 3 rings.9 Circles of Santies,containing 1296 shlocks,or 11664 lines,or 186624 mutually-controlled H’Aryan Runes,make up image-bearing collection,which is called since the most ancient times – VEDA,[Norse word Edda probably comes from the word Veda,but that is not confirmed].
Content of Book of Wisdom of Perun has a form of a dialog,and was written nearly 40 000 years ago.In the First Circle it is told: what commandments gave to the nations of Great Race and Heavenly Kin God Perun; about forthcoming events over the time of Svarozhich Circle and 99 Circles of Life [40176 years]; and many other.
Book of Wisdom of Perun is only a small part of Aryan heritage.There are many more Santies,but they are kept hidden by Sages-Keepers,due to strategically important information which can’t be released to public at this moment.
First translation to modern Russian language,from H’Aryan Karuna [ancient H’Aryan language],was done by Slavic Sages in Summer 106772 [1944 CE] since Foundation of Irian Asgard.Since then,it has been re-published several times,but in a very limited number of printed copies,which were available only to communities of ARYC.The last publication came out in Summer 7507 [1999 CE].
But only in 2000s the book got spread via the internet,where it gained high popularity and approval among russian-speaking truth seekers.
1) Why should I read this book?
If you are a White Man,thats your duty to know your roots,your true Gods,and the way of Aryan living.White people will never win this war without the true knowledge,given to us by Aryan Gods,our creators.
2) What is Ancient Russian Yngliistical Church?
Ancient Russian Yngliistical Church [ARYC] is a union of people who follow one of the branches of Old Faith called Yngliism.
People who follow it are called Ynglings.Mentioning of Ynglings can be found in “Heimskringla” – “Ynglinga Saga”.
[According to the ARYC,Word Yngliism comes from the word Yngliya.Approximate translation – Primary Divine Fire.]
3) What is Old Faith?
It is Faith of our White Ancestors [Indo-Europeans],which was dominant until the period of Christianization.
It is also known as Norse Religion.Although it is not a religion,but rather a code of knowledge.
4) I know about Hindu Vedas,but what are these Vedas? Why do they have the same name?
In the old times,when we [white people] lived as one race,and spoke one language,our culture was spread throughout the whole planet,and it left its mark on many nations, including Hindu.Even now,when all languages are confused,we can see obvious similarities, like with the word “Veda”.In both,Hindu and Russian it means “knowledge” [Russian verb “ведать” means “to know”].
5) How can you prove the genuineness of these Vedas? Can you show us the original source?
We can’t.And there is a strong reason for it.Alien enemies have been destroying Aryan knowledge since Christianization of our lands,and they are still doing it.That’s why it is hidden.Moreover,nobody can prove the genuineness of other sacred books like Bible.
5) Who are the Aryans?
Mainly humans with white skin.
[Actually there are many other genetical factors,but the white color of the skin is the main one].
6) Why do you use swastikas? Are you Nazis/Fascists?
Swastika is the most ancient symbol on the Earth,and our most sacred symbol, and inherently it has nothing to do with Nazis.
However,Aryan faith does share many aspects of Nazi ideology,especially concerning the purity of race.Not because of politics,but because of common sense.And also because our Gods told so.
7) What does swastika actually mean? Where did it came from?
It is surely a cosmic symbol,but you’ll have to understand its meaning on your own.
8) Who is Alexander Hinevich? And why do I have to know him?
Alexander Hinevich is the leader of ARYC.He is the man behind the last publication of Slavic- Aryan Vedas.He didn’t translate runic texts,but he wrote commentaries for old and unknown words.He is considered by many old faith followers in Russia as an unofficial leader,however,Hinevich never agrees to it.
9) There is white genocide going on! Why the hell should I spend my time on this strange book?! This is not just a book.Its an instruction,given to us directly from Gods,in case of the events,which are happening on Midgard right now.White people are unlikely to succeed without this knowledge.
10) So I’ve read the book,got the point,what’s next?
If you have read the book,and understood its sense,you should spread it as far as you can and propagate it everywhere you can.
You may not find approval of many people around you,but there is no doubt you will find those who are capable of understanding the truth.
[1] When in the city of Gods,in The Irian Asgard2,
on confluence of sacred rivers Iriy and Om’, near The Great Temple Of Yngliya,
at The Sacred Stone Alatyr’, descended from skies Vitemana3,divine chariot…
Great radiance and blaze surrounded it, when it went down to Earth…
[2] Gathered-met near heavenly Vitemana H’Aryan4 and D’Aryan4 Kins, Russen4 and Svyatorus4 Kins,
leaders and warriors of all Kins of The Great Race5,
Witchers silver-haired gathered and Sages6 Mostwise
and priests of United God7…
[3] Gathered-Met,
took seats in rows around Vitemana, hailed Gods for many days…
And Vitemana opened,and got out of it in the flesh Light Heavenly God…
[4] Uttered The God Evercharming: I came from Uray-Earth8,
from Heavenly Svarga9,where bright Iriy flows,
in the gardens of Viriy,near Heavenly Asgard, I am Perun10 Thunderer,Svarog’s son.
Listen people and warriors of Human Kins to my words, to exhortation of my words listen…
Spoke to Perun Ratibor,warrior of Svyatorus Kin:
Tell us Bright Leader,is there any death for warriors of our Kins?
[5] Answered Perun to the warrior:
There is no death for warriors of The Heavenly Kin5…
Any evident or covert doubt of heart, God Vishen’11,Keeper of Worlds,
Father of Svarog and my Grandfather, best of all Wise,will settle…
I know,Wisdom Of Gods is eternal.
That who becomes teacher,even if has acknowledged Great Secret, is not blamable by Gods,
for there is no death for them…
[6] And asked people Thunderer Mostwise: Tell us Svarozhich12,
why Priests of United God and Pilgrims of Gods,
by acknowledging Vedas want to achieve Immortality?
Tell us,is there any death in World of Yav’13 or everything is immortal?
What is truth out of these two?
[7] Answered Svarozhich to them: Both are true, but only in delusion singers teach about death.
I do call death – deceit,
but not immortality I call deception.
In self-delusion Legs14 perished,
not by deception immortality is achieved in Prav’13.
And death is not like a fox devouring the living, perceivable form it does not have…
You observe death in environment, but you won’t find it for yourselves…
[8] Other people think that Udrzec – God of the dead,
is different from death,and your road into World of Prav’ is immortal, it stays in your souls and spirit;
Same God reigns in The World of Ancestors,
He favours the good,but with not good he is not favourable.
By behest of Udrzec,in Human Children manifests anger,delusion and death, which take greed’s appearance…
[9] Self misled human
will never achieve unity with soul…
In power of death,lost humans go this way and when die,
again and again The World of Nav’13 they reach…
Then their feelings go astray, that’s why death is called Marena15…
[10] Carried away by their deeds, in chase of its fruits,
they continue to go this way and don’t overcome death…
Instead of tending towards righteous aims, as conscience calls,
Human child,born on Midgard16,
will circle in ring of enjoyment and on this way death awaits it…
[11] This great delusion of feelings, merging with futile aims,
moves towards Hell17 on futile road…
Affected by connections with futile aims, and thinking about them day and night, your innermost Self,
will begin to worship outer World of Yav’
[12] In The World of Yav’,manifested through Kin, the first thing striking people
is desire for another’s, which soon entails anger and lust.
These three dark products, lead foolish people to death,
but in The World of Yav’,only firm people, in whom governs conscience,
with firmness always defeat death…
[13] With directed thought disquieted feelings appeasing,
with neglect you should fight them…
There is no death for such,
for they have overcame with Knowledge passions and surpassed death…
But a human longing for lust, following passions,perishes…
But having defeated vicious desires, human blows off all dust of passion…
[14] For all beings and humans Hell seems to be pitch darkness,
like insane they rush with unconcern to downfall…
But to a human who has renounced madness, what can death do?
But that who refuses to possess Ancient Knowledge, let him not think about anything else,
as if he got rid of his Life Power!
[15] Anger,greed and delusion of innermost Self are death; And they are – in this terrestrial body…
Human who has acknowledged Wisdom, his Gods and Ancestors,
knows that death is born this way, and death does not scare him here…
In his field death disappears, just like disappears mortal,
when getting into field of death…
[16] Then Odin,warrior of H’Aryan Kin,asked Perun:
Tell us,why Sages say that by performing bloodless sacrifices, humans can achieve blissful Worlds of Prav’,
purest everlasting…?
Vedas call them the highest purpose; Who knows this,how should he deal with it?
[17] Answered to Odin Perun Evercharming:
only those who have not acknowledged Great Ancient Wisdom, aspire there,and it imports to them
what is told in Concealed Vedas…
The one who is free from vicious desires,aspires higher, by means of the highest Spiritual development,
rejecting vicious ways of development…
[18] You live by Laws of RITA18
and by Laws of God Kin19 – The United Creator, for by these laws live all Worlds and Earths20,
in all Universes…,which were created by The Great RA-M-HA7…
And they don’t know death,
because death and darkness have left these Worlds,
and Light and Immortality have filled with beauty their Lives…
[19] And said Hariy,Sage Mostwise: Our Light Protector,
give Your Wise Commandments to human Kins, Descendants of The Heavenly Kin and The Great Race, so that Truth21 triumphs on Midgard-Earth,
and Falsehood22 vanishes forever from our World,
and no memory is left of it whatsoever…
[20] Answered Perun Thunderer to Sage Mostwise, and to all who gathered to listen to him:
Cognize my Commandments people, hear exhortation of my words: Honour your parents,
and support them in old age, for as you will support them,
so will your children support you…
[21] Save memory about all ancestors of your Kins and your Descendants will remember you…
Protect the old and the young, fathers and mothers,sons and daughters,
for they are your Kinsfolk, wisdom and color of your nations…
Foster in your children love to Sacred land of Race,
so that they would not be tempted by foreign wonders, but could create wonders themselves,
more wonderful and beautiful, for the glory of your Sacred land…
[22] Don’t create miracles for the benefit of yourself but create miracles for the benefit
of your Kin and The Heavenly Kin… Help your neighbour in his trouble, for when trouble will come to you, your neighbours will help you…
Do kind deeds for the glory of your Kin and your Ancestors,
and you will acquire protection of your Light Gods…
[23] Assist with all your powers
in building Temples and Sanctuaries, protect God’s Wisdom,
Ancient Wisdom…
Wash your hands after your deeds, because those who do not wash their hands,
lose God’s Power…
Purify yourselves in waters of Iriy, the river which flows in Sacred Land, to wash your white body,
to sanctify it with God’s Power…
[24] Consolidate Heavenly Law on your land, which Light Gods gave to you…
Honour russal days observe God’s holidays… Do not forget your Gods,
burn in glory of Gods incenses
and you will acquire goodwill and grace of your Gods…
[25] Do not offend your neighbours, live in peace and concord with them…
Do not humiliate dignity of other people, and your dignity will not be humiliated…
Do not offend people of other Faiths, for God-Creator is Single over all Planets…
and over all Worlds…
[26] Do not sell your land for gold and silver, for you shall call curse upon yourselves
and there will never be forgiveness to you…
Protect the land of yours
and defeat all enemies of the Race with weapon right…
[27] Protect23 Kins of Russen and Svyatorus
from alien enemies,who come to your lands with evil intentions and weapons.
Do not boast of your power before battle, but boast of it after battle…
Keep in secret Wisdom of Gods,
do not give Secret Wisdom to pagans24…
[28] Do not convince those people who don’t want to hear you
and heed your words…
Protect your temples and sanctuaries
from desecration of pagans.
If you won’t protect Shrines of Sacred Race… and Faith of your Ancestors,
years of sorrow and suffering will visit you…
[29] That who escapes from his land to foreign, in search of easy life,
is apostate of his Kin,
and there is no forgiveness for him, for Gods will turn away from him… Do not rejoice at other’s sorrow, for who rejoices at other’s sorrow, is calling it upon himself…
Do not say spiteful things and do not laugh at those who love you,
but answer to love with love
and acquire protection of your Gods… Love your neighbour,if he is worth it25…
[30] Do not marry brother – his sister,son – his mother, for you will anger Gods and ruin Kin’s blood…
Do not marry black-skinned,
for you will defile home and destroy your Kin,
but marry white-skinned, you will glorify your home… and continue your Kin…
Women – do not wear manly clothes, for you will lose your femininity,
but wear what you are supposed to…
[31] Do not dissolve marriage,sanctified by Gods, for you will go against law of God – The United Creator
and lose your happiness…
A child should not be killed inside a mother’s womb, for that who kills a child in a womb,
will call anger of God – The United Creator upon himself…
[32] Wives – love your husbands,
for they are your protection and support, and of all your Kin…
Do not drink a lot of intoxicating drinks, know limit in drinking,
for that who drinks a lot, loses his human appearance…
[33] And said Sage Svyatozar to Perun Evercharming: What does your last commandment mean?
Tell us.
Spoke Perun to all gathered people: Recall,people of The Great Race, legend about sons of Thor Mostwise, which was saved in Sacred Vedas26,
given to you by my son,Tarh Dajd’bog10…
[34] When Thor Mostwise became old, he called his sons Star,Wing and Odin27…
And told them this: My dear sons,
three Circles of Life Years28 have gone,
old age and infirmity have filled my body…
My powers are leaving me.
I know that somewhere far in the south… at the foot of The Himavat-Mountains29 stands Skuf30 of Heavenly Legs…
[35] In that foothill Skuf,
Wise Legs make potion31 to all Heavenly Gods,
shining,divine drink,
which grants many vital powers… and eternal youth…
If human drinks Potion of Legs, he gains Life powers again,
and again health returns into body and eternal youth shines in him.
[36] And said Star to Thor: My dear Father, I will fetch you the potion of Gods…
And went Star to south,to The Himavat-Mountains…
For a long time Thor waited for his oldest son… so he sent his middle son
to search for Star,saying to him: Looks like your older brother is in trouble,
go Wing and help your brother…
And went Wing to search for his brother Star…
[37] Much water has flowed since that time in The Sacred Iriy… Small Moon32 nine times made its path around the Earth,
and Big Moon33 – four times.
And said Odin to Thor Mostwise:
Dear Father,let me go to The Himavat-Mountains,
to search for my brothers,
to search for the foothill Skuf of Heavenly Legs and divine potion…
[38] Thor Mostwise blessed his dear son,
and Odin set off to south,to Himavat-Mountains… to search for his brothers,
and the Skuf of Heavenly Legs.
As he arrived to Himavat-Mountains,
…he saw the Skuf of Heavenly Legs. In the middle of the foothill Skuf,
Leg Silverhaired was making shining potion in a golden pot, for the Light Gods…
[39] Spoke Odin these words: Hello Leg-Mother,
let there not be any black cloud above your Skuf, let all of your deeds be,
be for the glory of Light Gods…
Answered to Odin Leg Silverhaired: Hello fine young man,
tell,what brought you here,
to our foothill Skuf,to The Himavat-Mountains…?
[40] Anguish for my Father brought me here, three Circles of Life Years have already gone for him,
old age and infirmity have seized his body.
Only your life-giving potion will oust old age and infirmity, and torments with sufferings,
and will sanctify Father’s Body with God’s Power…
[41] Spoke to Odin Leg Silverhaired: in the golden pot Potion is being made,
take and taste the Potion,but remember!
First cup grants power,gets rid of pain,fatigue and infirmity…
Second cup grants joy and eternal youth, gets rid of oppressive old age…
The third cup is superfluous34 for people,
it turns human into an animal…
[42] Two fine young men had come before you, but didn’t listen to my words,
and drank three cups each,
and now they are like animals pasturing on a meadow behind our foothill Skuf…
And she showed them to Odin… And he recognized his brothers,
and they were pasturing like cattle on a green meadow…
[43] And heart of Odin filled with great sorrow for his brothers. And he took the cup with Potion,
and drank it all at once…
Sorrow left,great powers filled his body, and appeared desire to drink another cup, in order to get eternal youth,
like Light Gods have…
[44] He drank another cup,
joy and eternal youth filled his body,
and appeared great desire to drink the third cup,
but then Odin remembered the words of Silverhaired Leg… and he didn’t drink more,
but filled his traveling jug with two cups of Potion for his Father…
[45] And made Odin hymn-prayers for Light Gods, and called them to help his brothers.
Light Gods came to call of Odin…
And returned mind to his brothers Star and Wing, and blessed Light Gods their journey…
Brothers returned to Father’s House… And Odin gave Potion to his Father.
[46] Thor Mostwise drank the first cup, illnesses and infirmity left his body,
and great powers filled his mind and body.
The second cup Thor Mostwise rejected to drink,
but poured it out onto roots of old,dry trees: Oak,Birch,and Ash…
And they acquired great powers…
And their green leafs blossomed out on their tops…
[47] Told Thor to his sons these words: I have no need in eternal youth,
I have lived a long life given to me by Creator RA-M-HA,
let these Trees give a lot of powers, to you,my dear sons,
and to all Descendants of your Kins, in all times from Circle to Circle35.
Plant seeds of these trees, near mansions of your kins,
and look after them like after your children…
[48] From that time Kins Of The Great Race and Descendants of The Heavenly Kin,
keep three Trees of Life and Great Power.
In an hour of need and on holidays,
they come to these Trees,which give Power of Life, and recieve a lot of powers…
And glorify Light Gods and Ancestors Mostwise, for good deeds,
and in the glory of all Kins Of The Great Race…
[49] D’Aryan Rodan36 – Kodarad questioned Perun:
Tell us,God Evercharming,
why many Sages give vow of silence…
and tell that they are aspiring to understanding of Vedas…?
Is there any truth in vow of silence?
Does Sage with silence come to speechless cognition of Truth or not?
[50] Answered to Kodarad Perun Mostwise: There is no sense in vow of silence,
because silent cannot cognize Ancient Vedas with heart… and Ancient Vedas do not penetrate his heart…
Ancient Vedas are only cognized by living Word and where Vedas word is heard,
there hearts begin to cognize its Great essence…
[51] Many people think,
that those who know all Vedas are sinless, even when committing evil…
But neither hymns from Wisdom Of Cognition Of Worlds37, nor aphorisms from Wisdom Of World Of Radiances37,
nor spells from Wisdom Of Life37…,
will not save those who commit evil deeds… and everyone will be charged with his lawlessness…
[52] Sacred hymns and songs, will not save from falsehood those,
who easily yield to deception,
who stay in a world of charms and self illusions.
Like birds leave nest, when their wings grow,
so sacred songs leave human, when the time comes…
[53] Vedas will not save those who do not fulfill their duty of Life38.
They indicate you two ways: selfless devotion and bloodless sacrifices.
Through them,knowledgeable person achieves purity…, and with this purity he keeps off sin…,
self-illuminated with knowledge of Vedas…
[54] By knowing Ancient Vedas,
a Soul of a knowledgeable approaches The World Of Prav’, but if he desires usual fruits of The World Of Yav’,
he takes with him everything he has done here,
and in The World Of Nav’ having enjoyed all fruits of his deeds, he bears responsibility for his every deed,
and again follows the path predestined by Great RA-M-HA…
[55] By human children selfless devotions are being performed in World Of Yav’,
and fruits of all deeds are eaten in World Of Nav’.
For Sages and Kapen-Priests39,
who dedicate themselves to selfless devotions, those great Worlds are oriented…
Sinless selfless devotion is considered as renunciation of evil; Such self-sacrificial devotion can be successful and unsuccessful.
Through devotion,experts of Ancient Vedas have subsequently achieved Immortality…
[56] But there is also a sinful devotion…
Those of humans who are obsessed with anger unrighteous and other sixteen vices,
and also those who violate Commandments of Gods and Ancestors, especially blood rules,
those who are inhabited by thirteen meannesses – they are sinful.
But those who have clean Soul and light Spirit, and live according to covenants of their Forefathers,
are sinless…
[57] Unrighteous anger; lust; greed; delusion; carnality; cruelty, grumble; vainglory; despondency; attraction; envy; aversion; libertinism; desire for another’s; oppression; malice – these are vices of human children,humans
should avoid these sixteen…
[58] Every one of them waylays humans,
wishing to seize their natures,like a hunter waylays prey…
For boastful,lustful,arrogant,rancorous,unsteady,refusing of giving protection
are appropriate those sins,
committed by unlawful people,despite their great danger…
[59] Chase for delight; hostility; boasting of generosity; stinginess; oppression of other people; lie; weak will; glorification of feelings; hate towards wife –
these are nine worst enemies of human…
[60] Observance of commandments, Laws of United God,
Laws of your Kin,
Truthfulness; restraint; selfless devotion;self-denial; modesty; patience; firmness; absence of envy; bloodless sacrifices; continuation of Kin; mercy; attentiveness;
study of Sacred RA-M-HA INTA and Ancient Vedas
these are sixteen vows of Ministers of Faith…
[61] That,who will strengthen these sixteen vows, will distinguish himself on the whole Earth;
That,who observes three,two or just one of them,is considered self-affirmed; Of renunciation of vices of World of Yav’,
but not in delusion consists Immortality.
Wise Ministers of Faith call them gates of Truth…
[62] In self-development there are eighteen qualities: Restraint in action,inaction and purposefulness; eradication of injustice,
blame,false pride,brutish desires,unrighteous anger, despondency, greed,envy,malevolence,irritation,anxiety,forgetfulness,verbosity,conceit.
[63] This way,human who has perceived self-development, becomes sensible,and gets eight qualities:
Righteousness; ability to think over; ability of self-enrichment; ability to investige; dispassionateness; honesty; chastity; composure…
[64] Be truthful with your Soul and Spirit. Worlds are held by Truth.
Their gates – Truth;
For it is said that on truth rests immortality.
Having turned away from sins,
it is necessary to execute vows and commandments.
Such conduct,created by United God, through Truth leads to Immortality…
Humans,keep the Sacred Writings unchanged: RA-M-HA INTA and Ancient Vedas…
[65] And Perun Thunderer was asked by Ogneslav, Sage of Great Temple of Yngliya,of Svyatorus Kin:
Tell us Perun-Father,
what awaits in future
Descendants of all Kins Of The Great Race and The Heavenly Kin?
What destiny awaits them after our departure for Heavenly Prav’,to our Sacred-Wise Ancestors?
[66] Answered to Ogneslav God Mostwise: Listen to me,Great Keeper of Primary Fire…
and you,Ministers of Gods of The Sacred Race and The Heavenly Kin…
Like a Celestial Iriy40,which divides half of Svarga41,
Great Changes will bring stream of Time River in its flow…
[67] Sacred land of Great Race will change its face.
Great fall of temperature D’Aryan wind42 will bring to this land,and Marena15 for a third of Year
will be covering it with her White Cloak.
There will be no food for humans and animals in this time, and will begin great migration of Descendants of The Heavenly Kin
to The Ripean Mountains43,
which protect western frontiers of Sacred Russeniya44…
[68] And they will reach Great Waters, of Western ocean-sea45,
and Heavenly Force46 will carry them to the land of beardless humans47,
with skin of Flame of Sacred Fire color.
Great Leader will build in that land Temple of Trident of God of Seas.
And Niy48 – God of Seas,
will be sending them his innumerable gifts, and will be protecting them from Evil Elements…
[69] But great prosperity will cloud minds of leaders and sages. Great laziness and desire for another’s will seize their mind.
And they will start lying to Gods and humans, and will start living by their own laws, violating Covenants of Wise Progenitors
and Laws of United God-Creator.
And they will use Force of Elements of Midgard-Earth for achievement of their goals…
And will enrage by their deeds Niy – Great God of Seas…
[70] And Niy and Elements will destroy that land, and it will hide in depths of Great Waters,
just like in Ancient times,in depths of northern waters, hid Sacred Daaria…
Gods of Race will save righteous people, and Heavenly Force will carry them to east,
to land of humans with skin of color of Darkness49…
And beardless humans with skin of Flame of Sacred Fire color, will be carried by Heavenly Force to boundless lands,
lying at setting of Yarila-Sun50…
[71] Humans with skin of color of Darkness will be honouring Descendants of The Heavenly Kin as Gods…
And will be studying under them many sciences.
People from The Great Race will build new Cities and Temples, and will teach humans with skin of color of Darkness
to grow cereals and vegetables…
Four Kins of The Great Race,in turns, will be teaching new Sages Ancient Wisdom,
and building Triran-Tombs,
in the form of tetrahedral,artificial Mountains…
[72] While other Kins of The Great Race
will settle over the whole face of Midgard-Earth… and will cross Himavat-Mountains29…
and will teach humans with skin of color of Darkness, Wisdom of World of Radiances37…
In order that they would stop their terrible,bloody sacrifices
to their goddess – Black Mother51, and Snake-Dragons52 from World of Nav’,
and would acquire new Divine Wisdom and Faith…
[73] Many of Kins of The Great Race will spread over all parts of Midgard-Earth,
beyond The Ripean Mountains43,
and will set up new Cities and Temples,
and will save Faith of Progenitors and secret Vedas, given by Turh Dajd’bog…and other Light Gods…
Many Kins of The Great Race and The Heavenly Kin will shepherd countless flocks of animals,
and moving from land to land,
will become related with other Kins of The Heavenly Kin…
[74] But will come from World of Darkness alien enemies, and will start saying to Human Children
words flattering,covered with lie.
And will start seducing the old and the young, and taking Human daughters to wives…
They will interbreed amongst themselves… and amongst humans…and amongst animals…
And will start schooling it to all nations of Midgard-Earth, and those who will refuse to listen to their words,
and follow vile deeds of Aliens,
they will commit to torments and sufferings…
[75] Some of them are trying to enter Midgard-Earth even right now, in order to do their dark deed,
to seduce out of the way of Light Forces sons and daughters of The Great Race.
Their objective is to spoil Souls of Human Children, in order that they would never reach
Light World of Prav’ and Heavenly Asgard, and also Celestial Earths and Settlements, where your Lightwise Ancestors are resting…
[76] By their grey skin you will recognize Alien enemies… Their eyes are of color of Darkness,and they are androgynous53,
can be either male or female.
Every one of them can be either father or mother…
They paint their faces,in order to resemble Human Children…
And they never take off their clothes,
in order that their animal nudity would not be exposed…
[77] With lie and unrighteous flattery, they will conquer many lands of Midgard-Earth, like they had already done on other Earths20,
in many Worlds,in Times of the last Great Assa54.
But they will be defeated,
and sent to the land of Artificial Mountains55,
where will live humans with skin of color of Darkness and Descendants of The Heavenly Kin,
who came from the land of God Niy.
And Human Children will start teaching them how to work,
in order that they would be able to grow cereals and vegetables for their children themselves…
[78] But absence of wish to work will unite Aliens, and they will leave the land of Artificial Mountains,
and will settle all over Midgard-Earth. And they will create their own religion56,
and will proclaim themselves sons of United God, and will start sacrificing blood of their own
and of their children to their god,
in order that blood union between them and their god would exist…
[79] And Light Gods will start sending to them Wanderers Mostwise, for they do not have neither Spirit or Conscience.
And Aliens will be listening to their Wise Words,
and having heard them out,will sacrifice lives of Wanderers, to their god…
And they will create Golden Taurus, as a symbol of their power,
and will worship it, same way as their god…
[80] And Light Gods will send to them…Great Wanderer57,
carrying love.
But priests of Golden Taurus will martyrize him.
And upon his death,will declare him God…
And will create a new religion,built on lie,blood and oppression…
And will announce that all nations are inferior and sinful,
and will call them to repent before the face of the God they will have created, and to ask forgiveness for deeds done and undone…
[81] And said Sage Svyatozar, of glorious Svyatorus Kin, to Perun Evercharming:
Tell us Perun-Father,
What is going to be with Sacred Land of The Great Race
and Faith of our Ancestors?
Tell us Light God,
if grave time will come for Sons of The Great Race,
then who will be able to save Sacred land of The Grate Race… and Descendants of The Heavenly Kin?
[82] Spoke God Mostwise these words:
Be aware people,that grave times will be brought by stream of Time River,
to Sacred land of The Great Race…
And on this land will be left
only Sages-Keepers of Ancient Knowledge and Secret Wisdom…
…Because humans will use Force of Elements of Midgard-Earth,
and will destroy Small Moon32
and their beautiful World…
And then Svarog Circle will turn58
and human Souls will be horrified…
[83] Great Night will wrap Midgard-Earth…
and Celestial Fire will destroy many lands of Earth…
Where beautiful flowers bloomed once, will stretch Great Deserts…
Instead of birth-giving land will be noisy seas,
and where splashed waves of seas will emerge high mountains, covered with everlasting snows…
[84] Humans will be hiding in caves from poisonous rains,bringing death,
and will start eating animal flesh, because arboreal fruits will be filled with poison, and many humans will die after eating them…
Poisoned water streams will bring many deaths
to Children of The Great Race and Descendants of The Heavenly Kin, and also thirst will bring sufferings to humans…
[85] And by advice of Aliens, secretly arrived to Midgard-Earth, people will be killing each other…
for a swallow of fresh water, for a piece of clean food…
And they will start forgetting Ancient Wisdom and Laws of United-God Creator…
Great Disconnection will come to The World of Midgard, and only Sages-Keepers of Sacred land of The Great Race will be keeping purity of Ancient Knowledge,
despite hardships and death…
[86] But River of Time will once again bring changes in its flow… And unification of Kins of Great Race will begin again…
Ancient Knowledge will unite them, saved in songs and folk legends, passed on by word of mouth,
and written on stones in Temples and Sanctuaries, and inscribed in Great Santies…
Many Wise Knowledges will become lost for many Kins, but they will remember
that they are Descendants of The Heavenly Kin…
And nobody will be able to defeat them and take their freedom…
[87] Many Circles of Life will pass Midgard-Earth on Svarog’s Way… Human Children will anew build Cities and Temples
for Those Gods,whom they remember…
Life righteous and happy
will return to the lands of Great Russeniya…
But Alien priests…from temples of Golden Taurus,
…and priests of the murdered Wanderer59,
will want to destroy their world and peace, for these priests live by fruits of other’s work…
[88] And Alien priests will come60
to the lands of The Great Race under the guise of traders and narrators,
and will bring deceitful legends, and will start teaching unrighteous life
to people of The Great Race, who wont’t know Evil and Deceit…
And many people will become seduced,
After getting caught into nets of Flattery and Deceit, and will exchange World of Prav’ for nine vices:
libertinism,lie,false pride,spiritlessness,non-fulfilment of duty, ignorance,indecision,laziness,gluttony…
[89] And many people will renounce Sacred Faith of their Ancestors61,
and will start listening to words of Alien priests, which are lie unrighteous,
leading Human Children astray from way of Light Forces…
Times of blood and fratricide62 Alien priests will bring
to scopes of lands of Kins of The Great Race, and will start converting people to their faith…
[90] People of Race will be asking for help Alien priests, worshipping Alien Gods63
and god of World of Darkness…
And priests of killed Wanderer
with false zeal will start comforting them, and will capture their Souls,
and riches of Human Children…
And will declare people of The Great Race slaves of god, which they had killed themselves…
And will be telling them that suffering is good, for those who suffer will behold god…
[91] For seven Life Circles Darkness will wrap lands of Kins of The Great Race…
Many people will die from metal and fire…
Grave times will come for nations of Midgard-Earth, brother will rise against brother,son against father, blood will be pouring like rivers…
Mothers will be killing their unborn children…
Hunger and Spiritual void
will cloud minds of many people of The Great Race, and they will lose Faith in justice…
[92] But United God-Creator and The Heavenly Kin will not allow death of The Great Race…
Revival of The Great Race
and awakening of Protection-Spirit of sons of The Heavenly Kin
will be brought by White Dog64,
sent by Gods to Sacred land of The Great Race…
Sacred land will be purified
from thousand-year slave yoke of Alien enemies, who sacrifice blood and flesh of their children, and with lie and unrighteous flattery,
poison Souls of children of The Heavenly Kin…
[93] Celestial Phoenix65 will point
Supreme Sage of Primary Fire
to a son of Sage of Forest,of Tri-Moon Kin,
and Supreme Sage will train him to be a Great Wise Sage, which will be assisted by Light Gods…
And the Great Sage will revive Ancient Faith of Progenitors on Sacred Land of The Great Race…
And will build Temples and Sanctuaries, in order that all Kins of The Great Race and Descendants of The Heavenly Kin
would cognize Ancient Wisdom and righteous life…
[94] And minions of Darkness will find out that their death has come… and they will be lying about the Great Sage…
and will be seducing his apprentices and neighbours with a glut of wealth and and vicious bliss…
In order that they would not reach Spiritual heights of World of Prav’,
and would be eternal slaves of The Dark World…
And they will do everything, to destroy Great Sage,
in order that Ancient Wisdom and Faith of Progenitors would not be revived on the Sacred Land of Race…
[95] Forces of Darkness will make all efforts, in order that Sacred Fire would never light up
in front of Images and Idols of Gods and your Sacred-Wise Ancestors…
Aliens will start stirring up one nation against another, calling them to wars,
in order that they would kill each other for possession of Earth’s properties…
[96] Millions of lifes will be taken by senseless wars, for the sake of Alien desires.
For the more there are wars… and deaths of Human Children, the more wealth would acquire envoys of World of Darkness,
and more influence over minds of many people of The Great Race…
Dark Forces for achievement of their goals will use even Fush-Destroyer66,
and Fire Mushrooms bringing death will rise above Midgard-Earth…
[97] Spoke to Perun Vedamir,warrior of H’Aryan Kin,these words: Tell us our Light Leader,will the Great Sage
save Sacred Faith of Progenitors from Alien enemies? I ask this,because we are relatives with Tri-Moon kin…
[98] Answered Light God to the warrior: Listen to me,fine young man.
Hard fate is predestined for the Great Sage… Incomprehension of people will surround him, because Ancient Wisdom will become unintelligible67,
for many Kins of The Great Race and The Heavenly Kin…
And his task will be to explain to people fundamentals of Ancient Knowledge and meaning of Rune Images,
saved in Laws of United God-Creator…
[99] A Great Priestess will bring New Life to scopes of Sacred land of Race.
And all Kins of The Great Race and Descendants of The Heavenly Kin
will cognize Life-bringing Light of Ancient Wisdom, which is kept by Sages of Great Temple of Yngliya…
Hapiness and righteous life
she will consolidate on the whole land of Race, in order that World Light Soul of DJIVA68
would find shelter for itself,
in heart of every human of The Heavenly Kin and The Great Race,
starting from resurrected Irian Asgard…
[100] Again Vedamir,warrior of H’Aryan Kin,asked Perun: Tell us Light Leader,how will The Great Priestess be born?
Of which Kins will be her parents?
And how will Light of Ancient Wisdom illuminate the whole World of Midgard-Earth?
Answered Perun to warrior of H’Aryan Kin: Listen warrior to My words:
As soon as Supreme Sage of Primary Fire will finish fourteen-year training of
son of Sage of Forest,of Tri-Moon kin… he will declare him his successor,
and lead through Three Initiations…
[101] On the day of a Great Holiday,
Light Gods and Mostwise Ancestors will summon Supreme Sage of Primary Fire,
for he will have completed his mission on Midgard-Earth…
New Supreme Sage,of Tri-Moon Kin,
will begin his deeds,traveling from City to City, propagating Ancient Wisdom of Faith of Progenitors, and healing sick with Soul and body…
[102] By return to the Irian Asgard, he will summon his apprentices,
and will start teaching them Fundamentals of Ancient Wisdom, and will start building Temples of Ancient Faith of Progenitors of The Great Race and The Heavenly Kin…
And when the time will come, daughter of Great Witch,of Kin of Newly Arrived,
will be brought to The Great Sage,
in order that she would study Hidden Ancient Wisdom…
And the Great Sage will start teaching daughter of the Great Witch Secret Knowledge,
and will be training her to be Priestess of White Temple…
[103] And her mother,the Great Witch,
will begin healing Souls and bringing up children of Kins of The Great Race and The Heavenly Kin…
Supreme Sage will surround daughter of Great Witch with care and love,
and will be guarding her from minions of The World of Darkness, in order that they would not possess her Soul,
and would not turn daughter of the Great Witch to dark,spiritless way,leading Souls of people to Hell,
lying in dark depths of The World of Nav’…
[104] Because minions of The World of Darkness know that daughter of The Great Witch,
surrounded by care and love of Great Sage, will give birth to a beautiful child,
which will become a new Great Priestess, and a Savior of Sacred land,
and all Kins of The Great Race and Descendants of The Heavenly Kin…
In a Sacred Year69 should this child be born,
for since that time,future Great Priestess will be helped and served by
all Gods of The Heavenly Kin…
[105] Mother Earth itself will be giving food to her, and Celestial Cow Zimun70 will be giving milk to her…
Gamaun – Prophetic Bird,
will sing to Great Priestess about saved Ancient Great Wisdom…
God Vishen’ himself will be protecting her dreams,
and Lada-Mother71 will be guarding her from Evil in the daytime…
Makosh-Mother72 will be nursing her, and God Krishen’73 will play pipe for her…
[106] But Forces of Darkness will gather together,
and will want to destroy this Child,
in order that Ancient Knowledge,Runes,
and Secret Wisdom concealed in grave times would vanish…
For their great objective is not to allow birth of the Great Priestess, and they will make all their efforts,
in order that this child would never be born…
And minions of The World of Darkness
will be surrounding mother of the future Great Priestess with lie and great flattery…
[107] And they will invite mother of the future Great Priestess to Great Festivals,
where lie and spiritual impoverishment are in high esteem, where idleness and self-admiration are standart,
where meanness and depravity are deified…
Dark Forces will be sending to daughter of the Great Witch seducers and tempters,
in order that they would slander Great Sage and Ancient Faith of Progenitors…
[108] All Dark Forces will be directed to separate Great Sage from daughter of The Great Witch,
for Dark Forces know that if they will be separated, great loss and unborn Great Priestess,
will lead to death of the Supreme Sage… so as his mission is to train a Great Priestess…
But he will revive again after one Circle of Life, and it will be the last time of Dark Forces rulership,
in all lands of Midgard-Earth…
[109] The all-destructive Fire of Retribution of Forces of Light, will burn minions of The World of Darkness
and all descendants of Alien enemies, which were filling the whole Human World with spiritual emptiness…
Carrying on their banners:
lie and vices,laziness and cruelty, desire for another’s and lust, fear and lack of self-confidence…
And it will be a Great End of World,
for Alien enemies,who came from The Dark World…
And will come the End of Time of Darkness,
for all Kins of The Great Race and Descendants of The Heavenly Kin…
[110] Glorious Sages of Gods,
of The Great Race and The Heavenly Kin, and you Witchers silverhaired,
and you Sages Mostwise,
remember my words…
Inscribe their Runes on Santies
and on stones in your Temples and Sanctuaries, in order that your Descendants would remember
about grave times,which will be brought by Time River, on its transient waves…,
and would be ready for grave tests…
[111] If Descendants of your Kins will save in memory these words, and will unite many Forces for defence of Faith of Wise Progenitors, nothing will save enemies of The Great Race and The Heavenly Kin,
from destructive Fire of Retribution of Light Forces…
For those of Human Children,
who will go on the way of Forces of Light – will be saved,but those, who will go on the way of Forces of Darkness – will find death…
[112] By the will of God Svarog,My Father,
I have announced you: about Eternal Laws of The Universe, and about Great Tests over Svarog Circle
and ninety-nine Circles of Life74,
which will occur in the future on Midgard-Earth…
This Great Predestination must be fulfilled by you and your Descendants,
in order that everything predestined by Great RA-M-HA,
on surface of shining waves of Time River, would come true,
and execution of which is supervised by Chislobog75…
[113] Spoke to Perun Mostwise Skifadiy, Sage of Temple of Flower of Fern,of Russen Kin:
Tell,Wise teacher, what forces attract Aliens
to leave their homes in The World of Darkness, and bring them to us on Midgard Earth?
Answered to Sage God Mostwise: Aliens covet everything they do not possess…
All their thoughts are only about power above all worlds, about capturing property and creations of Light Worlds…
[114] Objective of Aliens is to disturb harmony,
reigning in The World of Light… and to destroy Descendants
of The Heavenly Kin and The Great Race,
for only they can give adequate repulse to The Forces of Darkness…
Minions of The World of Darkness think that only they should possess all Worlds, which were created by Great RA-M-HA…
And arriving to blooming Earths,
they seek to school Human Children to greed, for greed kills Cognition,
and when Cognition is killed,shame dies…
[115] And when shame is killed,Truth is oppressed, with death of Truth dies Hapiness too…
When Hapiness is dead,Human dies, and if Human dies,then any of his riches are taken possession of by Aliens…
They consider wealth to be their rightest support, and they build their World on wealth…
And in The World Of Darkness
life is only available to those who have riches.
Poor human there is like a dead in a wilderness…
[116] They take away income from people, relying on Power of their Deception….
Knowing that if they take away from people support and Faith, purpose of life and Freedom of Spirit,
they will destroy them…
Human Children in such situation in The World of Yav’, choose path of death freely,
and direct their weapons against Aliens-villians, for it is better to accept glorious death,
in battle righteous against Alien enemies, rather than to submit to the enemies…
[117] People with weak Spirit lose their minds, or fall under the authority of Alien-enemies,
while others in thirst for hoarding, go to serve Aliens…
Misfortunes of such lost people are worse than death, so as Death,according to Law,is Eternal way of World, and there has been nobody,living in The World of Yav’, who has exceeded Death…
[118] Alien enemies,drive Human Children into madness, and people,losing more and more mind,
accomplish cruel deeds…
…They end up violating blood rules,in their evil deeds, and for those who are guilty in Blood mixing76,
Hell opens its wide doors…
…And if human will not reject all of these, and if he will not wake up,
he will go directly to Hell… and Gods will not help him77,
for he himself chooses his Path…
[119] Awakening of human occurs only in cognition, and eye of cognition saves him…
Having achieved Cognition, Human Child looks at Vedas again,
and again aspiration for Spiritual Life becomes duty, and head of all deeds becomes Conscience78…
Listening to Conscience,he hates everything evil,
this makes Conscience strong, and human creates his Happiness,
and in Happiness human himself is created…
[120] Tranquil people are always skillful in their deeds and invariable in duty before Kin…
They don’t imagine anything unlawful,and they don’t act sinfully.
Dishonourable or unreasonable people, be it men or women,
do not succeed in fulfillment of their duty before Gods and Kin, and become like Aliens…
…Those who have Conscience, honour Gods and Ancestors, and head for Immortality,
but not Hellish World…
[121] Those of Human Children, who having come from madness to rage,
will be threatening,who will come to hate good,
will be called by people GREY79 like Alien,and despicable…
Who by instigation of Aliens, in delusion and greed,
seeks to take away from good people their Happiness, that,not controling himself,will not cope with anger
and himself will not retain Happiness for a long time,
for all riches of those who have gone astray from Way of Light, will go to Aliens…
[122] And hearts of all Dark Forces are filling with joy, when Human Children,listening to deceitful speeches of Aliens,
go astray from Way of Light…
And go by mean way, accumulating material welfare,but not Spiritual,
by will of Alien enemies,
this way leading their Kins to destruction…
And Alien enemies know, that all unrighteous welfare,
and riches taken away from good people, will cloud human Mind,
and Souls of humans will become callous…
[123] Children of Human Kins, do not listen to words of Aliens,
for they are deceitful and want to destroy your Souls, in order that they would not reach Celestial Asgard, and would be eternal wanderers in pitch Darkness…
…Do not allow Aliens to your daughters, for they will seduce your daughters,
and deprave their pure Souls, and spoil Blood of Great Race,
for the first man of a woman leaves Images of Spirit and Blood…
[124] Alien images of Blood,
oust Light Spirit from Human Children, and Blood mixing leads to destruction…
And this Kin dies degenerating, without having healthy prosterity,
for there will not be that internal Force, which kills all illnesses-diseases,
which will be brought to Midgard-Earth…
by Alien enemies,coming from The Dark World…
[125] Do not listen to exhortations of alien-seducers and don’t become attracted by their deceitful promises…
Alien enemies have no compassion, neither to Human Children of The Heavenly Kin,
nor to creatures similar to them,
for each who came from The Dark World
or his offspring born on Midgard or other Earth, thinks only about idle life,
exploiting other’s work and trustfulness of Human Children…
[126] By deceit and ruse,and unrighteous lie, Aliens obtain trust of people.
Boasting about their friendship with elders of Kin, they enmesh with lie Human Children…
And pervert their pure Souls, and school them to mean deeds…
Alien enemies call their lust – pleasure, and birth of children – vicious madness,
and call Human Children to non-observance of Paternal Traditions…
[127] Human Children of Kins of The Great Race, and you,Descendants of The Heavenly Kin,
be pure with your Soul and Spirit,
and let Pure Conscience be measure of your deeds…
Banish from all your lands
Alien enemies and all their offsprings,
or else they will destroy your Light Souls with their Spiritlessness, and by their vicious deeds they will ruin your bodies,
and will use you and your Descendants in their dark deeds,
and with your sons and daughters they will comfort their flesh…
[128] Those of you and of your Descendants, who will remember all this,
and will banish Alien enemies and their offsprings from Sacred land of The Great Race,
are true Saviors and Defenders of their Kin
and of all Kins of The Great Race and The Heavenly Kin… And those,who will listen to deceitful words of Aliens… and will give to them their women,
or will take Alien woman to his son, are apostates of Human Kin,
and they will never be forgiven by Light Gods and The Heavenly Kin…
[129] And asked Perun Thunderer, Sages-Keepers of Tracks,
which lead through Star Gates:
Tell us,our Wise Teacher, what is happening in Great Svarga,
and why have many Gates to Makosh80 and Rada81…closed?
And crystals of movement are not beaming anymore, and Zarbine Circle has faded in half a quarter82…
Celestial Needles83 lost color,
and at present from many Vitemaras we don’t get response to our long call…
[130] Answered to them Perun Mostwise: Be advised,Keepers of Star Gates, Great Assa is happening in Svarga…
In Makosh,in Rada,in Svat’ and in Rasa, Great Battle is occurring.
In it Light Gods from Prav’ entered brutal Battle
with Alien warriors of Hell…
They are defending Great Svarga… and cleaning World,System by System,
from warriors of Darkness,from The Dark World…
[131] From those spiteful enemies, who turned blooming Earths into dust, who spilled blood of innocent creatures,
nowhere spared neither the young nor the old…
That’s why many Gates have closed,
in order that Alien enemies would not get to Light Lands of Great Svarga…,
and that fate of Troara would not befall them.
Troara which once,in Rada most bright, illuminated worlds with Wise Love…
[132] Now Troara is deserted,without Life… Manygate Circle is torn apart,
on many needles collapsed mountains…, and ashes of fire lies in seven sazhens84…
Same image,sad,cheerless,
I saw in Arkoln,on Rutta-Earth, which shined before in Bright Makosh…
Star Gates – fritted stone…
Celestial Needles – roadside ash…
[133] Everywhere are ruins of Great Sanctuaries, and cities are destroyed by heavy fire, which was rising from Rutta up to sky…
There is no more life in that Earth without Sun,
no plants,nor birds,nor animals…
Just wind carrying dust over valleys, filling ravines of intermontanes…
Despondently and quietly,in that World of ruins, where once dwelt Life far and wide…
[134] Fush-destroyer evaporated rivers,sea, and sky got filled with black clouds.
Beams of light do not get through pitch-dark fog,
…and Life will never return to that World…
This happened to many Earths,
where had been enemies from The Dark World…
They were attracted by riches and minerals, which those beautiful Earths had…
Having earned trust of people by flattery, they stirred up people against each other… This way were born wars in those Worlds…
[135] After the end of wars,
those who remained alive,were irradiated with ziran…
And people lost their consciousness and will, and by command of Alien enemies,
they were extracting riches and minerals… And when those Earths went out of riches,
and all minerals were exhausted down to the limit, all people were destroyed by enemies,
who exported everything they obtained on those Earths…
But those Earths where aliens were ousted, there they sent Fush-Destroyer…
[136] To restore zarbine Circle,
to make Star Gate Spiral beam again, extract Movement Crystals,
in part which fades in half a quarter…
In place of Movement Crystals of Svarga, which are on borders,for Svarozhich System, install Yngliya Crystals…
Outworld light,manifested in Nav’, will glow in Yngliya Crystals…, and shedding powerful stream,
it will restore zarbine glow…
[137] As Spiral with straight radiance manifests on zarbine Circle in front of you, once again change Crystals to previous state,
for Outworld will be opened to you… Be advised,Outworld light is harmful, it absorbs soul’s radiations…
and Mind fades in it,
unable to understand what happens with Soul…
And life of unreasonable,soulless creatures, does not go to Svarga,but goes to Hell…
And there they pine in pitch Darkness, without knowing themselves,nor what happened…
[138] So be attentive in your deeds, and don’t tempt fate in vain…
Many people got destroyed by curiosity, those who tried to cognize Outworld… Outworld Rays are harmful to health,
and humans are unable to comprehend its nature…
Life there flows by other Laws…
Bloody dawn rises above Earths. And strange essences,like polkans, tried to destroy Vitemaras for age…
[139] You’ve been living on Midgard calmly, since old times,when world got established…
Remembering from Vedas,about deeds of Dazhd’bog, how he destroyed strongholds of Kosheys,
which were located on the Nearest Moon85…
Turh didn’t allow insidious Kosheys63
to destroy Midgard,like they had destroyed Dea86…
These Kosheys,rulers of Greys, vanished with Moon in half a chast’87…
But Midgard payed for freedom, with Daariya hid by great flood…
[140] Waters of Moon caused that Flood, To Earth from Skies they fell in rainbow,
for Moon split, and in svarozhich array
descended to Midgard…
Ancient Strings were destroyed, which stretched to distant Systems…
And in Betweenworld some connections were interrupted… and long call could not be heard.
Many Vitemaras got lost in Svarga…,
until new Strings were born,and their call was heard from Systems.
[141] A lot of people died in that time, those who wasn’t able to lift on Vitemanas,
or pass through Star Gates
and save themselves in The System of Bear…
Strings of Systems are deranged again, therefore Celestial Needles have lost color. To make Needles beam with colors again, replace Irkama Crystals with Tara Crystals…, and through Zimun70 restore Strings…
[142] Once again will beam Celestial Needles and Vitemaras will answer your call.
Faith in success of your glorious deeds, this is what the most important at this time…
If deeds are fastened with Faith, what can hinder deeds from happening…
Only in labour created by community, you will cover your Kins with Glory… Only by uniting all Kins by Ancient Faith, you will defend your beautiful Midgard…
[143] Ancient connections will be restored again, and to calls of Descendants – will respond Ancestors.
Aliens won’t be able to prevent this,
for they will be exiled to Hell from Svarga…
But remember people,that enemy is revengeful, and just pretends that it does not care about Svarga.
But actually hiding from looks,
will be maturing a weapon of revenge…
They don’t know about Honor and Heavenly Truth, for there is no Conscience in their hearts…
[144] Aliens have destroyed many Earths, in different systems of Svarozhich Circle…
Black envy darkens their minds when they see prosperity of each other…
Envy,deception,desire for another’s, that is their objective,even in Hellish World…
And that is why Aliens try…
to conquer everything in Svarga and Betweenworld…
Remember people of The Great Race, everything I told you in this beautiful evening…
Main thing is that for your Descendants, this Knowledge will not be useless.
1 – First Circle: Complete Santies of Perun Vedas consist of 9 circles.Every circle tells about one of nine days,when nations of Great Race held conversation with God Perun in Irian Asgard.
2 – Irian Asgard: City of Gods on the river Iriy.Approximate location – Russia,Omsk City.
It is known that four Asgards existed on Earth – Daarian Asgard,which was located on the top of mountain Meru; Irian Asgard; Sogdian Asgard,in Asia Minor,in ancient Nissa city; Sveyan Asgard,on the territory of Scandinavia.After a great fire,when Sveyan Asgard was burned down,new city was built there,and got the name Uppsala.
3 – Vitemana: Flying Divine Chariot,by which Gods and humans travelled between Earths.There also existed Vitemaras – big flying ships,capable of carrying up to 144 Vitemanas inside.In Hindu Vedas, such ships are called Vimanas [because of distortion in translation from H’Aryan language to Sanskrit].
4 – H’Aryan,D’Aryan,Russen,Svyatorus: Four initial Kins of The White Race.They differed from each other in the color of their eyes [It is not known for sure,what exact color each Kin had,but unconfirmed sources state that H’Aryan – Green Eyes,D’Aryan – Grey Eyes,Russen – Brown Eyes,Svyatorus – Blue Eyes].Colors of their eyes are explained by a color of Star,which shined in a System,from which each Kin arrived.
5 – The Heavenly Kin and The Great Race: In the text,for some reason,four kins are divided into two groups – The Great Race [D’Aryan,H’Aryan] and The Heavenly Kin [Russen,Svyatorus].But even though such classification exists,in many parts of the text these two terms are used as interchangeable synonyms.And also,word “Aryan” is still a general name for all people of The White Race,although used in the names of only two initial Kins. [return 2|5 ]
6 – Sages: Wise keepers of Aryan Knowledge.
7 – United God: Eternal and univesal God,United Creator,whose name is RA-M- HA.It is an incognizable essence,radiating Life-Giving Light and Primary Fire of Universe [Yngliya],from which appeared all existing Worlds. [return 2|18 ]
8 – Uray Earth: Planet Uray in the system of Eagle on Svarozhich Circle.
9 – Heavenly Svarga: Probably the whole Milky Way Galaxy.And Gardens of Viriy,where bright Iriy flows,are obviously some part of it [Unfortunately,no other info available about this].
10 – Perun Thunderer: One of the main Aryan Gods.Son of Svarog,grandson of Vishen’,father of Turh Dajd’Bog [Dajd’ = даждь = давать = give.Bog = Бог = God].
It should be noted that their relationship is not based on bloodline. They are holding special positions,and family adresses like son/father/grandfather are representation of hierarchical structure of Aryan Civilization.Even their names are most probably just titles of their positions.So one day,the most worthy of us will succeed them. [return 4|33 ]
11 – Vishen’: Local Top God.[Vishen’ = Вышень/Высота = High/Height].
12 – Svarozhich: In ancient times,everyone who came from space,and all comets and meteorites were called Svarozhichs.
13 – World of Yav’; World of Nav’; World of Prav’: Yav’ – World of Humans; Prav’ world of Gods; Nav’ – World of Darkness and Evil Gods.Word “World” here means not some separate and unachievable world or place,but rather a set of interrelated things. [return 6|7|9 ]
14 – Legs [Originally – Legi]: Messengers of Gods,who informed people of The Race about will and advices of Light Gods.In christianity,fallen Legs are called Angels.There are names,honoring them,like Oleg [Grandson of Leg] or Ol’ga [Granddaughter of Leg].
15 – Marena: Marena – Godess of death and winter [figurative]. [return 9|67 ]
16 – Midgard: Ancient Aryan name of our planet.
17 – Hell [Originally – Peklo]: World of Darkness.
18 – RITA: Heavenly Laws of Purity of Race and Blood,given to humans in ancient times.Observance of Laws of RITA saves race from degradation,degeneration,and extinction.
19 – God Kin: Personification of all Light Gods and Ancestors.
20 – Worlds and Earths: Galaxies,Star Systems and their planets. [return 18|77 ]
21 – Truth: True Laws and Orders of The World of Prav’.
22 – Falsehood: Deceitful laws and orders introduced from The World of Darkness,leading lost humans away to Hell.These laws and orders are complete opposition to Truth.
23 – Protect Kins Of Russen And Svyatorus: It is told about some kind of vulnerability that D’Aryan and H’Aryan kins don’t have,but Russen And Svyatorus kins have.
24 – Pagans: Adherents of a different faith/religion.
25 – Love your neighbour,if he is worth it: This commandment implies that you should love and respect only those people who are worth it,but not everyone including enemies,like christianity teaches.
26 – Sacred Vedas,given to you by my son,Tarh Dajd’bog: It is told about Santies Dajd’bog Vedas,currently unreleased.
27 – Star,Wing and Odin: In scandinavian legends it is also told about two Odin’s brothers,but different sources give different names.
28 – Circles of Life Years: One Circle of Life consists of 144 Years.
29 – Himavat-Mountains: The Himalayas. [return 34|72 ]
30 – Skuf: Small Aryan Settlement,as a rule without Temple,as opposed to Skit [Aryan settlement with Temple or Sanctuary].
31 – Potion [Originally – Surica]: Drink of Gods,made of special ingredients.
32 – Small Moon: Fatta,orbital period – 13 days.It was destroyed about 13000 years ago,due to unskillful usage of Elemental Forces of Midgard-Earth. [return 37|82 ]
33 – Big Moon: Mesyac [Rus. Месяц – Month],orbital period – 29.5 days.In this shlock are described times,when Midgard had two Moons: the small one – Fatta,and the big one – Mesyac.There are also parts in Santies,which describe times when Midgard had three Moons.
34 – The third cup is superfluous for people: From the earliest times exists such conception as a sense of proportion.
35 – From Circle to Circle: In ancient times,when people had different calendar,called Year-Circle.Calculation of time was done not with centuries [100 years],but with Circles [16 years] and Circles of Life [144 years].This is due to the fact that hexadecimal numeration was used,but not decimal.
36 – Rodan: Chosen leader of several related Kins. [Rod = Род = Kin].
37 – Wisdom Of Cognition Of Worlds; Wisdom Of World Of Radiances; Wisdom Of Life: Three collections of Santies,given by Light Gods. [return 51|72 ]
38 – Vedas will not save those who do not fulfill their duty of Life: This shlock means that apart from Spiritual development,human has to do his life duty.Life duty involves such things as extension of kin,creation for the good of kin,protection of kin,and many other.
39 – Kapen-Priest: Priest of Kapishe.Kapishe – sacred temple.
40 – Celestial Iriy: Some part of The Milky Way Galaxy.
41 – Half of Svarga: Half of the visible firmament.
42 – D’Aryan: North wind,blowing from the side of Sacred Daaria.
43 – Ripean Mountains: Ural Mountains. [return 67|73 ]
44 – Sacred Russeniya: Land of The Race.Eurasian continent.
45 – Western Ocean-Sea: Atlantic Ocean.
46 – Heavenly Force: Vitemanas and Vitemaras.
47 – Land of beardless humans: Land,where Aryan Kin of Ants [not insects] settled.Subsequently this land was named Antlan’ [land of Ants].Later on ancient Greeks called it Atlantis.
48 – Niy: God of Seas and Oceans.Protector of Kin of Ants.
49 – Land of humans with skin of color of Darkness: Modern northern Africa,where negroid nations live.
50 – Lands,lying at setting of Yarila-Sun: Americas.[Yarila – Aryan name of our Sun].
51 – Black Mother: Godess Kali [Kali-Ma – black mother],whom worshiped negroid nations of Dravidia [India].
52 – Snake-Dragons: Reptilian Race,known in India as Nagas.
53 – Androgynous: Hermaphrodites.
54 – Great Assa: Space war between Light Gods and Dark Forces.
55 – Land of artificial mountains: Ancient Egypt,land of pyramids.
56 – Will create their own religion: It is told about Christianity.You should remember that teachings of Jesus Christ have nothing to do with what modern Christianity teaches about.So Jesus actually struggled against this dark alien religion,but then,as always,minions of darkness turned truth upside down.
57 – Great Wanderer: Jesus Christ.[This story is actually a lot more complicated,and would take a whole book to explain.]
58 – And then Svarog Circle will turn: In this sentence,Svarog Circle means firmament.This prophecy tells about events,which happened nearly 13000 years ago.Unskillful usage of Midgard’s Elemental Forces caused the destruction of small Moon – Fatta,giant pieces of which fell to the Earth.And as a result,Earth inclined its axis,thus changing the view of the firmament.Also movement of tectonic plates occured, which caused powerful earthquakes; volcanic eruptions; huge tsunamis; destruction of Atlantis,and many other islands; process of orogenesis [formation of mountains]; changing of climate.
59 – Priests of the murdered Wanderer: Christian missionaries-preachers,who used situation with Jesus Christ for achievement of their venal objectives [inculcation of christian religion to Aryans and other people.]
60 – Alien priests will come to the lands of Great Race: This prophecy tells about christianization of European and Russian lands.
61 – And many people will renounce Sacred Faith of Ancestors: Christian missionaries-preachers called nations of Great Race not to come from unbelief to faith,but to renounce native Light Gods and Ancestors,and to accept alien God.Such renunciation is called betrayal,and betrayal is the worst sin.Moreover,Jesus himself said these words – “I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel” [Bible – Matthew 15:24].
62 – Times of blood and fratricide: This prophecy tells about an ancient war strategy – Divide and Rule.
63 – Alien Gods: Kosheys. [return 90|139 ]
64 – White Dog: Name of a year [From Aryan Calendar].
65 – Celestial Phoenix: Name of a year [From Aryan Calendar].
66 – Fush Destroyer: High-Tech WMD [Weapon of Mass Destruction].
67 – Ancient Wisdom will be unintelligible,for many Kins of Great Race and Heavenly Kin: Incomprehension of Ancient Wisdom by people is mainly connected with changing of languages and distortion of ancient truth.
68 – DJIVA: Some kind of divine essence.
69 – Sacred Year: According to Year-Circle of Chislobog,every 16th year is considered to be Sacred.
70 – Zimun: Aryan Constellation.Almost corresponds with Ursa Minor. [return 105|141 ]
71 – Lada-Mother: Probably a personification of some universal forces.
72 – Makosh-Mother: Same as Lada-Mother.
73 – God Krishen’: Probably a figurative God too.
74 – Svarog Circle and ninety-nine Circles of Life: Svarog Circle is an enormous period of time,equal 25920 years [180 circles of life, 144×180=25920].99 Circles of Life = 14256.Total sum 25920 + 14256 = 40176.
75 – Chislobog: This God is related to Aryan Calendar.Probably he is a coordinator of time.[Chislo = Число = Number]
76 – For those who are guilty in Blood mixing,Hell opens its wide doors: Punishment for blood mixing is degradation,degeneration and extinction of the whole branch of a Kin.And after death,guilty soul goes to Hell.
77 – Gods will not help him,for he himself chooses his Path: Human is given a freedom of choice,and Gods help him only when he goes on the way of Spiritual Development.But if he chooses to go on spiritless way of material pleasures,he thus rejects help of Light Gods.
78 – Head of all deeds becomes Conscience: When Conscience becomes head of all deeds of a human,begins his Spiritual Development.Living by Conscience,human is capable of fulfilling all commandments of Gods and Ancestors,no matter how many there are,for Conscience is above all.
79 – GREY like Alien: Even though their skin is indeed grey,in the original version of this particular shlock,was used another word – “karaen” [which means – the one without light in his Soul].But during the translation from Runic language to Russian,word “grey” had to be used,because there is no equivalent in Russian for the word “karaen”.
80 – Makosh: Aryan name of the Ursa Major constellation.
81 – Rada: Aryan name of the Orion constellation.
82 – Half a quarter: Measure.Corresponds to 2/16 of Circle [45 degrees].
83 – Celestial needles: Systems of space communication and navigation.
84 – Seven sazhens: Sazhen’,ancient Aryan measure,equal 213.36 cm.7 sazhens make around 15 metres.
85 – On the nearest Moon: Lelya [Леля].Medium Moon.Orbital period – 7 days.
86 – Dea: Destroyed planet of our solar system.At present,remains of Dea make up asteroid belt between orbits of Mars and Jupiter.
87 – Half a chast’: Aryan measure.1 chast’ = 648 parts [18.75 seconds].