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Origin of the Species Part 1

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    Where do we come from, how did we come to be here, were we created or are we part of evolution?  Are the most sacred texts of the oldest civilizations correct that we were artificially created by ‘gods’ or engineered by ‘flesh and blood gods?”  Or were we created by some great spirit? or are we a product of evolution and we still as yet need to find those ‘missing links’, to make it all work?

    If we do come from creation of evolution, or if we were created by some flesh and blood being, some alien race, what evidence do we have of this?  Not just evidence that speculates, but hard-proof evidence and rational evidence with explanation and logic.

    We know from the distances of astronomy that there is no immediate life planet like earth in any solar system so far that we have identified within several light years.  The distance between this solar system and the next is of such an enormous distance that if we sought to travel to Alpha Centauri or any other group of stars at this point it would take several light years and many, many hundreds of years, or longer in earth time. So, we are talking about time scales in travel beyond our lifespan and comprehension of travel. If there was evidence, or there is evidence to our genetic creation by some “off world” species, then we must be able explain the ‘why’ motive for such distant travel and how it is possible.

    What evidence do we have biologically and behaviorally?  What is the evidence on the ground, the evidence of alien cities, settlements, mines that is in plain sight and has been found and cataloged?  Even though it may not be openly described as such. 

    Why do we seem so stuck, as if we are almost in auto-pilot?  Why is the world functioning like a prison planet as it is today where, a few ruling elite, run as ‘gods’ and the rest are treated as slaves, even though it might be in a nicer, golden gilded cages rather than that of 200 to 300 years ago.  Why is there such a deception?  Why is there such madness in the destruction of such beauty around the world?   Why is there such a desire to live in ‘concrete jungles?’ Why are we so obsessed with our homes, clinging to them by the finger nails to the bitter end?  Are we a product of our environment or were we bred for certain things?   If we were bred for certain things, can that explain the present world?  

    Civilization is founded on a series of stories and narratives which many believe is the work and the word of God, the Bible.  The Bible is a centerpiece and, in the Bible, some of the most important writing is explaining who created us, why were we created, and how did we come to be?   Despite all the distractions of the modern world, whether we admit we live on a giant plantation, prison, or not, or whether we see the world as oppressive or opportunistic, and with all the challenges and problems of life, health and death it seems that answers to the question of where we come from, our origin, are as relevant, burning and important to us when we think about it as it was for our ancestors thousands of years ago.

    One of the problems that many feel today when they reflect on religion isn’t necessarily the moral message, the message of virtue.  The message of virtue is universal.  The golden rule can be found in all major religions.  Love one another as you love yourself.  It is more to do probably with the contradiction of organized religion and how those who are representative of organized religion behave, but also the fact the stories and narratives no longer match the science.  The argument that we were created 6.5 thousand years ago is absurd.  There are people who believe that.  There is a massive industry that is founded on people clinging to the belief that we lived with dinosaurs and that the whole evolution story is wrong.   But it’s not a middle way, it’s not an answering of the story. It’s the rejection and the clinging in the hope that what innocence is in Genesis, is the same in the Qur’an and the same in sacred texts of the oldest civilizations of Sumeria and the Celts of Europe, the Polynesians who created Easter Island, the south American cultures, the universal collection of stories that all say the same thing, we were engineered, we were created.  Is there a way to bring and breathe new life into these narratives and stories?

    To focus on the hard evidence side, we need to begin at the beginning of the creation myths.  Before we found DNA, before we have the internet and libraries and before we were able to read all these wonderful, printed books, and watch incredible documentaries on television, our oldest stories of creation were the creation myths that we find in Genesis and the sacred texts around the world.  Some of these creation myths are quite detailed.  The creation myths of Sumeria and Mesopotamia, Syria, are really quite specific.  They say that there wasn’t just one genetic engineering of one species of Homo sapiens, but there were at least two, the creation of giants that seemed to have the luckless and thankless task of working in mines and building things, and the then the creation of the second race living on the surface, tilling the soil.  We have the story of Adam, that there wasn’t one Adam, there were two Adams.

    The Creation Stories

    According to some of the most ancient stories of human civilization, the “first Adam” is regarded as an almost failed experiment even though the first Adam continued to exist.  Then there was the creation of the second Adam that was seen as the crowning glory.  We find the same pattern in Genesis, cloaked in allegory and less specific than the Sumerian creation stories where God is described as Elohim in the plural, not the singular.  Therefore, gods created us.  The Sumerians were also very specific about why we were created.  The first race of the giants was created to work in the mines and to live and die as worker bees, as slaves and nothing more. In fact, they would live worse than slaves. 

    The second race were created to replace the first.  According to the ancient stories such as the Enuma Elish of the Akkadians, there was unhappiness in the flesh and blood gods in the first race of men.

    So, the second race of men was created and instead of living in caves and in the mines, they lived on the surface. Again, they lived as slaves.  There was a much more rigid enforcement of “Divine Law” of the gods, it appears.   They created the first version of plantations of slaves. Then the Sumerians speak of the emancipation of those that were the overlords of the gods in the creation of an Adam.  There was not just one Adam, but two Adams.  Even in the creation myths of the Sumerians, the Akkadians, Mesopotamia and other cultures, we see that there is even a hierarchy of the gods. We have that in Greek mythology with the gods and the demi-gods. The Sumerians state that before we were created, the first race of men spoken of were then replaced and were created to ease the load of a series of gods that came here themselves as prisoners and not as free gods.

    The “higher” intelligence that came to this planet did not come to create a free colony, but came with aliens who were prisoners themselves. There was a hierarchy and a difference among the gods themselves.

    Our Genetic Origins

    What then is the reaction of science to this?  It turns out that science is no closer to bridging the “missing link” mystery of our existence. Science, however is able to say with a degree of certainty that the earliest Homo Sapiens hominid skeletons today have been found in Ethiopia in East Africa close to the Red Sea and what is called the Rift Valley.  These skeletons date back to 130,000 to 160,000 years.  At the time the environment was vastly different from what it is today.  The earth has gone through periods of cold-dry, cold-wet, warm-dry, warm-wet and in these periods the oceans were much lower than they are now.  We were going through a period of cold-dry. So, we have also found specimens of other early hominids, being the ancestors genetically of the Homo Sapiens. In Africa there is the Homo Erectus, the Australopithecus, and others early Austra-hominids.  There were large primates across the planet and they have found the fossilized skeletal remains of early hominids all over the planet.

    What was unique to Africa at the time of drying 160,000 years ago were the great grasslands and savannahs of Africa.  In these great grasslands that covered Africa a particular form of primate had acquired the ability to stand, as you see gorillas standing in the zoo, and it would stand for long periods as a normal part of its behavior, not simply a defense mechanism or to look over the grasslands.  This is the unique condition of the Homo Erectus which was the first biped hominid to genetically and behaviorally change and then changes to the skeletal structure for the habit of standing normally.  If you are looking and hunting for prey or trying to defend yourself, when you are living and working among the tall grasses, then moving on all fours is a distinct disadvantage. Your ability to stand on your legs and look up is a distinct advantage. Even to run would become a distinct advantage.  The ability to move at a high speed by running would be an advantage of Homo Erectus. 

    We find this biological evidence without dispute. We also find the evidence that biologically we are very closely associated with the chimpanzee and other primates.  We share upwards of 99% of the same genes as the chimpanzee. Science is hiding some glaring anomalies, it is being somewhat artistic with the facts. The genome project has shown that rather than our having over 100,000 genomes, we have something like 19,000 to 21,000 active genes and we do share those with the chimpanzees. Instead of the majority of DNA which has something like 3.1 billion base pairs of DNA in our chromosomes, of that less than 2% of our DNA actually codes genes. The rest used to be called junk DNA and they have found now that the rest of that DNA stores other material besides just the genes.  It stores the codes to execute the genes and instruction on what to do with the genes, not just the genes producing proteins. 

    We are becoming more intelligent with genome mapping and genetic engineering and mapping to the point that our best and brightest are more than happy to mutate different species.  We are now genetic engineers.  However, another big anomaly that science absolutely doesn’t want us to know is that all the primates that we have found, the Homo Sapiens, the Homo Neanderthal have a glaring anomaly.

    We have 46 chromosomes and all primates, including all early Homo and Hominid have 48 chromosomes.

    There is an argument you hear many times, that the genetic mutation is the natural part of evolution that is indeed what Charles Darwin did with his seminal work when he went to the Galapagos Islands and looked at the array of all the mutated species that had been isolated from the rest of the species of similar type. He was right and he found a wide variety of species that in the fight or flight isolation and periods of changing climate that mutations are a natural part of the evolutionary process.  Charles Darwin never included the Homo Sapiens species in those conclusions. He was not so rash. He knew, even before DNA was discovered, that the anomalies when one looks at the species Homo Sapiens are glaring.  We are aliens compared to the rest of this planet.

    Look at us. We have the worst repairing skin of any mammal. We are a walking, living, breathing laboratory of viruses. We get colds and get sick more than any other animal you are probably ever likely to see. We suffer septicemia and impacted molars. We have the worst teeth that are all pushed forward. We are the only primate that can choke on our food, we are the only primate that doesn’t have a bone in the penis to allow it to rapidly copulate in the wild. Because of the development of our brain the heads require that the female needs to dislocate the birth canal for birth. We are the only hominid where, if there isn’t the aid at birth, there is a strong risk of the female dying from the act of birth.

    One genetic anomaly and I’m describing an extinction level mutation, is a mutation that may provide somewhat of an advantage. Against whatever that advantage is, if circumstances play out in the normal evolutionary path, it will lead to extinction. 

    The dodo was hunted out, which we did, and that is used as an example of an animal that got into a position where it was really asking for extinction as a large, plump, flightless bird.  It was asking for it when it was discovered and was hunted to extinction within a very short period in New Zealand and other Pacific islands.

    These mutations, impacted molars, inability to eat properly, the worst repairing skin, all these things in the wild are not really what you want to have. For a species to have them all together there is no other species in the history of fossils and the history of evolution, no other species has ever been found to have even two or three let alone the four or five extinction level mutations of the hominid known as Homo Sapiens.  We have the grand booby prize before we talk about advantages.  We are the only species by so far that of any other that we can refer to that has the same level of extinction level mutations.  Take the mutations that would ordinarily spell our doom and we shouldn’t be here.

    What do these extinction level mutations give us? The compacting of our teeth at the front of our mouths and the absence of the razor incisors that one finds in most primates, most chimpanzees, give us the ability to speak.  It gives us the ability to produce a wide variety of sound, when attached to meaning and a way of producing and reproducing them in an ordered fashion give us the ability to produce language.  

    Chimps and other animals have an ability to communicate. Dogs have an ability to communicate, they have the ability to change the tone, temper, speed of their barks and they can communicate. But they do not have the ability to produce the variety of sounds that a human can do. Parrots do and they can acquire that ability, but only in captivity. Parrots, incredibly, don’t communicate in the wild.  But they certainly can adapt themselves and communicate in captivity.  Other animals have been shown to do that.  Dogs have been trained to produce a wider variety of sound and you have probably seen a few funny YouTube videos on this. 

    So, these mutations mentioned, despite their terrible side effects, are necessary if we are to have the ability to communicate with language. What about the risk of dying in child birth?  If we are going to have the levels of developed brains that we have, this is a necessary mutation in order for our infants to be born with suitably sized brains which allow suitable development.

    What about repairing skin?  It turns out that wherever you live across this planet we live in a sea of bacteria. We live in a sea of viruses. If we are to live in the most arctic of conditions, if we are to live in high environments like the Himalayas, if we are to live and adapt in the most arid desert conditions, then that is exactly what we need, we need the ability to dissipate heat and we don’t want to have the level of hair that other primates have, and we also need to be able to adapt to the bacterial and virus conditions across the earth. That is what the absence of thick skin does. It means that we are able to withstand these conditions and we are able to live in more places than any other species on the planet except for bacteria. 

    Bacteria and the Homo Sapiens are the only forms of life that can live virtually anywhere on the planet.  There are a few places that bacteria can live that we cannot, one is at the bottom of the oceans and the other is in hot springs. So, bacteria wins and we come in a close second.  

    What came first, the anomalies or society?

    What are some of the other major hominid anomalies?  The one that stands out the most is the whole basis of civilization which is to live in a community. One of the problems when we talk about rule of law is the general breakdown of society. That is that when one ceases to trust his neighbor then he finds it harder to trade. Trade really rests on the ability to trust. If you think of any sophisticated market where I would come and sell my beans, wheat, cattle or creations in order to buy a range of goods and services (I need) then that market needs to have some centralized clearing mechanism. 

    So, markets, particularly the sophisticated markets, are wholly based on trust.  When we lose a sense of trust in currency, then currencies collapse. When we lose a sense of confidence in economies, the economies go backwards.  So far from this being a small feature, trust is a fundamental feature. 

    The most essential elements of biology include studies of groups of primates and it appears that there is a threshold of around 25 to 30 (in a group). Beyond that point, if there is an absence of cooperation and social skills, albeit even the most rudimentary elements of society the group will split. The groups will split into groups of alpha males dominating herds of females. 

    It really rests on quite logical arguments. A larger group, in order to be sustained, must cooperate in the hunting and gathering of food. It makes perfect sense.  Cooperation needs trust and basic rules. In the wild, even if primates might be brothers and sisters, think about families today. Just because you have a brother, a sister, cousins, doesn’t mean that you cooperate.  In fact, when you think of the way the world has become now you have people arguing over probate and arguing over inheritance. How many people will kill their brother, sister, cousin or parents over wealth and resources? It’s not different to chimps in a group. In the smaller groups when there is food, sometimes there is a breakdown in the most basic sense of order. An alpha male or a female will kill another chimp for food, protection, anger or jealousy.  

    In smaller groups of chimps there may be retribution. There may be an exile. But in larger groups which so fundamentally depend on cooperation when you start to see anarchy on the streets and neighbors fighting neighbors, Kevlar-clad local police, IRS raids, greedy and incompetent judges, then these are the seeds of destruction of a society.  All of them spell a breakdown of cooperation, trust, faith, good faith, and this is no different than the evolution and development of civilization and the development of the very first groups of primates.

    So, we have this problem in that the breaking out from groups of 25 to 30 to larger groups required cooperation. In order for groups to have cooperation, language is essential. It turns out that all these genetic anomalies (of Homo Sapiens) that would otherwise have killed us, show that if there is a pre-existence of civilization then we can only have, that we are engineered and civilization comes with that. There is only one word, that answers that, aliens.  Alien races did genetic engineering. The same goes even for the ordered society. 

    Here’s another anomaly that sociologists and anthropologists don’t EVER want to talk about, it’s the difference between the Homo Neanderthal or the first hominids which were the first race of men and the Homo Sapiens.  There is not any dispute that the Neanderthals are regarded as being an earlier species of hominid to the Homo Sapiens. 

    Here is an array of anomalies regarding the Neanderthal.  The Neanderthals were much, much bigger than Homo sapiens were. The average height of the Homo Sapiens could be argued to be at 6 feet.  The average height of a Neanderthal was around 8 feet. That’s a good 2 feet higher than we, Homo Sapiens, are. Their frame was much larger. Their bodies were much stronger and their skin was much tougher. And, their brains were much larger than ours.

    In all the movies you see the brows of the Homo Neanderthal and the instant reaction is that because they have a different facial form, artists, writers, filmmakers and story tellers have all assumed that the Neanderthals were less intelligent than us?  Let’s put that to rest. Sociologists, kicking and screaming to the very end, have had to accept the following, the remnants in caves in France, Spain and the earliest sites of Neanderthal show that Neanderthals preferred to live in large communities. They did, in fact live in large communities and that instantly means that they had language. The average size community of Neanderthals was at least 150 to 300. Think about that,150 to 300.  That is more than 4 to 5 times the critical threshold of primates. Clearly, they had social order. 

    The caves in which Neanderthals lived are the same sites where we find the early paintings.  There is no evidence of the early hominids of the Homo Sapiens species coming anywhere near the artistic ability of the Neanderthals. It appears the Neanderthals were the artists of all the early, beautiful artwork. Anything thing that Homo Sapiens did, say at the beginning of the Holocene period,10,000 years ago, as art work, it is not even close to the colors and shapes of the Neanderthal art. 50,000 to 60,000 thousand years after some of the Neanderthal art was done, the best we as Homo Sapiens could do was sticks, circles and lines. That’s it. Think of yourself, we’ll put this to the test. If a child does not have a natural ability, if most children draw, they draw stick figures and we call it children’s drawing.  

    But, if you don’t learn how to draw, and most adults don’t draw, all you can draw stick figures.

    That’s why power point presentations are still the favorite form today because we are all stick figure drawers, except for a handful of us who tap into some creative ability and can actually from sight with perspective and draw with volume and with color. But speaking in terms of sociology and anthropology, historically the evidence is overwhelming that Neanderthals lived in groups far larger than the earliest groups of Homo Erectus and Homo Sapiens. They lived in groups from 150 to 500 plus.  They cooperated in hunting and society and were master artists. 

    There is one more thing that the history of the oldest civilization tells us of the Neanderthal.  One of the reasons that they were banished besides the fact that they used to escape, is that they sung. The Neanderthal sung and created their own culture of drawing, speaking, and singing. There are the stories in the Sumerian and Acadian tradition that the flesh and blood gods hated the Neanderthal because they sang. The aliens hated that. Far from the Neanderthal being the less intelligent, mono brow, silly or stupid giant, we see the Homo Sapiens are the baboons and the less intelligent.  There is evidence to suggest that we were bred to be largely soulless of any of the spirit of the genetically engineered Neanderthal was found to have.

    There is a lot of evidence to suggest and point to the fact that we were genetically engineered as slaves and there was more than one race created. Homo Sapiens were designed to do a job and we were designed by alien races. What other evidence do we have? It turns out that they have found painting of the same and in many cases, better quality of the early art in the caves.  The only problem is where they have found better art work than the caves.  They have found them in mines that in some cases are kilometers deep, miles deep, in great galleries in those mines that are better engineered mines than any of the mines that we have engineered even today in some cases.   These have been found at key mineral sites that all share the same traits around the world. 

    Because the implication of this early caveman art is of better quality than the open caves of Neanderthal art they have admitted are around the world, in the advanced mines, and you understand the implications, is that we are talking about an alien race and that they were miners living in the mines. 

    This information is far too explosive, so what have they done?  Sometimes they have actually destroyed those mines which are an absolute crime against our entire civilized history. In most cases they have simply sealed them and rendered them inaccessible to anyone. How did they discover them? When we have gone mining for the same minerals, we found these earlier mines. This indicates the minerals we are looking for are the same minerals or in some cases close to the same minerals that the aliens were looking for if we believe that there are aliens that came and created us.  

    Were Homo Sapiens engineered by some Alien Race?

    Let’s start this next part of the journey of discovery of possible proof of our creation by genetic manipulation of existing hominid species by an alien race with the famous Nazca lines that we find in the desert of Peru on Google maps. When you look at the Nazca lines, they are an anomaly. Many people have said they were created by an alien race, they are giant glyphs and there are patterns that can only be seen from the sky. There are two lines are much wider and far more perfect than any of the other lines. There is evidence that those lines were peppered with radioactive material so that if one was coming to earth from outer space and had instruments to see such features as one would see with landing lights and light houses, then the two lines in particular would stand out. Because of their size they would be easily identified even from at a distance when one is about to enter the earth’s atmosphere and line up to go to alien base. 

    The way to read these Nazca lines in reference to arriving and flying as though we were flying in like an alien would, you can see these at 40 to 50 kilometers from space.  The two lines get less and less distinct as you get closer. As you enter the atmosphere assume that the two lines you are looking for are the two largest lines. If you look at this centered to north, they intersect across the plain closer to the west than they do to the east so that the cross is a slightly off-center design where the larger pyramid formed by the X is to the east and the smaller pyramid formed by the X is to the west. The pyramid opens up closer to the southeast than it does to the east. 

    Line up your position on Google Earth so that you ‘fly’ in from space, line up with the ‘V’ that is slightly to the southeast and then follow the “V.” Once you have lined up with the “V” these are no different to you than arriving in port where you have buoys on the right and the left lining you up. You keep going forward and then there are more, one on the right and one on the left as you go over the Andes until you finally come to Lake Titicaca.

    If you follow that “V” correctly, you will pass just to the right of Mono and then 3km later just to the left of the Astronaut, a figure before flying over the Andes. You should fly directly over the town of Chile, then Pataraya, then to the left of Sanguipata and to the right of Santa Magdelena. Further along, you will fly over the top of Chilhua and then Anta Huaico and then further along Alca until you reach the great valley of the Andes and Lake Titicaca.

    Once you come to Lake Titicaca you find that the “V” and the path that you have landed puts you directly to Tiwanaka, what used to be an island and arguably the most sacred place for the hominids on the planet. It’s a place that has been disgracefully pillaged, abused by the ruling elite in their ignorance. I don’t think the ruling elite did that deliberately, but they did it because they didn’t have a clue what Tiawanku was and they allowed various people to build over and around it and demolish it.

    I think if the Jesuits, the rabbi and the Ashkenazi and the ruling elite had any clue what Tiwanaka is they would never, ever allow a single building to have been built within 100 square miles of what is the former capital of the alien race that came to this planet more than 200,000 years ago to mine it as a prison.

    This was a group of aliens that brought a lesser group of alien prisoners here to mine the most valuable substances, arguably, in the universe for any civilization that this planet holds. 

    So, what is the evidence and this all sounds fine.  But one would say, “What evidence can you show us?”  Is Tiwanaka what we say it is?  We just showed the Nazca lines which are pretty impressive, but what is something that is more impressive? Here it is, around the valley of Tiwanaka for hundreds and thousands of square miles, one finds a pattern in the hills that is better preserved than anywhere else on the planet all done by hand and all unquestionably done by an intelligent species, that had nothing more than Mesolithic, early man, or even less ability than Neolithic tools. We are talking about flint, stick and brute force. 

    What do they do?  Better preserved than anywhere on the planets for thousands of square miles around Tiwanaku, is the terra forming of the natural landscape which resembles the moon. It is formed into a wholly alien landscape that has no intrinsic benefit for agriculture or for water preservation, other than the aesthetic value of a group of people that liked the look of this.  

    What are we saying?  We are saying that it is no different to some king, duke or some emperor producing some great gardens by calling the slaves in front of them to produce these great gardens because they wish to look out and see these beautiful gardens.  It appears that whoever populated this planet as alien comes from what we would consider a fairly ugly looking planet, an alien looking place where greenery is not really the aesthetic attraction. Instead, this terra forming of terraces which looks like a cross between language and terrace gardens obviously appealed to them.  You can see this and I’ll give you the co-ordinates.  The terraces are everywhere and you can see this with fantastic precision.  Go to Latitude 16 degrees, 26 minutes, 30 seconds.  Go longitude 68 degrees, 32 minutes, 28 seconds.   When you go there that is a few square miles of terrace in a wholly alien design that is still being preserved and it is dated before the last ice age and is 15,000 to 20,000 years old.  This again is a massive anomaly and that is why they never talk about it.

    Here is the problem. They introduced agriculture into the valley and the terraced terra form terraces slowly and surely are being consumed by the modern political society that doesn’t want to know about it. This is a tragedy. Here’s the problem they cannot hide, the alien gardens of these hand carved terraces around Tiwanaku are so vast that even if you had a slave population of over 250,000 slaves, it would take a civilization more than 10,000 years of constant work to have produced the thousands of square miles of terra forming that you see.  It is the greatest engineering feat of human endeavor anywhere on the planet in plain sight now, thanks to Google. 

    It cannot be ignored because it is so vast but it can be explained away by slowly isolating one hill at a time and hoping like hell that people don’t see it for what it is.  Its existence is inarguable.  Either 200,000 people lived and sustained on an advanced agricultural system which can only be explained by the most advanced culture ever to live on this planet, than to spend 10,000 years to do something that has no benefit to us other than to some alien-looking environment.  It cannot be explained other than the presence of an alien species that used a higher hominid work force as slave labor.  It cannot be explained any other way.  There is your first evidence.  

    In fact, there is more evidence.  The problem of sealing down ancient mines where Neanderthals had presumably been bred to be miners is difficult to prove. We can’t see the mines and we don’t have the ground penetrating satellites to prove the labyrinths of tunnels. We know that they exist, people have spoken about them and people have seen them. So, we can only deal with stuff that is terrestrial, on the ground, on the surface that we can point to and there is an abundance of evidence to do that. In order to do that we have to go back to some of the arguments and descriptions of biology spoken of and also back to some of our earlier history. If we take some of the earliest history, there are famous cities of gold and Tiawanku was supposed to be one of the most famous, where all the walls of the city were gold with precious gems.  But there are also other cities, there is the famous city of the Americas known as El Dorado or Cibola, the fabled city of gold.  There is Egoli, the place in South Africa, the city of gold.  In Syria, Mesopotamia, Arabia and Egypt we have Dilmun or Aru.  For Australia, the Polynesians, the Melanesians we have Pamu or Uluru or Hawaiki as ancient interpretations of the seat of the gods, the seat of the serpents, the seat of the reptoids.

    In the Carpathian Mountains we have Draco as the location of the dragons, in Russia we have Biana, and the Celts have Asgard.  So, we have a long history of places of the cities of gold, and if you add the Greeks, we have Olympus.   These are the seats of the gods, the places of the gods.  They were realms of great wealth and great glory.  Many travelers have spent their entire lives trying to find these places.  

    If aliens did come why? why then did they create us?

    Now let’s take a step back before we go to the next alien bases around the world that exist.  I said we would talk about biology.  The first argument is what the aliens were looking for if they came here and populated and where would they have established their slave bases apart from this location high up in the Andes that had high altitude, low humidity and obviously resembled and effectually reminded them of home.  To do this you need to telescope out of Google Earth and take a higher view.  Now we need to tackle a couple more anomalies or sacred cows of science before we can answer the next issue.  This was so long ago that men of science were perfectly happy to argue that the world was flat.   They did it for patronage and wrote theses on it and they burned people at the stake who disputed it. 

    Now we have the modern cult of Pangaea.  It’s a modern cult that at one point, just because the land appears to be a puzzle, and appearances can be deceptive, that all the land was on one side of the earth all joined and jumbled together and the ocean was on the rest of the planet, like a lopsided planet that bears no resemblance to reality or logic or any other shape or pattern of terra firma anywhere else in the universe.

    In support of Pangaea, they argue that the crusts are moving and growing. Of course, they are growing.  Look at the ocean floor and what it tells you, like tree rings, is that over time the oceans of the earth have frozen and caused the fracturing and tearing of the surface and crust of the earth.  The earth is healing itself.  Our body if it is damaged, such as our skin which is really rotten at peeling might take some days or weeks to heal.  The earth is much bigger than we are and it make hundred, thousand, if not millions of years to heal.  

    Just because the earth is moving and the argument that the plates are moving away or that there is moving doesn’t mean that Pangaea is accurate.  It is an absurdity that fails to see the real effects of shaping of this planet.   We know, because scientists have had to admit to it, that the Gulf of Mexico hides the crater of a great meteorite or asteroid that slammed into the earth some 65 million years ago.  We know this as the Yucatan Peninsula, it is arguably one of the most explored places on the planet.  We know that meteorites have landed on the earth and there are plenty of craters.  How big is the Gulf of Mexico?  It is big enough for us to argue that it is some hundreds of miles, up to a thousand miles or more in diameter.  It is an enormous hit.  Another thing to think about with meteorites and asteroids is this, have you ever thrown a stone into water and watched the diffraction of the surface and the way the angles change when you hit a higher or lower density? 

    It also means that when meteorites come into the earth’s atmosphere, they can arrive at any angle of 10 to 15 degrees to 90 degrees. 90 degrees is a dead hit, a classic, circular crater. If the asteroid comes in at a different angle, indeed if it comes at a different time, and if the poles were different, then you would find impact trajectories that come from north to south, east to west.  You would have it at different angles and you would have presumably multiple impacts where an impact upon an impact has occurred over tens of thousands or hundreds of millions of years.   

    When we finally have the blinkers lifted from our sight and with the benefit of the knowledge that we at least have the admission from geologists that the Gulf of Mexico is an ancient crater, we can see that the earth has been struck not by a few asteroids and meteorites of the size of the one we are told killed the dinosaurs 65 million years ago, but the earth has indeed been struck many, many times by giant impacts, by extinction level impacts.

    What is an extinction level impact?  It is a crater that is more than 1000 miles, more than 1300 kilometers wide.  Can we see any more craters the size of that?  Well, in fact they found one under Greenland.  They found at the southern end of Greenland there are the remnants of a giant impact.

    There is another one nearby that is shallow and not as deep as the Yucatan Peninsula of Gulf of Mexico and it’s in plain sight.  What do you think Hudson Bay is?  It is an impact crater of a giant meteorite that came in nearly 3.8 billion years ago at a much, much shallower angle than the one that created the Gulf of Mexico. What is another one?  Look at the whole east coast of America 485 million years ago. Or what about the mid-west of the United States 1.2 billion years ago? These massive extinction events not only helped formed the crust and its layers, but life on earth.

    Look at another massive extinction event in the Himalayas.  The entire Himalaya ridge is an impact crater of an enormous impact 542 million years ago that came in at a shallower angle.  The more elliptical the impact zone, the shallower the angle.  For example, look at the enormous 3600km crater formed by the extinction level impact that helped created the Andes 235 million years ago, or the same size impact 200 million years ago that created the Amazon basin. The more circular the impact zone, the more direct the hit towards 90 degrees.  

    Now, in terms of extinction level impacts on the surface of the earth, there are over 23 massive impact zones over 1600km in diameter.  Such impacts as in East Asia 247 million years ago by a 4100km diameter impact, still greatly affects the world today.  The impact zone in Africa of over 4200km 1 billion years ago is also extraordinary in its impact on life on earth. But of all the extinction level impacts ever to strike the earth, the most destructive towards life was 251 million years ago when a massive 7600km wide crater was formed striking the ocean to the east of South America and causing death to more than 95% of all species.

    We can now finally see the very largest impact zones but we can also see impact zones upon impact zones like the moon. Look at the Himalayas, there are multiple impact zones that overlay the earlier impact zones that created these giant ridges.  In fact, impacts that hit close to 90 degrees are the reason that we have calderas.  What is a caldera?  It’s a super volcano.  What is a super volcano?  A super volcano is where you have a valley, surrounded by craters, a mountain range that is the cap of the volcano and there are fissures deep into the crust of the earth that goes deeply into the mantle.  Over time the entire valley may explode and expose the original crater.  These are the super volcanoes.  Yellowstone is a super volcano. 

    Now you see it.  Not only do we have these super craters, but we have many hundreds of craters that are over 60 miles wide.  They are all around the planet.  Now think if you were an alien race coming to Earth in search of a valuable prize? If aliens came to this planet they came here for a reason.  If they our ancient founders wrote in their texts that they came as miners and we were bred as miners then where did they come?

    This is a pretty big place and it’s like looking for a needle in a haystack. 

    It turns out that we can rationalize what they were looking for.  If we happen to find that every major point on this planet of easy access to the rare earth minerals they were looking for, were created by multiple impact sites of giant meteorites, then at those sites we find at every single site the evidence of the slave plantations of the earliest hominids.  What more evidence do you need?

    We will rationalize more of what we are looking for.  What about the minerals that were produced by multiple super meteorite impacts?  How difficult was it for the alien race to extract them on off world sites?  We are talking about conditions that can only be re-created in super nova and temperatures and pressures that are only found at the center of stars.  You can’t withstand a super nova through the radiation and you can’t get into the center of the star or its atmospheres of maximum pressures, then you have one choice.  That is to find places of these maximum and multiple impacts.

    We are talking about rare earth and rare minerals that have an extremely high atomic number and numbers beyond what we find in the periodic table or they are in the periodic table, we have failed to identify their behaviors.  We are talking about metals that can act as fluids. We are talking about metals that can act as gases and metals that can render a ship invisible. We are talking about metals that can power entire civilizations.  We are talking about the kind of metals that one as a child would imagine as the magic fairy dust, so precious and rare but with such extraordinary qualities they literally breach the window between this world and the next, and between the world of the dream and harsh reality of gravity and atmosphere.

    How do large craft move in and out of atmospheres?  We have rationalized that there are anti-gravity devices and all kinds of technology. But, what if the magic ingredient to this technology is materials that not only render themselves, but the materials that support it to have qualities of extraordinary ability that enable things with what we would consider defying the laws of physics.  

    We can actually see these ancient and current alien bases today.  They are all located near or around multiple asteroid impact zones. Using Google Earth and historical archaeological research, some of these ancient as well as fully operating and current alien mining bases such as Transylvania, South Africa, Syria, Montana in North America, New Mexico, Mexico, Japan, Queensland Australia and a fully operating mining base underneath a research facility in New Mexico.

    The Earth is not only a treasure of life, a treasure of extraordinary wisdom but it is also a treasure of extraordinary mineral wealth that is so precious and valuable that alien races would fight one another and travel the vast distances of space and do anything to gain even a handful of these rare earth minerals. 

    People have spoken about aliens coming here and mining gold, but gold is formed in the first or second super impacts when these giant meteorites hit iron which then compresses. Gold is produced by the compression of iron and other metallics. We are talking about multiple meteorite hits. 

    Let’s find where the hits are and there are quite a few places. This is where we come from and why we were created. We have the story of creation of us out of Africa, let’s talk about the cradle of the rare earth minerals in Africa.  We find in the Swaziland region of Africa and in the African’s, South Africa descriptions, the multiple hits. coordinates are, latitude -24.716 and longitude 29.591 that will show a giant crater that is about 70 kilometers wide. It’s a crater within a crater, the result of multiple hits in South Africa. Along the line you will find evidence of alien settlements.

    Here is another place.  This is another impact zone in Syria just outside of Damascus, the coordinates are latitude 32.5921 and longitude 36.3906.  Look at that brutal and alienesque landscape of multiple hits of meteorites that produced riches such as the riches around Suwayda which is outside of Damascus in the Syrian Desert.  There is another location in Arabia and there are multiple examples. Look at one spot in the hills of Arabia, latitude is 27.236 and longitude is 37.446.  Remember, people say they can’t see the forest for the trees, but you are looking at giant meteorite impact sites.  There is the multiple ridge line of impacts that are hundreds of kilometers wide. 

    Move across to Asia. There is a major impact zone of a giant meteorite hitting the western end of the Himalayas.  The Himalayas themselves are the remnants of a giant asteroid hit, referring to the curvature of the mountains north of Islamabad.  These are the mountains that connect Nenga Parbak Mountains which are the mountains that lead into the north of Islamabad and Kabul, the Hindu Kush.  If you go east there is another massive impact zone where we speak of the region of southwest China and northern India below the Dibang Wildlife Sanctuary.  You see a major impact site.  We also have impact zones located into China in the Sichuan Province and there are the ridges around Zongshen Mountain Range with a massive impact meteor zone.

    Go to Australia, we have a couple in Australia and there is a fascinating impact zone in North Queensland of two fairly recent meteorite hits in the last few million years impacting the outback west of Townsville.  There we find an impact zone several hundred miles west of Townsville within the White Mountains that is a very alien landscape.  We also have examples as we go south into the Snowy Mountains and the Kosiosko National Park in the area of Cooma that are recent and substantially large meteorite impacts. 

    We have gone around the world and if we were aliens looking for the rarest of earth minerals and we are prepared to travel light years to come here, when we come to earth, we are going to find these examples of impact zones.   

    What is the difficulty of extracting these minerals if we are traveling around the universe?  It’s very difficult to extract them in a place that is an iron planet without an available atmosphere.  Mars is a place, but the atmosphere renders long term mining difficult.  Certainly, any early mining on Mars would have been an entirely alien affair whereas on Earth the existence of the Homo Erectus and other primates lent itself to producing an organic slave population.  In other off-world places whether it is giant asteroids or moons again the atmosphere and conditions make it less conducive.  Here on earth is a perfect location for an alien mining race looking for these valuable materials even if it is a very, very long way to get here.

    There is one more place that has these multiple hit minerals and it is along the curvature of the Tetra and Carpathian Mountains in Eastern Europe.  Here are some examples, let’s assume for a moment that the first hominids that were created were Neanderthal and were problematic because they developed their own culture. 

    But they started to run away, and they became less effective, miners and they started seeing all the negative things that alien races didn’t like.  So, the aliens produced the next hominids, the Homo Sapiens.  So, let’s say they produced ‘out of Africa’ and when you produce and house these hominids what would you then do from the lessons learned about grouping the hominids together. This time if you are going to build a new jail, a new prison for the hominids what would you do to minimize the risk over 1000 to 2000 years of slavery and these hominids developing any form of culture?  

    Evidence of the first slave plantations of our species

    As we know from biology if you bring those intelligent worker bees together, like the hominids, even if you bred them to extract much of the intelligence from them and to be as soulless as possible, the risk is if you have them in populations of 50 or 60 bred to be violent and soulless, they will all kill each other.  They will behave as chimps and you need to keep them separate.  The way you keep them separate is that you build a simple surface environment that we can be seen and monitored from space.  Their homes are far enough apart that they cannot communicate, they cannot organize and they cannot rebel.  So, we are now looking for the remnants of an alien population where we find the same ruins across the world.   If there were different ruins that would create a problem. 

    We are looking for the same ruins across the world that are low-tech and constructed of stone and far enough apart without any of the concerns for any of the rules of civilization because a high-end civilization is maintaining that population.  If we can find examples of high-tech agriculture beyond the abilities of the time such as laser-sited agricultural fields that would be wonderful.  As it turns out every one of the sites we mentioned, every single site has the same physical signature of a slave plantation, of a civilization that could not possibly have existed as it defies every logical reason of a sustainable population over a vast distance that we know. 

    If we take the earliest cities that we have yet unearthed on the planet that we know were populated by Homo Sapiens, for example in Turkey, the common features of these settlements are that the buildings are virtually together and within a few meters of each other, a settlement that is near what was or still is viable agricultural land, a settlement that is near sufficient water, or used to be near sufficient water.  The thing we find with the ruins and evidence of these alien slave plantations around these mineral deposits that we spoke of and just described as if we were alien miners, is that the buildings are at a minimum distance of a few hundred meters to the older settlements where the buildings are several hundred meters between.   That is to say that a civilization based on the irrefutable, geological evidence of the stone circles being over 10,000 years old have been built with no consideration for their placement other than to maximize the distance between each stone circle.  So, then we have the unmistakable footprint of the earliest civilized habitat of the Homo Sapiens, our ancestors, as slaves to alien masters.

    What are you looking for?  We will start with Africa and then go through them.   You are looking for stone circles that are around 8 to 10 meters in diameter that did not appear to possess any kind of roof.  There is a stone circle in the center of it that is about 2 to 3 meters in diameter that would enable one or two beings to have additional shelter to the additional, larger circle, presumably to have some coverage over that smaller circle so there would be some respite from rain and the elements.  This is the original cell of the slaves and of the slaves around the world, our original ancestors.  Go to Africa on Google.  These ruins are in the foothills in every one of the meteorite sites. 

    Go to the alien settlement at 26.229 latitude, and 30.352 longitude, and move around the area and you will find hundreds of these stone circles.  If you move back to the areas we described in Arabia, in Syria, the Carpathian Mountains, in the foothills of the Western and the Eastern Himalayas you will find hundreds of thousands of these stone circles and the common denominator is that they are all separated as a matrix.  The prison plantation in Africa is more than 1500 square miles, the prison plantation in the western part of the Himalayas there is again more than 1000 square miles.  There is evidence that between each of these slave plantations similar to Tiawanku, there are ancient cities that shouldn’t be there.  The one between the west and east of the Himalayas, Shambala, Shangri-La, Nagas, and the one in America in the Black Hills of South Dakota and in Montana where you find the same mineral wealth.  We could call the city in the hills of the American city, El Dorado, Cibola.  The city in South Africa is called Egoli.  The city in Mesopotamia, Syria and Egypt would be called Dilmun and Aru. These are the cities of gold of legend and the homes of the gods. 

    If we were first created, as our ancestors tell us, to be slave workers to an alien race, then no wonder we still find ourselves considering civilization, technology and societies as nothing more than sophisticated slave plantations. No wonder, our leaders still behave like slave masters, ignoring our rights and judges and intellectuals, consider us all as less.