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Origin of the Species Part 2

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    Why do we act like an alien race to our planet?  What, where, why, when was our genus of Homo Sapiens created and why?  For what purpose were we created?  Where did these “flesh and blood gods” come from and why? These are some of the questions answered in the first part of this series before we continue discussing the Origin of our Species and what we may learn from our blood type, location of different cultures and behaviors. 

    We are the same – there is no “lesser” or “greater” 

    When we are speaking of the heritage of the 7 plus billion people on this planet that we collectively identify as Homo Sapiens we are not here to describe one as superior or inferior with greater skill or lesser skill.  There is no consideration of any theory of racism or eugenics or superiority whatsoever.  We are collectively equal.  To simply step away and not try to make sense of how we came to be and to interbreed and why we are doing what we are doing is to ignore the very things, the very problem of what is going on today.  

    If today, if the world today, is a reflection in many respects of traits and breeding artificially created to do, then it behooves us to investigate this.  Please keep in mind that whatever we discuss is based on the premise that we truly are the same.  We all possess divine mind, we all possess the same qualities.

    How do we distinguish and try to identify how many species of Homo were created, what was the order of creation, where were they created and why?  People over time have used different theories.  There was a theory at the beginning of the 20th century that was allegedly much discredited.  It was discredited because in many respects it revealed some pretty startling traits of common behavior. This refers to the old, discredited science of phrenology, of facial reading.  Of course, phrenology has come back with an absolute vengeance because of facial recognition technology.  

    One system we can use and it has certainly been shown to be a very strong way of trying to identify the origin of the different homo genus, was the whole range in fossilized records of what is known as ancestors or parallel cousins.  We know this in the form of Homo Erectus, the form of Homo Habilis and the form of Homo Neanderthals.  These are all examples of distinct, different sizes, differed sized skulls varieties of the genus homo, except for two and that is what is called the modern form of Homo Sapiens.

    Ambrosia (Blood) – The “food” of the Gods

    The system that seems the best for us to start this exploration of how many of the homo species were created by the alien mining race as worker bees and the order they were created, the purposes for what they are created, is the blood.  The Greeks write in allegory and occult, (blood is) ambrosia.  The food of the gods.  It is in the distinction of blood type that we have a measuring system that gives us some insight as to potentially the different order, time frame and rationalization of the creation of the different species.  There are many different classifications within blood types. There are two that have the longest pedigree and sadly, a high degree of credibility in their application, particularly in medical science and the treatment operations and healing and functioning of our immune system, as well as practical things such as blood transfusion and other medical procedures that have become so important as part of our survival and our ability to operate.  

    So, blood type, when take the street definition of the two oldest systems, includes the first system which is called the ABO system.  This system is based on the inheritance or the absence of what is inherited and what is called anti-genic substances on the surface of red blood cells.  By anti-genic we mean a particular molecule configuration that is used by the body’s immune system in fighting pathogens and attack.  

    In effect we are describing a system that identifies certain markers for the different models and versions of immune systems that we may inherit from our parents. Basically, it is a roadmap that we may use to determine where we come from.  

    The ABO system is divided into types. There are 8 types:  A+, A-, B+, B-, AB+, AB-, O+ and O-.  The + and – referred to is the second measure that is usually included in the ABO system so it forms a more complex system.  It is called the RH factor system, or the Rh system which defines what is called the Rhesus monkey antigens.  When we speak of the Rhesus monkey antigens around 50 of these have been identified that play a part in our immune system.  Contrary to the frequent confusion and the quite simplistic and wrong determination of whether you have an Rh+ or Rh- blood, the determination of Rh+ or Rh- relates to the presence of only one antigen which is the “D’ antigen out of 50 antigens.  If it is not present, it is Rh- and if it is present, it is Rh+.  Its presence has an important impact as to the way the immune system defends itself against the more exotic and dangerous pathogens and diseases such as smallpox, influenza, swine flu and immune deficiency virus.  

    These traits are inherited and now that there has been the cross breeding between peoples of different cultures and peoples for thousands of years.  The blood type you have does not in any way indicate that you are more or less than anyone else.  But what it helps us determine is the indication of possible advantages, predispositions, and prototype models. If we follow the argument that there was an alien race that came here for mining extraordinarily rare and precious materials, and we were created as worker bees, then it may give us some insight into these different models.  

    Just to show the extraordinary diversity of these 4 different blood groups, let’s look at some of the distributions across the planet that has been identified.  We are defining in the broader sense, the distribution of:  A+, A-, B+, B-, AB+, AB-, O+ and O-.  If you look at the current debates in terms of the orthodox model that the religion of science is so desperate to hold on to that they have now adopted different models because they know they cannot sustain the ‘out of Africa’ model for too much longer.  Some still maintain this with absolute fanatical precision that we are all descended from a common ancestor from Africa.   

    If indeed there is a common ancestor that comes from Africa, then the genetic material certainly may indicate a common thread.  But what the genetic study may not be able to distinguish is how those different populations got to where they were and a more accurate time frame that contradicts the noble savages coming out of Africa and traveling thousands of miles to the ends of the earth over a period of 25,000 years.  This argument simply does not make sense.  What we know from civilization and our own history is that when a group of people find a capable food source and supply of water, when they have organized themselves and are able to defend themselves from predators, competitors and foes, then they reach a level of comfort.

    When they reach a level of comfort they do not move.  So, if we were going back to the original “out of Africa” model which worked both logically and arguably before it was challenged by the evidence, a migration of 150,000 to 200,000 years is plausible in that events could conspire that forced groups to move from areas that became desert or there were competing forces that caused them to move on.  Micro movements and macro movements could ultimately explain groups from around the world.  But, as a number of you know now, the time frames between the presence of Homo Sapiens and Homo Neanderthal and other genus of the homo that have been found in Asia, in South Asia, Australia, America, South America make that argument untenable.  Let’s see if the hard evidence of blood type throws more scorn on this argument.  

    If we migrated from Africa, excluding the argument of where we were created, if we indeed migrated from Africa as opposed to, we were created and then ‘plunked’ where we were needed to mine precious earth minerals as worker bees, then the trends of the different peoples identified in Africa should show a reasonably similar trend to the global mean.  

    That is to say if there was the first wave which was the Neanderthal that was then replaced by the second wave which were the Homo Sapiens, then the various numbers of blood type O, A, B, and AB in Africa should in some way resemble the averages globally.  

    What we find is that there are sufficient anomalies in the proportion of blood type O, A, B, and AB to conclusively prove that either these people were teleported by some magical fiction or some flesh and blood superior race to parts of the planet so that they are at least as old if not older than the populations in parts of Africa.  In some cases, they are even genetically purer than any population in Africa.  What this means is that the “out of Africa” religious doctrine of this fanatical religion called science must at some point be resigned to the dust bin of crazy science along with the Panagea Cult of one land mass because it has not benefit in moving forward.

    Separate to the issue of common genic ancestry the “out of Africa” migration doctrine must be ended.  Why?  There are populations of the O type which is the dominant type of blood group which science has most closely identified as being the modern Homo Sapiens.  Presuming there was interbreeding between different homo genus, and then the O type is the most dominant type of the Homo Sapiens species around the planet at 43%, roughly 44%.  Nowhere in Africa do we find 100% in any people. In fact there are 3 samples that have been discovered where there is 100% O type Homo Sapiens blood groups.  They are the Bororo of Brazil in South America, the Peru Indians that have 100% O type, the Champay or the Nicobari of the Islands there in the Bay of Bengal that connect Asia to East Asia.  Those 3 samples are the only samples that are perfect and pure examples of one blood group belonging to one type.

    People groupO (%)A (%)B (%)AB (%)
    Ainu (Japan)17323218
    Grand Andamanese Is (India)960239
    Asian Americans4028275
    Blackfoot (N. Am. Indian)178201
    Bororo (Brazil)100000
    Buryats (Siberia)3321388
    Eskimos (Alaska)3844135
    Eskimos (Greenland)5436238
    Gypsies (Hungary)29273510
    Hindus (Bombay)32292811
    Native Americans791641
    Italians (Milan)4641113
    Jews (Germany)4241125
    Jews (Poland)3341188
    Kalmuks (West Mongolia)26234111
    Kikuyu (Kenya)6019201
    Moros (Philippines)6416200
    Navajo (N. Am. Indian)732700
    Nicobarese (Nicobar Is, India)749151
    Papuas (New Guinea)4127239
    Peru (Indians)100000
    Shompen (Nicobars)100000
    South Africans4540114
    Tatars (Khazar)28302913
    Black Americans4927204
    White Americans4540114

    What we can say then is that because these populations exist is that blood type has a way of making sense of who and what we come from and is indeed a key to unlocking our past because blood type appears almost certainly to be linked to the ancestry and types of homo.  So, the “out of Africa” is ridiculously outdated as a migration theory.  If we look at other areas, the Australian indigenous Aborigine is at 61% which is way above any population in Africa.  The Nicobaris within the same area of the Bay of Bengal and the connection bridge between Asia and India and East Asia is 74%.  

    What about other blood groups?  There has been substantial study in the blood groups of A and B in relation to other primates.  Indeed, the blood group A is found to be the predominate blood group of the genus known as “Pan” or the primate that is known as the chimpanzee.  The chimpanzee is dominant in the A blood and is left-handed, small, 4 or 5 feet and meat eaters.  

    The same blood type is found in the ancestor of the hominid, the Australopithecines Africanus.  That is a unique species of hominid found in Africa, a common ancestor of a type. So, the A blood is dominant and there is some evidence, but minimal, O blood within the chimpanzee population.

    Of the over 30 studies that have been done on chimpanzees regarding blood type, the dominant blood type is A with minimal O, minimal to the point that it might be a statistical error, but never ever do you find B blood type within the chimpanzee population.   What are the proportions of A blood type among the different peoples of the world?  

    We find that the statistical significance of those populations that are higher than the global average is around 34% of the world’s population with Blood type A, compared to 44% for Blood type O.  So, of the population in areas where there is clearly a statistically significant higher proportion of Blood Type A is to be found in such places as the Grand and Emese Islands in India, among the Armenians at 50%, the Blackfoot North American Indians at 82%, nearly 3 times the statistical average. You have 61% among the Hawaiians, 63% amongst the Lapps, 54% among the Maori of New Zealand, 50% among the Norwegians, 53% amongst the Portuguese, 47% among the Spanish, and 50% among the Swiss as examples.

    What about the Blood type B?  it has been identified most closely with the genus known as gorilla of the primates.  The dominant blood group of the gorilla is Blood type B. The closest of common ancestors for us would be Australopithecines Robustus.  That is the closest relative.  The gorillas despite their size are absolutely dominant as far as being vegetarians, dominantly right-handed, and large and muscular.  What we find here in the forms of blood type is that of the blood types B, the average across the planet is around 16.5% for the B+ and B- blood groups.  So, anything that is significantly above that is statistically significant.  

    Of that we find that the larger populations in proportion are Inu in Japan with 32%, the Arabs have a proportion of around 29%, which is significant.  We find that the Buriats of Siberia are 38% which is more than double.  Among the Chinese of the Peking group, it is 32%.  The gypsies of Hungary are at 35%.   The Hindus of Bombay are around 28% and the Indians at 33%.  The Cowmoks of West Mongolia are 41% and the Koreans are at 31%.  The tartars of the Khazar, at the Volga river mouth, are 29%, and the Thais are 33%, the Vietnamese are at 30%.  These are the statistically significant populations (of the B blood groups.)  

    What about the Blood group AB? Among the other primates we find that the grouping of AB statistically among ourselves is no more than 5% globally.  The proportion is very small and among the primates there is no evidence of any primate population having proportions of AB blood group.  It just simply is not there.   If we look at the melding of AB of our population the highest proportions are among the gypsies in Hungary, the Hindus in Bombay, the Cowmuks in Western Mongolia, the Koreans at 10%, and the Chinese in Peking.  Among the high proportions of B, we mentioned we find a similarly high proportion of the AB.  It’s much higher than the statistical proportion of 5.1% among the Tartars and the Khazars we find 13%, which is almost triple.  

    So, these are the blood groups.   They do paint a picture that we cannot rely on the mythology of “out of Africa” any more.   There was clearly more than one homo and from this it appears there has been quite a lot of cross pollination and now we need to make sense of how it all ties together.   

    History of our Species- History of Alien Mining

    Let’s look at the conditions regarding the arrival of the alien miners and how we might explain the different creation.  We see that the aliens arriving was based on the calculations of the ancient texts, the conditions, the evidence of mining and the evidence that has been suppressed shows that we are looking at a period of around 280,000 years ago, during the Pleistocene Era which began about 2.5M years ago and ended about 12,000 years ago.  We are now in the Holocene Era.  

    When the aliens arrived about 280,000 years ago to start their mining, the continents were in their present condition and the sea was about 10 to 15 feet lower than it is today and the climate was on the average 3 to 5 degrees cooler and dryer than it is.  15% of the earth’s surface was glacial, and under permafrost ice, compared to 10% today.  When you look from about 240,000 years ago, there was a general increase in temperature and a wetter climate, finally ending around 190,000 years ago.  This was probably the birth period for the first homos created by the alien overlords, when conditions got really difficult for them.  

    A climate change was dramatic at around 190,000 years ago and it was a substantially cooler environment with the glacial and permafrost ice expanding to between 25 and 30% of the earth’s surface until around 140,000 years ago.  So, it’s during this period that was substantially cooler that the second homo was created as a more efficient force.  Once again, the climate changed dramatically from around 140,000 years and increased from the maximum deep freeze to more than 8 to 15 degrees to a substantially hotter and wetter climate.   This is where we likely see the creation of the third and the fourth homo genus by the aliens.

    Then from about 115,000 years and again about 95,000 years there is a significant drop in the temperature again and a gradual turn from 90,000 years to a minimum low by about 20,000 years where at least 30% of the earth’s surface was under ice and permafrost and glaciers with cold and extremely dry conditions.  Agriculture and food would have been best developed under warmer conditions and it would have been far more difficult under colder conditions.  

    Let’s look at the order that we believe based on logic and record of the creation of the different homo. The first genus that appears to be genetically engineered was Homo Robustos. We use the term Robustus rather than Neanderthal, because Neanderthal describes a location where remnants were found and does nothing to describe the strength, size, and purpose of this genus.  Nor do we use the description homo Heidlebergensis again because it is again describing the location of the remnants and fossils and not its purpose.  So, we say Homo Robustus and that gives us a logical and natural connection to the Australopithecines Robustus which is the particular species of the genus, gorilla and a member of the hominid in order of primates.  These are of the blood type B+ as the original blood type.

    The Homo Robustus were created no earlier than 265,000 years from the present and they would have been omnivorous.  Contrary to claims of science that claims there are Neanderthal evidence of evolution of 600,000 to 800,000 years and there is absolutely no fossil evidence of a Homo Robustus (Neanderthal) over 200,000 years ago. The reason they push the dates back is that they are using genetic history to make large and untenable presumptions.  Just because there is a common ancestry genetically, they are saying that this particular species existed.   What I say is that the similarity back to 600,000 to 800,000 years or longer really points to the separation between such primate genus as we described in the form of gorillas and chimpanzees.  There was a common ancestor between our ancestors and we have regrouped and that is the point of spreading out.  

    The evidence of this group in terms of fossil species is found almost exclusively in Europe, East Asia, and Australia.  Why would there not be a wider example of the bones of the Homo Robustus?  There are 3 reasons we can think of.  The first is that these giants that stood from 7 to 8 feet tall were built to be muscular and strong and they lived underground.  They were not allowed to live on the surface by their alien overlords.  So, they lived and worked underground.  If we are going to find fossil evidence it will be found in the anomaly of old ancient sophisticated mining tunnels, the likes of which the ruling elite wish to destroy or seal and not mention.  

    The second is just how the alien overlords thought and just as those ruling elite who inherit the same mentality of our alien overlords so that this kind of madness continues today, there is evidence to suggest that once a mining camp had completed its job the majority of the Homo Robustus were simply executed as no longer needed, as surplus to requisite.  They were no longer necessary.  

    It was brutal, ruthless and pragmatic. These are the conditions and reasons why there has not been a broader example of fossil evidence of the Homo Robustus among and around these mining sites. 

    As to Blood type A and the origin of Blood Type A, we are talking about the Homo Habilis and we say that as opposed to Homo Erectus in that Homo Erectus seems to be a composite made up by science of different skeletons.  Homo Habilis appears to have a much more encompassing profile of blood type A bred to a height of about 5 feet, 5 ½ feet upright and falsely claimed as Homo Denisoven and the early Homo Ergaster.  So, the Homo Habilis appears to have been created from the Australopithecines Africanus as a species to be completely above ground, a species fed on agriculture even though it was typically and predominantly a meat eater and was to be fed on agriculture and to live in the above ground prison plantations that we see with the stone settlements.  Its creation appears to follow the timing we spoke of in terms of the climate shift around the period of around 190,000 years of cooler environment.  So, at 190,000 we see the emergence of the Homo Habilis starting to replace the work force of the Homo Robustus.  

    The third homo created by the aliens is probably the most controversial of all.  We call this in one sense the first Adam, but in terms of technical name we call it the Homo Prometheus.  We use the word Prometheus not because of the (Ridley Scott) film but because of what the film Prometheus used the name for and that was the demi-god that stole the fire of the gods.  Homo Prometheus was created from adapting the Homo Robustus and the DNA of alien overlords.  This is the fantastic story when the gods, according to the Sumerians and the Acadians in their hubris sought to show the mastery of their knowledge and create a perfect being.  what they created with the Homo Prometheus was a homo specimen that stood at least 10 to 12 feet, the largest of the homo species ever created.  There is some evidence that the Homo Prometheus could have even been taller than 12 feet.  

    There were three glaring problems of the Homo Prometheus.  One was the fact that they were absolute giants.   The second is that they demonstrated knowledge of the universe greater than the alien race themselves.  They were greater than the ones that created them. The third is that they had to all intents and purposes of the story, a red skin.  And they had horns coming out of their skull, two horns like a bull or a goat.  Not curved but straight, more like a bull.  So, there is evidence that these aliens were shocked and fearful at what they had created and that there must have been some debate as whether to destroy the Homo Prometheus.  The creation of the Homo Prometheus was extremely limited.  It also appears that Homo Prometheus in its original form was a hermaphrodite.  They had the O negative blood type.  The Homo Prometheus was created no earlier than 140,000 to 150,000 years ago.

    We find that fourth homo created by the aliens is the Homo Sapiens, the ‘modern’ Homo Sapiens which appears to have been created from the Homo Habilis and no earlier than 140,000 years ago as the second, more perfected Adam, as a more perfected being in contradiction to the Homo Prometheus which the aliens feared.  The Homo Sapiens is the O positive blood type. They stood at about 6 ½ to 7 feet slightly under the Homo Robustus but the distinguishing feature of the Homo sapiens was that their skin was largely white, their hair was largely blond/white and their eyes were largely blue. That is the original Homo Sapiens.   

    There we have a connection between blood types and the story of the origin of the four types of homo and the story of how they came to be and what societies they came to create is something we will need to discuss further.  There is a way of making sense of the different mining sites and the more recent sites that were populated and it is this, the form of slave quarters of the Homo Habilis that was the terrestrial, above, mass race of worker bees, the more recent the slave plantation, the closer the stone circles. The older the slave plantation, the further the circles are away from each other relative to one another. So, one can deduce logically that the oldest slave plantations for Homo Habilis and Homo Robustus, Africa, and the most recent slave plantations of mining sites of the Homo Habilis are in Europe, more specifically in the lands of Wales, Scotland and Ireland.   By that stage the stone circles, the same design, are not connected but have reached the point that they are within a few feet, a few meters of one another compared to the distance of 1 to 1 ½ miles in Africa.  

    If we are looking at the last great mining site when the full mining production was in operation before the modern elite today re-established contact and the slave plantations, presumably to the satisfaction of these alien races in the last 150 to 200 years, when the last big mining operations ended, the most recent mining camps were in Wales, Ireland and Scotland.  

    People have pooh-poohed the idea that civilization of the Homo Habilis was born out of Scotland, Britain, and Ireland.  A lot of people thought this was trying to bend history.  The physical evidence suggests that this is really quite reasonable and the early civilizations didn’t simply come out of there, but spread down into Americas and South America as much as it did, heading east into the rest of Europe.  This was a marriage between the Homo Prometheus which our historical records list as Bacchus and all the great savior gods who had horns.  Every savior god of the most ancient traditions had horns.  Every one, all the priest class came from the savior class and they claimed to be from the giant, Prometheus who had red skin.  Later the exemplification of this O negative bloodline was in the form of red hair, freckles and ruddy red skin.  

    It appears that this may have more truth than myth and fiction.  It doesn’t mean that one is first and one is second.  When we talk about this history, we are talking about all kinds of different dimensions being first.  Africa was the first mining location.  The early hominids from which we were created come from Africa.   These things are true.  But did we migrate from Africa?  No, we were placed where they wanted us to be.  Those hominids that escaped in Australia developed civilizations early but they didn’t necessarily have the spark of the development of Europe. But they had other qualities, so no one is better, no one is worse.   We can start to trace the logic of our heritage and where we come from.  We can start to make sense of why and where we are today and indeed why we have the habits we have today.

    It appears the second Adam was created to be the new overlords and replace the aliens who merely wished to be gods.  The Homo Sapiens were created to be the slave masters of other homos and earlier engineered homos. So built within them was the obsession of control, the predilection of laziness, was the comfort of being kings and masters of their own domain and was the cruelty and the dark negativity of our alien overlords who had absolutely no morals holding them back and they did exactly what the aliens did to us with mass genocide, mass destruction, wiping the slate clean. These are traits we might see and argue come into the present day and this course of action and history may reveal better knowledge for us in moving forward.