We are at a watershed moment in history of extreme change. The old models and systems are failing as they have never served humanity, only an “elite, chosen” few. We are witnessing the collapse of an oppressive system around the world, and we are seeing the collapse of law.
The current powers that be have been operating on fraudulent claims of Divine Right to rule. As people are waking up, we can see that in truth they have no authority, no legitimate claims to divine rights, no honour, no integrity, and no right to behave the way that they have.
The weakest claim is that of the tyrant, as they have no proper authority from the Divine and no consent from the people and can only hold onto power through force, fear and fraud. No tyrant can overcome or sustain forever, so long as knowledge of the true Law prevails.
Of all the forces in the Universe, the greatest is the action of Free Will, for the very existence of existence itself depends upon the Free Will of the Ultimate Creator and the wish of the Divine to exist. To deny such reasoning is to deny competency of intellect itself. Free Will is not only the greatest force of Creation, it is essential to the concept of existence itself.
Without the formality of law, people possess by their very being the innate sense of what is right and wrong, of basic human dignity and moral integrity. Nature abounds with signs and lessons of such truth, to those species that unite for life, and those noble creatures that exhibit the courage to choose what is right, for their own family and their survival. Such moral foundation is not a result of rule of law, but precedes and ensures its operation. A society that abandons its common moral reasoning destroys its very foundation and condemns itself to oblivion…
The fundamentals of law rest on these truths. For the fundamentals to operate effectively, we must comprehend concepts such as Divinity and how the highest authority flows from the Divine, preceding and ensuring that the true rule of law, due process and justice operate.
The way forward is to remove the mind virus of ignorance, hatred, greed, ego and restore the competence to know who we are. We are immortal, we are each a part of the Divine, expressed in trust to the living flesh. We are not simply part of the universe, we are each an instance of the universe, the personification of the universe. We are each Divine immortal spirits choosing to experience this life in the flesh, and may have experienced many lives or journeys.
The Universe is a dream that exists according to rules, in our flesh we exist according to those rules in the dream, but we are also part of and represent the dreamer. There is a concept of synergy between awareness and matter. Matter/objects, are flesh of the dream in motion.
Physical is awareness, everything we see is in motion, everything around us is soul, awareness in motion with intent.
Their system wants us to believe this is not true and that awareness can be separated from the physical. But they can never take our soul. They can kill our flesh, but they cannot kill us. Their model of the world, their societies and history are a horrible corruption of an incredible dream.
The political and military situation in the world appears dire; however, the real issue is spiritual and all the political and military forces in the world cannot defeat spirit. We are dealing with a system of a “Kingdom” of ideas that has been implemented. When the Jesuits took control in the 16th C they reconstituted the model of the world under the Roman concept of occupation and created Provinces across the world. Their idea was that a spiritual army had conquered the world and that their missions and posts were posts of occupation. This is a spiritual conceptual idea first, and a temporal and implemented idea second, and is why no one has defeated their system. Real power does not lie with politics or military force, guns, tasers, prison, torcher. The enemy we are dealing with is a bad idea, fraud and stupidity. It is a philosophy of creating an entirely fictitious world, justifying lying and not telling the truth, and now the people in power actually believe their own lies. This is a mental illness and an ideology based on lies.
The real power is the idea connected perfectly to spirit. When we stand up and say, “I am immortal and no one stands between me and the Divine”, we create an unbreakable bond.
The Fundamentals of Law series will explain the basic concepts, will restore the truth of what law is and what it is not. As we develop our competence, we can restore the moral foundation that precedes and ensures the true rule of law, due process and justice operate and civilization can once again flourish as we rebuild communities of trust. We can think different, and live in truth, honour and integrity, we can create models and systems that benefit us all, when we restore our moral foundation and work together.
What is Divine and Does a Divine Creator Exist?
The Divine means the total set of all meanings and definitions, of all possible concepts, objects, matter and rules, all forms of life, mind, universe and spirit, all historic, customary and traditional names used to describe the greatest of all possibilities, and the supreme being of all divinities. Thus, there can be no greater concept as the Divine means the concept of all concepts, the set of all sets, thus every other concept, set or object must be lesser than the Divine.
It is absurd to speak of aspects of the Divine and claim attributes of a supreme being that is less than the concept of all concepts. Describing the Divine as purely masculine or feminine is false as such descriptions are less than the total. Describing the Divine as vengeful or wrathful is also false and the height of stupidity, for wrath, vengeance and power are all less than the set of all sets. When speaking of gods and spirits, one speaks to specific aspects of the Divine, not adversaries to the Divine. Nothing is greater than the Divine as everything is lesser by degree.
Divine Existence:
The existence of Divine is without dispute and can be proven four different ways:
- The Divine exists absolutely as concept and therefore is proven to exist, for the mere existence of a notion is sufficient to validate itself regardless whether it is considered to be true or false to other notions. Notions that cannot be named may be said to have no existence. Thus, the Divine Creator exists as a notion.
- The Divine possesses material existence, for existence of the Universe depends upon both rules and matter, and neither matter without rules, and rules without matter can exist in a Universal reality. Only rules can exist on their own as a notion. The only example where rules exist in theory, and rules and matter exist in reality is in the relation between the dreamer and the dream. Thus, the Divine Creator may be said to be the Divine Dreamer, and the Universe is the Dream and the Divine is proven to have a material existence.
- The Divine possesses a real existence, for dimension is the canvas of reality whereupon all material existence depends, and almost every conscious being experiences through the creation of dimension firsthand, through their mind whenever they think or dream. Dimension is no place but every place, in that it has no material existence, yet every thought and every reality, depends on it. Dimensions can only be created by conscious, observable thought. Therefore, the existence of any dimension is proof of the existence of the Universal Dimension as the observable thought of the Divine Creator.
- The Divine possesses absolute existence, for existence itself depends on at least one observer, and the Object observed to hold true. Thus, for the Objective Universe to exist, there must be a Universal Observer. The Divine Creator is the absolute Dreamer and the Universe as the Absolute Dream, and the Divine Creator is proven to have Absolute Existence.
Doubt in the existence of the Divine has been sewn by priests and the plans of bankers, politicians, merchants, and those who want to control humanity as they do not wish people to have trust, especially absolute, unshakable trust in the Divine. They create and perpetuate false accounts of creation. They beguile and condemn the minds of those people that follow their falsities. An awake mind need not believe superstition, or fanciful stories in order to comprehend the creation of the Universe.
The authentic truth of the Divine is a touchstone of the heart, it is the bedrock of peace and prosperity that unites men and women of goodwill, and binds and protects communities from peril.
Divine Creator
The creation of Divine Existence and all of existence is without dispute. The Twelve Laws of Divine Creation are the first Twelve Laws of Nature, and are present within every dimension, and every level of matter and life within and throughout the Universe. All physical laws and all true laws of humanity are ultimately derived from the Twelve Laws of Divine Creation. An awake mind need not believe superstition or fanciful stories in order to comprehend the creation of the universe and the unity of all creation.
The Twelve Laws of Divine Creation:
- The Law of Divine Will
Expressed as the wish to exist. Of all possible forces within the Universe, the greatest is the action of Free Will, for the very existence of existence itself depends upon the Free will of the Ultimate Creator, and the wish of the Divine to exist. It is essential to the concept of Existence itself, and to the very notion of an Absolute and Divine Observer. There would be no existence or observer, or meaning, if not for the fundamental force of Free Will. The existence of the Universe is impossible to be computed, if not for the existence of Free Will, leading to the autonomy of matter at different levels, yet all following the same essential set of rules. Models that speak of the universe as a machine and men and women are just cogs within it, or speak of the Universe as if a result of chaos and random fortune, are without sensible competence or thought, for existence itself affords not room for error. - The Law of Divine Reason:
Expressed as to exist ones uses reason. As the capacity to reason, discern and learn are considered defining conditions for the human intellect, so too the abilities to reason, discern, and compute must be qualities present within the Divine Mind. The Divine Mind using reason is perfectly capable of discerning that to exist, one must exist as something in dimension. There is nothing to suggest, within an infinite potential of reasoning, that the Divine did not first test hypothetical models and sets, of finite, infinite possibilities in theory, until the perfect model of laws was concluded. - The Law of Divine Purpose:
Expressed as to exist one must have purpose. As the Divine must be something to exist, it conceives itself as the smallest theoretical point, also known as infinitesimal dimension. The necessity to exist as something, sensibly leads to the existence of cause, at each and every level of matter. To exist, the Divine created the dream, a theoretical object and the potential to exist, demonstrating that everything in the Universe has purpose for existence, even if such purpose is not easily recognized. The smallest possible theoretical object is connected to the greatest possible concept of the Divine Creator, establishing the paradox, whereby the largest possible concept depends upon its existence of the smallest possible concept. - The Law of Divine Codependence:
Expressed as for I to exist you must exist. A point in two-dimensional space, needs only 2 neighbour points to prove existence. A point in three-dimensional space, needs at least six neighbour points to prove existence. Codependence is an essential law of all creation. The Universe depends upon a codependent set of infinitesimal points constantly expanding at an infinite rate for each point to exist in dimension. A single point does not guarantee existence in Real Dimension, just as a single man or woman has no meaningful existence alone. To have three-dimensional Real Dimension, an object must have a relative position, with at least six points around it, in Real Dimensional space. Unreal space can only exist in theory or in two dimensions. Before Unreal space can be proven to exist, a Real Set of things must exist. Unless each anchor point of the Divine has its own set of infinite anchor points, relative position cannot be guaranteed, and existence collapses. Such an absolute co-dependence, between just one unique point of the Divine and the complete infinite set of points proves the absolute and irrefutable importance of every single object in the Universe. If the essence of one man or woman ceased to exist, the entire Universe would cease to exist. Thus, every man and woman and every form of life is vitally important to the Divine. Only imposters claim that some people are less worthy or have no value to the Divine. - The Law of Divine Specialization:
Expressed as for I to exist as, you must exist as. In the process of ensuring dimension and existence, points of the Divine must specialise into different types, such as core points, anchor points etc. Without specialised roles, even at the most basic level of points, cannot guarantee existence in dimension. It is absurd to argue that men are greater than women, or that women should do the same tasks as men, or that unity can only come through dissolution of uniqueness. Existence depends upon our differences, our flaws, our characteristics, gender, race and cultures. To deny this and urge a false unity through sameness defiles the will of the Divine. - The Law of Divine Measure (geometry):
Expressed as to exist one must use rules of measure (geometry). The arrangements of specialised and co-dependent points must form and operate according to geometric principles, such as volume and relation in three-dimensional space, in order to exist as the building blocks of matter. To exist, something must have shape and occupy space. The Divine uses measure as essential to existence of volume and shape in dimension. - The Law of Divine Elemental Awareness:
Expressed as to exist I must have elemental awareness of my position. Awareness is the ability to receive, conceive, perceive, comprehend or discern complex information about different concepts, objects, conditions or events, and calculate some form of action accordingly. Awareness is the quality of observation fundamental to the very nature of existence. Infinite points of the Divine, provides the framework to exist in dimension; however, it is not enough for the Divine to simply observe the dream, it must be able to observe within the dream without affecting the fundamental rules that create the dream. A dream can be within a dream, yet no dream may impose itself without dissolving the former. The inherent awareness of position in dimension, of pure points of Divine, of each infinitely small point of the Divine, validates through elemental awareness whereby every point of the Divine being aware, and every unit of matter from points being aware, every drop of water, every ray of sunlight being awareness in motion and every blade of grass being elementary aware. Thus, all things being are connected. - The Law of Divine Community:
Expressed as to exist I interact and support my local community first. Points of the Divine being pure awareness can interact with points well beyond its immediate position. There is no hard universal law that forces a point of the Divine to only interact with points around it. Yet, if one point of awareness ceased to exist, dimension would collapse and existence itself would cease. To reduce such risk, every point chooses by its own free will to only interact with immediate neighbours in creation of greater form. Chaos would reign, if points of awareness and higher forms of matter chose to interact wherever or whenever they wished and no stable forms could exist. Every point of the Divine computes and interacts its position and state, making changes accordingly in relation to its immediate neighbours, and not remote possibilities, to create more complex forms. Thus, the building block of all civilised society is the sacred union between a man and a woman, bound in honour, fidelity and acceptance, that children may be born into a stable home. The building block of communities be the collection of family units giving strength and unity, peace and respect between communities, under the rule of Law. - The Law of Divine Uniqueness:
Expressed as to exist no two points can occupy the same position. If one point of the Divine ceased to hold unique position in dimension, then all existence would also cease. Every level of matter holds unique position, and no object moves in a perfectly straight line, and when they change position in a circle, they do so in an up and down motion, creating the feature of oscillation. In reality there can be no perfect straight lines or circles. The measure of perfect imperfection when the Divine is instantiated in form is called the Divine Ratio (Pi). - The Law of Divine Change:
Expressed as to exist nothing can stand still in time or space. The creation of form in three-dimensional space requires the points of Divine to change position, thus creating frequency, rotation, and vibration, as motion within form, and motion as form. The very definition of existence implies change, nothing except the Divine may remain still. Everything yields to change, change is life, life is constant change. - The Law of Divine Conservation:
Expressed as to exist I only use what is necessary and conserve the rest. If points of Divine move, changed positions at a maximum rate, there would be no conservation of motion to create form. Thus, motion is conserved to enable change of position as form. Such stored potential energy within the Universe is awareness in motion in form. - The Law of Divine Limit:
Expressed as to exist I cannot change faster than what I am capable. Once the smallest units of matter are formed, such units will never change position at their maximum rate creating limits of motion at every level of matter and an inverse relation between motion used within form, and the motion of collective form of all matter.
Divine Nature:
There are nine attributes of Divine Nature:
- Unique Collective Awareness: Everything is mind and unique, every level of matter is collective awareness, every piece of matter is aware, every element of life is aware, nothing is lost, everything is remembered and nothing is without witness
- Absolute Free will: The Divine chooses by its own volition to exist, and such choice is a conscious and continual choice at each and every instant of existence. When free will is breached, such culpable men and women call upon themselves the full force of nature to correct such wrong.
- Perfect Reasoning: The Divine is perfectly sensible and reasonable in all its thoughts and actions without being affected by lesser emotions of jealousy, hate, fear, retribution, anger or prejudice. Any man or woman who claims to be Divine and exhibits any lesser emotion is an imposter.
- Unconditional Love: The Divine reveals that the highest expression of existence is the love of life and the love of all existence. The strongest emotion is love and the Divine is the personification of love.
- Constant Change: The Divine reveals that change of position is essential for the creation of form and existence. Constancy of change is essential to all existence, from birth to death and life and rebirth, from abundance to famine, summer to winter.
- Benevolent Amorality: Once dimension is created, direct intervention in the Divine Dream of life is impossible, except through vision, revelation and inspiration. The Divine Creator cannot interpose itself twice, without collapsing dimension and existence. The Divine Creator is benevolent to all creation and life, but amoral to the constant change of existence, permitting the laws of the Universe, to function without Divine intervention to alter or suspend them.
- Authentic Rule of Law: The expression of Divine Mind is Divine Law, and the highest of all laws is the Golden Rule that no one is above the law and all are equal before the same law.
- True Justice: Existence depends upon consistency in the application of laws of the Universe so that the same essential rules of existence be applied consistently without fear, favour or corruption.
- Abundant Mercy: The Divine reveals infinite love and forgiveness such that no man or woman be cursed in spirit and no man or woman be burdened by transgressions of their ancestors or family. Any man or woman who proclaims otherwise must be expelled immediately from any position of authority.
Human Existence:
We exist within the Divine dream of life. We exist in name and identity. We possess material existence as of form of flesh and blood and bone within a Universal dream defined by rules. All material existence is finite and changing. We possess real existence through reading, hearing, thinking thoughts and ideas, imagining things in dimension; thus, by our thoughts and concerns, dreams and doubts. We prove the formation of unique dimension. We possess divine immortal existence as our mind and spirit will always be immortal. Nothing can come from nothing and real cannot be unreal without breaking the boundary of all existence. Our mind is everywhere and nowhere in reality; therefore, it cannot have material existence. Only our body has a finite and material existence, our true essence is as an immortal being.
Human Will:
The first and greatest law of all creation is the Law of Divine Will, expressed as the most powerful of forces in the Universe, as the action of Free Will.
The greatest gift and power of all human beings is the right of Free Will, and the right to choose or deny consent. Every human being is endowed with this gift and those that deny this are frauds, liars and incapable of reasoning and sensible thought. To oppress the free will and intention of others is to declare war on the Universe, and no tyrant can win against such odds.
Human Reason:
The second and greatest law of all creation is the Law of Divine Reason, expressed as the capacity to reason, discern and learn.
To reason, discern and learn of the Divine Creator are the same defining conditions for human intellect.; thus, human beings are endowed with the capacity to reason, to make informed, educated choices, either as a choice between two opposites or as a choice between three or more states to discern real life decisions. A human being that abandons reason, disqualifies themselves from the right to argue and defend.
Human Purpose:
The third and greatest law of all creation is the Law of Divine Purpose. Every human life has purpose and no human existence is without fundamental purpose just as the very essence of existence depends upon the smallest possible theoretical objects, it follows to reason that existence itself, depends upon all objects and forms as is the Human Being. Our material existence is wedded to the material existence of the Divine as the Universe. To conclude that human life is without purpose, or is meaningless to the vastness of creation is stupidity.
Human Mind:
The Universe is the Divine Mind in motion. Mind is equivalent to consciousness, and Observer-Object Relation, also expressed as the Dreamer-Dream Relation. Before our physical formation, the Divine as the ultimate Dreamer must construct in Divine Mind, a new mind of sufficiently stable reason to sustain our existence. Thus, our Mind must precede our physical existence and be responsible for our physical existence, in the same manner that a Dreamer is responsible for their Dream.
Human Soul:
Soul is a word to define that part of being, associated with a living being, and that without it, physical life cannot exist. This is our immortal Mind, by another name. To the ancients and many cultures, Soul and Mind are the same. We are all equal as beings, we all have but one mind of three layers and all have one soul. Non may seize, take, sell, surrender nor abandon their soul, not their mind except for a state of temporary madness. It is an absurdity that some consider that as human beings are first an animal with an animal soul, and all have a second soul, that because so many worship ignorance and abandon reason, only some have the highest form of soul. This reasoning gives rise to slavery and barbarity against fellow human beings, no longer considered equal but less than human and mere creatures.
Human Heart:
The capacity for a Human Being to hate and create untold misery is only exceeded by their capacity for love, and to embody Divine Love in physical form. The Human Heart is the source of our greatest power and strength, for there is no such thing as a dark heart, only a clouded and isolated mind.
All truth begins from the heart, all compassion and kindness, emanates from the heart and all courage and respect radiates from the heart. If the heart is closed, no other point of the body is truly awake, if the heart is truly opened this is no point of the body that may be closed. Only those ancient priests in their intellectual arrogance fought against the wisdom of the heart to make the head the destination of redemption. They believed that only by unlocking physical points one by one, could a human being reach an open heart and attain an enlightened mind.
A heart is either open or closed. When open all points of the body are opened, when closed, all points are closed. There is no need for complex meditations or endless rituals and false knowledge. Feel your heart and through an open heart feel the flow of the world, emotions, joy, sadness and you shall always be connected to the Divine.
Human Life:
Human life is a precious gift, given once to each unique instance of Mind connected to form. Thus, while a Mind may have been connected to other lives, no two experiences of human life are ever the same. Human life begins not with conception, but nine to ten weeks after first conception. Human live evolved from lesser life forms, and in the formation of life through pregnancy all of us had to first experience the same evolution. At nine to ten weeks the form that is within the womb is a human being with rights and feelings and a soul, when mind and body become one as an unborn child, heralded by the first movements. To harm such an unborn human being from ten weeks until physically born is no less than the murder of a living adult.
Human Death:
It is natural and normal for the human body to die. This is a blessing to our species for our survival depends upon new lives and old deaths. If we lived an age many times greater in years, then there would be no urgency to reproduce and our species would be in jeopardy. If life were to be prolonged beyond what is reasonable, this would doom our communities to over population and lost resources. Those who crave physical mortality to hold onto power, do not believe in truth or an afterlife, but fear death above all else. There is nothing to be feared in physical death, for what is in essence our mind and ourselves, is already immortal and eternal. Let us not squander life seeking to run away from death, nor be reckless with such a precious gift as life, but live each day as if it be our last, and give thanks for all that we have been given as teaching and experience for eternal life.
Human Spirits:
There are some who even in death refuse to due and allow their mind to release its connection. These minds that are unable or unwilling to transition to their natural place as a Divine Being are called ghosts or spirits. By its own ignorance, a ghost is an isolated soul (mind), bound in negative thoughts to particular places, things, objects and people. Such a mind continues to suffer in death and such negative souls may lose any memory of self or reason. These negative minds often seek to perpetuate negativity on the living, implanting false thoughts and ideas through points of weakness and distress. Reject all such thoughts and let your heart be open as a blinding source of spiritual light, and bind such ghosts who intrude upon your mind to the light and compassion of your heart. Either they will escape as cowards from such light or be freed to their natural state through your compassion.
Divine Judgement and Eternal Life:
The Divine loves you. No being, including the Divine, can take away your mind or essence or being. You are and always will be a Divine Immortal Being. Only your body dies. When you die you begin a new journey of experience and spiritual life. You may choose to be part of a spiritual community that gives you guidance and support, yet none may condemn you. Ignore those priests that proclaim you shall be judged unless you pledge absolute obedience to them. You are Divine, yet you are more because you are a Human Being.