This is a very brief summary of the truth about the Magna Carta. Keep in mind that a complete history of more than 6,000 years has been completely wiped out and replaced with a combination of propaganda and false claims thereby cementing and ensuring the status quo of a narrow elite of families against traditional nobles and the rights of the people. Keep in mind all Statutes that existed in England prior to the 16th Century were most likely destroyed in the Fire of London 1666 and the English language as we know it today was created by the Jesuit College of English in the 16th Century; hence, any Statutes, such as the Magna Carta, that are claimed to be originals that were written prior to the 16th Century are dubious at best. It is highly probable that these claims are fraudulent and documents were forged at a later date to support the current power structures.
The true meaning of a Magna Carta or “Great Charter” is a “Master Tenancy Agreement” in the granting of certain rights by the Roman “Vatican” Cult issued at the commencement of a reign as the basis of all secular law to which a King would then add their ordinances. Basically a “Carta” or Charter is a deed granting some corporate franchise, conferring some privilege or exemption according to some Sovereign power and authority, itself granted from a higher Ecclesiastical authority. There were multiple Magna Cartas issued across Europe basically setting the terms of peace and conditions between a monarch of a Noble House granting perpetual rule under patent from the Roman “Vatican” Cult and their lesser nobles.
In the case of the “noble” houses of England including the House of Plantagenet followed by the House of Lancaster, House of York and the House of Tudor, the tradition of establishing a Magna Carta between the lesser noble classes and the King at the commencement of their reign was continued from 1216 until Henry VIII (1509-1547) of the House of Tudor; therefore, there is not one Magna Carter in England, but at least thirteen separate historic instruments from 1216 to 1547… Also keep in mind that the Archbishop of Canterbury, whose signature was on the Magna Cartas, was the highest Roman “Vatican” Cult Bishop in England, who outranked the Monarch. This leads us to question the claims that the Magna Carta signed by John Plantagenet is void due to coercion as disinformation to hide the fact that England has been a vassal of the Roman “Vatican” cult since the Norman invasion in 1066, which was sponsored by the Roman Cult, and since Duke John Plantagenet ceded the land permanently to the Roman Vatican Cult and himself a vassal in return for the Roman Pontiff recognizing the Plantagenet as lawful and legal monarchs.
From 1217 until the reign of Henry VIII all Kings/Queens of England as vassals of the Roman Vatican Cult were expected to commence their reign by firstly reconfirming the Magna Carta as the basis of all secular law of the realm. The practice ceased in England under Henry VIII following the concept and system of Acts and Statutes of Parliament that lived beyond the life of a Monarch, which is when the concept of law outliving the Sovereign first commenced.
Some Optional Background Detail:
The claim that the 1216 Magna Carta was signed by Duke John of Anglia as somehow the “King of England, Wales and Ireland” with Scotland in agreement is an absurd and untenable fraud designed to hide the facts that:
- John was only a Duke of part of the Island of Britain called Anglia.
- Under the terms between the House of Plantagenet and the House of De Montfort of Gascony since 1154, John was the vassal of Gascony.
- Duke John never controlled Wales, nor Ireland, nor Scotland nor event Kent during his reign as Duke.
- The true Magna Carta was signed after Duke John was executed, not before.
- The true Magna Carta was between the surviving Barons of the Duchy of Anglia to pledge fealty to the Crown of France.
- Anglia by the solemn sacred pledge of the Barons of Anglia became a Duchy of France from 1216.
By 1227, following King Louis IV of France (1226-1270) securing a solemn pledge by Henry III to fight with the French against Duke Simon V De Montfort of Gascony, Duke Henry failed to secure the support of his barons. Instead, Baron Gilbert de Clare led a rebel force against the forces of Henry III and the French in England. Neither side were able to gain a decisive victory and it was not until 1235 that Henry forced Gilbert de Clare and the rebel barons to flee to France and the protection of the Duke of Gascony. It was another four years before the English King was able to send a sizeable force to the aid of King Louis IV of France. Finally, in 1242 the English and French met the forces of the Duke of Gascony at the Battle of Taillebourg at which Duke Simon V De Montfort was decisively defeated and forced to retreat from France. As reward, King Louis IV of France made Duke Henry III of Anglia also Duke of Aquitaine over the captured lands of the Duke of Gascony.
Around 1244, Duke Henry III of Anglia secretly received an official delegation of Venetian nobles and Franciscan Priests from the religious order invented by Venetian Doge Giovanni Bernadone Morosini (Moriconi) “the Frenchman” (1249-1253). Henry III granted exclusive, absolute and perpetual ownership of Thorne Island (pronounced ‘thorny’) in the middle of Thames River to the Franciscans and therefore Venice. Work immediately commenced on the construction of the largest church ever conceived in England and in 1269 “West Minster Abbey” was consecrated. The legend that the abbey was built by “Benedictines” from France and Germany is a crude and absurd fraud.
In 1258, Gilbert de Clare and an invasion force landed in northern Britain and south to Oxford, where he declared the Duchy of Anglia abolished and the existence of a new Duchy called Land Castre (Lancaster) meaning literally “purged, pruned or cleaned land” to be ruled by a Great Council of Barons as defined by the “Provisions of Oxford”. Crown Prince Edward engaged the rebel Barons in central England, while a second invasion force headed by Duke Simon V De Montfort landed by 1263 in the south and proceeded to capture south-east Britain, forcing Henry III Plantagenet into Battle in Sussex at the Battle of Lewes by 1264, at which Henry was captured and executed by Duke Simon V De Montfort. Prince Edward was captured soon after by the forces of Gilbert de Clare.
In 1264, upon conquering and expanding the former lands of the Duchy of Anglia, Duke Simon V De Montfort refused to accept the Provisions of Oxford and instead demanded Prince Edward be handed to him. Gilbert de Clare and the rebel barons instead refused and pledged their loyalty to Edward as a king if he solemnly swear to uphold the principles of the provisions. Aided with reinforcements from France, Duke Simon V De Montfort was killed at the Battle of Evesham in 1265. However, Edward did not immediately declare himself a King, instead he undertook a famous and elaborate ceremony in declaring to undertake a Crusade to the Holy Land. However, Edward found reason to divert to both Venice and then to Rome where he met Doxi (Doge) Lorenzo Tiepolo (1268-1275) and Roman Pontiff Gregory IV (X) (1268-1274) (Tedaldo, Visconti of Pisa).
In 1272, Edward returned to Britain aided by a militia force funded by Venice of at least 30,000. Edward reached a truce with the Danish Kingdom of Kent (C*nt) granting them unique status of self-rule while still being under the Kingdom of England. By 1274, Edward was crowned the first King of England. Mercia was finally subjugated by a militia force and Llywelyn ap Gruffydd was assassinated by 1277 under treachery of the Anglicans. Then in 1297, the first “genuine” Magna Carta of English nobles was signed by Edward I in recognition of his solemn promise when captive in 1264. Thus, the first statute of England is 1297, with all previous laws and statutes a deliberate fraud.