The Book of Light (Charatiyas 1-4)
- Haratya 1 – The Beginning
- Haratya 2 – Birth
- Haratya 3 – The Great Assa
- Haratya 4 – The Structure of the Worlds
Kharatya 1 – The Beginning
In the Summer of the Fire Priestess, on the Five Hundred and Seventy-Sixth Circle of Life from the Great Migration from Daaria, according to the Circle of our Chislobog [ 1 ], on the Day of Three Moons [ 2 ], revered in Irian Asgard [ 3 ], learn, children of the Great Race and descendants of the Heavenly Clan, about ancient times, about the Ancient Wisdom kept by the Priests, about the Beginning of everything known to people and for the coming times in Haratya [ 4 ] of Light inscribed by Darrung [ 5 ] Virrit. For the Glory of the Gods, for the Greatness of the Clan, may you comprehend with your hearts the greatness of the World, through what the song of the sorcerer Sladagor, kept in the da’Aryan Clan Pard [ 6 ], will tell.
- In the Summer of the Fire Priestess, on the Five Hundred and Seventy-Sixth Circle of Life from the Great Migration from Daaria, according to the Circle of our Chislobog – Summer 83075 from the Great Migration from Daaria , or Summer 78047 from the Foundation of Asgard of Iria, which corresponds to 26731 years before the modern chronology (s.l., N.E., R.H.).
- On the day of the Three Moons – the Holiday of the Three Moons, on the day when the Three Moons joined in the sky, the construction of Asgard of Iria and the Great Temple of Inglia (the Great Temple of the Sacred Primary Fire) began, this day is considered the day of the foundation of the Sacred City of the Gods at the confluence of the Iria and Om rivers.
- Asgard of Iria – As – God living on Earth; gard – city. The City of the Gods on the Iriy River (modern Irtysh) was built in the year 5028 from the Great Migration from Daariya (104-778 BC), on its site there is now the modern city of Omsk, which is also located at the confluence of the Om and Irtysh rivers (Old Slavic called Iriy. Translated from ancient Aryan: Iriy – white, clean water. From this semantic meaning came the name of the territory – Belovodye ).
- Charatii – Sacred Texts, Spiritual and philosophical treatises and historical narratives, recorded on parchment sheets.
- Darrung – a darrung was a person endowed with the gift of connecting Runic Images describing current events, capable of recording the connected Image of events in shlokas, which were applied to wooden tablets, leather, parchment sheets (Kharatiya) and plates of precious metal ( Santiya ). A person who wrote chronicles – a Chronicler – was also called a darrung.
- Pard – Pard or Pardus, an animal of the cat family that existed in ancient times on the territory of Russia, was similar in appearance to a snow leopard.
Once upon a time, or rather then, when there were no times, no Worlds and Realities, perceived by us, people, there was, without incarnating, only one Great Ra-M-Ha [ 7 ]. He manifested himself in the New Reality and from the perception of the New Boundless Infinity, he was illuminated by the Great Light of Joy. And then the Endless New Eternity appeared, born in the New Reality, and an infinite number of its manifestations appeared. Thus appeared that which we, people, perceive as the spaces of the Worlds of Yav, Nav and Prav .
- The Great Ra-M-Ha – (Ramha, Sanskrit Brahmo) – the Primordial Single Unknowable Entity, radiating the Life-giving Light of Joy and the Primordial Fire of the Universe (Inglia), from which all existing Universes, as well as all inhabited Worlds and Realities, emerged.
As soon as the Great Ra-M-Ha manifested in the New Reality, a super-great absolute Something appeared in the Infinite New Eternity, and since it was not what the Great Ra-M-Ha is, the super-great absolute Something concealed within itself the beginning of evil, for everything that is imperfect from the highest point of view of the All-Perfect is relative evil. And when the Great Ra-M-Ha was illuminated by the Great Light of Joy, the Great Stream of Inglia [ 8 ], the Primordial Living Light, that is, His ineffable breath, flowed from Him, the ineffable Light gushed forth and sounded in the Great Something.
- The Great Stream of Inglia is the Life-giving Light and Primary Fire of the Universe, in which the Universes and our system of Yarilo-Sun with Midgard-Earth appeared.
At that moment, when the Primordial Living Light moved away from the Great Source of Inglia by no less than one peaceful fraction of a line, the Primordial Living Light ceased to be a part of the One whom we humans call the Great Ra-M-Ha, just as the light from the Yarilo-Sun or a burning torch is not the Yarilo-Sun or a torch. The Primordial Living Light drove before it the darkness of the super-great absolute Something, deprived of Divine Light, and in some places it penetrated it, leaving no trace; in other places it shone with the brightest Light, flooded the Great Spaces, and further and further the stream of dazzling Light flowed.
But the further the Primordial Living Light moved away from the One whom we, people, call the Great Ra-M-Ha, the less bright was the Light of Inglia, which more and more often pushed back and pushed aside the darkness of non-existence, the darkness of emptiness.
In each cluster of the Primordial Living Light, many Worlds and Realities appeared. And so, far, far away from the One whom we, people, call the Great Ra-M-Ha, His Primordial Living Light was poured out for the last time, as Great Clusters. In this Primordial Living Light, living beings appeared, for Inglia was Life-giving.
Part of the Primordial Living Light poured into the deep depths and mixed with darkness and gloom there. Primordial Flashes appeared, from which our Universe and the Universes located above were born. But everywhere, both at the top and at the bottom, like a blue river, there was a strip of Primordial Living Light, not mixing with the gloom, called the Golden Path or Heavenly Iriy.
From top to bottom in the New Reality, various Worlds were reflected from the surface of the Heavenly Iria, and in them special Realities developed, inhabited by special beings.
The higher the Realities are located, the greater the number of feelings the beings inhabiting them are gifted with; and in each locality of the Golden Path there was far from just one Reality, but many different Realities, and the beings inhabiting them had the same number of feelings, but the feelings of the beings in these Realities lying next to each other were different. Such is our Endless New Eternity in the New Reality, and in it the Great Clusters of the Primordial Living Light still burn, of which our Suns are a weak reflection.
The Primordial Living Light connected many Realities, giving birth to the Great Trees of the Worlds [ 9 ]. Like the branches of a tree, the Primordial Living Light connected the leaves of Reality with the mighty shining trunks, and the trunks of the World Trees had their roots in the Infinite New Eternity generated in the New Reality, and they receive the Light Power from the Light Waters of the Heavenly Iria [ 10 ]. Thus was created the Vyriy Garden [ 11 ], which occupies half of the Heavenly Svarga.
- The Great Trees of the Worlds – Universal World structures. On Earth, these Universal World structures were embodied in the images of the Sacred Trees, still revered by white people: Igg (Iggadrasil), Oak, Birch, Ash, etc. These Sacred Trees were also personified with the Light Gods: Igg – with the Warrior God Odin ; Oak – with the Thunderer God Perun ; Birch – with the light-faced Lada-Mother of God , and Ash – with the generous Tarkh Dazhdbog .
- Heavenly Iriy – in ancient times, Heavenly Iriy was the name of the Golden Path of Spiritual Development, in addition, the Milky Way was also called Heavenly Iriy.
- Vyriy Sad – the Heavenly Abodes, where live the Light Gods and the All-Wise Ancestors of all the Slavic-Aryan Clans, who now inhabit Midgard-Earth.
Other Infinities existing in our infinite Inglia were formed differently. And there, high in the heights, but far from the One whom we, people, call the Great Ra-M-Ha, where the great accumulations of the Primordial Living Light have spread, there are the Highest Gods, one of whom we call Svarog [ 12 ], and who is the God of the Worlds and Realities of our Infinity.
- Svarog – the Light Slavic Supreme God, who controls the Heavens and Life in our Universe.
There are more Svarozhichi than there are Infinites in our Infinite Inglia. Those of the Light Gods who are not the Highest Gods of the Infinites, dwell in the shining World of Spiritual Power [ 13 ]. Infinitely Great and Infinitely Powerful in comparison with us are the Svarozhichi: we can speak of Them as All-perfect, Omnipotent, All-Good and All-Knowing.
- The World of Spiritual Power is a multidimensional and diverse World located at higher levels of the Golden Path compared to the Manifest World of Midgard-Earth.
We are right in placing the Supreme Gods above all that is accessible to us, that we comprehend. But any of the beings living in any of us on the smallest particle, rotating around the original basis, is related in its power to Svarog in the same way as Svarog is related to the One whom we call the Great Ra-M-Ha. Each smallest particle of our body, stone, tree is a kind of Solar system, Yarilo-Sun, surrounded by Earths [ 14 ], on which billions of thinking beings live, sometimes surpassing us, people, in their mental and moral development.
- Lands – The Slavs and Aryans called the Celestial objects revolving around the central Luminary – the Sun or Star – Lands.
More important than what has been said now may be that in the Infinite New Eternity in the New Reality born, below there is the same boundless unknowable abyss as above, and what is below is similar to what is above, and what is above is the Basis for the similarity of what is below, according to the original will of That Primordial One, whom we, people, call the Great Ra-M-Ha.
Haratya 2 – Birth
At the beginning of the Summer of the Fire Priestess, on the Five Hundred and Seventy-Sixth Circle of Life from the Great Migration from Daaria, according to the Circle of our Chislobog, on the Day of Lyubomir , when the All-Wise Priests bless the Sacred Family Unions between the Great Clans, in all the Vesyas of the Holy Race and in Asgard of Iria. And on this beautiful evening, hear, children of the Great Race and descendants of the Heavenly Clan, about the ancient and beautiful times, about the Ancient Wisdom, kept by the Priests. About the Birth of the Worlds of Yavi, Navi and Prav, and for the coming times in the Haratya of Light inscribed by Darrung Virrit. Having raised the Glory to all the Highest Gods, and to the Greatness of the Heavenly Family, let everyone comprehend with their hearts the greatness of the Worlds, through what the song of the sorcerer Sladagor, preserved in the Aryan Family of Pard, will tell.
In the true Origin, or rather, when in the Infinite New Eternity the Life-bearing shining Inglia, the Primordial Life-giving Light, spilled out in a Great powerful stream, in the New Reality various Spaces and Realities of the Worlds of Yav, Nav and Prav were born.
And the closer to the Primordial Source of Light these Spaces and Realities were located in various shining Worlds, the greater the dimensions these Greatest Spaces and Realities were filled with. And in them the Life-bearing Ancient Gods-Patrons of the Worlds and Greatest Spaces and Realities were born, who, developing in the Divine Light of the Primordial purest Inglia, cognized and arranged their boundless Spaces and Realities, and the more multidimensional the Abodes of Life were, the greater the number of feelings the Ancient Gods inhabiting the Abodes of Life were gifted with. Thus, the Highest and infinitely multidimensional Light World of Prav was born.
Below the Highest World of Prav, in each shining Abode of Life on the Spaces of the Golden Path, there was far from one Reality, but many Realities, and the beings inhabiting the Abode of Life had the same number of feelings, but the feelings of the beings in these Realities lying next to each other were different. And for different thinking beings, different Suns and Stars shone. The Primordial Life-giving Light of Inglia united the radiance of different Suns and Stars from many diverse Realities, giving birth to the Great Trees of Worlds.
As the branches of the Tree, the Primordial Life-Giving Light connected the Leaflets-Reality of our World Tree with the mighty shining trunk. And each Leaflet-Reality shone immeasurably, shimmering with the bright Light of various Suns, and the trunk of the World Tree went with its numerous roots into the Infinite New Eternity, generated in the New Reality.
And so, high up in the sky, on the Leaflets-Realities, under the rainbow dazzling radiance of the Great Suns and Stars, the New Abodes of Life were born, in which the Ancient Gods-Patrons of our Great Clans appeared. They settled the New Abodes of Life, bringing Beauty, Creation with Harmony to the beings born and living there. Transforming the Lands in the New Abodes of Life into blooming fragrant Gardens under bright multi-colored Suns and Stars.
Having filled the shining New Abodes of Life with all sorts of blessings, they went to other Realities and there they also continued to create again, helping the inhabitants of these Realities. Nature in those Light Lands remained untouched, but life in those Lands was filled with Beauty. There, Eternal Wisdom poured into the World and filled Life with immeasurable measure. Thus blossomed the Abodes of Life that were born in the New Reality.
The Abodes of Life in the shining World developed in Harmony and Perfection. In all respects, in deeds and in life, only Conscience and Wisdom were the measure, they were supplemented by Love and Faith, which lead Consciousness to perfection. Wisdom and Labor inspire Consciousness and strengthen glorious deeds. Those flourishing Lands were transformed, and the beings turned their gaze to the Heavens.
Directing their clear gaze to the Heavens, the beings with all their Souls strove to those distant distances from where the Many-Wise Ancient Gods-Patrons arrived to their Lands, located in various Realities. The Primordial Light of Inglia developed the flight of thought, giving birth to the Great Creation in all Harmonious Light Worlds. And various forms of Life, thanks to the Pure and Clear Thought, as well as the Great Creation, left the Blooming Lands and rushed to the Heavens, filling new Spaces and Realities in various multidimensionalities. Thus were born the Greatest and multidimensional Spaces and Realities of the Light World of Navi.
Spreading across diverse Spaces and Realities, the Wise Thinking Beings, led by the Ancient Patron Gods, settled the most beautiful uninhabited New Lands of the Light World of Navi, and then went back to Heaven. Thus, the harmonious Worlds of Yavi and Navi were populated, generated in the Primordial Living Light of Joy, which radiates the Original Great Ra-M-Ha.
Haratya 3 – Great Assa
At the beginning of the Summer of the Priestess of Fire, on the Five Hundred and Seventy-Sixth Circle of Life from the Great Migration from Daaria, according to the Circle of our Chislobog, on the Day of Great Inglia, when the All-Wise Priests light the Sacred Living Fire, in all the Vesyas of the Holy Race and in Asgard of Iria.
It will be told to you, children of the Great Race and descendants of the Heavenly Family, about ancient and beautiful times, about the Ancient Wisdom kept by the Priests. About the Great Assa between Light and Darkness, which embraced the Worlds of Yav, Nav and Prav, and for the coming times in these Haratiya of Light inscribed by Darrung Virrit. Having raised the Glory to all the Light Highest Gods, and to the Greatness of the Heavenly Family, may you see with your heart the greatness of the Worlds of Light, through what the song of the sorcerer Sladagor will tell, kept in the da’Aryan Family of Parda.
Peacefully years ago, and perhaps even yesterday, for Eternity knows no time limitations, in the Light World of Arlegs, which covers two hundred and fifty-six dimensions, the Great Assa, the Great Battle of the Forces of Light and Darkness, took place.
One of the Noble Arlegs, Chernobog , decided to use cunning to circumvent the Universal Laws of Ascension along the Golden Path of Spiritual Development established by God Svarog. And he spoke to his brothers: If we, Noble Arlegs, remove the Protective Seals from the Secret Ancient Wisdom of our World for the lower Worlds. Then, according to the Law of Divine Correspondence, the Protective Seals from the Secret Ancient Wisdom of all the Highest Worlds will be removed for us too. And a free passage up the Golden Path of Spiritual Development will open for us, Noble Arlegs, and this Knowledge will also help all the Spirits and Souls from the various Worlds located below the World of Arlegs to know the Secret Ancient Wisdom of all Worlds, and having known it, to stand next to God Svarog and other Svarozhichi…
But Arleg Chernobog met a worthy rebuff in the person of Noble Arleg – Belobog , the Supreme Keeper of the Secret Ancient Wisdom of the World of Arlegs, guarding the Protective Seals with the Secret Ancient Wisdom of this World, and Chernobog’s cunning plan failed. Then Chernobog’s calling cry rang out throughout all the Worlds, Spaces and Realities lying along the Golden Path. He called the Legs to his aid.
And the entire multidimensional World of Legs came to Chernobog’s call, and the Dark Legs, Dark Arlegs and Koshcheis, rulers of Hell, flew to him uninvited, and with them the entire army of Hell flew to him. Belobog alone could not resist such great Dark forces. And Chernobog tore off the first Protective Seal, the Seal from the Ancient Knowledge of the World of Arlegs, and the Knowledge spread widely across the Worlds lying below the World of Arlegs, right down to the very depths of Hell.
In turn, the call of the wise Belobog then sounded, seeing that he alone could not preserve the Protective Seals with the Secret Ancient Wisdom of the World of Arlegs. He called for help from the Higher Worlds, and He turned to the Keepers of the World of Knowledge. But the Keepers of the Secret Ancient Wisdom of the World of Knowledge remained indifferent, since they did not want to fight with Chernobog, considering him free in choosing his actions.
Only the Keepers of the Secret Ancient Wisdom of the Worlds of Beginnings, as well as the Gods-Defenders from all the Highest Worlds and Realities, responded to the call of the Noble Belobog. And they surrounded the entire World of Arlegs with a dense energy dome of Icy Silence, and the Great Assa between the Light and Dark forces began, and time stopped in the Worlds. The Great Battle engulfed many Lands of the Worlds of Yav and Nav, from Hell itself to the World of Nirvana.
But the Noble Arlegs did not wish to participate in the Great Assa, nor to fight against the Gods-Defenders from all the Highest Worlds and Realities, nor to remain inside the dense energy dome of the Ice Silence created by the Keepers of the Secret Ancient Wisdom of the Worlds of Beginnings. With their artificial Suns they melted the adjacent part of the dome of the Ice Silence and descended into the World of Legs and into the Intermediate Worlds, and Chernobog, who also did not want to remain inside the dome of the Ice Silence, descended and found refuge in the World of the Dark Arlegs.
From the beginning of the Great Assa, Belobog rose as if over the World of Arlegs, for he united the Light Forces with his call and led them to fight against the armies of the Dark Worlds. The defeated Dark Legs and Dark Arlegs were sent to those Worlds from which they came, having taken from them a great oath not to violate the Laws of ascent along the Golden Path of Spiritual Development, established by God Svarog. Only the Koshcheis, the rulers of Hell, with the remnants of their armies rushed to the passage in the dome of Ice Silence, which the Noble Arlegs created. And they hid in their Hell, realizing that the Light Forces do not penetrate into other Worlds and Realities, carrying the Trogs of War on their banners.
By the will of Svarog, the Gods-Protectors from all the highest Worlds and Realities created a Boundary, separating Light and Darkness, so that the dark forces could not penetrate the Light Lands of Great Svarga. The Boundary was laid across the Lands in Yav, to separate the Light from the Darkness of the World of Nav. The Clear Boundary divided all the Realities of Nav, and the Dark Nav was dragged down below Yav. Yav expanded, grew and became stronger, blocking all passages for Hell. And also for the Dark Arlegs and Legs, who fought against Belobog and committed evil in the Most Pure Svarga.
The boundless reality, like a boundary, separated the World of Hell and Darkness, where force reigns, from the Ancient Wisdom of Knowledge of the World, where Conscience reigns, Light, and not force. But the Dark forces, having tasted Knowledge, direct their gaze to the Worlds of Creation.
Haratya 4 – The Structure of the Worlds
At the very beginning of the Summer of the Fire Priestess [ 15 ], on the Five Hundred and Seventy-Sixth Circle of Life from the Great Migration from Daaria [ 16 ], according to the Circle of our Chislobog, after the Day of Great Inglia, when the All-Wise Priests lit the Sacred Living Fire in all the Vesyas of the Holy Race [ 17 ] and in Asgard of Iria. It will be told to you, children of the Great Race and descendants of the Heavenly Family, about ancient and beautiful times, about the Ancient Wisdom kept by the Priests. About the Arrangement of various Worlds and the new Great Assa [ 18 ] between Light and Darkness, which embraced the Four Halls of Svarga [ 19 ] and Midgard-Earth [ 20 ], and for the coming times in these Charatia of Light inscribed by Darrung Virrit. Having raised the Glory to all the Light Highest Gods, and to the Greatness of the Heavenly Family, may you see with your heart the Greatness of Life in the Worlds, through what the song of the sorcerer Sladagor tells, kept in the Aryan Family of Pard.
- Summer of the Fire Priestess – 131 years on the Krugolet Chislobog .
- Daaria – the Sacred Land, located on the continent that sank in the northern ocean. Different peoples called Daaria in their own ways: Arctida, Hyperborea, Severia, Arctogeya, etc.
- In all Vesi of the Holy Race – i.e. in all 16 regions of Belovodye, also called Semirechye.
- Great Assa – the Heavenly battle between the Light and Dark Forces.
- Four Halls of Svarga – four constellations: Makosh – Ursa Major; Rada – Orion; Rasa – Lesser and Greater Leo; Swati – no analogues in modern constellations.
- Midgard-Earth – the ancient Slavic-Aryan name of the planet Earth.
In the great country of Ta-Kemi [ 21 ], which was located to the east of Antlan [ 22 ] and to the south of Great Venea [ 23 ], lived numerous tribes with skin the color of Darkness [ 24 ] and tribes with skin the color of the Setting Sun [ 25 ]. Among these tribes there were two powerful castes of Priests, and they had three Spiritual Teachings, which were given to them by the h’Aryans, who came from the country of the Ants.
- Ta-Kemi is the ancient name of a country that existed in the north of the African continent, on the territory of modern Egypt.
- Antlan – the Country of the Antes, was located on a large island that sank in the Atlantic Ocean about 13,000 years ago. The ancient Greeks called the Country of the Antes Atlantis.
- Great Venea – the Country inhabited by the Clans and Tribes of the Veneds, the territory of modern Europe.
- Tribes with skin the color of Darkness – Negroid peoples of the north of the African continent.
- Tribes with skin the color of the Setting Sun – the ancestors of certain Semitic peoples, in particular the Arabs.
One Spiritual Teaching – external, not a secret, given to the peoples of Ta-Kemi by the Priests of the initial caste and not recognized by the Priests themselves as the true Faith, stated that the Soul of each person after death moves into the body of a person of one or another caste, sometimes a magnificent Leader or even a High Priest. When the life of the deceased person was high and worthy. And also into the body of an animal, insect or even a plant, when the person’s own life was unworthily lived. But the Priests of this caste themselves professed another Spiritual Teaching.
They sincerely thought and believed that the migration of human Souls takes place not only on our Midgard-Earth, but that the Souls of deceased people go to other Earths of our Universe, where they are incarnated in the bodies of people or animals of other Worlds, depending on their actions in the Manifest life on Midgard-Earth. And they called this law Karma, in honor of the Great Goddess Karna , who monitors the observance of the Law of Spiritual Perfection.
However, among the Priests of the second caste there was a group of even more highly initiated ones, known to few of the Priests of the lower castes, and it had another Spiritual Teaching, very different from the previous ones. This Spiritual Teaching said that our surrounding Manifest World, the World of yellow Stars and Solar Systems, is only a grain of sand in the Infinite Universe. That there are Stars and Suns white, blue, purple, pink, green, Stars and Suns of colors that we have never seen, that our senses cannot comprehend. And their number is infinitely great, their diversity is limitless, the Spaces separating them are endless. And all these diverse Worlds are only Fiery lamps standing at the entrance to the Palace of the Creator, whose name is the Great Ra-M-Ha. And all these diverse Worlds are nothing compared to other Worlds lying outside our Universe, and again their number is infinitely great and their diversity is immeasurably great. The Infinities of Infinities separate all these diverse and varied Worlds.
And these All-Wise Priests taught that in our Universe there is a Golden Path of Spiritual Ascension, leading upwards and called – Svaga , along which the Harmonious Worlds are located, and they follow one after another: the World of People, the World of Legs, the World of Arlegs, the Worlds of Arans, the Worlds of Radiance, the World of Nirvana, the Worlds of Beginnings, the World of Spiritual Power, the World of Knowledge, the World of Harmony, the World of Spiritual Light, the Worlds of Spiritual Wealth, the World of Law, the Worlds of Creation, the World of Truth, the Worlds of Patrons, and many others up to the Greatest World of Prav. Some of the Highest Bearers of Spiritual Wealth in our Universe, in their goodness, descended and located their Worlds between the Worlds of Arlegs and Arans, in order to locate their camps closer to those in need of help.
The worlds located along the Golden Path are those that are spoken of in the Ancient Vedas. If the World of People is four-dimensional, then the Worlds located along the Golden Path have the following number of dimensions:
World of Legs – 16,
World of Arlegs – 256,
Worlds of Arans – 65.536,
Worlds of Radiance – 65.536(2),
World of Nirvana – 65.536 (4),
Worlds of Beginnings – 65.536 (8),
World of Spiritual Power – 65.536 (16),
World of Knowledge – 65.536 (32),
World of Harmony – 65.536 (64),
World of Spiritual Light – 65.536 (128),
Worlds of Spiritual Wealth – 65.536 (256),
World of Law – 65.536 (512),
Worlds of Creation – 65.536 (1024),
World of Truth – 65.536 (2048),
Patron Worlds – 65.536 (4096).
* In brackets – the power of the number.
There are also intermediate Worlds: five, seven, nine, twelve and smaller in number of dimensions. At the end of Svaga there is the Boundary, beyond which the Greatest World of Prav begins. In addition to the Harmonious and intermediate Worlds located along the Golden Path, there are incidental realities: time, space, wandering Spirits, changing images, shadows, sounds, numbers, the World of Darkness, also called Hell, the abyss where the heaviest particles of the primordial darkness entered.
The worlds located along the Golden Path are more harmonized and more complete in their manifestations than the intermediate Realities: thus, although in the Reality of five dimensions there are more opportunities for the development of Spirits than in our World of Reality, but because of the eternal disorder in the Reality of five dimensions, particles of the primordial darkness often explode.
An example of Spaces and Realities of smaller dimensions are the Worlds of sounds, shadows, mirror images, ever-changing images, where constant transformations occur. There, a flower can become a Scroll of Haratya in an instant, then a worm, a lynx, etc. And all these Worlds and Realities are not located separately at all, but penetrate each other. So that where in one Reality the great waves of the sea rage, in another Reality the forest rustles or high mountains stand, covered with eternal snows.
The reason for the transition from one Reality to another, a new Reality, is the change in the power lines of the Spirits and the Law of the Goddess Karna. And the Infinite Spaces, separating these Realities, are like streets in a large city, where the Spirits of different Worlds can meet in their original form. But when the Spirits enter another World or Reality, they must obey the Laws existing in this World.
The peculiarity of the World structure is that all Worlds, all Realities, regardless of the number of dimensions that determines them, are in the same place, as applied to human understanding and to that Infinite closure, while filling our entire Universe. But between the Worlds and Realities of different dimensions there are barriers, which can be overcome and one can join the life of another World or Reality only by receiving the number of feelings and the qualities that are characteristic of such a World or Reality.
Some Worlds or Universes with the same number of dimensions exist next to each other, while Realities penetrate each other. But having qualitatively different feelings or different forms and conditions of life, the inhabitants of these Realities, existing in a single dimensional-spatial structure, do not collide with each other and sometimes do not even suspect each other’s existence.
And in each such Reality there is its own Nature, its own Time flows, there are its own Laws, inherent only to this Reality. Many of these Laws are difficult for a person living in our Manifest World to perceive, because they do not fit into the generally accepted framework of human perception, into the framework of this form of existence, and as a result of this, the meaning of the Laws of an alien Reality becomes incomprehensible to a person.
Cognition of the surrounding world of Nature and one’s inner World leads a person to the awareness of oneself as an integral part of the Universe. And if cognition is supplemented by the ability to create, then this opens up to a person the opportunity to cognize not only his World of Reality, but also other Worlds and Realities, sometimes lying beyond the threshold of human perception and understanding.
The transition to another World or Reality is possible, but for this it is necessary to cross the threshold, which is associated with the loss of the body of a given dimension. Such a transition in the World of Reality is called death by people. If the Higher Beings of other Worlds and Realities get into this World, then they begin to be perceived here not in their original, true essence, but in the forms of perception of this World, which are the only ones accessible to its inhabitants and residents. The more complex the structure of the World or Reality in a certain area of the Golden Path, the greater the chances for the inhabitants of this area to be reflected in the consciousness of Worlds or Realities of lesser complexity.
At the base of the Golden Path is the World of People, and the ascent of a person to a Higher World or Higher Reality is possible only as a result of Spiritual Development. For this purpose, Gods came to the World of People and Teachers of humanity come. These are beings of a Higher order of complexity who descend to guide and transmit Higher Knowledge and Commandments. After all, not only a person himself works on the development of the Spiritual and Soul essence, but also the Universal Forces, elevating or delaying his Spiritual and Soul development.
The ascent of inhabitants from one Reality to a Higher one does not necessarily occur gradually. If in its development a personality gets the opportunity to join in understanding the complexity of the nearest harmonized World along the Golden Path, then this jumps it into the Higher World, bypassing the various Worlds and Realities of the intermediate dimensions. The fate of each Spiritual entity largely depends entirely on the Goddess Karna, who promotes or hinders its development and perception of fundamentally new structures and forms of Higher Worlds.
Having freed itself from the physical body, the personality chooses the Reality that best suits its Spiritual and Soul development. These Realities belong to the same Infinity as the corresponding localities on the Golden Path, but the structural forms and content are presented in them in different combinations. Nothing in the Universe hinders the ascent of the Spirit except itself. Getting into a certain locality of Svaga, depending on its own level of Spiritual development, the personality begins to live according to the Laws of the World of this Infinity.
In a series of Infinities there is one which is more than a gigantic sphere, the surface of which is the boundary of this Infinity. In some places this sphere almost touches other Infinities, which are also in the form of spheres, and in places where cone-shaped spaces have formed between the spherical Infinities, there are Worlds which are like pyramids or cones, the three sides of which and the bases are concave surfaces.
On one of these supergiant spheres live highly gifted beings, who by earthly standards can be called people, although they only vaguely resemble people. Some of their dwellings resemble trees, others – giant mushrooms or beautiful gigantic flowers, to the entrance of which they rise on special flying machines, similar to earthly Vaitmans .
There are also stranger dwellings: as if a column of smoke rises there in a wide and long spiral, and in the voids of this spiral people live. They all eat a variety of food prepared from clots of energies of that inhabited World. This food is easily extracted, when necessary, from the soil and air, and is absorbed by them in extremely small quantities. People dress in magnificent fabrics created from various streams of energies. They do not know anything similar to need. These people have all sorts of machines and mechanisms, belonging to all Clans in common, and young people willingly work on them, making from clots of energies everything necessary or desirable.
Sometimes a person gets into Worlds that are out of any connection with the Golden Path, these are the incidental Realities: time, space, karma, madness, wandering Spirits and the World of Darkness, also called the Hellish World. In addition, he can get into the intermediate Realities of Svaga, which are characterized by uncertainty, a violation of cause-and-effect relationships. In them, what happens is perceived by the inhabitants of the Harmonious World as a miracle. However, for the inhabitants of the intermediate Realities, this is extremely inconvenient: it is never possible to reliably predict the result of your actions.
Throughout the entire Golden Path, the Only True and Unconditional Law of the Universe operates: Love for all that exists and Creation, and the Birth of Love is preceded by Wise Knowledge. By the Path of Love and Knowledge, each Spiritual entity develops, rising to the Creator and gradually comprehending His creation, and having cognized it, begins to create something of its own, filled with Love. The highest manifestation of Love is self-sacrifice to help the lower ones. This is what the Legions, leading people, and the Highest Bearers of Spiritual Heritage, who bring people the Knowledge of the Highest, perfect Love, do. Love teaches understanding, mercy and sacrifice. These qualities prepare a person to serve others and to create, which is seen as a fight against evil, as participation in the deeds of transforming the World.
It is necessary to correctly consider the fight against evil. Evil is not absolute. Evil is only a manifestation of underdevelopment and ignorance. Even Demons, the lower entities of the dark World, are not deprived of hope for Spiritual ascent in the distant future, for liberation from dirt and malice as a result of a long path of development under the guidance of the Highest Spiritual Mentors of the Golden Path.
The actions of any Spiritual entity primarily affect itself. Since any individuality has absolute freedom of choice, its decision affects its structure. Its future destiny depends on the choice: with some actions, the developing personality facilitates its ascent up through various areas of the Golden Path, with others it burdens itself, strengthens connections that slow down development, or even drags down into the Dark Worlds. This is the Law of the Goddess Karna, in case of impossibility of ascent, it becomes necessary to go through the entire Circle of Life again, but through other Realities, to perform the necessary work on its Spiritual entity.
In primitive human perception, the Law of the Goddess Karna was reflected as the idea of the Three Great Judgements after death, also called the Last Judgement. In reality, there is no Last Judgement, there is only a delay in ascent, and only a temporary one, because everything is subject to the Single Law of Ascent from the lower to the higher. Evil, even if created involuntarily, always burdens its creator. Only where Spiritual entities are so high that ascent is a natural condition of their life, which itself is aimed at facilitating the ascent of lower beings, there Karma, as an inevitable law of movement in the Spiritual World, gives way to another active principle, which appears in the form of Love.
Inhabitants of various Worlds and Realities seek the most complete correspondence between the way of Life and their own essence. Thus, the Spirits of the Elemental Forces see happiness in gaining power and victory over the elements; the Spirits of the Stars of Knowledge understand happiness as the accumulation of Wisdom, as the comprehension of the Worlds and themselves; for the Spirits of Death, happiness exists in the transition from Reality to Reality; the Spirits of Space are happy, overcoming it.
The fullness of happiness can only be in a constant struggle with evil, which prevents the inhabitants of the dark Lands, its inhabitants, from beginning their ascent through the various areas of the Golden Path. This is possible only in one way: in communication with other inhabitants of one’s Reality, in the education of the Spiritual essence of man to the perception of the universal life principle, which manifests itself in all areas of the Golden Path.
The instructions of the Highest Bearers of Spiritual Heritage, bringing Divine Light to the inhabitants of all Realities, are united in their fundamental provisions. For ascent, it is only important to realize one’s unity, inseparable Kinship with other entities, placing between oneself and them Love for equals and compassion for the lower forms of Life. Mercy and Faith in the all-healing feeling of Love and Goodness are capable in the future of transforming even Demons – these seemingly eternal enemies of Divine Light, animals of the World of Darkness, who preach among the people of the Manifest World: permissiveness, cruelty, greed, selfishness and the finiteness of existence.
Demons, the lower entities of the dark World, arose at the Birth of the Worlds “in the darkness”, and were similar to Legs, from whom they differ only in the initial absence of Divine Light. The true rulers of the Dark Worlds are: dark Legs, dark Arlegs and Koshchei – Princes of Darkness. They arose in the original Darkness, when particles of the Great Inglia, the Primordial Life-giving Light, fell into their Worlds. But their active development began during the times of the Great Assa, in those dark Realities where the seeds of Ancient Knowledge fell, when Chernobog destroyed the Protective Seals with the Secret Ancient Wisdom of the World of Arlegs. Having acquired the Ancient Knowledge of the World of Arlegs, some of the Realities of the Worlds of Darkness immediately began to fight the Gloom and Darkness and began to rise to the top along the Golden Path.
However, possessing power and Ancient Knowledge, they did not learn to distinguish between Good and Evil, carrying in themselves unlived particles of the original primary darkness. The beginning of power, coercion and submission permeates all Dark Worlds and Realities. And they tried to introduce this base form in the areas bordering the World of Darkness, which included the Halls of Makosh, Rada and Rasa, as well as the Sleeve of the Hall of Svati, where Yarilo-Sun and our Midgard-Earth are located. All this led to the beginning of a new Great Assa. This happened because the Arans did not allow the Dark Ones to ascend along the Golden Path, offering them to first transform into the Light Ones, and for this purpose they drew the Boundary through the Lands of the Manifest World.
During the times of the new Great Assa, the dark ones were expelled from all the Lands that were in the Halls of Makosh, Rada and Rasa, and therefore the Path of the dark Spirits and Souls began to pass only through the World of People living on the Lands in the Sleeve of the Hall of Svati, and only through the World of People did it become possible to ascend to the top along the Golden Path. Midgard-Earth, located in the middle between Light and Darkness, began to play a particularly important role. Because of this, the Dark Forces decided to give power over people to the Demons. That is why a struggle between the Dark and Light forces takes place on Midgard-Earth, in which people from different Clans and Nations participate.